999 resultados para Water companies


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After its privatization in 1989, the water and sewerage industry of England and Wales faced a new regulatory régime and implemented a substantial capital investment program aimed at improving water and environmental standards. A new RPI + K regulatory pricing system was designed to compensate the industry for its increased capital costs, encourage increased efficiency, and maintain fair prices for customers. This paper evaluates how successful privatization and the resulting system of economic regulation has been. Estimates of productivity growth, derived with quality adjusted output indices, suggest that despite reductions in labor usage, total factor productivity growth has not improved since privatization. Moreover, total price performance indices reveal that increases in output prices have outstripped increases in input costs, a trend which is largely responsible for the increase in economic profits that has occurred since privatization. * We would like to thank Emmanuel Thanassoulis, Joshy Easaw, Jim Love, John Sawkins, and an anonymous referee for helpful comments on earlier drafts of this paper. The usual disclaimer applies.


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As it is well known, competitive electricity markets require new computing tools for generation companies to enhance the management of its resources. The economic value of the water stored in a power system reservoir is crucial information for enhancing the management of the reservoirs. This paper proposes a practical deterministic approach for computing the short-term economic value of the water stored in a power system reservoir, emphasizing the need to considerer water stored as a scarce resource with a short-term economic value. The paper addresses a problem concerning reservoirs with small storage capacities, i.e., the reservoirs considered as head-sensitivity. More precisely, the respective hydro plant is head-dependent and a pure linear approach is unable to capture such consideration. The paper presents a case study supported by the proposed practical deterministic approach and applied on a real multi-reservoir power system with three cascaded reservoirs, considering as input data forecasts for the electric energy price and for the natural inflow into the reservoirs over the schedule time horizon. The paper presents various water schedules due to different final stored water volume conditions on the reservoirs. Also, it presents the respective economic value of the water for the reservoirs at different stored water volume conditions.


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El objeto de estudio de este proyecto son los sistemas de calentamiento de agua mediante energía solar que funcionan termosifónicamente. En particular se tratará con dos diseños particulares generados por fabricantes de la Provincia de Córdoba y que han solicitado el asesoramiento del Grupo de Energía Solar (GES) para el mejoramiento de la performance térmica de dichos equipos. Se trata de dos sistemas que tienen materiales no tradicionales y se diferencian además por tener una distinta disposición del tanque de almacenamiento: uno es en forma vertical y el otro en forma horizontal. Basados en los resultados de un ensayo bajo norma internacional, donde se detectaron algunas puntos factibles de mejora, se propone en este proyecto el análisis en detalle de los equipos, para lo cual se les debe desarmar completos, para realizar un estudio analítico y experimental de los mismos con el objeto de hacer un planteo teórico-analítico del comportamiento de los mismos, con la implementación de propuestas de mejora y chequeo de los resultados. Se propone entonces como objetivo lograr un mejoramiento de la performance térmica de los citados equipos a partir de un estudio experimental y analítico. Asumiendo esta posibilidad de mejora, se plantea la hipótesis de que es posible representar el funcionamiento de estos equipos mediante modelos físico-matemáticos desarrollados a partir de ecuaciones y correlaciones conocidas y procesos a interpretar mediante resoluciones numéricas y softwares específicos de simulación. De esta manera, se plantea el despieze completo de los equipos para estudiar en detalle su estructura y conexiones internas y a partir de la geometría, dimensiones y propiedades termofísicas de materiales constructivos y fluidos de trabajo, realizar modelos físico-matemáticos que permitan realizar variaciones de propiedades y geometría y así buscar las mejores combinaciones que produzcan equipos más eficientes térmicamente. Los modelos físico-matemáticos serán codificados en lenguajes de alto nivel para poder luego de una validación de los modelos, correr simulaciones en un software de reconocimiento internacional que permite sumar dichos modelos mediante un protocolo de comunicación, haciendo que las poderosas prestaciones del software se puedan aplicar a nuestros modelos. Se complementará el estudio con un análisis exergético para identificar los puntos críticos en que se producen las pérdidas de oportunidad de aprovechar la energía disponible, para así analizar cómo solucionar los problemas en dichos puntos. Los materiales a utilizar serán los propios equipos provistos por los fabricantes, que serán modificados convenientemente para operarlos como prototipos Se espera obtener un conocimiento acabado de los procesos y principios de funcionamiento de los equipos, que permita plantear las mejoras, las cuales se implementarán en los prototipos, realizándose una medición mediante norma igual a la inicial para ver en que magnitud se logran las mejoras esperadas. Se pretende además que las mejoras a implementar, en la etapa de transferencia a las empresas involucradas, redunden no sólo en un beneficio técnico, sino que también los sea desde el punto de vista económico. Para ello se trabajará también sobre los procesos y métodos de fabricación para que los equipos mejorados no sean mas caros que los originales y de ser posible sean aún más económicos, todo esto apuntando a la difusión de la energía solar térmica y poner al alcance de todos estos equipos tan convenientes para la propagación de las energías limpias. El proyecto redundará también en un importante beneficio para el conocimiento de la comunidad científica en general, con el aporte de nuevos resultados en diseños novedosos y con nuevos materiales. Además, la institución se beneficiará con la formación que obtendrán los integrantes del proyecto, muchos de ellos en etapa de realización de sus estudios de posgrado y en una etapa importante de su vida como investigadores. The main goal of this project is the improvement of two thermosyphonic solar water heating systems, made of non conventional materials and with different arrangement of their storage tanks: one is vertical and the other one horizontal. The thermosyphonic systems are provided by manufacturers of the Córdoba Province, who came to the Solar Energy Group (GES) of the National University of Río Cuarto looking for help for the design of their products. In an agreement with these manufacturers, it was proposed this project in order to work analytically and experimentally in order to obtain physical-mathematical models of these two systems, which allow for changes to look by means of simulations the best changes to implement on the equipments for the improvement of their thermal performance. Then, the materials to be used are the proper systems provided by the manufacturers, which will be disarmed to be studied in detail. After the analytical study the proposals of improvement will be implemented in a high level language of programming to perform simulations in the environment of a well-known software for energy simulations (TRNSYS). After the simulations, the best modifications will be physically implemented in the prototypes to perform finally the same normalized test of the beginning and check the magnitude of the implemented improvements. The importance of this project is based on the offer of better systems the companies would make, which would benefit the deployment of the thermal solar energy. Another relevant point is to make the new equipments at the same cost of the previous ones or cheaper, in order to achieve a good deployment of the solar water heating systems; then, the manufacture processes and methods must be studied to obtain not only good technical solutions, but also economical equipments. In addition, this project will contribute to the increasing of the knowledge in the area of thermosyphonic solar systems and the training of postgraduate students.


