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This article reports the results of a study that aimed at evaluating the effects of aging technique on cachaça samples produced and sold by small farmers in São Paulo State, Brazil. Cachaças, aged and not aged were sent by 10 cachaça producers that take part in the community project and course: São Paulo State Contest of Distillery Cachaça and Production Chain of Cachaça Meeting, organized by the Food and Nutrition Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences University, UNESP/Araraquara, SP, Brazil, in partnership with the Brazilian Service of Support to Micro and Small Enterprise of São Paulo State (SEBRAE-SP) and the Rural Union of Araraquara. The evaluation of the samples was made based on sensory tests conducted in Analysis and Quality Control of Foods and Drinks Laboratory of the Department. The survey results showed significantly higher acceptance average in the aged samples compared with not aged ones. The aging process, which was one of the topics discussed in the course, was considered as an effective way to improve the quality of cachaça, the research also confirmed the importance of the University support to improve the quality of food and drink produced in Brazil.
This paper intends to reflect on the search, in the process of teaching formation, of pre-defined contents for the teaching of Geography and History in the series of primary school. This desire for clarity about the appropriated contents for the various series often overshadows the real need to clarify what is the goal of teaching this or that content. It is necessary, in the teacher training, resume and historically contextualize this search for curriculum contents. The risk of prioritizing the discussion about contents is transforming the contents itself into the content goals of education. Reifying the contents contributes to the common process of disconnect teaching from learning. In this case, the educational process becomes a contest of teaching contents, not bothering if these contents were or not learned by the students, which makes education extremely conservative. This phenomenon has it origins in the 1970s, during the curriculum discussions of the various areas of school knowledge. Since then, the concept of didactic transposition has been questioned progressively, in which the curricula were designed as adapted teaching to lower levels of scientific knowledge produced in universities – the place for higher education. The school knowledge, since the 1970s, is considered as autonomous. In other words, knowledge in dialogue with university science, but with typical characteristics of education in school systems. If the curriculum of primary and secondary educations is not the result of the didactic transposition, what content it should be made of? The current paper touches this issue, but subordinates it to most relevant questions about the purposes of learning in inseparable connection with teaching.
Italy and France in Trianon’s Hungary: two political and cultural penetration models During the first post-war, the Danubian Europe was the theatre of an Italian-French diplomatic challenge to gain hegemony in that part of the continent. Because of his geographical position, Hungary had a decisive strategic importance for the ambitions of French and Italian foreign politics. Since in the 1920s culture and propaganda became the fourth dimension of international relations, Rome and Paris developed their diplomatic action in Hungary to affirm not only political and economic influence, but also cultural supremacy. In the 1930, after Hitler’s rise to power, the unstoppable comeback of German political influence in central-eastern Europe determined the progressive decline of Italian and French political and economic positions in Hungary: only the cultural field allowed a survey of Italian-Hungarian and French-Hungarian relations in the contest of a Europe dominated by Nazi Germany during the Second World War. Nevertheless, the radical geopolitical changes in second post-war Europe did not compromise Italian and French cultural presence in the new communist Hungary. Although cultural diplomacy is originally motivated by contingent political targets, it doesn’t respect the short time of politics, but it’s the only foreign politics tool that guarantees preservations of bilateral relations in the long run.
La tesi è dedicata alla personalità artistica dell’Illustratore, tra i protagonisti della miniatura bolognese degli anni trenta e quaranta del Trecento, così felicemente soprannominato da Roberto Longhi. Dopo un capitolo dedicato alla vicenda critica dell’artista, la tesi affronta il percorso artistico dell’Illustratore nell’ambito della decorazione libraria bolognese del secondo quarto del XIV secolo. Ho trattato le opere attribuite al’Illustratore insieme agli esempi contemporanei della miniatura bolognese, in modo da far emergere il ruolo di questo maestro nelle relazioni con il contesto cittadino. Nella successione cronologica dei manoscritti, emerge un nuovo sconvolgimento caotico che scardina l’ordine spaziale e compositivo delle opere iniziali debitrici del giottismo del Maestro del 1328. Il capitolo si conclude con alcune osservazioni sui rapporti tra il maestro e i suoi aiuti e sul rapporto con Buffalmacco. In questo capitolo sono inoltre presentate due nuove attribuzioni. Gli ultimi due capitoli sono un approfondimento sull’interazione tra il linguaggio figurativo dell’artista e la funzione dell’immagine quale forma di comunicazione visiva in stretta relazione con i testi scritti che accompagnano e sui caratteri della committenza, là dove è possibile definirli. La prima parte del terzo capitolo è dedicata all’illustrazione dei libri legales, mentre nella seconda parte si tratta di un caso particolare, le iniziali istoriate dell’Inferno e del Purgatorio di Dante Alighieri della Biblioteca Riccardiana di Firenze (ms. 1005), per molti aspetti riconducibili all’illustrazione giuridica. La mia intenzione in questo capitolo è di verificare come il caratteristico linguaggio narrativo espressivo e diretto dell’Illustratore abbia risposto alla funzione delle immagini dipinte nei codici giuridici di offrire una struttura materiale alla memorizzazione visiva per via di luoghi e figure dei contenuti di studio del diritto comune. In appendice alla tesi si trova un catalogo dei manoscritti decorati da miniature dell’Illustratore, comprensivo anche di una sezione per le opere di dubbia o erronea attribuzione.
