820 resultados para Within-subject Design


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Rationale: Pramipexole, a D2/D3 dopamine receptor agonist, has been implicated in the development of impulse control disorders in patients with Parkinson's disease. Investigation of single doses of pramipexole in healthy participants in reward-based learning tasks has shown inhibition of the neural processing of reward, presumptively through stimulation of dopamine autoreceptors. Objectives: This study aims to examine the effects of pramipexole on the neural response to the passive receipt of rewarding and aversive sight and taste stimuli. Methods: We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine the neural responses to the sight and taste of pleasant (chocolate) and aversive (mouldy strawberry) stimuli in 16 healthy volunteers who received a single dose of pramipexole (0.25 mg) and placebo in a double-blind, within-subject, design. Results: Relative to placebo, pramipexole treatment reduced blood oxygen level-dependent activation to the chocolate stimuli in the areas known to play a key role in reward, including the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, the orbitofrontal cortex, striatum, thalamus and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. Pramipexole also reduced activation to the aversive condition in the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. There were no effects of pramipexole on the subjective ratings of the stimuli. Conclusions: Our results are consistent with an ability of acute, low-dose pramipexole to diminish dopamine-mediated responses to both rewarding and aversive taste stimuli, perhaps through an inhibitory action of D2/3 autoreceptors on phasic burst activity of midbrain dopamine neurones. The ability of pramipexole to inhibit aversive processing might potentiate its adverse behavioural effects and could also play a role in its proposed efficacy in treatment-resistant depression.


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Previous research on the repeat exposure to a novel flavour combined with monosodium glutamate (MSG) has shown an increase in liking and consumption for the particular flavour. The aim of the current work was to investigate whether this could also be observed in the case of older people, since they are most affected by undernutrition in the developed world and ways to increase consumption of food are of significant importance for this particular age group. For this study, 40 older adults (age 65-88) repeatedly consumed potato soup with two novel flavours (lemongrass and cumin) which were either with or without a high level of MSG (5%w/w). A randomized single blind within-subject design was implemented, where each participant was exposed to both soup flavours three times over 6 days, with one of the soup flavours containing MSG. After three repeat exposures, consumption increased significantly for the soups where the flavours had contained MSG during the repeated exposure (mean weight consumed increased from 123 to 164 g, p=0.017), implying that glutamate conditioned for increased wanting and consumption, despite the fact that the liking for the soup had not increased.


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Motor imagery, passive movement, and movement observation have been suggested to activate the sensorimotor system without overt movement. The present study investigated these three covert movement modes together with overt movement in a within-subject design to allow for a fine-grained comparison of their abilities in activating the sensorimotor system, i.e. premotor, primary motor, and somatosensory cortices. For this, 21 healthy volunteers underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). In addition we explored the abilities of the different covert movement modes in activating the sensorimotor system in a pilot study of 5 stroke patients suffering from chronic severe hemiparesis. Results demonstrated that while all covert movement modes activated sensorimotor areas, there were profound differences between modes and between healthy volunteers and patients. In healthy volunteers, the pattern of neural activation in overt execution was best resembled by passive movement, followed by motor imagery, and lastly by movement observation. In patients, attempted overt execution was best resembled by motor imagery, followed by passive movement and lastly by movement observation. Our results indicate that for severely hemiparetic stroke patients motor imagery may be the preferred way to activate the sensorimotor system without overt behavior. In addition, the clear differences between the covert movement modes point to the need for within-subject comparisons. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Excitatory anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (A-tDCS) over the left dorsal prefrontal cortex (DPFC) has been shown to improve language production. The present study examined neurophysiological underpinnings of this effect. In a single-blinded within-subject design, we traced effects of A-tDCS compared to sham stimulation over the left DPFC using electrophysiological and behavioural correlates during overt picture naming. Online effects were examined during A-tDCS by employing the semantic interference (SI-)Effect – a marker that denotes the functional integrity of the language system. The behavioural SI-Effect was found to be reduced, whereas the electrophysiological SI-Effect was enhanced over left compared to right temporal scalp-electrode sites. This modulation is suggested to reflect a superior tuning of neural responses within language-related generators. After -(offline) effects of A-tDCS were detected in the delta frequency band, a marker of neural inhibition. After A-tDCS there was a reduction in delta activity during picture naming and the resting state, interpreted to indicate neural disinhibition. Together, these findings demonstrate electrophysiological modulations induced by A-tDCS of the left DPFC. They suggest that A-tDCS is capable of enhancing neural processes during and after application. The present functional and oscillatory neural markers could detect positive effects of prefrontal A-tDCS, which could be of use in the neuro-rehabilitation of frontal language functions.


