979 resultados para adoption process
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to conceptualize e-business adoption and to generate understanding of the range of factors affecting the adoption process. The paper also aims at exploring the perceived impact of e-business adoption on logistics-related processes. Design/methodology/approach: Case study research, by conducting in-depth interviews in eight companies. Findings: E-business adoption is not exclusively a matter of resources. Increased e-business adoption and impact are caused by increased operational compatibility, as well as increased levels of collaboration. In terms of e-business impact this mainly refers to cycle time reductions and quality improvements, rather than direct cost reductions as reported by other authors. Research limitations/implications: The intrinsic weakness of the research method and the way concepts are operationalized limits the ability to generalize findings. Practical implications: Managers should emphasize developing their relationships with theirsuppliers/customers, in an effort to do common e-business investments, and should aim to increase their partners' commitment to the use of these applications. Originality/value: This paper provides empirical evidence from a sector where limited research efforts have taken place. Explanations can be helpful to other researchers involved in the understanding of the adoption of e-business and its impact. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
The aim of this chapter is to increase understanding of e-business adoption in the food supply chain. In the first part of the paper an analysis of the concept and the context of e-business are presented along with a classification of the various e-business applications based on the dimensions of involvement and complexity. Next emphasis is given to the issue of e-business adoption. In particular an analysis of the factors that influence the adoption process is provided by exploring the specific characteristics of the food industry as well as the potential impact of the use of e-business solutions. These factors are not only related to the company but also to the supply chain of each company and the actual value of e-business applications. The chapter concludes that in many cases e-business is wrongly considered as a sole application and its adoption as mainly an intra-firm issue. Finally future trends are considered and discussed. © 2010 Woodhead Publishing Limited All rights reserved.
The enormous potential of cloud computing for improved and cost-effective service has generated unprecedented interest in its adoption. However, a potential cloud user faces numerous risks regarding service requirements, cost implications of failure and uncertainty about cloud providers' ability to meet service level agreements. These risks hinder the adoption of cloud. We extend the work on goal-oriented requirements engineering (GORE) and obstacles for informing the adoption process. We argue that obstacles prioritisation and their resolution is core to mitigating risks in the adoption process. We propose a novel systematic method for prioritising obstacles and their resolution tactics using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). We provide an example to demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of the approach. To assess the AHP choice of the resolution tactics we support the method by stability and sensitivity analysis. Copyright 2014 ACM.
This dissertation is a combination of three relatively independent chapters on the subject of corporate governance. Corporate governance is presently at the epicenter of the global financial crisis. The lack of regulation and the misalignment of objectives have greatly contributed to the major crisis we are now in. Most governance research has been conducted in the United States in a context of widely held corporations and great executive power. It does not reflect the variety of situations around the world and we question the validity of this model in other contexts. The aim of this dissertation is to look at other governance models, in particular the Swiss corporate governance not only from a practical point of view, but also from a multi-theoretical approach. Traditional corporate governance literature has focused on the Anglo-American model that mainly follows the agency theory (Jensen and Meckling, 1976) in a shareholder-manager context, and overlooked other approaches. We focus on three different aspects of corporate governance using three different theories. First, we look at the ownership type of various corporations, using the agency theory in a context where issues between shareholders predominate over the typical shareholder-manager relationship. Second, we explore the adoption process of several governance mechanisms that, due to changes in legislation, has taken place in Switzerland since 2002. We use the institutional theory (DiMaggio and Powell, 1983), in a context where the environmental pressures are particularly high. Finally, we spotlight the board of directors as a key element of the governance of publicly listed corporations. Particularly, we focus on the independence of the board of directors, using a combination of the agency and resource dependence theories (Pfeffer, 1972; Pfeffer and Salancik, 1978).