Il continuo sdoppiamento e la riverberazione sono le matrici di sviluppo di questa tesi, in cui le ricerche di Grotowski legate al Parateatro e al Teatro delle Fonti sono indagate e interpretate a partire da un pensiero polivalente che prende avvio nella sociologia della cultura e si radica in un terreno antropologico. La ricerca si configura come un’interpretazione possibile delle scelte operate da Grotowski e, complessivamente, dal Teatro Laboratorio, nel contesto delle trasformazioni socio-culturali successive agli anni Sessanta verificando come nel periodo dal '70 all'82 le scelte stesse rispecchino i valori culturali dell’epoca.La ricerca ricorre alla categoria della “festa” - intesa come realtà quotidiana elevata alla forma rituale, attraverso gli elementi culturali e identitari del gruppo di appartenenza - e, a partire da essa, sovrappone criticamente la logica dell’“identità in performance” con la nozione di “Incontro” elaborata da Grotowski. Questa logica è, successivamente, problematizzata attraverso il “diamante culturale”, un dispositivo di analisi della sociologia della culturache, a sua volta, è discusso eridimensionato a partire dalpresuppostodi “Decostruzione” e dall’idea di “Decondizionamento”legata al lavoro del Performer, inteso come individuo.Tre immagini e un’incognita rivelano i campi d’azioneed i principi che permeano l’intera ricerca raddoppiandosi e congiungendo l’immagine del Performer come individuo riflessivo. L’immagine riflessa si configura nel contrasto fra apparenza e presenza: nella domanda posta da Grotowski “che si può fare con la propria solitudine?” si evidenzia uno dei problemi a cui deve far fronte l’individuo in una determinata struttura culturale e, al contempo, viene suggerita una possibilità di amplificazione della percezione di “se stesso” da parte dell’Attore-Performer come Individuo.
Introduction: The Google Online Marketing Challenge is a global competition in which student teams run advertising campaigns for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) using AdWords, Google’s text-based advertisements. In 2008, its inaugural year, over 8,000 students and 300 instructors from 47 countries representing over 200 schools participated. The Challenge ran in undergraduate and graduate classes in disciplines such as marketing, tourism, advertising, communication and information systems. Combining advertising and education, the Challenge gives student hands-on experience in the increasingly important field of online marketing, engages them with local businesses and motivates them through the thrill of a global competition. Student teams receive US$200 in AdWords credits, Google’s premier advertising product that offers cost-per-click advertisements. The teams then recruit and work with a local business to devise an effective online marketing campaign. Students first outline a strategy, run a series of campaigns, and provide their business with recommendations to improve their online marketing. Teams submit two written reports for judging by 14 academics in eight countries. In addition, Google AdWords experts judge teams on their campaign statistics such as success metrics and account management. Rather than a marketing simulation against a computer or hypothetical marketing plans for hypothetical businesses, the Challenges has student teams develop and manage real online advertising campaigns for their clients and compete against peers globally.
Purpose This paper discusses the development of a strategy game for enterprise education. It is argued that requiring students to initially struggle with the game’s rules and strategies results in a worthwhile test of their persistence and ability to manage ambiguity. Further, that in the absence of uncertainty, students will not benefit from the game’s potential contribution to their overall learning. Approach The paper is constructed around the infusion of student narratives and the author’s self-reflective thoughts. The papers explores the process of developing a game that; - 1) provides the students with access to an enterprise reality, - 2) strengthens their engagement with the theoretical foundations of their studies, and; - 3) provides a process for serious self-reflection. Findings Despite the mixed views presented in this paper, the game’s development thus far has been very successful. Students do enjoy and benefit from enduring the frustration of a pure contest. Having to work through uncertainty is a good practice for students in Higher Education, especially those engaged in enterprise education. Practical Implications Whilst the use of games in experiential education is not uncommon, consideration of how and why they are developed is not always well understood. This paper suggests that enterprise educators have significant opportunities to develop games that genuinely provide student access to the entrepreneur’s way of life. Value of Paper This paper provides evidence of how a game can be constructed to add significant value to an existing curriculum. It also provides evidence of the inner thoughts of students frustrated by a challenge they refuse to give up on. As such, it provides a valuable window through which to contemplate the minds of tomorrow’s nascent entrepreneurs.
