932 resultados para Weakly Compact Sets


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For each ideal of multilinear mappings M we explicitly construct a corresponding ideal (a)M such that multilinear forms in (a)M are exactly those which can be approximated, in the uniform norm, by multilinear forms in M. This construction is then applied to finite type, compact, weakly compact and absolutely summing multilinear mappings. It is also proved that the correspondence M bar right arrow (a)M. IS Aron-Berner stability preserving.


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Besides optimizing classifier predictive performance and addressing the curse of the dimensionality problem, feature selection techniques support a classification model as simple as possible. In this paper, we present a wrapper feature selection approach based on Bat Algorithm (BA) and Optimum-Path Forest (OPF), in which we model the problem of feature selection as an binary-based optimization technique, guided by BA using the OPF accuracy over a validating set as the fitness function to be maximized. Moreover, we present a methodology to better estimate the quality of the reduced feature set. Experiments conducted over six public datasets demonstrated that the proposed approach provides statistically significant more compact sets and, in some cases, it can indeed improve the classification effectiveness. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we prove that infinite-dimensional vector spaces of α-dense curves are generated by means of the functional equations f(x)+f(2x)+⋯+f(nx)=0, with n≥2, which are related to the partial sums of the Riemann zeta function. These curves α-densify a large class of compact sets of the plane for arbitrary small α, extending the known result that this holds for the cases n=2,3. Finally, we prove the existence of a family of solutions of such functional equation which has the property of quadrature in the compact that densifies, that is, the product of the length of the curve by the nth power of the density approaches the Jordan content of the compact set which the curve densifies.


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Let vv be a weight sequence on ZZ and let ψ,φψ,φ be complex-valued functions on ZZ such that φ(Z)⊂Zφ(Z)⊂Z. In this paper we study the boundedness, compactness and weak compactness of weighted composition operators Cψ,φCψ,φ on predual Banach spaces c0(Z,1/v)c0(Z,1/v) and dual Banach spaces ℓ∞(Z,1/v)ℓ∞(Z,1/v) of Beurling algebras ℓ1(Z,v)ℓ1(Z,v).


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This thesis is an exploration of several completeness phenomena, both in the constructive and the classical settings. After some introductory chapters in the first part of the thesis where we outline the background used later on, the constructive part contains a categorical formulation of several constructive completeness theorems available in the literature, but presented here in an unified framework. We develop them within a constructive reverse mathematical viewpoint, highlighting the metatheory used in each case and the strength of the corresponding completeness theorems. The classical part of the thesis focuses on infinitary intuitionistic propositional and predicate logic. We consider a propositional axiomatic system with a special distributivity rule that is enough to prove a completeness theorem, and we introduce weakly compact cardinals as the adequate metatheoretical assumption for this development. Finally, we return to the categorical formulation focusing this time on infinitary first-order intuitionistic logic. We propose a first-order system with a special rule, transfinite transitivity, that embodies both distributivity as well as a form of dependent choice, and study the extent to which completeness theorems can be established. We prove completeness using a weakly compact cardinal, and, like in the constructive part, we study disjunction-free fragments as well. The assumption of weak compactness is shown to be essential for the completeness theorems to hold.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26E25, 41A35, 41A36, 47H04, 54C65.


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We initiate the study of sets of p-multiplicity in locally compact groups and their operator versions. We show that a closed subset E of a second countable locally compact group G is a set of p-multiplicity if and only if E∗={(s,t):ts−1∈E} is a set of operator p-multiplicity. We exhibit examples of sets of p-multiplicity, establish preservation properties for unions and direct products, and prove a p-version of the Stone–von Neumann Theorem.


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Let E be an infinite dimensional separable space and for e ∈ E and X a nonempty compact convex subset of E, let qX(e) be the metric antiprojection of e on X. Let n ≥ 2 be an arbitrary integer. It is shown that for a typical (in the sence of the Baire category) compact convex set X ⊂ E the metric antiprojection qX(e) has cardinality at least n for every e in a dense subset of E.


