22 resultados para Vigorexia


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Modern society is characterized by the advance of technologies, the emergence and constant development of the technological field is responsible for a series of population adjustments, that being practically molded and daily transformed by media, which usually has the power of manipulating opinions and public approaches in every capacity and extensions of our lives, being a significantly and important tool, which most part of individuals in contemporary society can't work and live without, therefore most part of individuals depend on the use of many technological means, including social means, which have great relationship with the development and emergence of many psychological problems that completely impact on the social life of affected individuals, thus Physical Education is an area with the goal of verifying the level of influence that media reflects on the lifestyle choice to be followed and the relation of this influence with the presence and development of a series of psychological disorders that affect directly the health of those individuals. It has been gathered data about the subject according to scientific basis, more specifically, on Academic Google, Scielo and Pubmed, where it has been researched scientific articles that could contribute with the data and information to complete the text. The psychology of sports is an area of studies and knowledge that investigates and develops insight about these questions, making available scientifically tested and proven materials that supports the P.E. professional, that is connected in the practical field to visualize possible chained symptoms of these psychopathologies according to the development of these psychic disorders, that are usually common in current days, more precisely, disorders such as Anorexia, Vigorexia, self-dependence to physical exercise and selfcorporal dissapproval. It's vital to have total attention with the possibility of evolution of this psychopatology...


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Abstract Background The aim of this study was to identify dietary strategies for physically active individuals with muscle dysmorphia based on a systematic literature review. Method References were included if the study population consisted of adults over 18 years old who were physically active in fitness centers. We identified reports through an electronic search ofScielo, Lilacs and Medline using the following keywords: muscle dysmorphia, vigorexia, distorted body image, and exercise. We found eight articles in Scielo, 17 in Medline and 12 in Lilacs. Among the total number of 37 articles, only 17 were eligible for inclusion in this review. Results The results indicated that the feeding strategies used by physically active individuals with muscle dysmorphia did not include planning or the supervision of a nutritionist. Diet included high protein and low fat foods and the ingestion of dietary and ergogenic supplements to reduce weight. Conclusion Physically active subjects with muscle dysmorphia could benefit from the help of nutritional professionals to evaluate energy estimation, guide the diet and its distribution in macronutrient and consider the principle of nutrition to functional recovery of the digestive process, promote liver detoxification, balance and guide to organic adequate intake of supplemental nutrients and other substances.


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Estudio descriptivo transversal en el Colegio Fiscomisional Experimental Asunción de la ciudad de Cuenca, durante el año lectivo 2002-2003, con el objetivo de determinar trastornos de la conducta alimentaria en adolescentes de 12 a 19 años. Se escogió una muestra aleatoria de 346 adolescentes, a quiénes se les aplicó una encuesta basada en los criterios del DSM 4 para anorexia, Bulimia y Trastornos Inespecíficos de la Alimentación. Para la Ortorexia se basó en la escala de teve Bratman, para la Vigorexia se tomaron los criterios de Harrison Pope. Los resultados obtenidos en orden de frecuencia fueron los siguients: Ortorexia 39,6, vigorexia 2.0, obesidad 1.4. Al realizar el análisis por sexo se observó que las mujeres presentan una mayor frecuencia en los diferentes tipos de trastorno investigados, a excepción de la anorexia en donde el sexo masculino presentó la mayor prevalencia. En relación a las etapas de la adolescencia, la adolescencia inicial y temprana fueron las de mayor prevalencia, unida al ciclo básico de estudio. El conglomerado social medio es el que se encuentra más afectado por estos trastornos. Se recomienda prestar especial atención a la adolescencia inicial y media al ser etapas vulnerables para estos trastornos. Los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria en nuestros días son el resultado de la influencia social y cultural a través del modelo de delgadez que se imparte por los medios de comunicación masiva, sumada a la influencia de los pares y de la familia, es así que recomendamos trabajar sobre la autoestima de los/las adolescentes brindándoles además modelos humanos de acuerdo a sus propias capacidades


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El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar las investigaciones realizadas sobre la evaluación diagnóstica de la Dismorfia Muscular (DM). Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en las bases PsycINFO y Medline de 1997 a 2012, los descriptores fueron: "muscle dysmorphic disorder" "vigorexia" y "male". 17 estudios cumplieron los criterios de inclusión, de éstos, todos utilizaron los criterios diagnósticos propuestos por Pope et al. (1997). Aquellos con DM están preocupados por el tamaño corporal, levantan pesas de 3 a 7 días por semana, realizan dietas hiperproteicas y en ocasiones utilizan suplementos alimentarios y esteroides. En conclusión, los criterios de Pope et al. (1997) son la base para el diagnóstico de DM y el DSM-5 los retoma al reconocer e incluir a la DM como una patología.


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Este proyecto ha tratado la importancia de la imagen corporal y los trastornos derivados de esta obsesión, concretamente el fenómeno de la vigorexia. El análisis de los discursos sobre sustancias ilegales en los foros de musculación ha tratado de reflejar ese culto al cuerpo y la repercusión sobre la salud.