903 resultados para Weffort, Francisco C. (Francisco Correa)


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A presente pesquisa se propõe a analisar o contexto histórico, político, social, econômico e ideológico em que surge a pedagogia crítica de Paulo Freire e posteriormente a Teologia da Libertação, visando encontrar influências deste peculiar contexto na gênese do pensamento freireano e nas concepções dos teólogos Rubem Alves e Gustavo Gutiérrez, que foram os primeiros publicar obras sobre Teologia da Libertação, corrente teológica considerada genuinamente latino-americana. Ainda procura observar em que medida as concepções pedagógicas de Freire podem ter sido acolhidas pelos teólogos Alves e Gutiérrez em suas obras aqui analisadas. Em ambos os pensamentos encontramos a visão de valorização do ser humano e de uma práxis que busca sua libertação de sistemas opressores. Tanto em Paulo Freire como nos fundamentos desta corrente teológica se apresentam princpios humanistas e elementos da tradição cristã. A partir da ferramenta metodológica de análise do materialismo histórico dialético marxista, procura identificar temas comuns que são abordados pelos autores em suas obras surgidas entre as décadas de 1950 a 1970, detendo-se ao estudo de alguns temas subjacentes a esse contexto histórico, a saber: práxis, história, humanismo e libertação.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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El presente documento tiene como fin presentar los logros obtenidos de la aplicación de un programa de intervención fisioterapéutica para el mejoramiento del desarrollo psicomotor de los niños con antecedentes de maltrato infantil entre los 3 y 11 años de edad, desde una perspectiva lúdica. en la Fundación Hatikva, Institución vinculada al Instituto de Bienestar Familiar. Para la formulación del proyecto se realizaron aproximaciones teóricas acerca de las siguientes categorías: Maltrato infantil, psicomotricidad y lúdica. Se adaptaron Escalas para la evaluación del desarrollo psicomotor para las edades mencionadas y se creó un instructivo inicial y final para su aplicación. Los resultados arrojados inicialmente permitieron realizar un plan de intervención según las principales necesidades del grupo, y los resultados finales permitieron ver el impacto que tuvo el programa. Se obtuvieron conclusiones y se realizaron recomendaciones y proyecciones para futuros trabajos.


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Toxicokinetics and the toxicological effects of culture material containing fumonisin B(1) (FB(1)) were studied in male weaned piglets by clinical, pathological, biochemical and sphingolipid analyses. The animals received a single oral dose of 5 mg FB(1)/kg of body weight. obtained from Fusarium verticillioides culture material. FB(1) was detected by H PLC in plasma collected at 1-h intervals up to 6 h and at 12-h intervals up to 96 h. FB(1) eliminated in feces and urine was quantified over a 96-h period and in liver samples collected 96 h post-intoxication. Blood samples were obtained at the beginning and end of the experiment to determine serum enzyme activity, total bilirubin, cholesterol, sphinganine (Sa), sphingosine (So) and the Sa/So ratio. FB(1) was detected in plasma between 30 min and 36 h after administration. The highest concentration of FB(1) was observed after 2 h, with a mean concentration of 282 mu g/ml. Only 0.93% of the total FB(1) was detected in urine between 75 min and 41 h after administration, the highest mean concentration (561 mu g/ml) was observed during the interval after 8 at 24 h. Approximately 76.5% of FB(1) was detected in feces eliminated between 8 and 84 h after administration, with the highest levels observed between 8 and 24 h. Considering the biochemical parameters, a significant increase only occurred in cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase and aspartate aminotransferase activities. In plasma and urine, the highest Sa and Sa/So ratios were obtained at 12 and 48 h, respectively. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Many of the nosological features, subtypes, biochemical, neurophysiological mechanisms, and therapeutic proposals are controversial in depression. Methods: We review theories and discuss affects and mood as criteria For depression or mania diagnosis. Results: Our work was to show that mood and affections are poorly conceived. Conclusions: Mood and affection do not serve as a basis for the diagnosis of depression or mania.


