956 resultados para URBAN SUSTAINABILITY
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A ligação entre as zonas urbanas e as questões ambientais ficam mais próximas na medida em que cresce a conscientização global de conservar, melhorar e valorizar os serviços ambientais prestados pela natureza para a sustentabilidade da vida, dentro e fora da cidade. Cobertura vegetal (ou cobertura verde) está dentre as principais fontes de tais serviços. Uma vez que o processo de urbanização se mostra irreversível e os problemas ambientais urbanos se alastram em tamanho e extensão, a presença do verde está diretamente relacionada aos indicadores de qualidade de vida urbana. Como reflexo do processo de urbanização, a cidade de Belém perdeu uma grande porcentagem de seus ecossistemas naturais, de modo que este trabalho se concentrou em analisar alguns serviços ecossistêmicos—qualidade do ar, poluição do ar e regulação do clima - fornecidos pela qualidade e pela quantidade de cobertura vegetal local, considerando as alterações na distribuição espaço-temporal, em três distritos administrativos. Um marco teórico foi construído e analisado; a cobertura vegetal foi calculada, utilizando-se NDVI e Cobertura Vegetal Fracional em imagens do LANDSAT 5, ao longo de um período de 23 anos. A partir de uma proposta de escala mais detalhada de NDVI, análises quantitativas e qualitativas da cobertura verde evidenciaram perda significativa de cobertura muito densa, densa, moderada e aumento de áreas de pouca ou nenhuma vegetação. Ademais, lesão das áreas verdes sinalizou tendências de aumento da poluição do ar, da poluição sonora e da temperatura. A carência de dados relacionados ao meio ambiente não deixa dúvida sobre a urgência de investimento nos serviços ambientais provenientes da cobertura vegetal, para a sustentabilidade urbana em Belém, cujos cenários previstos são de drásticas perdas de área verde. Mais pesquisas e iniciativas de instituições públicas e privadas são necessárias para a contribuição aos serviços ambientais em Belém e, consequentemente, ao bem-estar público.
Considering that the vast majority of housing stock existing in 2011 will be used to satisfy residential needs in the year 2020 and beyond, ecological urban regeneration appears clearly as the key issue in relation to global urban sustainability for the most part of this century. Thus, if the 1992 Rio Summit identified the urban environment as the main arena where the global environmental crisis should be fought, 20 years later we must emphasize that it is mainly to the real cities and territories around us now where we should address our attention
The Architecture and Household Trade Union built nearly 2,000 subsidized dwellings in Albacete from 1941 to 1971. It was the responsible entity from the end of the Civil War until the beginning of Democracy of the social policy programs in Spain. Later on, and together with the National Housing Institute, were responsible for the construction activity. Its limited budget, scarcity of technical and human resources and an urgent need for new housing developments, constituted the basis for producing a vast housing market of low construction qualities. However, thanks to the true architectonic expertise of some of the professionals, some of the developments were designed with a clear urban strategy and in direct relation with the city, which characterizes them to be studied and conserved. This is the case for the selected development for the analysis, the urban complex of the 500 dwellings in Albacete, the Hermanos Falcó Neighborhood. Designed and built between 1963, Alfonso Crespo and Adolfo Gil architects, and 1977 second reformed project by the architect Fernando Rodríguez. It is characterized by its layout on the territory, its controlled relation with the city and its different types of open blocks. Above all, its spatial and human scale strengths, directly related to the European post-war proposals, have to be emphasized; although its technical deficiencies affect the interior quality of the houses. This paper examines its virtues and failures and proposes, using current tools, its renovation. This proposal main aims are to extend its lifetime and develop the particular and urban sustainability levels.
The literature on the governance of social-ecological systems increasingly recognizes a key role of bridging organisations (BOs) in transition processes towards sustainability. BOs can be defined as facilitators who allow for interorganisational collaboration. Our paper provides a more nuanced understanding of specific BO activities and their contributions towards urban sustainability. Our analysis is based on applying three complementary methodological angles (drawing on geolocalised data, interviews and action research) to 20 years of urban renovation investments in the city-region of Brussels. We distinguish between multi-scale, multi-actor and multi-dimensional tensions in urban renovation programmes and link these tensions to bridging challenges for BOs. Results suggest that the corresponding three types of bridging roles form a trilemma rather than a trilogy: the BOs in study have mediated one tension by de facto exacerbating another. Lessons from action research suggest that a wider use of temporality and shared language to communicate about urban renovation projects could attenuate the bridging trilemma.
