998 resultados para Weak links


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El autor realiza una revisión de las que considera han sido las deficiencias de la política exterior ecuatoriana hacia Colombia. La carencia de consensos básicos, la escasa coordinación civil-militar, la falta de participación ciudadana, la débil vinculación entre política externa e interna y la usencia de una agenda específica para Colombia, son algunos de los aspectos analizados por Ponce, quien finalmente plantea algunos de los elementos que deberían fundamentar la elaboración de una política exterior de Ecuador hacia Colombia, destacando la elaboración de una agenda clara de política exterior que priorice los objetivos nacionales internos.


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We have studied the normal and superconducting transport properties of Bi(1.65)Pb(0.35)Sr(2)Ca(2)Cu(3)O(10+delta) (Bi-2223) ceramic samples. Four samples, from the same batch, were prepared by the solid-state reaction method and pressed uniaxially at different compacting pressures, ranging from 90 to 250 MPa before the last heat treatment. From the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity, combined with current conduction models for cuprates, we were able to separate contributions arising from both the grain misalignment and microstructural defects. The behavior of the critical current density as a function of temperature at zero applied magnetic field, J (c) (T), was fitted to the relationship J (c) (T)ae(1-T/T (c) ) (n) , with na parts per thousand 2 in all samples. We have also investigated the behavior of the product J (c) rho (sr) , where rho (sr) is the specific resistance of the grain-boundary. The results were interpreted by considering the relation between these parameters and the grain-boundary angle, theta, with increasing the uniaxial compacting pressure. We have found that the above type of mechanical deformation improves the alignment of the grains. Consequently the samples exhibit an enhance in the intergranular properties, resulting in a decrease of the specific resistance of the grain-boundary and an increase in the critical current density.


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A critical question in data mining is that can we always trust what discovered by a data mining system unconditionally? The answer is obviously not. If not, when can we trust the discovery then? What are the factors that affect the reliability of the discovery? How do they affect the reliability of the discovery? These are some interesting questions to be investigated.

In this paper we will firstly provide a definition and the measurements of reliability, and analyse the factors that affect the reliability. We then examine the impact of model complexity, weak links, varying sample sizes and the ability of different learners to the reliability of graphical model discovery. The experimental results reveal that (1) the larger sample size for the discovery, the higher reliability we will get; (2) the stronger a graph link is, the easier the discovery will be and thus the higher the reliability it can achieve; (3) the complexity of a graph also plays an important role in the discovery. The higher the complexity of a graph is, the more difficult to induce the graph and the lower reliability it would be.


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Traditional executive stock options are often criticized for inherently weak links between pay and performance. Hurdle rate executive stock options represent a viable improvement. However, valuing these options presents extraordinary analytic difficulties. With a constant dividend yield the strike price becomes a path-dependent function of the stock price and exact analytic valuation is intractable. To solve this problem, we apply the Monte Carlo valuation approach developed by Longstaff and Schwartz (Rev Financ Stud 4:113–147, 2001) to estimate the value of path-dependent American options. We also extend the methodology to incorporate the theoretical framework by Ingersoll (J Bus 79:453–487, 2006) to permit subjective valuation influenced by an executive’s risk aversion.


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A critical question in data mining is that can we always trust what discovered by a data mining system unconditionally? The answer is obviously not. If not, when can we trust the discovery then? What are the factors that affect the reliability of the discovery? How do they affect the reliability of the discovery? These are some interesting questions to be investigated. In this chapter we will firstly provide a definition and the measurements of reliability, and analyse the factors that affect the reliability. We then examine the impact of model complexity, weak links, varying sample sizes and the ability of different learners to the reliability of graphical model discovery. The experimental results reveal that (1) the larger sample size for the discovery, the higher reliability we will get; (2) the stronger a graph link is, the easier the discovery will be and thus the higher the reliability it can achieve; (3) the complexity of a graph also plays an important role in the discovery. The higher the complexity of a graph is, the more difficult to induce the graph and the lower reliability it would be. We also examined the performance difference of different discovery algorithms. This reveals the impact of discovery process. The experimental results show the superior reliability and robustness of MML method to standard significance tests in the recovery of graph links with small samples and weak links.


