971 resultados para Wilson, Karin


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2013


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We would like to comment this study recently published in JFS. It is a short technical note proposing an artificial aging technique for the dating of ballpoint pen inks. This is a very difficult and controversial topic, and we are worried about the nature of this paper. The authors propose several ideas to differentiate fast aging and slow aging inks, but their experimental data is not validly represented and/or discussed. The data is insufficient to draw any conclusions about any potential of the method for ink dating purposes. This lack of information on the subject must be filled before proposing such methods for practical caseworks. These are preliminary and unconvincing results from development research performed in a laboratory on controlled samples without due warnings about potential shortcomings. They cannot be used or even compared to results obtained in real situations on uncontrolled specimens of limited size, unknown composition and undefined storage conditions. This can leave an undeserved feeling that these methods are ready for implementation when the task of ensuring their scientific validity is still far away.


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The description of Lernaeenicus longiventris is expanded and revised, based on specimens collected from the skin and fins of mullets, Mugil platanus Gunther, 1880, from 21 locations in coastal waters of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


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El tractament actual de la malaltia de Wilson amb afectació neurològica és controvertit. Els fàrmacs actuals s’associen a risc de deteriorament neurològic (50% amb penicilamina i 26% amb trientine). El nou medicament tetratiomolibdat s’està estudiant perquè sembla tenir menor freqüència d’empitjorament neurològic. S’associa a efectes secundaris lleus i generalment reversibles. A la nostra sèrie de cinc pacients vàrem observar una milloria significativa dels símptomes després del tractament amb tetratiomolibdat. No es va detectar cap empitjorament neurològic. En dos casos va haver també una millora radiològica. Un pacient va presentar lleu anèmia, leucopènia i elevació de les transaminases reversible.


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Background and aim: Wilson disease (WD) is an inherited disorder ofhepatic copper excretion leading to toxic accumulation of copper in theliver as well as the brain, cornea, and other organs. The defect is due tomutations of the copper-transporting ATPase ATP7B. Here, we describethe adult cases of hepatic WD diagnosed at the CHUV between 2005and 2010.Methods: Clinical manifestions, results of diagnostic tests, and follow-upof adult patients with hepatic WD were recorded systematically.Results: Seven new adult cases of hepatic WD were diagnosed in ourcenter between 2005 and 2010. Three were women and 4 men, with amedian a ge at d iagnosis o f 24 (range, 1 8-56) years. Three patientspresented with acute liver failure (ALF), three with persistently elevatedliver function tests, and one with a dvanced cirrhosis. None hadneurological manifestations. Only one patient, presenting with ALF, had aKayser-Fleischer corneal ring. Median ceruloplasmin levels at diagnosiswere 0.13 (range, <0.03-0.30) g/l, median 24 h urinary copper excretion6.3 (range, 0.4-62.0) μmol/24 h, and median hepatic copperconcentration 591 (range, 284-1049) μg/g. At least one mutation in theATP7B g ene was i dentified in a ll patients. Allelic frequency of t hecommon H1069Q mutation was 14%. Two patients presenting with ALFand the one with advanced cirrhosis underwent successful l ivertransplantation. One patient with ALF recovered under chelator therapy.D-penicillamine was used as first-line chelator treatment, with a switch totrientine due to adverse effects in 2 out of 4 patients u nder l ong-termtreatment.Conclusions: The clinical presentation of WD and the performance ofdiagnostic tests are variable. A high index of suspicion i n clinicallycompatible situations i s key, with a combination of tests allowing thediagnosis of WD.


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Wilson's disease (WD), an autosomal recessive disorder of copper transport with a broad range of genotypic and phenotypic characteristics, results from mutations in the ATP7B gene. Herein we report the results of mutation analysis of the ATP7B gene in a group of 118 Wilson disease families (236 chromosomes) prevalently of Italian origin. Using DNA sequencing we identified 83 disease-causing mutations. Eleven were novel, while twenty one already described mutations were identified in new populations in this study. In particular, mutation analysis of 13 families of Romanian origin showed a high prevalence of the p.H1069Q mutation (50%). Detection of new mutations in the ATP7B gene in new populations increases our capability of molecular analysis that is essential for early diagnosis and treatment of WD.


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57056


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Wilson disease (WD) is an inherited disorder of hepatic copper excretion leading to toxic accumulation of copper in the liver as well as the brain, cornea, and other organs. The defect is due to mutations of the copper-transporting ATPase ATP7B. Clinical manifestations are highly variable and comprise acute liver failure, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis as well as neurological or psychiatric symptoms. The Kayser-Fleischer corneal ring is pathognomonic but absent in about 50% of patients with hepatic manifestations alone. A high index of suspicion in clinically compatible situations is key, with a combination of laboratory tests allowing the diagnosis of WD. Treatment is based on the use of chelating agents, D-penicillamine or trientine. Liver transplantation should be considered for patients with acute liver failure or advanced cirrhosis.