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People often use tools to search for information. In order to improve the quality of an information search, it is important to understand how internal information, which is stored in user’s mind, and external information, represented by the interface of tools interact with each other. How information is distributed between internal and external representations significantly affects information search performance. However, few studies have examined the relationship between types of interface and types of search task in the context of information search. For a distributed information search task, how data are distributed, represented, and formatted significantly affects the user search performance in terms of response time and accuracy. Guided by UFuRT (User, Function, Representation, Task), a human-centered process, I propose a search model, task taxonomy. The model defines its relationship with other existing information models. The taxonomy clarifies the legitimate operations for each type of search task of relation data. Based on the model and taxonomy, I have also developed prototypes of interface for the search tasks of relational data. These prototypes were used for experiments. The experiments described in this study are of a within-subject design with a sample of 24 participants recruited from the graduate schools located in the Texas Medical Center. Participants performed one-dimensional nominal search tasks over nominal, ordinal, and ratio displays, and searched one-dimensional nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio tasks over table and graph displays. Participants also performed the same task and display combination for twodimensional searches. Distributed cognition theory has been adopted as a theoretical framework for analyzing and predicting the search performance of relational data. It has been shown that the representation dimensions and data scales, as well as the search task types, are main factors in determining search efficiency and effectiveness. In particular, the more external representations used, the better search task performance, and the results suggest the ideal search performance occurs when the question type and corresponding data scale representation match. The implications of the study lie in contributing to the effective design of search interface for relational data, especially laboratory results, which are often used in healthcare activities.


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INTRODUCTION The orthographic depth hypothesis (Katz and Feldman, 1983) posits that different reading routes are engaged depending on the type of grapheme/phoneme correspondence of the language being read. Shallow orthographies with consistent grapheme/phoneme correspondences favor encoding via non-lexical pathways, where each grapheme is sequentially mapped to its corresponding phoneme. In contrast, deep orthographies with inconsistent grapheme/phoneme correspondences favor lexical pathways, where phonemes are retrieved from specialized memory structures. This hypothesis, however, lacks compelling empirical support. The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of orthographic depth on reading route selection using a within-subject design. METHOD We presented the same pseudowords (PWs) to highly proficient bilinguals and manipulated the orthographic depth of PW reading by embedding them among two separated German or French language contexts, implicating respectively, shallow or deep orthography. High density electroencephalography was recorded during the task. RESULTS The topography of the ERPs to identical PWs differed 300-360 ms post-stimulus onset when the PWs were read in different orthographic depth context, indicating distinct brain networks engaged in reading during this time window. The brain sources underlying these topographic effects were located within left inferior frontal (German > French), parietal (French > German) and cingular areas (German > French). CONCLUSION Reading in a shallow context favors non-lexical pathways, reflected in a stronger engagement of frontal phonological areas in the shallow versus the deep orthographic context. In contrast, reading PW in a deep orthographic context recruits less routine non-lexical pathways, reflected in a stronger engagement of visuo-attentional parietal areas in the deep versus shallow orthographic context. These collective results support a modulation of reading route by orthographic depth.