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The topic of this dissertation lies in the intersection of harmonic analysis and fractal geometry. We particulary consider singular integrals in Euclidean spaces with respect to general measures, and we study how the geometric structure of the measures affects certain analytic properties of the operators. The thesis consists of three research articles and an overview. In the first article we construct singular integral operators on lower dimensional Sierpinski gaskets associated with homogeneous Calderón-Zygmund kernels. While these operators are bounded their principal values fail to exist almost everywhere. Conformal iterated function systems generate a broad range of fractal sets. In the second article we prove that many of these limit sets are porous in a very strong sense, by showing that they contain holes spread in every direction. In the following we connect these results with singular integrals. We exploit the fractal structure of these limit sets, in order to establish that singular integrals associated with very general kernels converge weakly. Boundedness questions consist a central topic of investigation in the theory of singular integrals. In the third article we study singular integrals of different measures. We prove a very general boundedness result in the case where the two underlying measures are separated by a Lipshitz graph. As a consequence we show that a certain weak convergence holds for a large class of singular integrals.


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Let X be an arbitrary complex surface and D a domain in X that has a non-compact group of holomorphic automorphisms. A characterization of those domains D that admit a smooth, weakly pseudoconvex, finite type boundary orbit accumulation point is obtained.


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Let E be a compact subset of the n-dimensional unit cube, 1n, and let C be a collection of convex bodies, all of positive n-dimensional Lebesgue measure, such that C contains bodies with arbitrarily small measure. The dimension of E with respect to the covering class C is defined to be the number

dC(E) = sup(β:Hβ, C(E) > 0),

where Hβ, C is the outer measure

inf(Ʃm(Ci)β:UCi E, Ci ϵ C) .

Only the one and two-dimensional cases are studied. Moreover, the covering classes considered are those consisting of intervals and rectangles, parallel to the coordinate axes, and those closed under translations. A covering class is identified with a set of points in the left-open portion, 1’n, of 1n, whose closure intersects 1n - 1’n. For n = 2, the outer measure Hβ, C is adopted in place of the usual:

Inf(Ʃ(diam. (Ci))β: UCi E, Ci ϵ C),

for the purpose of studying the influence of the shape of the covering sets on the dimension dC(E).

If E is a closed set in 11, let M(E) be the class of all non-decreasing functions μ(x), supported on E with μ(x) = 0, x ≤ 0 and μ(x) = 1, x ≥ 1. Define for each μ ϵ M(E),

dC(μ) = lim/c → inf/0 log ∆μ(c)/log c , (c ϵ C)

where ∆μ(c) = v/x (μ(x+c) – μ(x)). It is shown that

dC(E) = sup (dC(μ):μ ϵ M(E)).

This notion of dimension is extended to a certain class Ӻ of sub-additive functions, and the problem of studying the behavior of dC(E) as a function of the covering class C is reduced to the study of dC(f) where f ϵ Ӻ. Specifically, the set of points in 11,

(*) {dB(F), dC(f)): f ϵ Ӻ}

is characterized by a comparison of the relative positions of the points of B and C. A region of the form (*) is always closed and doubly-starred with respect to the points (0, 0) and (1, 1). Conversely, given any closed region in 12, doubly-starred with respect to (0, 0) and (1, 1), there are covering classes B and C such that (*) is exactly that region. All of the results are shown to apply to the dimension of closed sets E. Similar results can be obtained when a finite number of covering classes are considered.

In two dimensions, the notion of dimension is extended to the class M, of functions f(x, y), non-decreasing in x and y, supported on 12 with f(x, y) = 0 for x · y = 0 and f(1, 1) = 1, by the formula

dC(f) = lim/s · t → inf/0 log ∆f(s, t)/log s · t , (s, t) ϵ C


∆f(s, t) = V/x, y (f(x+s, y+t) – f(x+s, y) – f(x, y+t) + f(x, t)).

A characterization of the equivalence dC1(f) = dC2(f) for all f ϵ M, is given by comparison of the gaps in the sets of products s · t and quotients s/t, (s, t) ϵ Ci (I = 1, 2).


