977 resultados para Wave Equation Violin


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We consider attractors A(eta), eta epsilon [0, 1], corresponding to a singularly perturbed damped wave equation u(tt) + 2 eta A(1/2)u(t) + au(t) + Au = f (u) in H-0(1)(Omega) x L-2 (Omega), where Omega is a bounded smooth domain in R-3. For dissipative nonlinearity f epsilon C-2(R, R) satisfying vertical bar f ``(s)vertical bar <= c(1 + vertical bar s vertical bar) with some c > 0, we prove that the family of attractors {A(eta), eta >= 0} is upper semicontinuous at eta = 0 in H1+s (Omega) x H-s (Omega) for any s epsilon (0, 1). For dissipative f epsilon C-3 (R, R) satisfying lim(vertical bar s vertical bar) (->) (infinity) f ``(s)/s = 0 we prove that the attractor A(0) for the damped wave equation u(tt) + au(t) + Au = f (u) (case eta = 0) is bounded in H-4(Omega) x H-3(Omega) and thus is compact in the Holder spaces C2+mu ((Omega) over bar) x C1+mu((Omega) over bar) for every mu epsilon (0, 1/2). As a consequence of the uniform bounds we obtain that the family of attractors {A(eta), eta epsilon [0, 1]} is upper and lower semicontinuous in C2+mu ((Omega) over bar) x C1+mu ((Omega) over bar) for every mu epsilon (0, 1/2). (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we prove the exponential decay as time goes to infinity of regular solutions of the problem for the Kirchhoff wave equation with nonlocal condition and weak dampingu(tt) - M (\\delU\\(2)(2)) Deltau + integral(0)(t) g(t - s)Deltau(.,s) ds + alphau(t) = 0, in (Q) over cap,where (Q) over cap is a noncylindrical domain of Rn+1 (n greater than or equal to 1) with the lateral boundary (&USigma;) over cap and alpha is a positive constant. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We study exact boundary controllability for a two-dimensional wave equation in a region which is an angular sector of a circle or an angular sector of an annular region. The control, of Neumann type, acts on the curved part of the boundary, while in the straight part we impose homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition. The initial state has finite energy and the control is square integrable. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We establish exact boundary controllability for the wave equation in a polyhedral domain where a part of the boundary moves slowly with constant speed in a small interval of time. The control on the moving part of the boundary is given by the conormal derivative associated with the wave operator while in the fixed part the control is of Neuman type. For initial state H-1 x L-2 we obtain controls in L-2. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We apply a multiple-time version of the reductive perturbation method to study long waves as governed by the shallow water wave model equation. As a consequence of the requirement of a secularity-free perturbation theory, we show that the well known N-soliton dynamics of the shallow water wave equation, in the particular case of α = 2β, can be reduced to the N-soliton solution that satisfies simultaneously all equations of the Korteweg-de Vries hierarchy.


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Riemann surfaces, cohomology and homology groups, Cartan's spinors and triality, octonionic projective geometry, are all well supported by Complex Structures [1], [2], [3], [4]. Furthermore, in Theoretical Physics, mainly in General Relativity, Supersymmetry and Particle Physics, Complex Theory Plays a Key Role [5], [6], [7], [8]. In this context it is expected that generalizations of concepts and main results from the Classical Complex Theory, like conformal and quasiconformal mappings [9], [10] in both quaternionic and octonionic algebra, may be useful for other fields of research, as for graphical computing enviromment [11]. In this Note, following recent works by the autors [12], [13], the Cauchy Theorem will be extended for Octonions in an analogous way that it has recentely been made for quaternions [14]. Finally, will be given an octonionic treatment of the wave equation, which means a wave produced by a hyper-string with initial conditions similar to the one-dimensional case.


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Propomos um novo método de migração em profundidade baseado na solução da equação da onda com densidade constante no domínio da freqüência. Uma aproximação de Padé complexa é usada para aproximar o operador de evolução aplicado na extrapolação do campo de ondas. Esse método reduz as imprecisões e instabilidades devido às ondas evanescentes e produz imagens com menos ruídos numéricos que aquelas obtidas usando-se a aproximação de Padé real para o operador exponencial, principalmente em meios com fortes variações de velocidades. Testes em dados de afastamento nulo do modelo de sal SEG/EAGE e nos dados de tiro comum 2-D Marmousi foram realizados. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o método de migração proposto consegue lidar com fortes variações laterais e também tem uma boa resposta para refletores com mergulhos íngremes. Os resultados foram comparados àqueles resultados obtidos com os métodos split-step Fourier (SSF), phase shift plus interpolarion (PSPI) e Fourier diferenças-finitas (FFD).


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A primary purpose of this research is to design a gradient coil that is planar in construction and can be inserted within existing infrastructure. The proposed wave equation method for the design of gradient coils is novel within the field. it is comprehensively shown how this method can be used to design the planar x-, y-, and z-gradient wire windings to produce the required magnetic fields within a certain domain. The solution for the cylindrical gradient coil set is also elucidated. The wave equation technique is compared with the well-known target held method to gauge the quality of resultant design. In the case of the planar gradient coil design, it is shown that using the new method, a set of compact gradient coils with large field of view can be produced. The final design is considerably smaller in dimension when compared with the design obtained using the target field method, and therefore the manufacturing costs and materials required are somewhat reduced.


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The author is partially supported by: M. U. R. S. T. Prog. Nazionale “Problemi e Metodi nella Teoria delle Equazioni Iperboliche”.


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We study the Cauchy problem for utt − ∆u + V (x)u^5 = 0 in 3–dimensional case. The function V (x) is positive and regular, in particular we are interested in the case V (x) = 0 in some points. We look for the global classical solution of this equation under a suitable hypothesis on the initial energy.


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∗The author was partially supported by M.U.R.S.T. Progr. Nazionale “Problemi Non Lineari...”


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* Partially supported by CNPq (Brazil)


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Mathematics Subject Classification: 42B35, 35L35, 35K35


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35A15, 44A15, 26A33


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Mathematics Subject Classi¯cation 2010: 26A33, 65D25, 65M06, 65Z05.