946 resultados para Way-finding process.
This presentation aims to make understandable the use and application context of two Webometrics techniques, the logs analysis and Google Analytics, which currently coexist in the Virtual Library of the UOC. In this sense, first of all it is provided a comprehensive introduction to webometrics and then it is analysed the case of the UOC's Virtual Library focusing on the assimilation of these techniques and the considerations underlying their use, and covering in a holistic way the process of gathering, processing and data exploitation. Finally there are also provided guidelines for the interpretation of the metric variables obtained.
In recent years it has become evident that screening for and treatment of acute toxoplasmosis during pregnancy may have no measurable impact on vertical transmission and neonatal morbidity and mortality. A broad lack of evidence with regard to many aspects of congenital toxoplasmosis has been recognised in a common European initiative (EUROTOXO) which reviewed several thousand published papers on the subject of toxoplasmosis during pregnancy and childhood. It was therefore clear that the strategies currently implemented in our country would, on closer inspection, no longer withstand the claim for evidence-based procedures. The arguments and call for a change of paradigm in Switzerland which follow here are the result of a national consensus-finding process involving experts from various specialities, including gynaecology/obstetrics, paediatrics/neonatology, infectiology, ophthalmology and laboratory medicine, together with representatives of the public health authorities.
Tässä diplomityössä on perehdytty kaaoksen ja oppivan organisaation mekaniikkaan ja olemukseen. Niitä on sovellettu uuden tuotteen saattamiseen logistiikan toimitusketjuun Nokia Oyj:n Networks toimialaryhmässä. Samalla on pyritty löytämään ratkaisuja toiminnan parantamiseksi. Kaaosjohtaminen tarjoaa prosessijohtamista täydentävän tavan mallintaa muutosta ja selittää sen aikaansaamia ilmiöitä. Näiden kahden viitekehyksen avulla on pyritty pureutumaan laajaan ja moniulotteiseen ongelmakenttään. Muotoaan hakevassa organisaatiossa kaaoksen elementit ovat voimakkaasti läsnä. Kaaoksen hallintaan liittyy saumattomasti itseorganisoituminen ja oppiminen. Oppinen ei ole organisaatiolle yhtä luontainen kyky kuin se on yksilölle. Se vaatii organisaation jäseniltä oman roolinsa tiedostamista ja tiedon jakamista. Organisaation tavoitteet saattavat yksilön näkökulmasta tuntua joskus epäkonkreettisilta ja samalla muutokset hallitsemattomilta. Markkinoiden ja teknologian muuttuminen on ollut erityisen nopeaa telekommunikaatioalalla. Näissä olosuhteissa on tärkeää pyrkiä oppivaan organisaatioon, joka tukee organisaation toimintaa läpi muutoksen.
Markkinointi on liikevoittoa tavoitteleville yrityksille yksi tärkeimmistä asioista. Sen avulla yritykset voivat houkutella asiakkaita ostamaan tuotetta tai/ja palvelua. Jotta yritykset onnistuisivat markkinoinnissa nyt ja jatkossakin, on niiden kehitettävä jatkuvasti markkinointiprosessiaan. Markkinointiprosessit ovat digitalisoituneet tietoyhteiskuntien kehittyessä yhä enenevässä määrin. Markkinointikampanjoihin liittyvien digitaalisten aineistojen määrän kasvaessa niiden hallinta on tullut hankalammaksi. Hallintaongelmien ratkaisuksi on kehitetty tietojärjestelmiä, joiden avulla pystyy hallitsemaan suurempia määriä aineistoja. Tässä diplomityössä tutustutaan markkinointikampanjoiden ja -aineistojen työnkulkuprosessiin. Tapauskohtaisessa työssä tavoitteena oli toteuttaa jo olemassa olevan digitaalisten aineistojenhallintajärjestelmän rinnalle uusi järjestelmä, jonka avulla pyrittiin tehostamaan prosessia. Markkinointikampanjoita varten uuteen järjestelmään tehtiin projektinhallintatoiminnallisuuksia. Markkinointiaineistojen kommentointia ja hyväksyntää varten työssä tutustuttiin kahteen aineistojen kommentointi- ja hyväksyntäjärjestelmään. Ne integroitiin alustavasti osaksi järjestelmää, minkä jälkeen niitä testattiin ja arvioitiin. Paremmin käyttötarkoituksiin sopiva järjestelmä otettiin lopullisesti käyttöön. Tässä diplomityössä raportoiduista tuloksista on hyötyä vastaavien järjestelmien suunnittelussa.