O aterro portuário transformou a relação da cidade de Lisboa com o Rio Tejo. Para compreender o processo de restabelecimento da relação da cidade ao rio, procuramos conhecer a alteração morfológica do terreno. Na frente ribeirinha de Lisboa surge cada vez mais a necessidade de criar espaços abertos de utilização pública e que façam a ligação entre diferentes proprietários da cidade. A barreira física constituída pela linha ferroviária e pela avenida com grande tráfego viário é um grande desafio a qualquer proposta para a zona. Nesta comunicação apresentamos uma proposta que faz a ligação entre terrenos livres espectantes do porto de Lisboa e a própria cidade. O edifício “ponte” projectado é híbrido porque permite uma utilização tanto de jardim como de edifício, dando continuidade à organicidade morfológica que caracteriza o lugar. A extensão do jardim até ao rio, sobre um edifício que liga o museu ao terminal de cruzeiros, permite centrar o debate numa solução. Este processo contraria a lógica do PDM e alerta para a incapacidade dos mecanismos actuais de planeamento resolverem o problema da cidade junto ao porto industrial.
The adoption of faster modes of transportation (mainly the private car) has changed profoundly the spatial organisation of cities. The increase in distance covered due to increased speed of travel and to urban sprawl leads to an increase in energy consumption, being the transportation sector a huge consumer responsible for 61.5% of total world oil consumption and a global final energy consumption of 31.6% in EU-27 (2007). Due to unsustainable transportation conditions, many cities suffer from congestion and various other traffic problems. Such situations get worse with solutions mostly seen in the development of new infrastructure for motorized modes of transportation, and construction of car parking structures. The bicycle, considered the most efficient among all modes of transportation including walking, is a travel mode that can be adopted in most cities contributing for urban sustainability given the associated environmental, economic and social advantages. In many nations a large number of policy initiatives have focused on discouraging the use of private cars, encouraging the use of sustainable modes of transportation, like public transportation and other forms such as bicycling. Given the importance of developing initiatives that favour the use of bicycle as an urban transportation mode, an analysis of city suitability, including distances and slopes of street network, is crucial in order to help decision-makers to plan the city for bicycle. In this research Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology was used for this purpose and some results are presented concerning the city of Coimbra.
A globalização representa um marco nas transformações das cidades e da vida dos seus urbanitas, caraterizada pelo grande avanço tecnológico, transportes e comunicação. A dinâmica da população, a irracionalidade do consumo dos recursos, a degradação do ambiente global revela cada vez mais o alcance de níveis ambientais críticos com repercussões irreversíveis nos ecossistemas globais. Analogamente a este processo desenfreado e sem precedentes, surgem as primeiras preocupações face à iminência de um cenário assolador: o alcance dos limites ambientais. É neste contexto que novas reflexões sobre a cidade e o ambiente urbano vão surgindo, um pouco por todo o mundo, traçando estratégias inovadoras que respondam a este desafio ambiental, assegurando as necessidades das populações sem comprometer o futuro das vindouras. Neste sentido, o desenvolvimento do presente trabalho procura demonstrar como a cidade dual, “geradora” de insustentabilidade poderá contribuir para a sustentabilidade ambiental.
The management of urban environment, together with the preservation of the natural environment and the creation of a sustainable built environment, is a complex challenge for contemporary societies. In the name of progress, cities are contributing for the degradation of all surrounding ecosystems. Therefore there is an arising demand for developing new strategies and a new urban development paradigm settled in the search for the equilibrium between natural and built environments and efficient use of resources. The objective of this paper is to analyse how the urban expansion of the city of Estarreja took place in relation to the land use, based on the land capability classification maps of the area. Based in the results some sustainable development strategies that might be applied to the city are discussed. The obtained results demonstrate that the city has been growing faster then its population, consuming vast portions of land, since its growth as been occurring in a linear form. Despite this fact, results show that most of this expansion took place towards a territory of lower agricultural potential, when comparing to the location of its original settlement.