This paper responds to recent calls for more academic research and critical discussion on the relationship between spatial planning and city branding. Through the lens of Liverpool, the article analyses how key planning projects have delivered major transformations in the city's built environment and cultural landscape. More specifically, in concentrating on the performative nature of spatial planning it reveals the physical, symbolic and discursive re-imaging of Liverpool into a 'world class city'. Another aspect of the paper presents important socioeconomic datasets and offers a critical reading of the re-branding in showing how it presents an inaccurate representation of Liverpool. The evidence provided indicates that a more accurate label for Liverpool is a polarised and divided city, thereby questioning the fictive spectacle of city branding. Finally, the paper ends with some critical commentary on the role of spatial planning as an accessory to the sophistry of city branding.
Background: Up to 40% of North American post-secondary students smoke at least occasionally, and most want to quit. Given students' preferences for free, easy-to-access, self-directed, convenient cessation methods, a motivational, incentive-based cessation contest may be an effective way to assist students to quit. The current study describes 3- and 6-month outcomes experienced by post-secondary student smokers who entered the 'Let's Make A Deal!' contest. Methodology: Contestants from five university campuses who chose to quit completely ('Quit For Good') or reduce their tobacco consumption by 50% ('Keep The Count') were invited to participate in a study of the contest. Three and six months after registration, participants were contacted by phone to assess their smoking and quitting behaviours. Qualitative and quantitative measures were collected, including weekly tobacco consumption, efficacy to resist temptations to smoke, use of quitting aids, and strategies to cope with withdrawal. Quitting was assessed using 7-day point prevalence and continuous abstinence. Results: Seventy-four (64.9%) of the 114 participants recruited for the study completed the follow-ups. Over 31 % of participants who entered Quit For Good and 23.5% of participants who entered Keep The Count were identified as quitters at the 6-month follow-up. Among the quitters, 45.5% experienced sustained abstinence from smoking for the 6-month duration of the study. Keep The Count contestants reduced their tobacco consumption by 57.2% at 3-month follow-up and sustained some of this reduction through to the 6-month follow-up. Qualitative data provides insights into how quitters coped with withdrawal and what hampered continuing smokers' efforts to quit. Significance: A motivational, incentive-based contest for post-secondary students can facilitate both smoking cessation and harm reduction. The contest environment, incentives, resources, and "buddies" provide positive structural and social supports to help smokers overcome potential barriers to quitting, successfully stop smoking, and manage potential triggers to relapse. The contest cessation rates are higher than the typical 5-7% associated with unassisted quitting.
This study examined abstinence outcomes of a provincial, campus-based Quit and Win contest relative to contestants’ assessments of the prize, buddy support, social support network, and emails. Of the 288 participants providing baseline data, 201 self-reported their smoking and quitting behaviours, use of quit aides, and perceptions of contest components. On 5-point scales, perceived values of the contest prize, buddy support, social support network and email were 4.42, 3.95, 3.89, and 3.46 respectively. Intention to treat analysis showed 27.8% of participants achieved 6-week contest-period abstinence; 19.8% achieved 3-month sustained abstinence. Odds of achieving 3-month abstinence were influenced by age (OR = 1.10, CI =1.03, 1.18) and use of pharmacological quit aides (OR = 0.42, CI = 0.20, 0.88), but not smoking behaviours or contest components. Contest prizes and support were valued, but played an uncertain role in quitting success. Future research might examine their roles in contestant recruitment or retention.
A total of 1,033 head of steers competing in the Iowa State Fair Beef of Merit class from 1975 through 2000 were summarized. Those grading low Choice and higher averaged 55.4 percent, and the average yield grade was 2.44. Due to rule changes over time the quality grade and cutability shifted. In recent years with the emphasis placed on acceptable quality grade and carcass weight, the BOM cattle have improved dramatically in the percent grading Prime and upper Choice. However, with this change has been a reduction in the percent of cattle making yield grade 1 and 2. Growth rate increased through the late 1980s, but has remained static since that time.
Appendices: A. Letter of "Cornelius". B. Letters of "A Republican federalist". C. Bibliographical note. D. List of authorities cited (p. 180-184)