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Einleitung: Im Zusammenhang mit der Leistungsdienlichkeit langer finaler Fixation (quiet eye, QE) wird vermutet, dass Leistungsverbesserungen nur für eine optimale Dauer zu beobachten sein sollten, also auch bei „überlangen“ QE-Dauern die Leistung wieder abnimmt (u.a. Janelle et al., 2000; Klostermann, 2014). Jedoch liegen zu dieser Vermutung bislang keine empirischen Befunde vor, so dass in der hier präsentierten Studie Präzisionsleistung in einer Wurfaufgabe in Abhängigkeit von (auch) sehr langen experimentell kontrollierten QE-Dauern untersucht wurde. Methode: In einem Within-subject-Design hatten 20 Sportstudierende unter acht verschiedenen QE-Bedingungen (Onset in 400-ms-Schritten von -3200 ms bis -400 ms vor Bewegungsbeginn; 16 Versuche pro Bedingung in randomisierter Abfolge) mit retro-reflektierenden Bällen auf eine Großleinwand projizierte Zielscheiben möglichst mittig zu treffen. Die QE-Manipulation erfolgte über eine an den Bewegungsbeginn gebundene Zielscheibeneinblendung samt Wurfrhythmisierung durch Tonvorgaben. Aus den mit einem Vicon-T20-System (200 Hz) sowie einem integrierten mobilen Eyetracker (EyeSeeCam, 220 Hz) erhobenen Daten wurden die QE-Dauer (ms) und die Wurfleistung (radialer Fehler, mm) als abhängige Variablen berechnet und varianzanalytisch auf Unterschiede untersucht. Resultate und Diskussion: Für die QE-Dauer wurde ein signifikanter Haupteffekt gefunden, F(7, 133) = 38.4, p < .01, ηp2 = .67, mit zumindest tendenziellen (-2000 ms vs. -2400 ms, -2800 ms vs. -3200 ms), größtenteils aber signifikanten QE-Anstiegen gemäß der experimentellen Manipulation (alle ps < .01), obgleich die jeweils angezielten QE-Dauern nicht erreicht und zum Teil deutlich unterschritten wurden (tatsächliche relativ zur angezielten Dauer im Mittel 59.95 %). Für den radialen Fehler ergab sich ein signifikanter Haupteffekt, F(7, 133) = 8.5, p < .01, ηp2 = .31, welcher durch signifikant schlechtere Leistungen bei den Onsets -400 ms und -800 ms gegenüber allen anderen Onsets erklärt wird (alle ps < .05; ausgenommen -400 ms vs. -800 ms und -800 ms vs. -2400 ms). Somit wurde der „klassische“ QE-Effekt schlechterer Leistungen infolge kurzer QE-Dauern repliziert; die Vermutung einer Leistungsverschlechterung bei überlangen QE-Dauern konnte jedoch – zumindest unter den infolge der Manipulation tatsächlich erzielten Werten – nicht untermauert werden. Literatur: Klostermann, A. (2014). Finale Fixationen, sportmotorische Leistung und eine Inhibitionshypothese: Mechanismen des „Quiet Eye“, Sportwissenschaft, 44, 49-59. Janelle, C. M., Hillman, C. H., Apparies, R. J., Murray, N. P., Meili, L., Fallon, E. A. & Hatfield, B. D. (2000). Expertise differences in cortical activation and gaze behavior during rifle shooting. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 22, 167-182.


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O presente estudo investigou o efeito de diferentes intensidades do treinamento de força (TF), aplicadas com volume total de treino (VTT) equalizado, nos ganhos de força dinâmica máxima (1RM) e massa muscular dos membros superiores e inferiores. Trinta voluntários do sexo masculino, com idade entre 18 e 30 anos, participaram de 12 semanas de TF com uma frequência semanal de duas sessões. Foi utilizado um protocolo de treinamento unilateral com um dos lados do corpo realizando o exercício com intensidade equivalente a 20% 1RM (G20) e o lado contralateral utilizando uma das três intensidades 40%, 60% ou 80% 1RM (G40, G60 e G80, respectivamente). O grupo G20 realizava três séries compostas de repetições até a falha concêntrica e o VTT era calculado e replicado para os demais grupos. A força dinâmica máxima e a área de secção transversa (AST) dos músculos flexores do cotovelo e do vasto lateral foram avaliadas nos momentos pré, 6 semanas e pós-treinamento. Os resultados demonstraram que os grupos G40, G60 e G80 apresentaram ganhos similares de AST (25%, 25,1% e 25%, flexores do cotovelo e 20,5%, 20,4% e 19,5% vasto lateral, respectivamente, p<0,05). Somente o grupo G80 demonstrou diferença significante com o grupo G20 na comparação do período pós-treinamento (25% e 14,4%, respectivamente para os flexores do cotovelo e 19,5% e 7,9%, respectivamente para vasto lateral, p<0,05). Para os ganhos de 1RM o grupo G80 demonstrou maiores aumentos após 12 semanas de TF para a flexão unilateral do cotovelo na posição em pé (54,2% p<0,05) e para o leg press 45º os grupos G60 e G80 demonstraram os maiores aumentos (55,4% e 45,7%, respectivamente, p<0,05). Assim, quando o VTT foi equalizado entre diferentes intensidades (40, 60 e 80% 1RM) os ganhos da AST tanto dos flexores do cotovelo quanto o vasto lateral foram semelhantes e a intensidade de 20% 1RM não causou aumento significante da AST. No que diz respeito a força muscular as intensidades mais elevadas (60% e 80% 1RM) foram superiores em promover ganhos de força do que as demais intensidades utilizadas. Esses dados sugerem que ao equalizar o VTT os ganhos de massa muscular são semelhantes para as intensidades de treinamento entre 40- 80% 1RM. Além disso, a intensidade de 20% 1RM, mesmo com o VTT equalizado com as intensidades maiores, não promove aumentos de massa muscular para ambos os segmentos corporais. Por outro lado, intensidades altas de treinamento produzem os maiores ganhos de força máxima em membros superiores e inferiores


