984 resultados para Year end


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Description based on: Fiscal year 2001; title from cover.


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This issue review provides updated information on an issue review published in December 2010, concerning the full-time-equivalent, or FTE, positions in state government. The background information provides a general explanation and understanding of the various aspects of FTE positions. This issue review includes year-end FTE and salary data for fiscal year 2011 and compares the data to prior years.


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The Watershed Improvement Fund and the Iowa Watershed Improvement Review Board (WIRB) were created in 2005. This statute is now codified in Iowa Code Chapter 466A. The fifteen-member Board conducted seven meetings throughout the year in-person or via teleconference. Meetings were held January 23, February 27, April 17, June 18, July 24, September 25 and December 17. Attachment 1 lists the board members and their organization affiliation. The Board completed one Request For Applications (RFA) for the Watershed Improvement Fund. The RFA was announced November 6, 2014 and closed December 29, 2014. December 29, 2014 Closing Date Request For Applications: The Board received 16 applications in response to this RFA. These applications requested $2.8 million in Watershed Improvement Funds and leveraged an additional $9.1 million for a total of $11.9 million of watershed project activity proposed. After reviewing and ranking the applications individually from this RFA, the Board met and selected eight applications for funding. The eight applications were approved for $1,249,861 of Watershed Improvement Funds. Data on the eight selected projects in this RFA include the following: • These projects included portions of 12 counties. • The $1.2 million requested of Watershed Improvement Funds leveraged an additional $4.2 million for a total of $5.4 million in watershed improvements. • Approved projects ranged in funding from $41,980 to $250,000. Attachment 2 lists the approved projects’ name, applicant name, project length, county or counties where located, and funding amount for the RFA. Attachment 3 is a map showing the status of all projects funded since inception of the program. At the end of 2015 there are 111 completed projects and 39 active projects. In cooperation with the Treasurer of State, the WIRB submitted the 2015 year-end report for the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund to the Legislative Services Agency and the Department of Management. Attachment 4 contains the 2015 annual progress reports submitted from active projects or projects finished in 2015.


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A 13-year summary of the Iowa State University Extension Service’s Beef Cow Business Record (BCBR) was compiled to show the trends in cost, profit, and production for beef-cow enterprises in Iowa. During these 13 years, 966 yearly records were summarized on herds with an average size of 74.6 cows. Each year-end summary sorts the producers with profits in the top and the bottom thirds of the group so that differences can be analyzed. The average cost to maintain a beef cow from 1982 to 1994 was $370.80. Cost components included in this average total were: feed and pasture, $177.10; operating, $45.40; depreciation, taxes, and insurance, $19.70; labor, $44.90; and capital, $83.70. Producers sorted into the top one-third profit group had 13-year average total cow costs of $309.80, but the bottom onethird profit group averaged $437.10. Economic returns per cow for these same 13 years were: return to capital, labor, and management, $139.50; return to labor and management, $56.20; and net profit, $20.20. Top-profit producers had an average net profit of $126.20 per cow, whereas the least profitable group had an average loss of $107.40. Of this $233.60 difference, $127.30 was due to production cost, and the remaining $106.30 was caused by gross return differences. The average number of pounds of beef produced per cow from 1984 through 1994 was 567. This production was achieved with 2.5 acres of pasture, 3.9 acres of cornstalk grazing, and 4,675 pounds of stored feed per cow unit. Top-profit producers used 673 pounds of stored feed per hundredweight of production, but the least profitable producers used 1,015 pounds. Top-profit producers produced 74 pounds more per cow while using 1,313 pounds less stored feed.


