463 resultados para Unreinforced Masonry


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On Wednesday 11th May 2011 at 6:47 pm (local time) a magnitude 5.1 Mw earthquake occurred 6 km northeast of Lorca with a depth of around 2 km. As a consequence of the shallow depth and the small epicentral distance, important damage was produced in several masonry constructions and even led to the collapse of some of them. Pieces of the facades of several buildings fell down onto the sidewalk, being one of the reasons for the killing of a total of 9 people. The objective of this paper is to describe and analyze the failure patterns observed in unreinforced masonry buildings ranging from 3 to 8 floors in height. First, a brief description of the local building practices of masonry buildings is given. Then, the most important failure types of masonry buildings are described and discussed. After that, a more detailed analysis of one particular building is presented.


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Underground constructions in soft ground may lead to settlement damage to existing buildings. In The Netherlands the situation is particularly complex, because of the combination of soft soil, fragile pile foundations and brittle, unreinforced masonry façades. The tunnelling design process in urban areas requires a reliable risk damage assessment. In the engineering practice the current preliminary damage assessment is based on the limiting tensile strain method (LTSM). Essentially this is an uncoupled analysis, in which the building is modelled as an elastic beam subject to imposed Greenfield settlements and the induced tensile strains are compared with a limit value for the material. The soil-structure interaction is included only as a ratio between the soil and the building stiffness. In this paper, a coupled approach is evaluated. The soil-structure interaction in terms of normal and shear behaviour is represented by interface elements and a cracking model for masonry is included. This project aims to improve the existing damage classification system for masonry buildings subjected to tunnel-induced settlement, in order to evaluate the necessity of strengthening techniques or mitigation measures.


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Ein großer Teil der Schäden wie auch der Verluste an Gesundheit und Leben im Erdbebenfall hat mit dem frühzeitigen Versagen von Mauerwerksbauten zu tun. Unbewehrtes Mauerwerk, wie es in vielen Ländern üblich ist, weist naturgemäß einen begrenzten Erdbebenwiderstand auf, da Zugspannungen und Zugkräfte nicht wie bei Stahlbeton- oder Stahlbauten aufgenommen werden können. Aus diesem Grund wurde bereits mit verschiedenen Methoden versucht, die Tragfähigkeit von Mauerwerk im Erdbebenfall zu verbessern. Modernes Mauerwerk kann auch als bewehrtes oder eingefasstes Mauerwerk hergestellt werden. Bei bewehrtem Mauerwerk kann durch die Bewehrung der Widerstand bei Beanspruchung als Scheibe wie als Platte verbessert werden, während durch Einfassung mit Stahlbetonelementen in erster Linie die Scheibentragfähigkeit sowie die Verbindung zu angrenzenden Bauteilen verbessert wird. Eine andere interessante Möglichkeit ist das Aufbringen textiler Mauerwerksverstärkungen oder von hochfesten Lamellen. In dieser Arbeit wird ein ganz anderer Weg beschritten, indem weiche Fugen Spannungsspitzen reduzieren sowie eine höhere Verformbarkeit gewährleiten. Dies ist im Erdbebenfall sehr hilfreich, da die Widerstandfähigkeit eines Bauwerks oder Bauteils letztlich von der Energieaufnahmefähigkeit, also dem Produkt aus Tragfähigkeit und Verformbarkeit bestimmt wird. Wenn also gleichzeitig durch die weichen Fugen keine Schwächung oder sogar eine Tragfähigkeitserhöhung stattfindet, kann der Erdbebenwiderstand gesteigert werden. Im Kern der Dissertation steht die Entwicklung der Baukonstruktion einer Mauerwerkstruktur mit einer neuartigen Ausbildung der Mauerwerksfugen, nämlich Elastomerlager und Epoxydharzkleber anstatt üblichem Dünnbettmörtel. Das Elastomerlager wird zwischen die Steinschichten einer Mauerwerkswand eingefügt und damit verklebt. Die Auswirkung dieses Ansatzes auf das Verhalten der Mauerwerkstruktur wird unter dynamischer und quasi-statischer Last numerisch und experimentell untersucht und dargestellt.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the diaphragm flexibility on the behavior of out-of-plane walls in masonry buildings. Simplified models have been developed to perform kinematic and dynamic analyses in order to compare the response of walls with different restraint conditions. Kinematic non linear analyses of assemblages of rigid blocks have been performed to obtain the acceleration-displacement curves for walls with different restraint conditions at the top. A simplified 2DOF model has been developed to analyse the dynamic response of the wall with an elastic spring at the top, following the Housner rigid behaviour hypothesis. The dissipation of energy is concentrated at every impact at the base of the wall and is modelled through the introduction of the coefficient of restitution. The sets of equations of the possible configurations of the wall, depending on the different positions of the centre of rotation at the base and at the intermediate hinge have been obtained. An algorithm for the numerical integration of the sets of the equations of motion in the time domain has been developed. Dynamic analyses of a set of walls with Gaussian impulses and recorded accelerograms inputs have been performed in order to compare the response of the simply supported wall with the one of the wall with elastic spring at the top. The influence of diaphragm stiffness Kd has been investigated determining the variation of maximum displacement demand with the value of Kd. A more regular trend has been obtained for the Gaussian input than for the recorded accelerograms.