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Purpose. The ability to sense the position of limb segments is a highly specialised proprioceptive function important for control of movement. Abnormal knee proprioception has been found in association with several musculoskeletal pathologies but whether nociceptive Stimulation can produce these proprioceptive changes is unclear. This study evaluated the effect of experimentally induced knee pain on knee joint position sense (JPS) in healthy individuals. Study design. Repeated measures, within-subject design. Methods. Knee JPS was tested in 16 individuals with no history of knee pathology under three experimental conditions: baseline control, a distraction task and knee pain induced by injection of hypertonic saline into the infrapatellar fat pad. Knee JPS was measured using active ipsilateral limb matching responses at 20degrees and 60degrees flexion whilst non-weightbearing (NWB) and 20degrees flexion single leg stance. During the tasks, the subjective perception of distraction and severity of pain were measured using 11-point numerical rating scales. Results. Knee JPS was not altered by acute knee pain in any of the positions tested. The distraction task resulted in poorer concentration, greater JPS absolute errors at 20degrees NWB, and greater variability in errors during the WB tests. There were no significant correlations between levels of pain and changes in JPS errors. Changes in JPS with pain and distraction were inversely related to baseline knee JPS variable error in all test positions (r = -0.56 to -0.91) but less related to baseline absolute error. Conclusion. Knee JPS is reduced by an attention-demanding task but not by experimentally induced pain. (C) 2004 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A within-subject design was used to test whether repeatedly drinking a novel-flavoured and coloured drink while thirsty would influence subsequent liking for or consumption of that drink, compared to a different flavoured and coloured drink repeatedly consumed while less thirsty. Each participant was given 300 ml of one flavoured drink (H) after consuming a high salt meal (5.27 g of salt), and 300 ml of another flavoured drink (L) after consuming a low salt meal (1.27 g of salt). Participants had 4 sessions with each meal-type/drink combination, in an intermixed order. Pre- and post-training assessments of the drinks were conducted to determine the impact of the training regime on pleasantness and perceived thirst-quenching effect of the drinks. The final session included a choice test, and ad libitum access to the chosen drink, after either a high or low salt meal. In this final choice session, people drank almost twice as much H as L; however, there were no differential effects of past training on rated liking or choice. The increased consumption of H might reflect greater liking for H which was not detected by the rating scales; or it might reflect the learning of greater "conditioned thirst" in response to the flavour of H. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To determine the relationships between eccentric hip and knee torques, symptom severity and functional capacity in females with patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). Design: Within-subject correlational study. Setting: University biomechanics laboratory. Participants: 10 females diagnosed with PFPS. Main outcome measures: Eccentric strength of the hip abductors and lateral rotators, and knee extensors were assessed using an isokinetic dynamometer. A 10-cm visual analog scale was used to determine usual knee pain in the last week. The Anterior Knee Pain Scale (AKPS) was used to determine the functional capacity of the patients. Results: The study found that the greater the eccentric knee extensor and hip lateral rotator torques, the higher the functional capacity of the patients (p = 0.02, r = 0.72; p = 0.02, r = 0.72). It was also shown that the greater hip lateral rotator torque, the less the usual pain reported in the last week (p = 0.004, r = -0.84). Despite the lack of statistical significance (p = 0.11), it was also found a modest negative relationship between the eccentric knee extensor torque and the usual pain reported in the last week (r = -0.56) that was considered clinically meaningful (d = 1.4). Conclusions: This study showed that eccentric knee extensor and hip lateral rotator torques were associated with functional capacity and pain level in females with PFPS. Further investigations should be carried out to verify the effects of an intervention program focused on the eccentric action of these muscles with respect to the symptoms in patients with PFPS. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Palpation for tenderness forms an important part of the manual therapy assessment for musculoskeletal dysfunction, In conjunction with other testing procedures it assists in establishing the clinical diagnosis. Tenderness in the thoracic spine has been reported in the literature as a clinical feature in musculoskeletal conditions where pain and dysfunction are located primarily in the upper quadrant. This study aimed to establish whether pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) of the mid-thoracic region of asymptomatic subjects were naturally lower than those of the cervical and lumbar areas. A within-subject study design was used to examine PPT at four spinal levels C6, T4, T6, and L4 in 50 asymptomatic volunteers. Results showed significant (P < 0.001) regional differences. PPT values increased in a caudal direction. The cervical region had the lowest PPT scores, that is was the most tender. Values increased in the thoracic region and were highest in the lumbar region. This study contributes to the normative data on spinal PPT values and demonstrates that mid-thoracic tenderness relative to the cervical spine is not a normal finding in asymptomatic subjects. (C) 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.