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Com um cenário de crescimento encontrado em poucos lugares do mundo, o mercado automotivo brasileiro tornou-se atraente, saltando de investimentos de cerca de US$ 1 bilhão em 2005 para mais de US$ 5 bilhões em 2012 (ANFAVEA, 2013). O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de fornecer um estudo de caso relacionado com a cadeia de suprimentos da indústria automotiva brasileira, com especial atenção à gestão de risco. Considerando a lacuna identificada na pesquisa, a saber, termos e definições sobre gestão de risco na cadeia de suprimentos ainda não consolidados e diferenças significativas entre pesquisadores, cobertura inadequada sobre as respostas aos riscos de incidentes e por fim, o uso inadequado de métodos empíricos nas pesquisas publicadas (SODHI; SON; TANG, 2012), a metodologia para o presente trabalho será o estudo de caso, uma vez que o mesmo oferece um meio apropriado para a análise aprofundada de práticas emergentes (VOSS et al., 2002). Dados secundários gerados pelo Sindipeças, pela ANFAVEA e por institutos nacionais serão usados na contextualização do estudo de caso, além de entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com executivos e especialistas das áreas de gestão de risco e cadeia de suprimentos de uma montadora e de um fornecedor tier 2 instalados no Brasil. Desta forma, espera-se mostrar como é a gestão de risco na cadeia de suprimentos da indústria automotiva brasileira através de um estudo de caso extremo, onde dois exemplares dos chamados elos forte (uma montadora) e fraco (um fornecedor tier 2) da cadeia possam ser comparados com base na teoria existente, a fim de entender seus limites, variáveis e eventuais novos achados.


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Cryptographic systems are safe. However, the management of cryptographic keys of these systems is a tough task. They are usually protected by the use of password-based authentication mechanisms, which is a weak link on conventional cryptographic systems, as the passwords can be easily copied or stolen. The usage of a biometric approach for releasing the keys is an alternative to the password-based mechanisms. But just like passwords, we need mechanisms to keep the biometrical signal safe. One approach for such mechanism is to use biometrical key cryptography. The cryptographic systems based on the use of biometric characteristics as keys are called biometrical cryptographic systems. This article presents the implementation of Fuzzy Vault, a biometrical cryptographic system written in Java, along with its performance evaluation. Fuzzy Vault was tested on a real application using smartcards.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We have conducted magnetoresistance measurements rho(T,H) in applied magnetic fields up to 18 T in Bi1.65Pb0.35Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+delta ceramic samples which were subjected to different uniaxial compacting pressures. The anisotropic upper critical fields H (c2)(T) were extracted from the rho(T,H) data, yielding and the out-of-plane superconducting coherence length xi (c) (0)similar to 3 . We have also estimated and xi (ab) (0) similar to 90 . In addition to this, a flux-line-lattice (FLL) melting temperature T (m) has been identified as a second peak in the derivative of the magnetoresistance d rho/dT data close to the superconducting transition temperature. An H (m) vs. T phase diagram was constructed and the FLL boundary lines were found to obey a temperature dependence H (m) ae(T (c) /T-1) (alpha) , where alpha similar to 2 for the sample subjected to the higher compacting pressure. A reasonable value of the Lindemann parameter c (L) similar to 0.29 has been found for all samples studied.


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The hypothesis that chromosomal fragile sites may be “weak links” that result in hot spots for cancer-specific chromosome rearrangements was supported by the discovery that numerous cancer cell homozygous deletions and a familial translocation map within the FHIT gene, which encompasses the common fragile site, FRA3B. Sequence analysis of 276 kb of the FRA3B/FHIT locus and 22 associated cancer cell deletion endpoints shows that this locus is a frequent target of homologous recombination between long interspersed nuclear element sequences resulting in FHIT gene internal deletions, probably as a result of carcinogen-induced damage at FRA3B fragile sites.


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In both Australia and Brazil there are rapid changes occurring in the macroenvironment of the dairy industry. These changes are sometimes not noticed in the microenvironment of the farm, due to the labour-intensive nature of family farms, and the traditionally weak links between production and marketing. Trends in the external environment need to be discussed in a cooperative framework, to plan integrated actions for the dairy community as a whole and to demand actions from research, development and extension (R, D & E). This paper reviews the evolution of R, D & E in terms of paradigms and approaches, the present strategies used to identify dairy industry needs in Australia and Brazil, and presents a participatory strategy to design R, D & E actions for both countries. The strategy incorporates an integration of the opinions of key industry actors ( defined as members of the dairy and associated communities), especially farm suppliers ( input market), farmers, R, D & E people, milk processors and credit providers. The strategy also uses case studies with farm stays, purposive sampling, snowball interviewing techniques, semi-structured interviews, content analysis, focus group meetings, and feedback analysis, to refine the priorities for R, D & E actions in the region.


