378 resultados para XY
A l'article anterior (AVUI, 14 de febrer) plantejava la necessitat d'entendre les arrels biològiques de la violència de gènere com a pas necessari per eliminar-la. De manera molt resumida, deia que cal rebuscar entre els instints evolutius més primaris de qualsevol ésser viu: la supervivència, que ha afavorit comportaments agressius; i la reproducció, entesa com la transmissió de les formes gèniques pròpies als descendents [...].
Una enquesta realitzada per l'Institut de la Dona ha posat de manifest que a l'Estat espanyol hi ha 1,8 milions de dones que són víctimes de maltractaments tècnics, que inclouen agressions físiques, verbals i menyspreus sistemàtics, i arriben al paroxisme amb els assassinats de dones per les seves parelles o ex-parelles (68 víctimes mortals el 2006). Una de les preguntes que tot sovint em faig és sobre el perquè de la violència en els humans, i en concret la de gènere [...].
OBJETIVO: verificar a prevalência e as características clínicas de pacientes com amenorréia primária e cariótipo XY avaliadas em nosso Serviço com o intuito de identificar achados que possam auxiliar em seu reconhecimento. MÉTODOS: no período de Janeiro de 1975 a Novembro de 2007, foram avaliadas 104 pacientes com amenorréia primária. Para todos os casos foi realizada a análise pelo cariótipo por bandas GTG. Destas, 21 (20,2%) apresentavam uma constituição 46,XY. Contudo, duas foram excluídas do estudo por terem prontuários incompletos. Das 19 pacientes que compuseram a amostra, a maior parte veio encaminhada pela ginecologia (63,2%). Suas idades variaram entre 16 e 41 anos (média de 22,1 anos). Realizou-se uma coleta de dados sobre sua história familiar e pregressa, exame físico e resultados de exames complementares. Para determinação dos seus diagnósticos levaram-se em consideração essas informações. RESULTADOS: a síndrome de resistência aos androgênios foi o diagnóstico predominante (n=12; 63,2%). Cinco pacientes (26,3%) apresentavam disgenesia gonadal pura XY (DGP XY), uma (5,3%) deficiência de 17-alfa hidroxilase e uma (5,3%) deficiência de 5-alfa redutase. Achados clínicos freqüentemente observados nessas pacientes incluíram desenvolvimento anormal dos caracteres sexuais secundários (n=19), agenesia uterina com vagina em fundo de saco (n=14), história familiar de amenorréia (n=8) e gônadas palpáveis no canal inguinal (n=5). Duas delas apresentavam história de hérnia inguinal. Hipertensão arterial sistêmica foi diagnosticada somente na paciente com deficiência de 17-alfa hidroxilase, e malignização gonadal, naquela com DGP XY. CONCLUSÕES: a freqüência de pacientes com cariótipo XY (20%) foi superior à usualmente descrita na literatura (3 a 11%). Acreditamos que isso tenha relação com a forma de encaminhamento das pacientes ao Serviço. Certos achados da história clínica e do exame físico deveriam ser rotineiramente avaliados em indivíduos com amenorréia primária. Dessa forma, haveria um reconhecimento mais precoce das pacientes 46,XY e, conseqüentemente, um adequado manejo clínico das mesmas.
This article deals with a contour error controller (CEC) applied in a high speed biaxial table. It works simultaneously with the table axes controllers, helping them. In the early stages of the investigation, it was observed that its main problem is imprecision when tracking non-linear contours at high speeds. The objectives of this work are to show that this problem is caused by the lack of exactness of the contour error mathematical model and to propose modifications in it. An additional term is included, resulting in a more accurate value of the contour error, enabling the use of this type of motion controller at higher feedrate. The response results from simulated and experimental tests are compared with those of common PID and non-corrected CEC in order to analyse the effectiveness of this controller over the system. The main conclusions are that the proposed contour error mathematical model is simple, accurate, almost insensible to the feedrate and that a 20:1 reduction of the integral absolute contour error is possible.
The WT1 transcription factor regulates SRY expression during the initial steps of the sex determination process in humans, activating a gene cascade leading to testis differentiation. In addition to causing Wilms' tumor, mutations in WT1 are often responsible for urogenital defects in men, while SRY mutations are mainly related to 46,XY pure gonadal dysgenesis. In order to evaluate their role in abnormal testicular organogenesis, we screened for SRY and WT1 gene mutations in 10 children with XY partial gonadal dysgenesis, 2 of whom with a history of Wilms' tumor. The open reading frame and 360 bp of the 5' flanking sequence of the SRY gene, and the ten exons and intron boundaries of the WT1 gene were amplified by PCR of genomic DNA. Single-strand conformation polymorphism was initially used for WT1 mutation screening. Since shifts in fragment migration were only observed for intron/exon 4, the ten WT1 exons from all patients were sequenced manually. No mutations were detected in the SRY 5' untranslated region or within SRY open-reading frame sequences. WT1 sequencing revealed one missense mutation (D396N) in the ninth exon of a patient who also had Wilms' tumor. In addition, two silent point mutations were found in the first exon including one described here for the first time. Some non-coding sequence variations were detected, representing one new (IVS4+85A>G) and two already described (-7ATG T>G, IVS9-49 T>C) single nucleotide polymorphisms. Therefore, mutations in two major genes required for gonadal development, SRY and WT1, are not responsible for XY partial gonadal dysgenesis.