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This thesis reports a study on the seismic response of two-dimensional squat elements and their effect on the behavior of building structures. Part A is devoted to the study of unreinforced masonry infills, while part B is focused on reinforced concrete sandwich walls. Part A begins with a comprehensive review of modelling techniques and code provisions for infilled frame structures. Then state-of-the practice techniques are applied for a real case to test the ability of actual modeling techniques to reproduce observed behaviors. The first developments towards a seismic-resistant masonry infill system are presented. Preliminary design recommendations for the seismic design of the seismic-resistant masonry infill are finally provided. Part B is focused on the seismic behavior of a specific reinforced concrete sandwich panel system. First, the results of in-plane psuudostatic cyclic tests are described. Refinements to the conventional modified compression field theory are introduced in order to better simulate the monotonic envelope of the cyclic response. The refinements deal with the constitutive model for the shotcrete in tension and the embedded bars. Then the hysteretic response of the panels is studied according to a continuum damage model. Damage state limits are identified. Design recommendations for the seismic design of the studied reinforced concrete sandwich walls are finally provided.


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El refuerzo de estructuras existentes mediante el encolado exterior de láminas de polímeros reforzados con fibras (FRP) se ha convertido en la aplicación más común de los materiales compuestos avanzados en construcción. Estos materiales presentan muchas ventajas frente a los materiales convencionales (sin corrosión, ligeros, de fácil aplicación, etc.). Pero a pesar de las numerosas investigaciones realizadas, aún persisten ciertas dudas sobre algunos aspectos de su comportamiento y las aplicaciones prácticas se llevan a cabo sólo con la ayuda de guías, sin que haya una normativa oficial. El objetivo de este trabajo es incrementar el conocimiento sobre esta técnica de refuerzo, y más concretamente, sobre el refuerzo a flexión de estructuras de fábrica. Con frecuencia el elemento reforzado es de hormigón armado y las láminas de FRP encoladas al exterior sirven para mejorar su resistencia a flexión, cortante o compresión (encamisados). Sin embargo su empleo en otros materiales como las estructuras de fábrica resulta muy prometedor. Las fábricas se caracterizan por soportar muy bien los esfuerzos de compresión pero bastante mal los de tracción. Adherir láminas de materiales compuestos puede servir para mejorar la capacidad resistente de elementos de fábrica sometidos a esfuerzos de flexión. Pero para ello, debe quedar garantizada una correcta adherencia entre el FRP y la fábrica, especialmente en edificios antiguos cuya superficie puede estar deteriorada por encontrarse a la intemperie o por el propio paso del tiempo. En el capítulo II se describen los objetivos fundamentales del trabajo y el método seguido. En el capítulo III se hace una amplia revisión del estado de conocimiento sobre el tema. En el apartado III.1 se detallan las principales características y propiedades mecánicas de fibras, matrices y materiales compuestos así como sus principales aplicaciones, haciendo especial hincapié en aspectos relativos a su durabilidad. En el apartado III.2 se incluye una revisión histórica de las líneas de investigación, tanto teóricas como empíricas, publicadas sobre estructuras de hormigón reforzadas a flexión encolando materiales compuestos. El apartado III.3 se centra en el aspecto fundamental de la adherencia refuerzo-soporte. Se hace un repaso a distintos modelos propuestos para prevenir el despegue distinguiendo si éste se inicia en la zona de anclaje o si está inducido por fisuras en la zona interior del elemento. Se observa falta de consenso en las propuestas. Además en este punto se relatan las campañas experimentales publicadas acerca de la adherencia entre materiales compuestos y fábricas. En el apartado III.4 se analizan las particularidades de las estructuras de fábrica. Además, se revisan algunas de las investigaciones relativas a la mejora de su comportamiento a flexión mediante láminas de FRP. El comportamiento mecánico de muros reforzados solicitados a flexión pura (sin compresión) ha sido documentado por varios autores, si bien es una situación poco frecuente en fábricas reales. Ni el comportamiento mecánico de muros reforzados solicitados a flexocompresión ni la incidencia que el nivel de compresión soportado por la fábrica tiene sobre la capacidad resistente del elemento reforzado han sido suficientemente tratados. En cuanto a los trabajos teóricos, las diferentes propuestas se basan en los métodos utilizados para hormigón armado y comparten los principios habituales de cálculo. Sin embargo, presentan diferencias relativas, sobre todo, a tres aspectos: 1) la forma de modelar el comportamiento de la fábrica, 2) el valor de deformación de cálculo del refuerzo, y 3) el modo de fallo que se considera recomendable buscar con el diseño. A pesar de ello, el ajuste con la parte experimental de cada trabajo suele ser bueno debido a una enorme disparidad en las variables consideradas. Cada campaña presenta un modo de fallo característico y la formulación que se propone resulta apropiada para él. Parece necesario desarrollar un método de cálculo para fábricas flexocomprimidas reforzadas con FRP que pueda ser utilizado para todos los posibles fallos, tanto atribuibles a la lámina como a la fábrica. En el apartado III.4 se repasan algunas lesiones habituales en fábricas solicitadas a flexión y se recogen ejemplos de refuerzos con FRP para reparar o prevenir estos daños. Para mejorar el conocimiento sobre el tema, se llevan a cabo dos pequeñas campañas experimentales realizadas en el Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja. La primera acerca de la adherencia de materiales compuestos encolados a fábricas deterioradas (apartado IV.1) y la segunda sobre el comportamiento estructural a flexocompresión de probetas de fábrica reforzadas con estos materiales (apartado IV.2). En el capítulo V se analizan algunos de los modelos de adherencia propuestos para prevenir el despegue del extremo del refuerzo. Se confirma que las predicciones obtenidas con ellos resultan muy dispares. Se recopila una base de datos con los resultados experimentales de campañas sobre adherencia de FRP a fábricas extraídas de la literatura y de los resultados propios de la campaña descrita en el punto IV.1. Esta base de datos permite conocer cual de los métodos analizados resulta más adecuado para dimensionar el anclaje de láminas de FRP adheridas a fábricas. En el capítulo VI se propone un método para la comprobación en agotamiento de secciones de fábrica reforzadas con materiales compuestos sometidas a esfuerzos combinados de flexión y compresión. Está basado en el procedimiento de cálculo de la capacidad resistente de secciones de hormigón armado pero adaptado a las fábricas reforzadas. Para ello, se utiliza un diagrama