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Introduction: Association between ADAMTS13 levels and cardiovascular events has been described recently. However, no genetic study of ADAMTS13 in coronary patients has been described. Materials and Methods: Based on related populations frequencies and functional studies, we tested three ADAMTS13 polymorphisms: C1342G (Q448E), C1852G (P618A) and C2699T (A900V) in a group of 560 patients enrolled in the Medical, Angioplasty, or Surgery Study II (MASS II), a randomized trial comparing treatments for patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and preserved left ventricular function. The incidence of the 5-year end-points of death and death from cardiac causes, myocardial infarction, refractory angina requiring revascularization and cerebrovascular accident was determined for each polymorphim`s allele, genotype and haplotype. Risk was assessed with the use of logistic regression and Cox proportional-hazards model and multivariable adjustment was employed for possible confounders. Results: Clinical characteristics and received treatment of each genotype group were similar at baseline. In an adjusted model for cardiovascular risk variables, we were able to observe a significant association between ADAMTS13 900V variant and an increased risk of death (OR: 1,92 CI: 1,14-3,23, p = 0,015) or death from cardiac cause (OR: 2,67, CI: 1,59-4,49, p = 0,0009). No association between events and ADAMTS13 Q448E or P618A was observed. Conclusions: This first report studying the association between ADAMTS13 genotypes and cardiovascular events provides evidence for the association between ADAMTS13 900V variant and an increased risk of death in a population with multi-vessel CAD. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para a obtenção de grau de Mestre em Didática da Língua Portuguesa no 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico


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Relatório de estágio apresentado no Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo de Gestão de Empresas Orientado por Prof. Doutor Eduardo Manuel Lopes de Sá e Silva Co-Orientado pelo Mestre Adalmiro Álvaro Malheiro de Castro Andrade Pereira


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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This paper analyzes the in-, and out-of sample, predictability of the stock market returns from Eurozone’s banking sectors, arising from bank-specific ratios and macroeconomic variables, using panel estimation techniques. In order to do that, I set an unbalanced panel of 116 banks returns, from April, 1991, to March, 2013, to constitute equal-weighted country-sorted portfolios representative of the Austrian, Belgian, Finish, French, German, Greek, Irish, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish banking sectors. I find that both earnings per share (EPS) and the ratio of total loans to total assets have in-sample predictive power over the portfolios’ monthly returns whereas, regarding the cross-section of annual returns, only EPS retain significant explanatory power. Nevertheless, the sign associated with the impact of EPS is contrarian to the results of past literature. When looking at inter-yearly horizon returns, I document in-sample predictive power arising from the ratios of provisions to net interest income, and non-interest income to net income. Regarding the out-of-sample performance of the proposed models, I find that these would only beat the portfolios’ historical mean on the month following the disclosure of year-end financial statements. Still, the evidence found is not statistically significant. Finally, in a last attempt to find significant evidence of predictability of monthly and annual returns, I use Fama and French 3-Factor and Carhart models to describe the cross-section of returns. Although in-sample the factors can significantly track Eurozone’s banking sectors’ stock market returns, they do not beat the portfolios’ historical mean when forecasting returns.


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This document is the State of Iowa's Annual Performance Report (APR) for the period beginning January 1, 2006 and ending December 31, 2006 (Program Year 2006). This report is intended to fulfill the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements that require the state to annually review and report the progress made in carrying out its Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development. This report, and the supplemental documentation included with it, replaces several year end reports submitted individually in the past.