Male sex determination in humans is controlled by the SRY gene, which encodes a transcriptional regulator containing a conserved high mobility group box domain (HMG-box) required for DNA binding. Mutations in the SRY HMG-box affect protein function, causing sex reversal phenotypes. In the present study, we describe a 19-year-old female presenting 46,XY karyotype with hypogonadism and primary amenorrhea that led to the diagnosis of 46,XY complete gonadal dysgenesis. The novel p.E89K missense mutation in the SRY HMG-box was identified as a de novo mutation. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed that p.E89K almost completely abolished SRY DNA-binding activity, suggesting that it is the cause of SRY function impairment. In addition, we report the occurrence of the p.G95R mutation in a 46,XY female with complete gonadal dysgenesis. According to the three-dimensional structure of the human SRY HMG-box, the substitution of the conserved glutamic acid residue by the basic lysine at position 89 introduces an extra positive charge adjacent to and between the positively charged residues R86 and K92, important for stabilizing the HMG-box helix 2 with DNA. Thus, we propose that an electrostatic repulsion caused by the proximity of these positive charges could destabilize the tip of helix 2, abrogating DNA interaction.
Monte Carlo Simulations were carried out using a nearest neighbour ferromagnetic XYmodel, on both 2-D and 3-D quasi-periodic lattices. In the case of 2-D, both the unfrustrated and frustrated XV-model were studied. For the unfrustrated 2-D XV-model, we have examined the magnetization, specific heat, linear susceptibility, helicity modulus and the derivative of the helicity modulus with respect to inverse temperature. The behaviour of all these quatities point to a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition occuring in temperature range Te == (1.0 -1.05) JlkB and with critical exponents that are consistent with previous results (obtained for crystalline lattices) . However, in the frustrated case, analysis of the spin glass susceptibility and EdwardsAnderson order parameter, in addition to the magnetization, specific heat and linear susceptibility, support a spin glass transition. In the case where the 'thin' rhombus is fully frustrated, a freezing transition occurs at Tf == 0.137 JlkB , which contradicts previous work suggesting the critical dimension of spin glasses to be de > 2 . In the 3-D systems, examination of the magnetization, specific heat and linear susceptibility reveal a conventional second order phase transition. Through a cumulant analysis and finite size scaling, a critical temperature of Te == (2.292 ± 0.003) JI kB and critical exponents of 0:' == 0.03 ± 0.03, f3 == 0.30 ± 0.01 and I == 1.31 ± 0.02 have been obtained.
We investigate the structure of commutative non-associative algebras satisfying the identity x(x(xy)) = 0. Recently, Correa and Hentzel proved that every commutative algebra satisfying above identity over a field of characteristic not equal 2 is solvable. We prove that every commutative finite-dimensional algebra u over a field F of characteristic not equal 2, 3 which satisfies the identity x(x(xy)) = 0 is nilpotent. Furthermore, we obtain new identities and properties for this class of algebras.
An early stage of sex chromosome differentiation is reported to occur in the electric eel Eigenmannia virescens (Pisces, Sternopygidae) from populations of two tributaries of the Parana river system (Brazil). Cytogenetic studies carried out in the two populations showed that the Mogi-Guacu population is characterized by 2n = 38 chromosomes and undifferentiated sex chromosomes and the Tiete population presents 2n = 38 both for males and females and an XX:XY sex chromosome system. The X-chromosome is acrocentric, easily recognized by the presence of a conspicuous heterochromatin block in its distal portion; the Y-chromosome is probably one of the medium sized acrocentrics present in the male karyotype. BrdU induced R-bands of the two populations did not reveal any difference in the euchromatic regions of the chromosomes. AluI and HaeIII restriction enzyme digestion patterns and chromomycin A3 staining of the X-chromosome are presented. The possible role of heterochromatinization in the evolution of sex chromosomes in fish is discussed.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We investigate the solution of the gap equation for mixed order parameter symmetry states as a function of filling using a two-dimensional tight-binding model incorporating second-neighbor hopping for tetragonal and orthorhombic lattice, the principal (major) component of the order parameter is taken to be of the d(x2-y2) type, As suggested in several investigations the minor component of the order parameter is taken to be of the d(xy) type. Both the permissible mixing angles 0 and pi/2 between the two components are considered. As a function of filling pronounced maxima of d(x2-y2) order parameter is accompanied by minima of the d(xy) order parameter. At fixed filling. The temperature dependence of the two components of the order parameter is also studied in all cases. The variation of critical temperature T, with filling is also studied and T-c is found to increase with second-neighbor hopping. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)