de cálculo tensión deformación de la fábrica de tipo bilineal (acorde con el CTE DB SE-F) cuya simplicidad facilita el desarrollo de toda la formulación al tiempo que resulta adecuado para predecir la capacidad resistente a flexión tanto para fallos debidos al refuerzo como a la fábrica. Además se limita la deformación de cálculo del refuerzo teniendo en consideración ciertos aspectos que provocan que la lámina adherida no pueda desarrollar toda su resistencia, como el desprendimiento inducido por fisuras en el interior del elemento o el deterioro medioambiental. En concreto, se propone un “coeficiente reductor por adherencia” que se determina a partir de una base de datos con 68 resultados experimentales procedentes de publicaciones de varios autores y de los ensayos propios de la campaña descrita en el punto IV.2. También se revisa la formulación propuesta con ayuda de la base de datos. En el capítulo VII se estudia la incidencia de las principales variables, como el axil, la deformación de cálculo del refuerzo o su rigidez, en la capacidad final del elemento. Las conclusiones del trabajo realizado y las posibles líneas futuras de investigación se exponen en el capítulo VIII. ABSTRACT Strengthening of existing structures with externally bonded fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) has become the most common application of advanced composite materials in construction. These materials exhibit many advantages in comparison with traditional ones (corrosion resistance, light weight, easy to apply, etc.). But despite countless researches have been done, there are still doubts about some aspects of their behaviour and applications are carried out only with the help of guidelines, without official regulations. The aim of this work is to improve the knowledge on this retrofitting technique, particularly in regard to flexural strengthening of masonry structures. Reinforced concrete is often the strengthened material and external glued FRP plates are used to improve its flexural, shear or compressive (by wrapping) capacity. However the use of this technique on other materials like masonry structures looks promising. Unreinforced masonry is characterized for being a good material to support compressive stresses but really bad to withstand tensile ones. Glue composite plates can improve the flexural capacity of masonry elements subject to bending. But a proper bond between FRP sheet and masonry must be ensured to do that, especially in old buildings whose surface can be damaged due to being outside or ageing. The main objectives of the work and the methodology carried out are described In Chapter II. An extensive overview of the state of art is done in Chapter III. In Section III.1 physical and mechanical properties of fibers, matrix and composites and their main applications are related. Durability aspects are especially emphasized. Section III.2 includes an historical overview of theoretical and empirical researches on concrete structures strengthened gluing FRP plates to improve their flexural behaviour. Section III.3 focuses on the critical point of bonding between FRP and substrate. Some theoretical models to prevent debonding of FRP laminate are reviewed, it has made a distinction between models for detachment at the end of the plate or debonding in the intermediate zones due to the effects of cracks. It is observed a lack of agreement in the proposals. Some experimental studies on bonding between masonry and FRP are also related in this chapter. The particular characteristics of masonry structures are analyzed in Section III.4. Besides some empirical and theoretical investigations relative to improve their flexural capacity with FRP sheets are reviewed. The mechanical behaviour of strengthened walls subject to pure bending (without compression) has been established by several authors, but this is an unusual situation for real masonry. Neither mechanical behaviour of walls subject to bending and compression nor influence of axial load in the final capacity of the strengthened element are adequately studied. In regard to theoretical studies, the different proposals are based on reinforced concrete analytical methods and share common design principles. However, they present differences, especially, about three aspects: 1) the constitutive law of masonry, 2) the value of ultimate FRP strain and 3) the desirable failure mode that must be looked for. In spite of them, a good agreement between each experimental program and its theoretical study is often exhibited due to enormous disparity in considered test parameters. Each experimental program usually presents a characteristic failure mode and the proposed formulation results appropriate for this one. It seems necessary to develop a method for FRP strengthened walls subject to bending and compression enable for all failure modes (due to FRP or masonry). Some common damages in masonry subject to bending are explained in Section III.4. Examples of FRP strengthening to repair or prevent these damages are also written. Two small experimental programs are carried out in Eduardo Torroja Institute to improve the knowledge on this topic. The first one is concerned about the bond between FRP plates and damaged masonry (section IV.1) and the second one is related to the mechanical behaviour of the strengthened masonry specimens subject to out of plane bending combined with axial force (section IV.2). In the Chapter V some bond models to prevent the debonding at the FRP plate end are checked. It is confirmed that their predictions are so different. A pure-shear test database is compiled with results from the existing literature and others from the experimental program described in section IV.1. This database lets know which of the considered model is more suitable to design anchorage lengths of glued FRP to masonry. In the Chapter VI a method to check unreinforced masonry sections with external FRP strengthening subject to bending and compression to the ultimate limit state is proposed. This method is based on concrete reinforced one, but it is adapted to strengthened masonry. A bilinear constitutive law is used for masonry (according to CTE DB SE-F). Its simplicity helps to develop the model formulation and it has proven to be suitable to predict bending capacity either for FRP failures or masonry crushing. With regard to FRP, the design strain is limited. It is taken into account different aspects which cause the plate can’t reach its ultimate strength, like intermediate FRP debonding induced by opening cracking or environmental damage. A “bond factor” is proposed. It is obtained by means of an experimental bending test database that includes 68 results from the existing literature and from the experimental program described in section IV.2. The proposed formulation has also been checked with the help of bending database. The effects of the main parameters, like axial load, FRP design effective strain or FRP stiffness, on the bending capacity of the strengthened element are studied in Chapter VII. Finally, the main conclusions from the work carried out are summarized in Chapter VIII. Future lines of research to be explored are suggested as well.