Aquest estudi presenta la situació actual dels horts urbans (i periurbans) a la ciutat de Barcelona, els quals s'han classificat segons el tipus d'organització desenvolupada a cada projecte. Així, podem trobar horts de gestió: a) individual i autogestionada; b) comunitària i autogestionada; c) individual i supervisada, i d) comunitària i supervisada. Els horts urbans es presenten, en general, com una eina interessant en la millora de la sostenibilitat urbana. A més de tenir una clara funció d'entreteniment, són propostes que consideren la internalització a les ciutats de la producció de part dels aliments que s'hi consumeixen i alhora aprofiten part dels residus que s'hi produeixen. En particular, els horts urbans comunitaris i autogestionats – el centre d'aquest estudi – es plantegen com espais de participació i autogestió d'acord a la complexitat del context local, d'integració social a través de noves formes de relació i de creació, d'educació ambiental i de transmissió i intercanvi de coneixements inter-generacional. A més, es presenten com una alternativa d'organització realment participativa del territori urbà. Finalment, i d'acord amb l'anterior, es destaquen un conjunt de característiques dels projectes d'horts urbans comunitaris, que juguen un rol fonamental en la capacitat d'aquests per intervenir en aspectes socials i ambientals de la ciutat; característiques que s'haurien de tenir en compte a l'hora de promocionar i implementar projectes d'horts urbans de qualsevol tipus.
Les analyses spatiales et statistiques ont été réalisées avec les logiciels ArcView et SPSS
En este artículo se presenta una reflexión sobre la forma en que se ha incorporado la noción de sostenibilidad ambiental en el ordenamiento físico urbano en Colombia, una aproximación parcial que ha privilegiado algunos componentes físicos de la estructura ecológica, sin considerar suficientemente las implicaciones de aspectos tales como el suelo urbano, las actuaciones de los servicios públicos, las racionalidades de consumo y el metabolismo de la ciudad, los cuales tienen una mayor incidencia sobre la sostenibilidad urbana. El seguimiento a esta tendencia de incorporar herramientas de planeación ambiental estratégica sirve, en primera instancia, para llevar a cabo una reflexión crítica sobre el ordenamiento físico en nuestro medio, la planeación para el desarrollo urbano sostenible, los modelos de ciudad y la participación ciudadana El artículo se divide en tres partes. En la primera se presentan consideraciones sobre sostenibilidad urbana como el marco de la evaluación estratégica ambiental. En la segunda parte se presenta la Evaluación Estratégica Ambiental (EAE) en la formulación de políticas, programas, planes y proyectos. Finalmente, se hacen algunas consideraciones sobre la necesidad de incorporar la EAE en las agendas de formulación y concertación ambiental de temas estratégicos, políticas y planeamiento urbano en Colombia.---The potential for integrated strategic environmental assessment: food for thought on urban sustainability in ColombiaThis article presents a reflection on how the notion of environmental sustainability in the physical urban system was incorporated in Colombia, a partial approach that has privileged some physical components of the ecological structure, without sufficiently considering the implications of such aspects as urban land, the actions of public services, consumer rationalities and metabolism of the city, which have a greater impact on urban sustainability. Monitoring this trend of incorporating strategic environmental planning tools, served in the first instance to undertake a critical reflection on the physical arrangement in our environment, planning for sustainable urban development, and models of city and citizen participation. The article is divided into three parts. The first presents considerations on urban sustainability as the framework of strategic environmental assessment. In the second part presents the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in the formulation of policies, programs, plans and projects. Finally, some considerations are made about the need to incorporate the SEA into the agendas of environmental design and coordination of strategic issues, policies and urban planning in Colombia. Key words: Strategic Environmental Assessment (EEA), Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), public policies, environmental assessment, urban sustainability, urban management.