717 resultados para Vampire bats


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No mês de maio de 2005, no município de Augusto Correa, nordeste do Estado do Pará, foi diagnosticado um surto de raiva paralítica transmitida por morcegos hematófagos que resultou em 15 casos confirmados da doença. A população exposta recebeu vacinação anti-rábica em regime de pré e pós-exposição, sendo atendidas aproximadamente 3500 pessoas. O presente estudo verificou a persistência de anticorpos neutralizantes antivírus rábico, em amostra da população de Augusto Correa, vacinada com vacina de cultivo celular (Verorab®) por ocasião do surto. Foram coletadas e analisadas 505 amostras de moradores de quatro comunidades de Augusto Correa (Arai, Porto do Campo, Cachoeira e Nova Olinda) em junho de 2007. Os níveis de anticorpos neutralizantes foram dosados através da técnica de Favoretto e relacionados com dados demográficos, com história prévia de malária, novas agressões por animais e com o esquema vacinal recebido. Após dois anos da campanha vacinal, os resultados revelaram a persistência de anticorpos neutralizantes em níveis adequados em 90.5% da população vacinada, em esquemas de pré e pós-exposição, mesmo naqueles que receberam tratamento incompleto. Os níveis de anticorpos neutralizantes não foram reduzidos em função das variáveis analisadas.


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A raiva é uma das zoonoses mais antigas e temidas pelo homem devido a seu desfecho fatal. Os cães ainda são considerados os principais responsáveis pela manutenção e transmissão da raiva para o homem. Porém, nos últimos anos os morcegos hematófagos têm ganhado destaque como potenciais transmissores de raiva para animais e humanos nas Américas. Recentemente, várias epidemias de raiva humana transmitida por morcegos hematófagos foram relatados no estado do Pará, o que mostra uma grande alteração no ambiente natural destes animais. A amplificação parcial do gene N pela técnica de RT-PCR foi aplicada em 62 amostras positivas para o Vírus da raiva, pela imunofluorescência direta e prova biológica. As seqüências nucleotídicas obtidas foram comparadas entre si e com outras amostras de vírus rábico isoladas no Brasil, utilizando os métodos de análise filogenética máxima verossimilhança e Bayesiano. Estas análises permitiram traçar o perfil epidemiológico molecular das variantes virais circulantes no estado do Pará, observando a emergência da transmissão de casos associados à variante antigênica 3 (VAg3), comumente encontrada em morcegos hematófagos Desmodus rotundus em detrimento dos casos relacionados à variante antigênica 2 (VAg2) associada a cães domésticos, bem como a identificação de três linhagens genéticas relacionadas a VAg3 e uma relacionada a VAg2 e uma possível nova variante isolada de morcego frugívoro Uroderma bilobatum.


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The common vampire bat Desmodus rotundus has as main food source blood of medium and large sizes mammals, but sporadically is observed feeding on birds, causing occasionally excessive bleeding and economic losses. Due to this D. rotundus is one of the most studied species of bats in the Americas. Once known that the lunar clarity might influence the nocturnal activities of the common vampire bats, the present study was carried out to know the behavior and schedules of emergencies and returns of bats to the shelter, its social behavior at the shelter´s entrance, especially of the dominant male, and the size and composition of the colony in different moon phases. The colony was composed by 105 individuals (65 females and 40 males) harboring in a hollow-tree of Farm Edgardia in Botucatu Municipality, State of São Paulo. Through the eight filming sessions, two for each moon phase, it was possible to observe that the distribution of emergences and returns to the shelter thought the night followed a specific pattern for each moon phase. The greatest number of emerging bats occurred in periods in which the moon was not born yet and the largest number of returns just before moon has been reached its maximum level in the sky. Therefore, the time period that bats are staying outside the shelter seems to be directly influenced by lunar light. This factor can influence the social activity of the colony and, in particular, the dominant male, who remains still on tree’s trunk, near the entrance of the shelter with greater frequency during periods of low moon light