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Résumé : Cette juxtaposition de matériaux solides -blocs, pierres ou briques,...- liés ou non entre eux que nous appelons maçonnerie ne se comporte pas très bien vis-à-vis des forces latérales, surtout si elle n’a pas été réalisée suivant les normes parasismiques ou de façon adéquate. Cette vulnérabilité (glissement, cisaillement, déchirure en flexion, ou tout autre) vient souvent du fait même de ce processus d’empilement, des problèmes d’interaction avec le reste de la structure et aussi à cause des caractéristiques mécaniques peu fiables de certains éléments utilisés. Malgré cette défaillance structurale, la maçonnerie est encore utilisée aujourd’hui grâce à son côté traditionnel, sa facilité de mise en œuvre et son coût d’utilisation peu élevé. Depuis quelques années, la maçonnerie s’est enrichie de documents qui ont été publiés par divers chercheurs dans le but d’une meilleure compréhension des caractéristiques mécaniques des éléments et aussi, et surtout, des mécanismes de rupture des murs de maçonnerie pour une meilleure réponse face aux sollicitations sismiques. Beaucoup de programmes expérimentaux ont alors été effectués et tant d’autres sont encore nécessaires. Et c’est dans ce contexte que cette recherche a été conduite. Elle présentera, entre autres, le comportement sous charges latérales d’un mur en maçonnerie armée entièrement rempli de coulis. Ce projet de recherche fait partie d’un programme plus large visant à une meilleure connaissance du comportement sismique de la maçonnerie pour une amélioration des techniques de construction et de réparation des ouvrages en maçonnerie.


