61 resultados para USAF


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Debido a que el 12% de la población tendrá un cálculo en uréter hacia la mitad de su vida y a que las tasas de recurrencia en los que ya lo presentan son del 50% es necesario estudiar esta patología para aproximarse a un manejo adecuado en el servicio de urgencias. La literatura identifica un conjunto de factores que pueden contribuir a un cambio en el manejo médico. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los factores demográficos y clínicos asociados a manejo hospitalario en los pacientes con diagnóstico de cálculo ureteral menor de 10 mm. Métodos: Se diseñó un estudio de casos y controles no emparejados. Un caso fue definido como un paciente de 18 o más años con diagnóstico de urolitiasis con cálculo menor a 10 mm realizado por urotac que consultó (por primera vez para ese episodio) al servicio de urgencias de la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá entre el 1 de marzo de 2007 y 30 de abril de 2012. Se indagaron factores como edad, sexo, tamaño y localización del cálculo, respuesta a los analgésicos, evidencia de obstrucción e infección urinaria, además de otros antecedentes medicamentosos y clínicos. Se utilizó regresión logística no condicional bivariada y multivariada para evaluar la asociación entre tipo de manejo (hospitalario o ambulatorio) y las variables recolectadas, calculando odds ratio (OR) e intervalos de confianza al 95% (IC95%). Resultados: El riesgo de hospitalización se incrementó con: 1. La localización del cálculo en tercio superior o medio (OR=1.49; IC95%: 0.751-2.966) al comparar con el inferior, 2. El aumento del tamaño del cálculo (OR=1.49; IC95%: 0.751-2.966, por cada milímetro de incremento), y 3: Por la evidencia de obstrucción o infección urinaria y elevación de azoados. Por el contrario, hubo menos riesgo de hospitalización en aquellos pacientes con una respuesta analgésica apropiada en urgencias.


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El tema de las drogas suscita un debate entre quienes defienden la prohibición y la represión, y aquellos que defienden alternativas como la legalización y/o regulación y otras más moderadas como la descriminalización y la despenalización. Aunque ambas posturas muestran datos empíricos que las soportan, desde el ámbito discursivo la visión represiva se ha posicionado como la más aceptada en el continente americano, más específicamente, en Latinoamérica. El presente trabajo, hace un estudio de caso del proceso de securitización del narcotráfico entre los presidentes de Estados Unidos y Colombia durante el período 1986-1990. A lo largo del texto, se analizan discursos oficiales de los presidentes de ambos Estados, resaltando las estrategias retóricas y sus transformaciones que legitimaron acciones represivas de tipo político-militar contra las drogas. Al final se apunta a reivindicar el discurso como un instrumento para reproducir creencias sobre fenómenos, en este caso, la creencia de que las drogas son una amenaza existencial a la seguridad política y militar para los Estados.


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El propósito de esta investigación es determinar la incidencia de las campañas militares Operación Recompensa Justa y Operación Plomo Fundido en la redefinición de la Doctrina de Seguridad Nacional de Israel. El análisis se enfoca en una comparación entre la estrategia de 1973 -que hasta el momento había sido el pilar de Israel para conducirse en guerras regulares- y el documento de 2010, replanteado luego de que la Fuerzas de Defensa Israelís se enfrentaron a Hezbollah, en el sur del Líbano y a Hamas en la Franja de Gaza, para 2006 y 2009, respectivamente. La investigación es una monografía, pues utiliza la teoría del Realismo Defensivo en su dimensión explicativa, con el fin de dar cuenta de la cambiante percepción de seguridad frente a la existencia de amenazas no convencionales. Finalmente, a partir de la teoría de Relaciones Internacionales, es posible concluir que los Estados enfocan todas sus capacidades, entendidas en términos de poder material, hacia la consecución de sus objetivos estratégicos.


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La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal, explicar la influencia de la línea de intervención de Seguridad Humana del plan 75-cien, en la seguridad ciudadana de la UPZ Las Cruces, con el fin de demostrar que la política pública no influye de manera significativa en la seguridad ciudadana de la UPZ Las Cruces, ante la participación casi nula de la Policía Nacional en el proyecto. A pesar de que la intervención focaliza el territorio y prioriza las necesidades sociales, el vacío que existe en el trabajo conjunto entre la Policía y la Secretaria Distrital de Gobierno, implica que no se establezcan acciones policivas que acompañen las estrategias de desarrollo humano para evitar o disuadir el delito. Por lo tanto a partir de la utilización del método cualitativo, se recolectaran datos de grupos focales, informes de las fuentes primarias y un diagnóstico de la línea de intervención, que permitan un análisis descriptivo y explicativo del fenómeno.