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Hematological values from captive vampire bats Desmodus rotundus (E. Geoffroy, 1810). Desmodus rotundus is one of the hematophagous bat species that are responsible for significant losses to livestock and has important involvement on public health. The great interest on this bat species made it becomes the target of many investigations a required its maintenance in laboratories. Similarly to others mammals, hematological evaluation has been utilized to assess the health and morbidity state of bats, however there are scarce studies with captive bats. The aim of this study was to investigate the hypothesis that is possible to feed the vampire bat D. rotundus with frozen blood treated with citrate during a long captivity period without hematological dyscrasias. Therefore, complete blood count was performed monthly from 15 adult females kept for 345 days in cages and fed with frozen blood added to citrate. The erythrocyte concentration (9.02 ± 1.43 x1012/L), PCV (0.47 ± 0.08 L/L) and hemoglobin (163.9 ± 31.5 g/L) obtained from free-living bats (immediately after capture) were lower or similar to those obtained after 345 days of captivity, presenting erythrocytes’ count of 11.01 ± 0.82 x1012/L, packed cell volume of 0.50 ± 0.05 L/L and hemoglobin level of 158 ± 10.1 g/L. The total white blood cell (11.09 ± 6.07 x109 /L) and segmented neutrophil counts (9.85 ± 3.5 x109 /L) of free living D. rotundus decreased significantly after 345 days of captivity, with values of 3.98 ± 1.98 and 1.87 ± 978.6 x109 /L respectively, which are similar to bats from temperate regions in hibernation period. This study proved that is possible to feed D. rotundus for long periods of captivity with citrated blood without the occurrence of anemia, erythrocyte or other hematologic dyscrasia


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In the semiarid of the state of Paraíba, the anti-rabies vaccination is not common, most of the local inhabitants who deal with the animals do not know the incidence of the disease in the region. In this study, samples of foxes (Pseudalopex vetulus), insectivorous bats (Molossus molossus), raccoons (Procyon cancrivorous) and domestic animals brains were submitted to the diagnosis of rabies, by using the direct fluorescent antibody technique (d-FAT) and mouse inoculation test (MIT). Of the 581 examined materials, 50 (8.60 %) were positive for d-FAT and 47 (8.09 %) for MIT. From the positive samples for rabies, RNAs were extracted and transformed to cDNA, at the Laboratory of Rabies/Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia/USP, SP. The phylogenetic characterization of the N gene was performed at the Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva e Saúde Animal, Universidade Nihon, Faculdade de Ciências Bioresource, Fujisawa, Kanagawa, Japão. Based on the results of genotyping and phylogenetic analyzes, it is concluded that the epidemiology of rabies is complex in the semiarid of Paraíba, with different viral variants being maintained in domestic dogs, foxes, insectivorous bats and vampire bats. All the isolates examined belong to the genotype I of the genus Lyssavirus and it is possible to state that in the region, foxes are important sylvatic reservoirs of the rabies virus.


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Bats (Chiroptera) are generally awkward crawlers, but the common vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus) and the New Zealand short-tailed bat (Mystacina tuberculata) have independently evolved the ability to manoeuvre well on the ground. In this study we describe the kinematics of locomotion in both species, and the kinetics of locomotion in M. tuberculata. We sought to determine whether these bats move terrestrially the way other quadrupeds do, or whether they possess altogether different patterns of movement on the ground than are observed in quadrupeds that do not fly. Using high-speed video analyses of bats moving on a treadmill, we observed that both species possess symmetrical lateral-sequence gaits similar to the kinematically defined walks of a broad range of tetrapods. At high speeds, D. rotundus use an asymmetrical bounding gait that appears to converge on the bounding gaits of small terrestrial mammals, but with the roles of the forelimbs and hindlimbs reversed. This gait was not performed by M. tuberculata. Many animals that possess a single kinematic gait shift with increasing speed from a kinetic walk (where kinetic and potential energy of the centre of mass oscillate out of phase from each other) to a kinetic run (where they oscillate in phase). To determine whether the single kinematic gait of M. tuberculata meets the kinetic definition of a walk, a run, or a gait that functions as a walk at low speed and a run at high speed, we used force plates and high-speed video recordings to characterize the energetics of the centre of mass in that species. Although oscillations in kinetic and potential energy were of similar magnitudes, M. tuberculata did not use pendulum-like exchanges of energy between them to the extent that many other quadrupedal animals do, and did not transition from a kinetic walk to kinetic run with increasing speed. The gait of M. tuberculata is kinematically a walk, but kinetically run-like at all speeds.