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This paper describes an investigation into the effectiveness of using spray-on nano-particle reinforced polymer and aluminium foam as new types of retrofit material to prevent the breaching and collapse of unreinforced concrete masonry walls subjected to blast over a whole range of dynamic and impulsive regimes. Material models from the LSDYNA material library were used to model the behaviors of each of the materials and its interface for retrofitted and unretrofitted masonry walls. Available test data were used to validate the numerical models. Using the validated LS-DYNA numerical models, the pressure-impulse diagrams for retrofitted concrete masonry walls were constructed. The efficiency of using these retrofits to strengthen the unreinforced concrete masonry unit (CMU) walls under various pressures and impulses was investigated using pressure-impulse diagrams. Comparisons were made to find the most efficient retrofits for masonry walls against blasts.


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This paper contributes to the understanding of lime-mortar masonry strength and deformation (which determine durability and allowable stresses/stiffness in design codes) by measuring the mechanical properties of brick bound with lime and lime-cement mortars. Based on the regression analysis of experimental results, models to estimate lime-mortar masonry compressive strength are proposed (less accurate for hydrated lime (CL90s) masonry due to the disparity between mortar and brick strengths). Also, three relationships between masonry elastic modulus and its compressive strength are proposed for cement-lime; hydraulic lime (NHL3.5 and 5); and hydrated/feebly hydraulic lime masonries respectively.

