984 resultados para VALIGNANO, ALESSANDRO
The work Homer, Iliad, by Italian writer Alessandro Baricco (be borned in 1958, in Italy), published in 2004, arose of a project of retelling of Homer’s work, aimed at the theater and which excluded the direct participation of the gods. But until which point the act of not focusing on the gods excluded the relationship between the literary with the mythological? It’s possible return to the classics excluding the presence of pagan gods? Which tripolar relationship could trace among the mythological, the literary and the theatrical in this Italian work? These are the questions that guide the undertaken study, aiming to check the sense that the elements taken from Classical Mythology engender in the produced text and in the artistic context in which it is inserted.
Questo lavoro è imperniato sullo studio di uno dei melodrammi più interessanti della fine del XVII secolo: “Il carceriere di sé medesimo” di Lodovico Adimari (1644-1708) e Alessandro Melani (1639-1703), allestito per la prima volta a Firenze nel 1681, e ripreso nel giro di una ventina d’anni a Reggio (1684), a Bologna (1697) e a Vienna (1702). L’opera vanta un’origine drammatica di spicco: risale infatti alla commedia “Guardarse a sí mismo” di Pedro Calderón de la Barca (1600-1681) mediata dal “Geôlier de soi-mesme” di Thomas Corneille (1625-1709), e presenta qualità poetiche e musicali evidenti, assicurate dai nomi del poeta Lodovico Adimari e del compositore Alessandro Melani. A ciò si aggiungano una tradizione articolata in quattro allestimenti, nonché un elevato numero di testimoni superstiti: cinque edizioni del libretto (testimoniate da numerosi esemplari) e il numero fortunatissimo di tre partiture manoscritte, conservate a Parigi, Bologna e Modena. La tesi contiene l’edizione critica del “Carceriere di sé medesimo” di Adimari con tutte le varianti accumulatesi nella riedizione del libretto e nella copiatura della partitura, l’analisi del dramma, a partire dal confronto tra i testi di Calderón, Corneille e Adimari, e lo studio delle sue componenti drammatiche, formali e contenutistiche. Si aggiunge uno studio sul contesto storico-musicale degli allestimenti di Firenze, Reggio, Bologna e Vienna, nonché l’edizione dei restanti tre drammi di Adimari: la commedia “Le gare dell’amore e dell’amicizia” (1679), e il dramma per musica “L’amante di sua figlia” (1684).
Von der Rechtsphilosophie zur Kriminalsoziologie, Kontinuität und Wandel im Werk Alessandro Barattas
In Rom entstand im ausgehenden 16. Jahrhundert die Gattung des „Tempietto-Katafalks“, eines Trauergerüsts in Form eines überkuppelten Zentralbaus, der anlässlich der feierlichen Exequien eines hochrangigen Verstorbenen die symbolische Totenbahre als anspruchsvolle ephemere Kleinarchitektur überfängt. Anhand dreier herausragender Beispiele, der Katafalke für Kardinal Alessandro Farnese, Papst Sixtus V. und Principe Carlo Barberini, sollen die architektonische Gestalt der Funeraltempietti und ihre symbolische Aussage näher beleuchtet werden. Dabei soll weniger die Ikonographie der figürlichen Ausstattung im Mittelpunkt stehen als vielmehr die “Sprachfähigkeit” der gewählten architektonischen Formen, die bei den hier vorgestellten römischen Katafalken ein zentraler Teil der Gesamtkonzepts ist. Dabei sind sowohl der Festanlass – die Memoria des verstorbenen Würdenträgers – als auch die Architektur selbst zum Thema gemacht.
Scan von Monochrom-Mikroform
Scan von Monochrom-Mikroform
Alessandro Baricco is an Italian author, pianist, journalist and music critic, among a wide range of many other talents. His novels have won great critical acclaim in Italy and France and are popular around the world. While generally considered among the postmodern writers, some critics have accused him of being a forerunner in a 1990s movement dubbed letteratura giovanile, that is juvenile literature that is simplistic, targets a young audience and is created for the sole purpose of making money. This criticism is unwarranted. Baricco is a multitalented author who pays strict attention to the quality of his work and weaves plotlines replete with a diverse set of genres, literary devices and symbolism, often inspired by other great writers and thinkers. However, literary critics have yet to acknowledge one of Baricco's strongest and most important influences: Homer, the ancient Greek bard and author of the epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey. Taking Baricco's work in a Homeric context can aid in viewing it as valid and important work, worthy of scholarly discussion and interpretation, rather than, as some critics accuse, a one-dimensional story meant only for children. This paper will argue that Baricco's work is Homeric and, in fact, Baricco's implementation of many of Homer's devices, such as his understanding of his audience and use rhythmic language and stereotyped story patterns, has aided Baricco's great success and popularity.
Signatur des Originals: S 36/F08237
Signatur des Originals: S 36/F08238
Signatur des Originals: S 36/F08239
Signatur des Originals: S 36/F11462
Signatur des Originals: S 36/G02045