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Complete albinism is a rare phenomenon that occurs in all vertebrate groups. In bats, albinism has been recorded in several species but this information has not previously been reviewed in detail nor has there been an analysis of its importance. In this study, cases of albinism from the literature are checked and new cases are presented. Complete albinism in bats is documented in eight families, 38 species, and at least 64 individuals (47.4% female female and 52.6% males; n = 38). of these, 39 individuals were observed and/or captured in sheltered roosts, such as caves (51.3%), mines and galleries (20.5%), buildings (17.9%), and hollow-trees and bird boxes (7.7%). Only one albino bat (2.6%) was captured in an external roost (foliage). This individual is the fruit bat, Artibeus planirostris, which is recorded here for the first time. Information on four additional cases of albino individuals of the common vampire bat, Desmodus rotundus, is also presented. It is suggested that sheltered roosts favour survival of albino bars, offering protection against sunlight, water loss, and visually hunting predators.


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In Brazil, bats have been assigned an increasing importance in public health as they are important rabies reservoirs. Phylogenetic studies have shown that rabies virus (RABV) strains from frugivorous bats Artibeus spp. are closely associated to those from the vampire bat Desmodus rotundus, but little is known about the molecular diversity of RABV in Artibeus spp. The N and G genes of RABV isolated from Artibeus spp. and cattle infected by D. rotundus were sequenced, and phylogenetic trees were constructed. The N gene nucleotides tree showed three clusters: one for D. rotundus and two for Artibeus spp. Regarding putative N amino acid-trees, two clusters were formed, one for D. rotundus and another for Artibeus spp. RABV G gene phylogeny supported the distinction between D. rotundus and Artibeus spp. strains. These results show the intricate host relationship of RABV's evolutionary history, and are invaluable for the determination of RABV infection sources.


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The representation of vampires in horror movies and television programmes has changed considerably over the last two decades. No longer is the vampire portrayed simply as a monster or representation of death. Now, the vampire on our screen such as True Blood’s Bill Compton, or Twilight’s Edward Cullen, passes as human, chooses to make morally sound decisions, becomes an upstanding assimilated citizen, works in the community, and aspires to be a husband to mortal women. The success of recent series such as The Twilight Saga (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012), The Vampire Diaries (2009 - ) and True Blood (2008 - ) has popularised the idea of vampires who cling to remnants of their humanity (or memories of what it means to be human) and attempt to live as human, which builds upon similar – albeit embryonic – themes which emerged from the vampire sub-genre in the 1990s. Within these narratives, representations of the other have shifted from the traditional idea of the monster, to alternative and surprising loci. As this chapter argues, humans themselves, and the concept of the human body, now represent, in many instances, both abject and other. The chapter begins by considering the nature of the abject and otherness in relation to representations of classical vampires and how they have traditionally embodied the other. This provides a backdrop against which to examine the characteristics of the contemporary mainstreaming vampire ‘monster’. An examination of the broad thematic and representational shifts from other to mainstream vampire demonstrates how mainstream monsters are increasingly assimilating into mortal lifestyles with trappings that many viewers may find appealing. The same shifts in theme and representation also reveal that humans are frequently cast as mundane and unappealing in contemporary vampire narratives.


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Two ultrasound survey methods were used to determine the presence and activity patterns of New Zealand long-tailed bats (Chalinolobus tuberculatus) in the city of Hamilton. First, 13 monthly surveys conducted at 18 green spaces found C. tuberculatus in only one urban forest reserve, Hammond Bush, where they were found consistently throughout the year. Bat activity was strongly related to temperature. Second, twice-yearly citywide surveys conducted over 2 years determined the distribution and habitat associations of C. tuberculatus. Bats were found only in the southern part of the city and were strongly associated with the Waikato River. Bat activity was negatively correlated with housing and street light density and positively correlated with topographical complexity. In Hamilton, topographical complexity indicates the presence of gullies. Gullies probably provide foraging and roosting opportunities and connect the river to distant forest patches. These results suggest that urban habitats can be useful for bats if gullies can link these to distant habitat fragments.