Cette recherche porte sur la dimension interprétative de l'intégration européenne et sur son rôle dans la démocratisation au sein des pays postcommunistes. Je focalise mon attention sur la signification pour les gens desdits pays que revêtent la participation politique, la compétence politique, et l’action collective. Cette signification prend forme selon des circonstances spécifiques, agencées par les relations de pouvoir asymétriques avec l’Union européenne (UE). J’examine la littérature sur le rôle de l'intégration européenne dans la démocratisation des pays postcommunistes et je distingue deux paradigmes théoriques principaux : un premier qui met l'accent sur le processus institutionnel, l’autre sur le processus instrumental stratégique. Au sein de ces deux approches, je présente différents auteurs qui voient l'UE soit comme un facteur pro-démocratique, soit comme un facteur antidémocratique dans le contexte postcommuniste de transition politique. Cette recherche ne suit pas théoriquement et méthodologiquement les études contenues dans la revue de la littérature. Plutôt, elle s’appuie sur un modèle théorique inspiré des recherches de McFalls sur la réunification culturelle allemande après 1989. Ce modèle, sans négliger les approches institutionnelles et stratégiques, met l’accent sur d'autres écoles théoriques, interprétatives et constructivistes. Mes conclusions se basent sur les résultats de séjours d'étude dans deux pays postcommunistes : la Bulgarie, membre de l'UE depuis 2007, et la Macédoine, pays-candidat. J’ai recours à des méthodes qualitatives et à des techniques ethnographiques qui triangulent des résultats puisés à des sources multiples et variées pour exposer des trajectoires dynamiques de changement culturel influencées par l'intégration européenne. Les conclusions montrent sous quelles conditions les idéaux-types de changement politique conventionnels, soit institutionnel ou stratégique, représentent des modèles utiles. Je présente aussi leurs limitations. Ma conclusion principale est que l'intégration européenne représente un phénomène complexe dans le monde des significations. C’est un facteur qui est simultanément un amplificateur et un inhibiteur de la culture politique démocratique. Les gens créent des sous-cultures différentes où des interprétations multiples du processus d'intégration européenne mènent à des effets dissemblables sur la participation politique, la compétence et l’action collective. La conversation discursive entre les gens qui composent de telles sous-cultures distinctes peut produire des effets divergents au niveau national. Cette recherche n’est pas une analyse de l’UE comme mécanisme institutionnel ; elle ne pose ainsi pas l’UE comme une institution qui détermine directement le processus de démocratisation postcommuniste. Plutôt, elle s’intéresse au processus d’intégration européenne en tant qu’interaction qui affecte la culture politique au sein des pays postcommunistes, et à la manière dont cette dernière peut agir sur le processus de démocratisation. Mon point d’intérêt central n’est donc pas l’européanisation ou le processus de devenir « comme l’Europe », à moins que l’européanisation ne devienne une composante de la culture politique avec des conséquences sur le comportement politique des acteurs.