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Despite record-setting performance demonstrated by superconducting Transition Edge Sensors (TESs) and growing utilization of the technology, a theoretical model of the physics governing TES devices superconducting phase transition has proven elusive. Earlier attempts to describe TESs assumed them to be uniform superconductors. Sadleir et al. 2010 shows that TESs are weak links and that the superconducting order parameter strength has significant spatial variation. Measurements are presented of the temperature T and magnetic field B dependence of the critical current Ic measured over 7 orders of magnitude on square Mo/Au bilayers ranging in length from 8 to 290 microns. We find our measurements have a natural explanation in terms of a spatially varying order parameter that is enhanced in proximity to the higher transition temperature superconducting leads (the longitudinal proximity effect) and suppressed in proximity to the added normal metal structures (the lateral inverse proximity effect). These in-plane proximity effects and scaling relations are observed over unprecedentedly long lengths (in excess of 1000 times the mean free path) and explained in terms of a Ginzburg-Landau model. Our low temperature Ic(B) measurements are found to agree with a general derivation of a superconducting strip with an edge or geometric barrier to vortex entry and we also derive two conditions that lead to Ic rectification. At high temperatures the Ic(B) exhibits distinct Josephson effect behavior over long length scales and following functional dependences not previously reported. We also investigate how film stress changes the transition, explain some transition features in terms of a nonequilibrium superconductivity effect, and show that our measurements of the resistive transition are not consistent with a percolating resistor network model.


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Empirical studies have shown that, in real ecosystems, species-interaction strengths are generally skewed in their distribution towards weak interactions. Some theoretical work also suggests that weak interactions, especially in omnivorous links, are important for the local stability of a community at equilibrium. However, the majority of theoretical studies use uniform distributions of interaction strengths to generate artificial communities for study. We investigate the effects of the underlying interaction-strength distribution upon the return time, permanence and feasibility of simple Lotka-Volterra equilibrium communities. We show that a skew towards weak interactions promotes local and global stability only when omnivory is present. It is found that skewed interaction strengths are an emergent property of stable omnivorous communities, and that this skew towards weak interactions creates a dynamic constraint maintaining omnivory. Omnivory is more likely to occur when omnivorous interactions are skewed towards weak interactions. However, a skew towards weak interactions increases the return time to equilibrium, delays the recovery of ecosystems and hence decreases the stability of a community. When no skew is imposed, the set of stable omnivorous communities shows an emergent distribution of skewed interaction strengths. Our results apply to both local and global concepts of stability and are robust to the definition of a feasible community. These results are discussed in the light of empirical data and other theoretical studies, in conjunction with their broader implications for community assembly.


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The attentional blink (AB) is a fundamental limitation of the ability to select relevant information from irrelevant information. It can be observed with the detection rate in an AB task as well as with the corresponding P300 amplitude of the event-related potential. In previous research, however, correlations between these two levels of observation were weak and rather inconsistent. A possible explanation of this finding might be that multiple processes underlie the AB and, thus, obscure a possible relationship between AB-related detection rate and the corresponding P300 amplitude. The present study investigated this assumption by applying a fixed-links modeling approach to represent behavioral individual differences in the AB as a latent variable. Concurrently, this approach enabled us to control for additional sources of variance in AB performance by deriving two additional latent variables. The correlation between the latent variable reflecting behavioral individual differences in AB magnitude and a corresponding latent variable derived from the P300 amplitude was high (r=.70). Furthermore, this correlation was considerably stronger than the correlations of other behavioral measures of the AB magnitude with their psychophysiological counterparts (all rs<.40). Our findings clearly indicate that the systematic disentangling of various sources of variance by utilizing the fixed-links modeling approach is a promising tool to investigate behavioral individual differences in the AB and possible psychophysiological correlates of these individual differences.


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High temporal resolution (three hours) records of temperature, wind speed and sea level pressure recorded at Antarctic research station Neumayer (70°S, 8°W) during 1982-2011 are analysed to identify oscillations from daily to intraseasonal timescales. The diurnal cycle dominates the three-hourly time series of temperature during the Antarctic summer and is almost absent during winter. In contrast, the three-hourly time series of wind speed and sea level pressure show a weak diurnal cycle. The dominant pattern of the intraseasonal variability of these quantities, which captures the out-of-phase variation of temperature and wind speed with sea level pressure, shows enhanced variability at timescales of ~ 40 days and ~ 80 days, respectively. Correlation and composite analysis reveal that these oscillations may be related to tropical intraseasonal oscillations via large-scale eastward propagating atmospheric circulation wave-trains. The second pattern of intraseasonal variability, which captures in-phase variations of temperature, wind and sea level pressure, shows enhanced variability at timescales of ~ 35, ~ 60 and ~ 120 days. These oscillations are attributed to the Southern Annular Mode/Antarctic Oscillation (SAM/AAO) which shows enhanced variability at these timescales. We argue that intraseasonal oscillations of tropical climate and SAM/AAO are related to distinct patterns of climate variables measured at Neumayer.