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Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) are among the most successful mammals and likely display the widest range of mating systems within the Class. One mating system that is underrepresented in the Chiroptera is lek breeding, which is characterized by aggregations of sexually displaying males that are visited by receptive females who appraise male displays and actively choose mates, yet receive no direct benefits such as assistance in parenting. Leks are thought to form when males can defend neither resources nor females, making it more economical to establish small breeding territories and self-advertise through sexual displays. Lekking is rare in mammals, and it has been suggested that a lack in the mobility required by females to economically seek out aggregations of sexually displaying males may explain this rarity. Bats, like birds, do not suffer reduced mobility and yet out of over a thousand described species, only one has been confirmed to breed in leks. We examine the rarity of lekking in bats by providing an overview on the current state of knowledge of their mating systems and discuss the ecological and social determinants for the observed trends, contrasted with the prerequisites of lek-breeding behaviour. We use the breeding behaviour of New Zealand's lesser short-tailed bat Mystacina tuberculata, which is believed to be a lek breeder, as a case study for the examination of potential lekking behaviour in bats, and highlight the importance of such research for the development of effective conservation strategies.


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Summary 1. Acoustic methods are used increasingly to survey and monitor bat populations. However, the use of acoustic methods at continental scales can be hampered by the lack of standardized and objective methods to identify all species recorded. This makes comparable continent-wide monitoring difficult, impeding progress towards developing biodiversity indicators, transboundary conservation programmes and monitoring species distribution changes. 2. Here we developed a continental-scale classifier for acoustic identification of bats, which can be used throughout Europe to ensure objective, consistent and comparable species identifications. We selected 1350 full-spectrum reference calls from a set of 15 858 calls of 34 European species, from EchoBank, a global echolocation call library. We assessed 24 call parameters to evaluate how well they distinguish between species and used the 12 most useful to train a hierarchy of ensembles of artificial neural networks to distinguish the echolocation calls of these bat species. 3. Calls are first classified to one of five call-type groups, with a median accuracy of 97·6%. The median species-level classification accuracy is 83·7%, providing robust classification for most European species, and an estimate of classification error for each species. 4. These classifiers were packaged into an online tool, iBatsID, which is freely available, enabling anyone to classify European calls in an objective and consistent way, allowing standardized acoustic identification across the continent. 5. Synthesis and applications. iBatsID is the first freely available and easily accessible continental- scale bat call classifier, providing the basis for standardized, continental acoustic bat monitoring in Europe. This method can provide key information to managers and conservation planners on distribution changes and changes in bat species activity through time.


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To maximize energetic savings, female bats often roost communally whilst pregnant or with non-volant dependents, whereas male bats more often roost alone; however, differences in selection of roosts by sex have not often been investigated. Better understanding of female colony locations could focus management to protect the majority of bats. New Zealand's long-tailed bat (Chalinolobus tuberculatus) roost in exotic plantation forest, where sex-specific roost selection has not been investigated, and therefore such management is not possible. We investigated sex-specific roost selection by long-tailed bats for the first time. Roosts and paired nonroosts were characterized testing predictions that males and females select roosts that differ from non-roosts, and males and females select different roosts. Females and males chose Pinus radiata roosts that differed from non-roost trees. Results suggest each sex chose roosts that maximized energetic savings. Female bats used roosts closer to water sources, that warmed earlier in the day, which allowed maintenance of high temperatures. Males appeared to choose roosts that allowed torpor use for long periods of the day. Males may be less selective with their roost locations than females, as they roosted further from water sources. This could allow persistence of male bats in marginal habitat. As all female long-tailed bats chose roosts within 150 m of waterways, management to protect bats could be focused here. To protect bats least able to escape when roosts are harvested, harvest of forest stands selected by female bats as roost sites should be planned when bats are not heavily pregnant nor have non-volant dependents.