Previous investigations comparing auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) to words whose meanings infants did or did not comprehend, found bilateral differences in brain activity to known versus unknown words in 13-month-old infants, in contrast with unilateral, left hemisphere, differences in activity in 20-month-old infants. We explore two alternative explanations for these findings. Changes in hemispheric specialization may result from a qualitative shift in the way infants process known words between 13 and 20 months. Alternatively, hemispheric specialization may arise from increased familiarity with the individual words tested. We contrasted these two explanations by measuring ERPs from 20-month-old infants with high and low production scores, for novel words they had just learned. A bilateral distribution of ERP differences was observed in both groups of infants, though the difference was larger in the left hemisphere for the high producers. These findings suggest that word familiarity is an important factor in determining the distribution of brain regions involved in word learning. An emerging left hemispheric specialization may reflect increased efficiency in the manner in which infants process familiar and novel words. (c) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The present study examines whether children reactivate a moved constituent at its gap position and how children's more limited working memory span affects the way they process filler-gap dependencies. 46 5-7 year-old children and 54 adult controls participated in a cross-modal picture priming experiment and underwent a standardized working memory test. The results revealed a statistically significant interaction between the participants' working memory span and antecedent reactivation: High-span children (n = 19) and high-span adults (n = 22) showed evidence of antecedent priming at the gap site, while for low-span children and adults, there was no such effect. The antecedent priming effect in the high-span participants indicates that in both children and adults, dislocated arguments access their antecedents at gap positions. The absence of an antecedent reactivation effect in the low-span participants could mean that these participants required more time to integrate the dislocated constituent and reactivated the filler later during the sentence.
Schools in England (as elsewhere in Europe) have a duty to promote equality for disabled people and make reasonable adjustments for disabled children. There is, however, a degree of uncertainty about how well-placed parents are addressed to use the legislation to ensure their child’s needs. This paper presents data drawn from a national questionnaire designed for schools to use to identify their disabled pupils and examines, in detail, parental responses to a question on the kinds of support their child finds helpful in offsetting any difficulties they experience. It illustrates the complex and varied nature of the ‘reasonable adjustments’ that are required and an overriding sense that need to be underpinned by the values of a responsive child-centred approach, one that recognises that parents’ knowledge and understanding of their child are important. Schools need to have in place the two-way communication process that supports them in ‘knowing’ about the visible and invisible challenges that pupils with difficulties and disabilities face in participating in school life.
Schools in England (as elsewhere in Europe) have a duty to promote equality for disabled people and make reasonable adjustments for disabled children. This paper presents data drawn from a national questionnairedesigned for schools to use to identify their disabled pupils and examines in detail parental responses to a question on the kinds of support their child finds helpful in offsetting any difficulties they experience. It illustrates the complex and varied nature of the reasonable adjustments required and an overriding sense these need to be underpinned by the values of a responsive child centred approach, one that reflects parents’ knowledge and understanding of their child. Schools need to have in place the two way communication process that supports them in “knowing” about the visible and invisible challenges that disabled pupils face in participating in school life
Compreender o comportamento de compra das organizações é um importante desafio, tanto para os meios acadêmicos quanto empresariais, não apenas pela abrangência e complexidade do tema, mas também pelos volumes de negócios envolvidos entre empresas. Com o intuito de contribuir com o aprofundamento dos conhecimentos atinentes ao assunto, o presente estudo objetivou descrever as variáveis organizacionais referentes ao comportamento de compra das grandes empresas industriais associadas à Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram pesquisadas 82 organizações com mais de 500 funcionários e analisados seus comportamentos relativos à compra de itens considerados "A" de estoque e utilizados diretamente em seus processos produtivos. Buscou-se verificar a utilização da tecnologia como forma de otimização de processos, o nível de prúfissionalização dos funcionários dos departamentos, a fonnalização e centralização empregadas nas atividades de compras, as principais políticas, regras e procedimentos da área, a participação da mesma em decisões consideradas de alto nível relativas a fontes de suprimentos e a predominância de atividades estratégicas ou operacionais no funcionamento dos setores de compras. Visou-se também identificar a existência de associações entre tais aspectos e o tamanho das empresas. Verificou-se que as empresas preocupam-se com o investimento em recursos para os setores de compras, através do oferecimento de treinamentos a seus funcionários e da disponibilização de tecnologias para a otimização de rotinas. Constatou-se também que as organizações são, em geral, bastante formalizadas e centralizadas, e que o comprador dispõe de pouca autonomia. Com relação às políticas relativas a fontes de fornecimento, observou-se que a maioria das empresas pratica a terceirização de seus processos produtivos e possui relacionamentos mais estreitos com seus fornecedores, sem entretanto, limitar-se a uma base local de suprimento, pois reconhecem e adquirem insumos de acordo com as alternativas globais. Identificou-se ainda a prevalência de atividades operacionais em relação às estratégicas no funcionamento dos setores de aquisição pesquisados. Com relação ao tamanho das organizações, foi possível constatar que as maiores tendem a oferecer mais treinamentos a seus profissionais de compras, possuem mais recursos tecnológicos alocados a estes setores, mais comumente estabelecem relacionamentos de longo prazo com os fornecedores e importam componentes.