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Environmental accountability has become a major source of competitive advantage for industrial companies, because customers consider it as relevant buying criterion. However, in order to leverage their environmental responsibility, industrial suppliers have to be able to demonstrate the environmental value of their products and services, which is also the aim of Kemira, a global water chemistry company considered in this study. The aim of this thesis is to develop a tool which Kemira can use to assess the environmental value of their solutions for the customer companies in mining industry. This study answers to questions on what kinds of methods to assess environmental impacts exist, and what kind of tool could be used to assess the environmental value of Kemira’s water treatment solutions. The environmental impacts of mining activities vary greatly between different mines. Generally the major impacts include the water related issues and wastes. Energy consumption is also a significant environmental aspect. Water related issues include water consumption and impacts in water quality. There are several methods to assess environmental impacts, for example life cycle assessment, eco-efficiency tools, footprint calculations and process simulation. In addition the corresponding financial value may be estimated utilizing monetary assessment methods. Some of the industrial companies considered in the analysis of industry best practices use environmental and sustainability assessments. Based on the theoretical research and conducted interviews, an Excel based tool utilizing reference data on previous customer cases and customer specific test results was considered to be most suitable to assess the environmental value of Kemira’s solutions. The tool can be used to demonstrate the functionality of Kemira’s solutions in customers’ processes, their impacts in other process parameters and their environmental and financial aspects. In the future, the tool may be applied to fit also Kemira’s other segments, not only mining industry.


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In this report, information is published concerning Russian water and wastewater treatment plants. The information is based on a questionnaire sent to 70 water and wastewater treatment plants in 2012-2013. The questionnaire was prepared by the International Advanced Water Technologies Centre (IAWTC) and Lahti Development Company (LADEC). The questions dealt with an assessment of the present state, the need for changes, renovation, investments, and how to improve the efficiency of the operation by training and investments. A significant need to renew the old pipelines, constructions, and processes was clearly evident. The aggregated answers can be utilized in Russia as internal benchmarking in order to arrange training and plant visits, which were requested in many of the answers. Sharing this open report with the respondents can aid networking and awareness of HELCOM requirements which relate to waste water treatment plants discharging their waste water directly or indirectly into the Baltic Sea. The aim of this report is to provide information for Finnish small and medium size companies (SMEs) as regards possible water related exportation to different parts of Russia.