Os efeitos da globalização da economia, a graduação de Cabo Verde à categoria de país de desenvolvimento médio, a entrada para a OMC, a parceria especial com a União Europeia, são acontecimentos verificados num passado próximo que vieram trazer novas exigências ao país em diversos domínios. A preparação das contas e o relato da informação pode ser considerada uma delas. De facto, o normativo contabilístico existente até então, assente num Plano Oficial de Contabilidade (PNC) aprovado por diploma legislativo datada de 1984 já não respondia a todas as necessidades de informação nos domínios da contabilidade, fiscalidade e financeira. O trabalho assenta sobretudo na adopção do SNCRF – Sistema de Normalização Contabilística e de Relato Financeiro. O objectivo é analisar o processo de adopção pela primeira vez deste sistema e os impactos que esta adopção teve na posição financeira nas empresas. Foi feito um estudo de caso para ilustrar este processo. Descrevemos como foi adoptado o SNCRF, fizemos uma apreciação a essa adopção e sugerimos melhoria que deveria ser introduzidas para que os resultados do processo incorporassem a quase totalidade dos procedimentos instituídos nos diversos documentos normativos e legais. Ao trabalho foi dado uma dimensão prática consubstanciada num estudo de caso que serviu para ilustrar o processo de transição. O estudo foi abordado numa perspectiva apreciativa tendo sido inventariadas as situações que deveriam ser salvaguardas (de acordo com o novo normativo e imperativos legais) no processo de transição / conversão e que não foram feitas. Demonstrou-se ainda (através da análise da posição financeira da entidade), que o processo de adopção implicou algumas alterações na estrutura financeira e no valor do capital próprio. A conclusão que se chegou indica que o processo não terá sido tão linear como se desejaria apesar de em, substancia, os principais requisitos terem sido cumpridos. The effects of globalization of its economy, the upgrading of Cape Verde to the category of medium development country, the entry to WTO, the special partnership with European Union, are recent events that brought new demands to the country in several areas. . Preparation of the accounts and information report are included in these new requirements. In fact, the accounting standards till then in force, based on an Official Chart of Accounts (PNC) in force after a law of 1984, didn’t meet the requirements on accounting, fiscal and financial information. This work is basically on the adoption of the new SNCRF – System of Accounting Standardization and Financial Reporting. Our aim is to review the initial adoption process of such system and the impacts this adoption has caused to the financial position of enterprises. A case study is included to illustrate this process. We describe how the SNCRF was adopted; we made an analysis of this adoption and suggested improvements to be introduced in such way that the results of the process include most of the procedures established by law. A practical dimension was attached to this work, through a case study illustrating the transition process. The study adopted an analytical approach, listing the situations that should have been (according to the new standards and legal prescriptions) but were not prevented during the transition / conversion process. The study shows (by the analysis of the financial statements of the studied entity) that the adoption process implied some changes to the financial structure and to the owners’ equity value). One arrives to the conclusion that the process was not as linear as one would expect, although essentially the main requirements were accomplished.
Tutkielman tavoitteena on luoda liiketoimintamalli, joka tukee langattomien matkaviestintäpalveluiden markkinoiden luomista kehittyvillä markkinoilla. Teoreettinen osa tarkastelee langattomien matkaviestintäpalveluiden liiketoimintamallin kehittämisen tärkeimpiä elementtejä CIS maissa. Teoreettisen kappaleen tuloksena saadaan puitteet, jonka avulla liiketoimintamalli matkaviestintäpalveluille voidaan kehittää. Tutkielman empiirinen osa on toteutettu case tutkimuksena, jonka tavoitteena on ollut langattomien matkaviestintäpalvelujen markkinoiden luominen CIS maissa. Pääasiallinen empiirisen tiedon lähde on ollut teemahaastattelut. Tuloksena saatuja empiirisen osan tietoja verrataan teoriakappaleen vastaaviin tuloksiin Tulokset osoittavat, että radikaalin korkean teknologian innovaation markkinoiden luominen on hidas prosessi, joka vaatii kärsivällisyyttä yritykseltä. Markkinoiden, teknologian ja strategian epävarmuustekijät tuovat epävarmuutta kehittyvälle toimialalle ja markkinoille, joka vaikeuttaa liiketoimintamallin kehittämistä. Tärkein tekijä on palvelujen markkinointi ennemmin kuin teknologian. Avain kyvykkyys markkinoiden luomisessa on oppiminen, ei tietäminen.