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Reduced-size polarized (ZmPolX) basis sets are developed for the second-row atoms X = Si, P, S, and Cl. The generation of these basis sets follows from a simple physical model of the polarization effect of the external electric field which leads to highly compact polarization functions to be added to the chosen initial basis set. The performance of the ZmPolX sets has been investigated in calculations of molecular dipole moments and polarizabilities. Only a small deterioration of the quality of the calculated molecular electric properties has been found. Simultaneously the size of the present reduced-size ZmPolX basis sets is about one-third smaller than that of the usual polarized (PolX) sets. This reduction considerably widens the range of applications of the ZmPolX sets in calculations of molecular dipole moments, dipole polarizabilities, and related properties.


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We undertake a detailed study of the sets of multiplicity in a second countable locally compact group G and their operator versions. We establish a symbolic calculus for normal completely bounded maps from the space B(L-2(G)) of bounded linear operators on L-2 (G) into the von Neumann algebra VN(G) of G and use it to show that a closed subset E subset of G is a set of multiplicity if and only if the set E* = {(s,t) is an element of G x G : ts(-1) is an element of E} is a set of operator multiplicity. Analogous results are established for M-1-sets and M-0-sets. We show that the property of being a set of multiplicity is preserved under various operations, including taking direct products, and establish an Inverse Image Theorem for such sets. We characterise the sets of finite width that are also sets of operator multiplicity, and show that every compact operator supported on a set of finite width can be approximated by sums of rank one operators supported on the same set. We show that, if G satisfies a mild approximation condition, pointwise multiplication by a given measurable function psi : G -> C defines a closable multiplier on the reduced C*-algebra G(r)*(G) of G if and only if Schur multiplication by the function N(psi): G x G -> C, given by N(psi)(s, t) = psi(ts(-1)), is a closable operator when viewed as a densely defined linear map on the space of compact operators on L-2(G). Similar results are obtained for multipliers on VN(C).


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L'increment de bases de dades que cada vegada contenen imatges més difícils i amb un nombre més elevat de categories, està forçant el desenvolupament de tècniques de representació d'imatges que siguin discriminatives quan es vol treballar amb múltiples classes i d'algorismes que siguin eficients en l'aprenentatge i classificació. Aquesta tesi explora el problema de classificar les imatges segons l'objecte que contenen quan es disposa d'un gran nombre de categories. Primerament s'investiga com un sistema híbrid format per un model generatiu i un model discriminatiu pot beneficiar la tasca de classificació d'imatges on el nivell d'anotació humà sigui mínim. Per aquesta tasca introduïm un nou vocabulari utilitzant una representació densa de descriptors color-SIFT, i desprès s'investiga com els diferents paràmetres afecten la classificació final. Tot seguit es proposa un mètode par tal d'incorporar informació espacial amb el sistema híbrid, mostrant que la informació de context es de gran ajuda per la classificació d'imatges. Desprès introduïm un nou descriptor de forma que representa la imatge segons la seva forma local i la seva forma espacial, tot junt amb un kernel que incorpora aquesta informació espacial en forma piramidal. La forma es representada per un vector compacte obtenint un descriptor molt adequat per ésser utilitzat amb algorismes d'aprenentatge amb kernels. Els experiments realitzats postren que aquesta informació de forma te uns resultats semblants (i a vegades millors) als descriptors basats en aparença. També s'investiga com diferents característiques es poden combinar per ésser utilitzades en la classificació d'imatges i es mostra com el descriptor de forma proposat juntament amb un descriptor d'aparença millora substancialment la classificació. Finalment es descriu un algoritme que detecta les regions d'interès automàticament durant l'entrenament i la classificació. Això proporciona un mètode per inhibir el fons de la imatge i afegeix invariança a la posició dels objectes dins les imatges. S'ensenya que la forma i l'aparença sobre aquesta regió d'interès i utilitzant els classificadors random forests millora la classificació i el temps computacional. Es comparen els postres resultats amb resultats de la literatura utilitzant les mateixes bases de dades que els autors Aixa com els mateixos protocols d'aprenentatge i classificació. Es veu com totes les innovacions introduïdes incrementen la classificació final de les imatges.