Disagreement between the experimental results and former mathematical prediction models (proposed primarily for cement masonry) is caused by a lack of provision for the significant deformation of lime masonry and the relative changes in strength and stiffness between mortar and brick over time (at 6 months and 1 year, the NHL 3.5 and 5 mortars are often stronger than the brick). Eurocode 6 provided the best predictions for the compressive strength of lime and cement-lime masonry based on the strength of their components. All models vastly overestimated the strength of CL90s masonry at 28 days however, Eurocode 6 became an accurate predictor after 6 months, when the mortar had acquired most of its final strength and stiffness.

The experimental results agreed with former stress-strain curves. It was evidenced that mortar strongly impacts masonry deformation, and that the masonry stress/strain relationship becomes increasingly non-linear as mortar strength lowers. It was also noted that, the influence of masonry stiffness on its compressive strength becomes smaller as the mortar hydraulicity increases.


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Partially grouted wider reinforced masonry wall, built predominantly using face shell bedded hollow concrete blocks, is an economical structural system and is popularly used in the cyclonic areas; its out-of-plane response to lateral loading is well understood, unfortunately its inplane shear behaviour is less well understood as to the effect of partial gouting in intervening the load paths within the wall. For rational analysis of the wall clarification is sought as to whether the wall acts as a composite of unreinforced panels and reinforced cores or as a continuum of masonry embedded with reinforced at wider spacing. This paper reports the results of four full scale walls tested under inplane cyclic shear loading to provide some insight into the effect of the grout cores in altering the load paths within the wall. The global lateral load - lateral deflection hysteric curves as well as local responses of some critical zones of the shear walls are presented.


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Eurocode 8 representing a new generation of structural design codes in Europe defines ‎requirements for the design of buildings against earthquake action. In Central and ‎Western Europe, the newly defined earthquake zones and corresponding design ground ‎acceleration values, will lead in many cases to earthquake actions which are remarkably ‎higher than those defined so far by the design codes used until now in Central Europe. ‎ In many cases, the weak points of masonry structures during an earthquake are the corner ‎regions of the walls. Loading of masonry walls by earthquake action leads in most cases ‎to high shear forces. The corresponding bending moment in such a wall typically causes a ‎significant increase of the eccentricity of the normal force in the critical wall cross ‎section. This in turn leads ultimately to a reduction of the size of the compression zone in ‎unreinforced walls and a high concentration of normal stresses and shear stresses in the ‎corner regions. ‎ Corner-Gap-Elements, consisting of a bearing beam located underneath the wall and ‎made of a sufficiently strong material (such as reinforced concrete), reduce the effect of ‎the eccentricity of the normal force and thus restricts the pinching effect of the ‎compression zone. In fact, the deformation can be concentrated in the joint below the ‎bearing beam. According to the principles of the Capacity Design philosophy, the ‎masonry itself is protected from high stresses as a potential cause of brittle failure. ‎ Shaking table tests at the NTU Athens Earthquake Engineering Laboratory have proven ‎the effectiveness of the Corner-Gap-Element. The following presentation will cover the ‎evaluation of various experimental results as well as a numerical modeling of the ‎observed phenomena.‎


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This study wants to analyze the effectiveness of different reinforcement typologies for masonry columns, in particular Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) and FRCM. The behavior of 10 solid – brick columns that are externally wrapped by FRP sheets and 2 unreinforced columns are presented in this study. The specimens are subjected to axial load until failure occurs. Three different confinement schemes were experimentally analyzed in order to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of the proposed strengthening techniques: 1) Grid carbon FRP (CFRP_G); 2) Grid glass FRP (GFRP_G); 3) Uniaxial carbon FRP (CFRP_U). Two different configurations of the reinforcing system were investigated: FRP sheets are applied as external reinforcement along the perimeter of the masonry columns in the form of continuous and discontinuous wrap, respectively. The results, compared with those for un-reinforced columns, indicate an increases in ultimate load, stiffness and ductility.