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TE-keskusten toimenkuvaan ei ole kuulunut systemaattisesti selvittää hankkeen päätyttyä tuen vaikutuksia. Vaikuttavuusarviointi on ollut lähinnä hankkeen aloitusajankohdan tietojen keräämistä yrityksiltä. Ensimmäisen ohjelmakauden 1995 - 1999 yritystukien vaikuttavuutta ei ole tutkittu Etelä-Karjalassa jälkikäteisarvioinnilla. Tutkimus selvitti, mitä yhteiskunnallisia ja yrityskohtaisia vaikutuksia TE-keskuksen yritystuilla on ollut 3-5 vuoden jälkeen viimeisestä tukirahan maksatuksesta. Vaikuttavuutta mitattiin laaditulla kyselylomakkeella. Lisäksi tutkimustuloksia verrattiin TE-keskuksen etukäteisarviointituloksiin tukien vaikutuksista. Tutkimustulokset painottuvat eri vaikuttavuustekijöihin kuin TE-keskuksen tuloksissa. Kysely osoitti suurimmiksi tukien vaikutuksiksi yrityksen kilpailukyvyn muutoksen, muun rahoituksen helpomman saannin ja hankkeen nopeamman toteuttamisen. Muut merkittävimmät vaikutukset olivat yritysten tuotteiden ja palveluiden laadun sekä teknologiatason parantaminen ja tuotantomenetelmien kehittäminen. Yritystuilla on myös muita vaikutuksia, mutta ne jäävät alueella pieniksi. Vuoden 2003 lopussa yritystukea saaneista 366 yrityksestä vain 49 % oli toiminnassa olevaa ja 51 % todennäköisesti toimintansa lopettanutta. Tuilla luotiin vain 184 uutta työpaikkaa Etelä-Karjalaan. Keskimäärin syntyi yksi uusi työpaikka yritystä kohden, joka maksoi 38 200 euroa. Tehty arviointi osoittaa tukien vaikuttavuuden jäävän pienemmäksi kuin TE-keskuksen etukäteisarvioinnissa.


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Los resultados financieros de las organizaciones son objeto de estudio y análisis permanente, predecir sus comportamientos es una tarea permanente de empresarios, inversionistas, analistas y académicos. En el presente trabajo se explora el impacto del tamaño de los activos (valor total de los activos) en la cuenta de resultados operativos y netos, analizando inicialmente la relación entre dichas variables con indicadores tradicionales del análisis financiero como es el caso de la rentabilidad operativa y neta y con elementos de estadística descriptiva que permiten calificar los datos utilizados como lineales o no lineales. Descubriendo posteriormente que los resultados financieros de las empresas vigiladas por la Superintendencia de Sociedades para el año 2012, tienen un comportamiento no lineal, de esta manera se procede a analizar la relación de los activos y los resultados con la utilización de espacios de fase y análisis de recurrencia, herramientas útiles para sistemas caóticos y complejos. Para el desarrollo de la investigación y la revisión de la relación entre las variables de activos y resultados financieros se tomó como fuente de información los reportes financieros del cierre del año 2012 de la Superintendencia de Sociedades (Superintendencia de Sociedades, 2012).


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Estudio descriptivo de los eventos adversos atribuidos a la vacuna contra el VPH reportados ante la Secretaría Distrital de Salud de Bogotá durante los años 2012 a 2014


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The IPD Annual Index is the largest and most comprehensive Real Estate market index available in the UK Such coverage however inevitably leads to delays in publication. In contrast there are a number of quarterly and monthly indices which are published within days of the year end but which lack the coverage in terms of size and numbers of properties. This paper analyses these smaller but more timely indices to see whether such indices can be used to predict the performance of the IPD Annual Index. Using a number of measures of forecasting accuracy it is shown that the smaller indices provide unbiased and efficient predictions of the IPD Annual Index. Such indices also significantly outperform a naive no-change model. Although no one index performs significantly better than the others. The more timely indices however do not perfectly track the IPD Annual Index. As a result any short run predictions of performance will be subject to a degree of error. Nevertheless the more timely indices, although lacking authoritative coverage, provide a valuable service to investors giving good estimates of Real Estates performance well before the publication of the IPD Annual Index.


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This paper investigates how changes in firm degree of internationalization are associated with the configuration of top management teams (TMT) based on a dataset of 41 large European firms in the banking and insurance industry, including detailed career profiles of the 264 executives that were serving on the TMTs of these firms at year-end 2002. Our findings suggest firms tend to match top executive profiles to their strategies. Entry into new foreign markets and new cultural zones was found to be associated with higher levels of international capacity at TMT level, whereas changes in international posture per se are not related to TMT international capacity. We discuss the interplay between firm strategies and internal structures in the context of firm internationalization and suggest directions for future research on TMTs