---As possibilidades da avaliação estratégica ambiental integrada: Elementos para a reflexão sobre a sustentabilidade urbana na ColômbiaNeste artigo se apresenta uma reflexão sobre a forma em que se tem incorporado a noção de sustentabilidade ambiental no ordenamento físico urbano na Colômbia, uma aproximação parcial que tem privilegiado alguns componentes físicos da estrutura ecológica sem considerar suficientemente as implicações de aspectos tais como o solo urbano, as atuações dos serviços públicos, as racionalidades de consumo e o metabolismo da cidade, os quais têm uma maior incidência sobre a sustentabilidade urbana. O seguimento a esta tendência de incorporar ferramentas de planejamento ambiental estratégica serve, em primeira instância, para levar a cabo uma reflexão crítica sobre o ordenamento físico em nosso meio, o planejamento para o desenvolvimento urbano sustentável, os modelos de cidade e a participação cidadã. O artigo se divide em três partes. Na primeira se apresentam considerações sobre sustentabilidade urbana como o marco da avaliação estratégica ambiental. Na segunda parte se apresenta a Avaliação Estratégica Ambiental (Evaluación Estratégica Ambiental - EAE) na formulação de políticas, programas, planos e projetos. Finalmente, se fazem algumas considerações sobre a necessidade de incorporar a EAE nas agendas de formulação e concerto ambiental de temas estratégicos, políticas y planejamento urbano na Colômbia.Palavras chave: Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica (EAE), Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental (EIA), política pública urbana, sustentabilidade urbana, gestão urbana, gestão ambiental.
O Homem tem privilegiado a vida no meio urbano, em detrimento do rural, por mais oportunidade de emprego e melhores condições de vida. As cidades cresceram de forma acelerada, sobretudo depois da Revolução Industrial do século XVIII, crescimento sem controlo, repercutindo-se num desajustado planeamento urbano, ambiental, humano, social e económico. De uma forma, as paisagens verdes e naturais, foram substituídas por densas manchas cinzentas de construção, criando afastamento crescente do Homem com a Natureza. Os Jardins Verticais poderão ter um papel fundamental revestindo de forma verde e natural as fachadas dos edifícios, numa tentativa de colmatar o afastamento entre ambos. Para além destes aspectos, os Jardins Verticais proporcionam inúmeras vantagens para o edifício, de que se destacam a eficiência energética e acústica, a protecção da estrutura do edificado ou a melhoria da qualidade do ar interior. Estes também importantes para a envolvente, como na redução do efeito ilha de calor, no aumento da biodiversidade, na melhoria da qualidade do ar exterior, mas sobretudo porque proporcionam ao Homem uma sensação de saúde e conforto, exclusivo da Natureza. Tendo em conta o estado de degradação do edificado nas grandes cidades, e tomando como exemplo particular a cidade do Porto, o recurso aos Jardins Verticais poderá ser uma solução viável para a reabilitação urbana, mudando a imagem de degradação, propondo uma imagem mais “verde” e contribuindo para o nível de sustentabilidade. Partindo deste pressuposto, propõe-se como aplicação do conhecimento adquirido no estudo desenvolvido e aqui apresentado, o recurso a Jardins Verticais como estratégia de reabilitação de edifícios da cidade do Porto. Inspirado na técnica e mestria de Patrick Blanc, resultou um “pormenor-tipo”, como base para a aplicação de Jardins Verticais no edificado social da cidade, experimentado em 10 estudos práticos, tirando-se partido das vantagens supra-mencionadas.
La epidemiología empírico-analítica asume como un pilar interpretativo la noción de "lugar" para las descripciones que construye. La epidemiología crítica supera esa noción restrictiva y propone una construcción innovadora del espacio de la salud urbana retomando los aportes de la teoría crítica del espacio y la geografía, y articulando estos avances con los de la propia epidemiología desde una perspectiva de la determinación social de la salud. Desde esta óptica se repiensa la relación urbano-rural a la luz de los procesos históricos de aceleración, drástica pérdida de sustentabilidad y profunda inequidad urbanas, así como del papel de la nueva ruralidad capitalista monopólica, en avivar el cierre del espacio de la vida en nuestras ciudades. Se busca superar el mito de la dualidad urbano rural, se cuestiona el paradigma dominante de la modernidad que impuso la comprensión de dos mundos prácticamente contrapuestos: la ciudad como rectora, cosmopolita, avanzada y pujante, y lo rural como un mundo atrasado, local, más simple, y secundario, pues en años más recientes, la distinción clásica entre lo urbano y lo rural se hace cada vez más difícil, lamentablemente con una perversa dialéctica de deterioro e influjos malsanos de uno a otro espacio.