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A cohort of 418 United States Air Force (USAF) personnel from over 15 different bases deployed to Morocco in 1994. This was the first study of its kind and was designed with two primary goals: to determine if the USAF was medically prepared to deploy with its changing mission in the new world order, and to evaluate factors that might improve or degrade USAF medical readiness. The mean length of deployment was 21 days. The cohort was 95% male, 86% enlisted, 65% married, and 78% white.^ This study shows major deficiencies indicating the USAF medical readiness posture has not fully responded to meet its new mission requirements. Lack of required logistical items (e.g., mosquito nets, rainboots, DEET insecticide cream, etc.) revealed a low state of preparedness. The most notable deficiency was that 82.5% (95% CI = 78.4, 85.9) did not have permethrin pretreated mosquito nets and 81.0% (95% CI = 76.8, 84.6) lacked mosquito net poles. Additionally, 18% were deficient on vaccinations and 36% had not received a tuberculin skin test. Excluding injections, the overall compliance for preventive medicine requirements had a mean frequency of only 50.6% (95% CI = 45.36, 55.90).^ Several factors had a positive impact on compliance with logistical requirements. The most prominent was "receiving a medical intelligence briefing" from the USAF Public Health. After adjustment for mobility and age, individuals who underwent a briefing were 17.2 (95% CI = 4.37, 67.99) times more likely to have received an immunoglobulin shot and 4.2 (95% CI = 1.84, 9.45) times more likely to start their antimalarial prophylaxsis at the proper time. "Personnel on mobility" had the second strongest positive effect on medical readiness. When mobility and briefing were included in models, "personnel on mobility" were 2.6 (95% CI = 1.19, 5.53) times as likely to have DEET insecticide and 2.2 (95% CI = 1.16, 4.16) times as likely to have had a TB skin test.^ Five recommendations to improve the medical readiness of the USAF were outlined: upgrade base level logistical support, improve medical intelligence messages, include medical requirements on travel orders, place more personnel on mobility or only deploy personnel on mobility, and conduct research dedicated to capitalize on the powerful effect from predeployment briefings.^ Since this is the first study of its kind, more studies should be performed in different geographic theaters to assess medical readiness and establish acceptable compliance levels for the USAF. ^


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The United States Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine (USAFSAM) and Aeromedical Consult Service (ACS) have developed waiver criteria for pilots with subtle substandard depth perception. This is to allow United States Air Force (USAF) pilots with mild depth perception deficiency to continue flying duties while limiting the risk to flight safety and ensuring the availability of costly human resources. From 1999 to 2005, 166 aviators were given waivers for intermittent monofixation syndrome (IMFS). Of these, 96 were student pilots who performed slightly worse at stereoptic dependent flight maneuvers than student pilots (8,907) with normal depth perception (Lowry, 2006).^ This study's purpose is to evaluate the performance of the extended-trail maneuver, a non-stereoptic dependent flying maneuver, as executed by a cohort of 12 United States Air Force student pilots with intermittent monofixation syndrome versus the cohort of 100 student pilots with normal depth perception. These subjects are extracted from the cohorts examined by Lowry (2006) and the null hypothesis predicts no statistical difference in the performance of the non-stereoptic dependant flight maneuver extended-trail between student pilots with intermittent monofixation syndrome and those without the condition. ^


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Alcohol consumption has a long-standing tradition in the United States Air Force (USAF). From squadron bars to officers and enlisted clubs, alcohol has been used in social settings to increase morale and also as a way to help decrease the stress of military operations. Surveys have demonstrated that the USAF has more than double the percentage of heavy drinkers than the US population. More than one-third of the Air Force reports binge drinking in the last month while only six percent of the nation reports the same consumption pattern.^ However, alcohol has a significant harmful health effect if consumed in excess. As part of an overall prevention and treatment program aimed at curbing the harmful effects of alcohol consumption, the USAF uses the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) to screen for high-risk alcohol consumption patterns before alcohol disorder and disability occur. All Air Force active-duty members are required to complete a yearly Preventive Health Assessment questionnaire. Various health topics are included in this questionnaire including nutrition, exercise, tobacco use, family history, mental health and alcohol use. While this questionnaire has been available in a web-based format for several years, mandatory use was not implemented until 2009.^ Although the AUDIT was selected due to its effectiveness in assessing high-risk alcohol consumption in other populations, its effectiveness in the Air Force population had not been studied previously. In order to assess the sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value of this screening tool, the Air Force Web-based Preventive Health Assessment alcohol screening results were compared to whether any alcohol-related diagnosis was made from January 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010.^ While the AUDIT has previously been shown to have a high sensitivity and specificity, the Air Force screening values were 27.9% and 93.0% respectively. Positive predictive value was only 4.9%. With the screening statistics found, less than one-third of those having an alcohol disorder will be found with this screening tool and only 1 out of 20 Airmen who require further evaluation actually have an alcohol-related diagnosis.^