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Objective: To examine the effect of the application of tape over the patella on the onset of electromyographic (EMG) activity of vastus medialis obliquus (VMO) relative to vastus lateralis (VL) in participants with and without patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). Design: Randomised within subject. Settings: University laboratory. Participants: Ten participants with PFPS and 12 asymptomatic controls. Interventions: Three experimental taping conditions: no tape, therapeutic tape, and placebo tape. Main Outcome Measures: Electromyographic onset of VMO and VL assessed during the concentric and eccentric phases of a stair stepping task. Results: When participants with PFPS completed the stair stepping task, the application of therapeutic patellar tape was found to alter the temporal characteristics of VMO and VL activation, whereas placebo tape had no effect. In contrast, there was no change in the EMG onset of VMO and VL with the application of placebo or therapeutic tape to the knee in the asymptomatic participants. Conclusions: These data support the use of patellar taping as an adjunct to rehabilitation in people with PFPS.


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This work presents a reflection on Design education and specifically on the role of Drawing in this area. As a subject, Design has expanded its field of action expanding into new areas such as Experience Design or Service Design. It became necessary for the designer to have more than an education based on technological knowledge or know-how. Many authors like Meredith Davis, Don Norman or Jamie Hobson point out the urgency to review the curricula of Design courses because nowadays “… design is more than appearance, design is about interaction, about strategy and about services. Designers change social behavior” (Norman 2011). When shifting from a product-centered design to a person-centered design (in a structure, a service or in a relationship) what should the function of drawing in a design course be? What should its curriculum be? Our work methodology will be to confront today’s perspectives on design theory and practice in an attempt to add to the discussion on the methodological strategies in design teaching in the contemporary context.


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This work presents a reflection on Design education and specifically on the role of Drawing in this area. As a subject, Design has expanded its field of action expanding into new areas such as Experience Design or Service Design. It became necessary for the designer to have more than an education based on technological knowledge or know-how. Many authors like Meredith Davis, Don Norman or Jamie Hobson point out the urgency to review the curricula of Design courses because nowadays “ … design is more than appearance, design is about interaction, about strategy and about services. Designers change social behavior” (Norman, 2011) When shifting from a product-centered design to a person-centered design (in a structure, a service or in a relationship) what should the function of drawing in a design course be? What should its curriculum be? Our work methodology will be to confront today’s perspectives on design theory and practice in an attempt to add to the discussion on the methodological strategies in design teaching in the contemporary context.