The United Nation Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) makes it clear that climate change is due to human activities and it recognises buildings as a distinct sector among the seven analysed in its 2007 Fourth Assessment Report. Global concerns have escalated regarding carbon emissions and sustainability in the built environment. The built environment is a human-made setting to accommodate human activities, including building and transport, which covers an interdisciplinary field addressing design, construction, operation and management. Specifically, Sustainable Buildings are expected to achieve high performance throughout the life-cycle of siting, design, construction, operation, maintenance and demolition, in the following areas: • energy and resource efficiency; • cost effectiveness; • minimisation of emissions that negatively impact global warming, indoor air quality and acid rain; • minimisation of waste discharges; and • maximisation of fulfilling the requirements of occupants’ health and wellbeing. Professionals in the built environment sector, for example, urban planners, architects, building scientists, engineers, facilities managers, performance assessors and policy makers, will play a significant role in delivering a sustainable built environment. Delivering a sustainable built environment needs an integrated approach and so it is essential for built environment professionals to have interdisciplinary knowledge in building design and management . Building and urban designers need to have a good understanding of the planning, design and management of the buildings in terms of low carbon and energy efficiency. There are a limited number of traditional engineers who know how to design environmental systems (services engineer) in great detail. Yet there is a very large market for technologists with multi-disciplinary skills who are able to identify the need for, envision and manage the deployment of a wide range of sustainable technologies, both passive (architectural) and active (engineering system),, and select the appropriate approach. Employers seek applicants with skills in analysis, decision-making/assessment, computer simulation and project implementation. An integrated approach is expected in practice, which encourages built environment professionals to think ‘out of the box’ and learn to analyse real problems using the most relevant approach, irrespective of discipline. The Design and Management of Sustainable Built Environment book aims to produce readers able to apply fundamental scientific research to solve real-world problems in the general area of sustainability in the built environment. The book contains twenty chapters covering climate change and sustainability, urban design and assessment (planning, travel systems, urban environment), urban management (drainage and waste), buildings (indoor environment, architectural design and renewable energy), simulation techniques (energy and airflow), management (end-user behaviour, facilities and information), assessment (materials and tools), procurement, and cases studies ( BRE Science Park). Chapters one and two present general global issues of climate change and sustainability in the built environment. Chapter one illustrates that applying the concepts of sustainability to the urban environment (buildings, infrastructure, transport) raises some key issues for tackling climate change, resource depletion and energy supply. Buildings, and the way we operate them, play a vital role in tackling global greenhouse gas emissions. Holistic thinking and an integrated approach in delivering a sustainable built environment is highlighted. Chapter two demonstrates the important role that buildings (their services and appliances) and building energy policies play in this area. Substantial investment is required to implement such policies, much of which will earn a good return. Chapters three and four discuss urban planning and transport. Chapter three stresses the importance of using modelling techniques at the early stage for strategic master-planning of a new development and a retrofit programme. A general framework for sustainable urban-scale master planning is introduced. This chapter also addressed the needs for the development of a more holistic and pragmatic view of how the built environment performs, , in order to produce tools to help design for a higher level of sustainability and, in particular, how people plan, design and use it. Chapter four discusses microcirculation, which is an emerging and challenging area which relates to changing travel behaviour in the quest for urban sustainability. The chapter outlines the main drivers for travel behaviour and choices, the workings of the transport system and its interaction with urban land use. It also covers the new approach to managing urban traffic to maximise economic, social and environmental benefits. Chapters five and six present topics related to urban microclimates including thermal and acoustic issues. Chapter five discusses urban microclimates and urban heat island, as well as the interrelationship of urban design (urban forms and textures) with energy consumption and urban thermal comfort. It introduces models that can be used to analyse microclimates for a careful and considered approach for planning sustainable cities. Chapter six discusses urban acoustics, focusing on urban noise evaluation and mitigation. Various prediction and simulation methods for sound propagation in micro-scale urban areas, as well as techniques for large scale urban noise-mapping, are presented. Chapters seven and eight discuss urban drainage and waste management. The growing demand for housing and commercial developments in the 21st century, as well as the