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The U.S. Air Force assesses Active Duty Air Force (ADAF) health annually using the Air Force Web-based Preventative Health Assessment (AF WebPHA). The assessment is based on a self-administered survey used to determine the overall Air Force health and readiness, as well as, the individual health of each airman. Individual survey responses as well as groups of responses generate further computer generated assessment and result in a classification of 'Critical', 'Priority', or 'Routine', depending on the need and urgency for further evaluation by a health care provider. The importance of the 'Priority' and 'Critical' classifications is to provide timely intervention to prevent or limit unfavorable outcomes that may threaten an airman. Though the USAF has been transitioning from a paper form to the online WebPHA survey for the last three years it was not made mandatory for all airmen until 2009. The survey covers many health aspects including family history, tobacco use, exercise, alcohol use, and mental health. ^ Military stressors such as deployment, change of station, and the trauma of war can aggravate and intensify the common baseline worries experienced by the general population and place airmen at additional risks for mental health concerns and illness. This study assesses the effectiveness of the AF WebPHA mental health screening questions in predicting a mental health disorder diagnosis according to International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) codes generated by physicians or their surrogates. In order to assess the sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value of the AF WebPHA as a screening tool for mental health, survey results were compared to ascertain if they generated any mental health disorder related diagnosis for the period from January 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010. ^ Statistical analysis of the AF WebPHA mental health responses when compared with matching ICD-9-CM codes found that the sensitivity for 'Critical' or 'Priority' responses was only 3.4% and that it would correctly predict those who had the selected mental health diagnosis 9% of the time.^


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A nested case-control study design was used to investigate the relationship between radiation exposure and brain cancer risk in the United States Air Force (USAF). The cohort consisted of approximately 880,000 men with at least 1 year of service between 1970 and 1989. Two hundred and thirty cases were identified from hospital discharge records with a diagnosis of primary malignant brain tumor (International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision, code 191). Four controls were exactly matched with each case on year of age and race using incidence density sampling. Potential career summary extremely low frequency (ELF) and microwave-radiofrequency (MWRF) radiation exposures were based upon the duration in each occupation and an intensity score assigned by an expert panel. Ionizing radiation (IR) exposures were obtained from personal dosimetry records.^ Relative to the unexposed, the overall age-race adjusted odds ratio (OR) for ELF exposure was 1.39, 95 percent confidence interval (CI) 1.03-1.88. A dose-response was not evident. The same was true for MWRF, although the OR = 1.59, with 95 percent CI 1.18-2.16. Excess risk was not found for IR exposure (OR = 0.66, 45 percent CI 0.26-1.72).^ Increasing socioeconomic status (SES), as identified by military pay grade, was associated with elevated brain tumor risk (officer vs. enlisted personnel age-race adjusted OR = 2.11, 95 percent CI 1.98-3.01, and senior officers vs. all others age-race adjusted OR = 3.30, 95 percent CI 2.0-5.46). SES proved to be an important confounder of the brain tumor risk associated with ELF and MWRF exposure. For ELF, the age-race-SES adjusted OR = 1.28, 95 percent CI 0.94-1.74, and for MWRF, the age-race-SES adjusted OR = 1.39, 95 percent CI 1.01-1.90.^ These results indicate that employment in Air Force occupations with potential electromagnetic field exposures is weakly, though not significantly, associated with increased risk for brain tumors. SES appeared to be the most consistent brain tumor risk factor in the USAF cohort. Other investigators have suggested that an association between brain tumor risk and SES may arise from differential access to medical care. However, in the USAF cohort health care is universally available. This study suggests that some factor other than access to medical care must underlie the association between SES and brain tumor risk. ^


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United States Air Force (USAF) energy policy is a measured but aggressive response to federal energy policy guidance. Previous USAF efforts, like those of the federal government, focused primarily on energy intensity reduction, cost, and BTU savings, and in certain cases have resulted in facility greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions. The USAF now faces the challenge of integrating GHG reduction goals and inventory requirements set forth in Executive Order 13514. Using USAF reported energy consumption data, facility GHG emission estimates have been synthesized to identify trends and elucidate existing energy best practices to be applied as part of overarching USAF GHG mitigation efforts and to highlight areas of possible concern for the integration of EO 13514 into operational USAF policy.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Includes index.


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Includes index.


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1964 ed. published under title: Releasable data on USAF aerospace vehicles.


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"Contract No. USAF 30(602)4144"