In the new age of information technology, big data has grown to be the prominent phenomena. As information technology evolves, organizations have begun to adopt big data and apply it as a tool throughout their decision-making processes. Research on big data has grown in the past years however mainly from a technical stance and there is a void in business related cases. This thesis fills the gap in the research by addressing big data challenges and failure cases. The Technology-Organization-Environment framework was applied to carry out a literature review on trends in Business Intelligence and Knowledge management information system failures. A review of extant literature was carried out using a collection of leading information system journals. Academic papers and articles on big data, Business Intelligence, Decision Support Systems, and Knowledge Management systems were studied from both failure and success aspects in order to build a model for big data failure. I continue and delineate the contribution of the Information System failure literature as it is the principal dynamics behind technology-organization-environment framework. The gathered literature was then categorised and a failure model was developed from the identified critical failure points. The failure constructs were further categorized, defined, and tabulated into a contextual diagram. The developed model and table were designed to act as comprehensive starting point and as general guidance for academics, CIOs or other system stakeholders to facilitate decision-making in big data adoption process by measuring the effect of technological, organizational, and environmental variables with perceived benefits, dissatisfaction and discontinued use.
In the new age of information technology, big data has grown to be the prominent phenomena. As information technology evolves, organizations have begun to adopt big data and apply it as a tool throughout their decision-making processes. Research on big data has grown in the past years however mainly from a technical stance and there is a void in business related cases. This thesis fills the gap in the research by addressing big data challenges and failure cases. The Technology-Organization-Environment framework was applied to carry out a literature review on trends in Business Intelligence and Knowledge management information system failures. A review of extant literature was carried out using a collection of leading information system journals. Academic papers and articles on big data, Business Intelligence, Decision Support Systems, and Knowledge Management systems were studied from both failure and success aspects in order to build a model for big data failure. I continue and delineate the contribution of the Information System failure literature as it is the principal dynamics behind technology-organization-environment framework. The gathered literature was then categorised and a failure model was developed from the identified critical failure points. The failure constructs were further categorized, defined, and tabulated into a contextual diagram. The developed model and table were designed to act as comprehensive starting point and as general guidance for academics, CIOs or other system stakeholders to facilitate decision-making in big data adoption process by measuring the effect of technological, organizational, and environmental variables with perceived benefits, dissatisfaction and discontinued use.
Cette recherche porte sur le renforcement des sentiments de compétence professionnelle et d’auto-efficacité des enseignants du secondaire envers les habiletés techniques dans la formation aux TIC. Elle fait suite à un projet d’intégration pédagogique des TIC au lycée initié par le Campus numérique de Niamey. Après une formation des enseignants de lycée participant au projet d’alphabétisation informatique, notre étude est venue par la suite pour apprécier l’impact de cette formation aux TIC, via le CNF, sur le processus d’adoption de ces technologies par les enseignants. Les objectifs de la recherche sont les suivants : 1) évaluer l’impact de la formation aux TIC des enseignants du secondaire sur le processus d’adoption de ces technologies ; 2) décrire et analyser le cheminement parcouru par les enseignants ayant atteint un niveau élevé d’adoption des TIC ; 3) mieux comprendre l’impact de la formation aux TIC sur le sentiment de compétence professionnelle des enseignants (sentiments de compétence personnelle et générale) ; 4) Valider le Computer Self-Efficacy Scale (CSE) en français ; 5) Comprendre l’impact de la formation aux TIC sur le sentiment d’auto-efficacité à l’égard de l’utilisation de l’ordinateur des enseignants. Une enquête par questionnaires auprès de 69 enseignants représentant l’ensemble des enseignants de trois lycées de Niamey, et par des entrevues semi-dirigées auprès de six enseignants a permis de réaliser les objectifs de recherche. La thèse se fonde sur un mode de présentation par articles. Chaque article est en lien avec un ou deux objectifs de la recherche, suivant l’ordre précité. Les résultats révèlent une absence de relation entre la formation aux TIC des enseignants dispensée par le Campus numérique et les niveaux de l’innovation technologique en milieu scolaire de la typologie de Hall et Hord (1987). Les disparités dans les utilisations que font les enseignants des TIC témoignent de ce manque d’association. Par ailleurs, il apparaît que l’adoption des TIC dans l’éducation est embryonnaire au Niger. Cela fait que seuls quelques-uns de nos participants ont atteint les niveaux de sensibilisation et d’utilisation professionnelle constituant les deux premiers stades de l’usage pédagogique de la typologie de Raby (2005) qui en compte quatre. À la lumière des résultats, le sentiment de compétence personnelle est différent dans les deux groupes (enseignants formés et non formés), mais celui de compétence générale est apprécié de la même façon. Entre les enseignants formés aux TIC par les soins du campus numérique de Niamey et les autres, les résultats montrent une différence significative dans les niveaux d’habiletés techniques à l’égard de l’usage de l’ordinateur. Les forces et les limites de la recherche sont analysées et différentes recommandations sont proposées aux responsables éducatifs.
La protection des enfants dans les pays en développement constitue encore aujourd’hui une problématique qui continue à alimenter la préoccupation et des débats sur l’avenir des enfants à l’échelle nationale et internationale. En dépit des interventions répétées des organismes internationaux œuvrant dans le domaine de la protection des enfants à travers le monde, les conditions socioéconomiques de millions d’enfants ne cessent d’empirer, laissant ainsi leur avenir dans une incertitude accablante. Le souci de secourir ces enfants a ouvert la voie à l’amplification du phénomène d’adoption internationale qui témoigne d’une forme de «solidarité» internationale en faveur des enfants à travers le monde mais qui finit par s’imposer comme une forme de protection sociale qui transcende les frontières nationales. En Haïti, la précarité des conditions de vie a permis la mise en action d’un ensemble de stratégies d’entraide se reposant sur des liens communautaires forts qui se veut une sorte de soupape pour amortir les impacts sur les membres de la famille, mais qui s’étend parfois sur toute la communauté. Dans cette dynamique, l’enfant bénéficie d’une attention soutenue. Ainsi, certains membres de la diaspora haïtienne en Amérique du Nord, plus précisément à Montréal ont procédé à l’adoption dans leur famille élargie en Haïti. L’objectif de cette recherche est donc de dégager une appréhension de l’adoption intrafamiliale en Haïti, plus particulièrement celle réalisée par des haïtiens vivants à Montréal. Mais de manière spécifique, nous visons à : 1) comprendre la nature des décisions d’adopter et sa spécificité en contexte d’adoption intrafamiliale chez les adoptants québécois originaires d’Haïti, 2) établir les étapes et le contexte des démarches d’adoption qui caractérisent les projets des adoptants haïtiens québécois et 3) comprendre dans quelle mesure la protection des enfants fait partie du désir d’adopter chez ces adoptants en dégageant leur point de vue. Cette recherche nous a permis de comprendre que l’adoption intrafamiliale en Haïti est marquée par une grande diversité de motivations tels que le désir d’enfants, le sauvetage des enfants, la redevance sociale, la réussite sociale de l’enfant, l’accès à l’éducation, le désengagement social, le souci de maintenir à distance l’esprit de clan et le don d’enfants. Si ces motifs visent pour la plupart à la protection de l’enfant, ils sont aussi en lien avec la culture haïtienne qui voit dans celui-ci une véritable lueur d’espoir pour l’amélioration des conditions de vie des parents dans leurs vieux jours.