environmental pressure caused by climate change, has increased the focus on sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS). Chapter seven discusses the SUDS concept which is an integrated approach to surface water management. It takes into consideration quality, quantity and amenity aspects to provide a more pleasant habitat for people as well as increasing the biodiversity value of the local environment. Chapter eight discusses the main issues in urban waste management. It points out that population increases, land use pressures, technical and socio-economic influences have become inextricably interwoven and how ensuring a safe means of dealing with humanity’s waste becomes more challenging. Sustainable building design needs to consider healthy indoor environments, minimising energy for heating, cooling and lighting, and maximising the utilisation of renewable energy. Chapter nine considers how people respond to the physical environment and how that is used in the design of indoor environments. It considers environmental components such as thermal, acoustic, visual, air quality and vibration and their interaction and integration. Chapter ten introduces the concept of passive building design and its relevant strategies, including passive solar heating, shading, natural ventilation, daylighting and thermal mass, in order to minimise heating and cooling load as well as energy consumption for artificial lighting. Chapter eleven discusses the growing importance of integrating Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs) into buildings, the range of technologies currently available and what to consider during technology selection processes in order to minimise carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels. The chapter draws to a close by highlighting the issues concerning system design and the need for careful integration and management of RETs once installed; and for home owners and operators to understand the characteristics of the technology in their building. Computer simulation tools play a significant role in sustainable building design because, as the modern built environment design (building and systems) becomes more complex, it requires tools to assist in the design process. Chapter twelve gives an overview of the primary benefits and users of simulation programs, the role of simulation in the construction process and examines the validity and interpretation of simulation results. Chapter thirteen particularly focuses on the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation method used for optimisation and performance assessment of technologies and solutions for sustainable building design and its application through a series of cases studies. People and building performance are intimately linked. A better understanding of occupants’ interaction with the indoor environment is essential to building energy and facilities management. Chapter fourteen focuses on the issue of occupant behaviour; principally, its impact, and the influence of building performance on them. Chapter fifteen explores the discipline of facilities management and the contribution that this emerging profession makes to securing sustainable building performance. The chapter highlights a much greater diversity of opportunities in sustainable building design that extends well into the operational life. Chapter sixteen reviews the concepts of modelling information flows and the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM), describing these techniques and how these aspects of information management can help drive sustainability. An explanation is offered concerning why information management is the key to ‘life-cycle’ thinking in sustainable building and construction. Measurement of building performance and sustainability is a key issue in delivering a sustainable built environment. Chapter seventeen identifies the means by which construction materials can be evaluated with respect to their sustainability. It identifies the key issues that impact the sustainability of construction materials and the methodologies commonly used to assess them. Chapter eighteen focuses on the topics of green building assessment, green building materials, sustainable construction and operation. Commonly-used assessment tools such as BRE Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM), Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design ( LEED) and others are introduced. Chapter nineteen discusses sustainable procurement which is one of the areas to have naturally emerged from the overall sustainable development agenda. It aims to ensure that current use of resources does not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Chapter twenty is a best-practice exemplar - the BRE Innovation Park which features a number of demonstration buildings that have been built to the UK Government’s Code for Sustainable Homes. It showcases the very latest innovative methods of construction, and cutting edge technology for sustainable buildings. In summary, Design and Management of Sustainable Built Environment book is the result of co-operation and dedication of individual chapter authors. We hope readers benefit from gaining a broad interdisciplinary knowledge of design and management in the built environment in the context of sustainability. We believe that the knowledge and insights of our academics and professional colleagues from different institutions and disciplines illuminate a way of delivering sustainable built environment through holistic integrated design and management approaches. Last, but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the chapter authors for their contribution. I would like to thank David Lim for his assistance in the editorial work and proofreading.