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The effects of prolonged oral administration (21 days) of fumonisin B(1) (FB(1)) and aflatoxin B(1) (AFB(1)) were evaluated on male Wistar rats. The animals were housed in individual metabolic cages and submitted to the following treatments: 1-0 mug AFB(1) + 0 mg FB(1)/100g bw.; 2-72 mug AFB(1)+ 0 mg FB(1)/100 g bw; 3-0 mug AFB(1) + 0.5 mg FB(1) g bw; 4-0 mug AFB(1) + 1.5 mg FB(1)/100 g bw; 5-72 mug AFB(1) + 0.5 mg FB(1)/100g bw; 6-72 mu gAFB(1) + 1.5 mg FB(1)/100g bw. on day 21, the rats were sacrificed for evaluation. The results showed that treated animals presented differences in body weight and absolute/relative weights of liver and kidney as well as altered hepatic function and cholesterol blood levels. Rats fed with the greatest doses of AFB(1) and FB(1) gained less weight (2.79 g/day) at the end of the experimental period; their blood concentrations of liver enzymes aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alkaline phosphatase (AP) were above control levels (130.35 mu /l and 471.00 mu /l, respectively). Blood cholesterol increased in the groups treated with the highest dose of FB(1) or FB(1) associated with AFB(1). Histopathology revealed the occurrence of apoptosis in the liver of rats exposed to FB(1). The association of aflatoxin B(1) with fumonisin B(1) at higher dose probably potentiated the effects of the higher dose of fumonisin B(1)acting singly.


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The particular characteristics of growth and development of mushrooms in nature result in the accumulation of a variety of secondary metabolites, several of them with biological activities. The genus Pleurotus is a cosmopolitan group of mushrooms with high nutritional value and therapeutic properties, besides a wide array of biotechnological and environmental applications. Scope and approach: The present report aims to provide a critical review on aspects related to chemical compounds isolated from the genus Pleurotus with possible biotechnological, nutritional and therapeutic uses. Investigations on the genus have immensely accelerated during the last ten years, so that only reports published after 2005 have been considered. Key findings and conclusions: The most important Pleurotus species cultivated in large scale are P. ostreatus and P. pulmonarius. However, more than 200 species have already been investigated to various degrees. Both basidiomata and mycelia of Pleurotus are a great renewable and easily accessible source of functional foods/nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals with antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitumor and immunomodulatory effects. A series of compounds have already been precisely defined including several polysaccharides, phenolics, terpenes and sterols. However, intensification of structure determination is highly desirable and demands considerable efforts. Further studies including clinical trials need to be carried out to ascertain the safety of these compounds as adequate alternatives to conventional drugs. Not less important is to extend the search for novel bioactives to less explored Pleurotus species.


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Sebastião Pacheco Varella nasceu em Aveiro, Portuga em 1671 e morreu na mesma cidade , em 170 6. Notável pregador e muito hábil nas línguas latina, espanhola, francesa e italiana, o autor publicou ‘Numero vocal’. O ‘Sermão da seráfica Madre Santa Teresa, na manhã da sua festa, pregado em Aveiro no ano de 1700’, em Coimbra, em 1701; ‘Sermão da seráfica Madre Santa Teresa, na tarde da sua festa, pregado em Aveiro, no dito anno’, em Coimbra, em 1701; e ‘Sermão da bem-aventuraria Santa Joana, Princesa de Portugal e Senhora de Aveiro, pregado no mosteiro da mesma vila em que viveu e morreu na ultima tarde do seu tríduo’, em Lisboa, em 1702. Essa edição é a primeira da obra, que é um conjunto de princpios inspirados na fé católica e no exemplo de São João Batista, como objetivo de orientar os monarcas católicos em suas ações. Segundo Inocncio, ‘Varella reúne em seu favor os votos de alguns críticos ilustrados’. Morais o "cita" no Dicionário muitas vezes, autorizando com ele o uso de vários termos, e o P. Francisco José Freyre não duvidou qualific-lo de autor de bastante propriedade na locução e de linguagem corrente’


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Eléctrica con Especialidad en Electrónica) U.A.N.L.