A exemplo do que ocorreu no Governo Federal com a Reforma Bresser, em outros países e, mais recentemente, nos governos estaduais, alguns municípios brasileiros vêm empreendendo modelos de administração voltados ao alcance de resultados, como uma política central de governo. Esta dissertação explora o processo de adoção da gestão orientada a resultados (GpR) em três dos principais municípios da região Sul do Brasil – Curitiba, Porto Alegre e Joinville – partindo do pressuposto de que a adoção deste modelo pode ser avaliada pela abordagem teórica de formulação de políticas públicas. É analisado o processo decisório para a introdução desta política nos respectivos governos, a partir da tipologia de agendas especificada por Kingdon (2003), conhecida como multiple streams framework. Os atores e empreendedores que influenciam neste processo são identificados, assim como o modo que eles exercem sua influência no encaminhamento das soluções e na definição dos problemas, com o objetivo a mapear o contexto que possibilitou a ascensão do tema à agenda decisória nos municípios estudados.
Estudos científicos têm demonstrado a existência de diversos fatores de influência sobre o processo de adoção de Tecnologia da Informação. Vários aspectos potencializadores das intenções de uso das tecnologias parecem estar presentes nas decisões sobre a adoção de tecnologia como, por exemplo, vantagens relativas obtidas pelo uso da tecnologia, conhecimento requerido para operação dos sistemas, facilidade e utilidade uso da tecnologia, entre outros. No entanto, há estudos que demonstram que o processo de adoção de tecnologia pode não ser explicado, somente, por aspectos financeiros e mercadológicos, mas englobar fatores endógenos que interferem nas decisões dos usuários sobre o uso de tecnologias de informação. Teorias e modelos de adoção de tecnologias conseguem explicar uma parcela dos motivos que levam os indivíduos a se comportarem de acordo com o uso de uma determinada tecnologia. Por exemplo: hábito individual, conectividade e conveniência podem influenciar as preferências de uso de uma determinada tecnologia de informação. De acordo com estas teorias, é possível analisar as influências que os indivíduos percebem e consideram nas decisões como justificativas sobre o uso de tecnologias de comunicação pessoal, além da busca exclusiva por resultados econômicos. Observa-se que um dos segmentos de tecnologia que apresenta condições de diferentes ofertas e múltiplas funcionalidades se refere ao segmento de tecnologias de comunicação de voz no qual o usuário pode se comunicar por meio de linhas telefônicas fixas, móveis, Internet, entre outras formas. Para a operacionalização de uma análise de adoção de tecnologia que englobe múltiplas interações de influências ao usuário, optou-se pela contextualização do estudo com foco na tecnologia de comunicação de voz pela Internet – VOIP, pois quando comparada com outras tecnologias de comunicação, adiciona-se que a gratuidade de ligações entre usuários de um mesmo sistema pode ser apresentada como um dos benefícios econômicos principais, aliada a outros benefícios provindos da telefonia em si. Os resultados obtidos por esta pesquisa confirmam a influência de diversos fatores posicionados em diferentes dimensões e proporcionam conclusões relevantes à adoção das tecnologias de comunicação de voz sobre Internet. Conclui-se que as percepções individuais sobre as características da tecnologia, a rede de contatos do usuário, hábito de uso e incentivos comerciais destinados ao uso de outras tecnologias de comunicação podem formar uma rede de influências à adoção da telefonia VOIP frente às percepções sobre os benefícios que podem ser obtidos com o uso desta aplicação.