O programa de privatizações brasileiro dos anos 90 vem se constituindo num dos maiores do mundo e assinala o fim do Estado desenvolvimentista no país. Quais foram as principais características desse processo e em que medida ele se distinguiu dos programas de privatização de outros países? A privatização das principais empresas estatais brasileiras, tanto no setor produtivo quanto de serviços, introduziu importantes modificações no funcionamento da economia brasileira. O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma análise do processo de privatizações brasileiro, estabelecendo uma comparação com outros programas de privatização realizados nos últimos 20 anos, que realce as peculiaridades de cada processo e as mudanças que isso acarretou no funcionamento da economia brasileira. Indaga-se de que maneira esse processo implica na reordenação do tripé setor estatal, capital privado nacional e capital estrangeiro. Quais são as conseqüências da substituição de monopólios estatais por oligopólios estrangeiros em termos de preços, produtividade e de qualidade dos serviços?
This thesis is the result of a bibliographic and field research, with the purpose to answer in what way the process of education developed by the CUT, expressed in the experience of the Project Vento Norte, developed in the Amazônia has colaborated in the sense of the possibility of a articulation between work, education, and develpoment. The bibliographic reasearch was based in the studies of theoreticals like Gadotti (1999), Marx (1998, 1998a), Pochman (2002), Brandão (1985, 2002), Adorno (1999, 2000), Horkeimer (1976), reseachers that in the process of their studies, thinked about the theme, related to work, to education and to developement. The field research was done by the intervews with CUT s educators and managers from the states of Acre, Amazonas, Amapá, Pará, Rondônia and Roraima. The thesis s process of elaboration is done in a cobweb of elements articulated to socioculture values from the habitat of amazônia people. The conclusions point to us that the hypothesis of the CUT, by the Project Vento Norte, develops a propose of education that articulates Work, Education and Development that is confirmed. But, the partiality of the project is presented by the limitations of the CUT s possibility in continuation of the project. Thats why the thesis suports the idea of the project and it consolidation in the Amazônica Region, by the conception of the syndicate managers and educators
We consider the modification of the Cahn-Hilliard equation when a time delay process through a memory function is taken into account. We then study the process of spinodal decomposition in fast phase transitions associated with a conserved order parameter. Finite-time memory effects are seen to affect the dynamics of phase transition at short times and have the effect of delaying, in a significant way, the process of rapid growth of the order parameter that follows a quench into the spinodal region. These effects are important in several systems characterized by fast processes, like non-equilibrium dynamics in the early universe and in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We consider the modification of the Cahn-Hilliard equation when a time delay process through a memory function is taken into account. We then study the process of spinodal decomposition in fast phase transitions associated with a conserved order parameter. The introduced memory effect plays an important role to obtain a finite group velocity. Then, we discuss the constraint for the parameters to satisfy causality. The memory effect is seen to affect the dynamics of phase transition at short times and have the effect of delaying, in a significant way, the process of rapid growth of the order parameter that follows a quench into the spinodal region.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)