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This paper presents preliminary results from an assessment of the barriers to adaptation to water supply shortage in a case study catchment in south east England with multiple supply companies. The investigation applies a conceptual framework, which distinguishes between generic barriers affecting the ability of supply companies to make adaptation decisions, and specific barriers to the implementation of each option. The preliminary analysis suggests that whilst there is a widespread awareness of the challenge of climate change, and a conceptual understanding of the need for adaptation, some of the generic barriers that will affect detailed evaluations and actual adaptation decisions have yet to be approached. The analysis also shows that different individual adaptation options are assessed differently by different stakeholders, and that there are differences in the barriers to adoption between supply-side and demand-side measures. First, however, the paper develops the general conceptual framework for the characterisation of the barriers to adaptation used in the study.


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Public water supplies in England and Wales are provided by around 25 private-sector companies, regulated by an economic regulator (Ofwat) and and environmental regulator (Environment Agency). As part of the regulatory process, companies are required periodically to review their investment needs to maintain safe and secure supplies, and this involves an assessment of the future balance between water supply and demand. The water industry and regulators have developed an agreed set of procedures for this assessment. Climate change has been incorporated into these procedures since the late 1990s, although has been included increasingly seriously over time and it has been an effective legal requirement to consider climate change since the 2003 Water Act. In the most recent assessment in 2009, companies were required explicitly to plan for a defined amount of climate change, taking into account climate change uncertainty. A “medium” climate change scenario was defined, together with “wet” and “dry” extremes, based on scenarios developed from a number of climate models. The water industry and its regulators are now gearing up to exploit the new UKCP09 probabilistic climate change projections – but these pose significant practical and conceptual challenges. This paper outlines how the procedures for incorporating climate change information into water resources planning have evolved, and explores the issues currently facing the industry in adapting to climate change.


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This paper has two principal aims: first, to unravel some of the arguments mobilized in the controversial privatization debate, and second, to review the scale and nature of private sector provision of water and sanitation in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Despite being vigorously promoted in the policy arena and having been implemented in several countries in the South in the 1990s, privatization has achieved neither the scale nor benefits anticipated. In particular, the paper is pessimistic about the role that privatization can play in achieving the Millennium Development Goals of halving the number of people without access to water and sanitation by 2015. This is not because of some inherent contradiction between private profits and the public good, but because neither publicly nor privately operated utilities are well suited to serving the majority of low-income households with inadequate water and sanitation, and because many of the barriers to service provision in poor settlements can persist whether water and sanitation utilities are publicly or privately operated. This is not to say that well-governed localities should not choose to involve private companies in water and sanitation provision, but it does imply that there is no justification for international agencies and agreements to actively promote greater private sector participation on the grounds that it can significantly reduce deficiencies in water and sanitation services in the South.


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This dissertation aims at giving new insights for governments in understanding efficient water management models, especially in the case of the water crisis in Sao Paulo. Also, other actors dealing with water issues, such as multinational companies, could have new tools to improve efficiency in this field.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Trying to reduce particle contamination in lubrication systems, industries of the whole world spend millions of dollars each year on the improvement of filtration technology. In this context, by controlling fluid cleanliness, some companies are able to reduce failures rates up to 85 percent. However, in some industries and environments, water is a contaminant more frequently encountered than solid particles, and it is often seen as the primary cause of component failure. Only one percent of water in oil is enough to reduce life expectancy of a journal bearing by 80 percent. For rolling bearing elements, the situation is worse because water destroys the oil film and, under the extreme temperatures and pressures generated in the load zone of a rolling bearing element, free and emulsified water can result in instantaneous flash-vaporization giving origin to erosive wear. This work studies the effect of water as lubricant contaminant in ball bearings, which simulates a situation that could actually occur in real systems. In a designed bench test, three basic lubricants of different viscosities were contaminated with different contents of water. The results regarding oil and vibration analysis are presented for different bearing speeds.