A intensa utilização da tecnologia da informação (TI) por todos os setores disseminou-se também na Administração Pública. A utilização da TI aliada à internet como ferramenta de gestão pública é denominada governo eletrônico e tem como objetivos qualificar melhor a prestação dos serviços e possibilitar aos cidadãos uma participação mais efetiva no processo político. O presente estudo buscou investigar o contexto do governo eletrônico no Brasil e apresenta um modelo de adoção baseado numa iniciativa de informatização de mecanismos de controle fiscal do Estado de São Paulo. O objetivo geral da tese foi estudar quais são os elementos que influenciam a utilização do governo eletrônico no Brasil, por meio de um estudo no programa Nota Fiscal Paulista (NFP). A metodologia envolveu técnicas do método qualitativo, pelo uso de opiniões de especialistas, associadas a procedimentos do método quantitativo, por meio de um survey aplicado em 715 usuários da NFP. A análise utilizou modelagem por equações estruturais. Os resultados contribuem para as pesquisas em TI, apresentando um modelo que reforça e amplia os estudos anteriores sobre adoção tecnológica e os estudos de governo eletrônico, acrescentando um modelo em um novo contexto ainda pouco explorado. No caso da NFP, os fatores testados e que influenciam no processo de adoção são: Benefício Percebido, Facilidade de Uso Percebida, Influências Sociais, Segurança Percebida, Confiança e Hábito. Em termos práticos, a pesquisa auxilia na compreensão da participação e do envolvimento dos cidadãos na fase atual de desenvolvimento de governo eletrônico no Brasil. Com melhor esclarecimento da influência dessa tecnologia na vida pessoal e profissional dos usuários, é possível elevar a qualidade da prestação dos serviços para atender às demandas da sociedade. Isto posto, auxilia também na implantação mais rápida do programa em outros contextos administrativos para o governo eletrônico, gerando informações úteis para os principais pontos a se considerar para ampliar a adesão dos cidadãos e ter mais chance de sucesso na implantação.
RAMOS, A. S. M.; OLIVEIRA, M. A. Fatores de sucesso na implementação de sistemas integrados de gestão empresarial (ERP): estudo de caso em uma média empresa. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÂO, 22., 2002, Curitiba-PR. Anais... Porto Alegre-RS: ABEPRO, 2002. v. 1.
It is noticeable that pressure, tension and overwork are frequent in health professionals routine. The work related to the ward area demands deep attention and surveillance. Because of that, it is essential to have a specific look at the humanization directed at health professionals, considering that taking care of other human beings is the essence of their job. This study has analyzed the psychic health levels, as well as the stress health professionals are submitted to, providing a debate about the humanization in 06 public hospitals (03 of them awarded by actions of humanization, and 03 not awarded) in Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil. A study with 126 active health professionals (doctors, nurses, psychologists, nutritionists and social workers) in ward areas in their respective institutions was carried out. The thesis presented, with multi-disciplinary characteristic, counted on the support of statisticians (to calculate samples and data analysis), psychologists, social workers and administrators (linked to the human resources sector in each hospital). A cross-sectional study was performed, taking into consideration both quantitative and qualitative factors. The tools used for that were a semistructured questionnaire with socio-demographic characteristics, work and humanization; Lipp's Stress Symptoms Inventory for Adults (ISSL), and the Goldberg s General Health Questionnaire (QSG). The workers are predominantly women (84,9%), married (54,8%), between 46 and 55 years old (40,5%), working in the same institution for more than 20 years (22,2%), and between 16 and 20 years (20,6%), respectively. They work 40 hours a week (71,4%) and have multiple jobs (61,9%). Although most of these individuals global psychic health is in a good level, there are a significant number of people that is gradually getting worse concerning psychic stress (F1) showed by QSG (54,7%), and stress showed by ISSL(42,1%). Observing the categories, nurses (41,5%). Nutritionists (20,8%), doctors and social workers (18,9%), were among the most affected. About general health (F6), 63% of the awarded hospitals and 70% of the not awarded ones, presented good health levels (ranging from 5 to 50%). It was also noticed that, in the groups mentioned above, 25 and 20% respectively, were inserted in scores between 55 to 90%, what means that they are in worsening phase. The fact that the hospital is awarded or well recognized doesn t interfere in health professionals stress level and in their psychic health. Through what was heard from these individuals, it was possible to verify that they know little about humanization, once few of them identify or know that the service they offer is in an adoption process by Ministerial Policies. It was also detected the necessity of developing actions aimed at worker s health. Such results showed the importance of have more investments in programs that are directed to workers well-being, because they deal with other people s health and it is known that it is difficult for them to offer high-quality assistance if there are not suitable physical, psychological and material conditions to help them develop their jobs. As a warning, it is fair to say that investments in actions that provide humanized care to health professionals, mainly concerning preventive care for their health and life quality in their work