987 resultados para Tropical rainforest


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Tropical rainforests account for more than a third of global net primary production and contain more than half of the global forest carbon. Though these forests are a disproportionately important component of the global carbon cycle, the relationship between rainforest productivity and climate remains poorly understood. Understanding the link between current climate and rainforest tree stem diameter increment, a major constituent of forest productivity, will be crucial to efforts at modeling future climate and rainforest response to climate change. This work reports the physiological and stem growth responses to micrometeorological and phenological states of ten species of canopy trees in a Costa Rican wet tropical forest at sub-annual time intervals. I measured tree growth using band dendrometers and estimated leaf and reproductive phenological states monthly. Electronic data loggers recorded xylem sap flow (an indicator of photosynthetic rate) and weather at half-hour intervals. An analysis of xylem sap flow showed that physiological responses were independent of species, which allowed me to construct a general model of weather driven sap flow rates. This model predicted more than eighty percent of climate driven sap flow variation. Leaf phenology influenced growth in three of the ten species, with two of these species showing a link between leaf phenology and weather. A combination of rainfall, air temperature, and irradiance likely provided the cues that triggered leaf drop in Dipteryx panamensis and Lecythis ampla. Combining the results of the sap flow model, growth, and the climate measures showed tree growth was correlated to climate, though the majority of growth variation remained unexplained. Low variance in the environmental variables and growth rates likely contributed to the large amount of unexplained variation. A simple model that included previous growth increment and three meteorological variables explained from four to nearly fifty percent of the growth variation. Significant growth carryover existed in six of the ten species, and rainfall was positively correlated to growth in eight of the ten species. Minimum nighttime temperature was also correlated to higher growth rates in five of the species and irradiance in two species. These results indicate that tropical rainforest tree trunks could act as carbon sinks if future climate becomes wetter and slightly warmer. ^


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The tropics are predicted to become warmer and drier, and understanding the sensitivity of tree species to drought is important for characterizing the risk to forests of climate change. This study makes use of a long-term drought experiment in the Amazon rainforest to evaluate the role of leaf-level water relations, leaf anatomy and their plasticity in response to drought in six tree genera. The variables (osmotic potential at full turgor, turgor loss point, capacitance, elastic modulus, relative water content and saturated water content) were compared between seasons and between plots (control and through-fall exclusion) enabling a comparison between short- and long-term plasticity in traits. Leaf anatomical traits were correlated with water relation parameters to determine whether water relations differed among tissues. The key findings were: osmotic adjustment occurred in response to the long-term drought treatment; species resistant to drought stress showed less osmotic adjustment than drought-sensitive species; and water relation traits were correlated with tissue properties, especially the thickness of the abaxial epidermis and the spongy mesophyll. These findings demonstrate that cell-level water relation traits can acclimate to long-term water stress, and highlight the limitations of extrapolating the results of short-term studies to temporal scales associated with climate change.


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The decline of large coevolved frugivorous species within fragmented habitats can have an effect on ecological processes, for example, seed dispersal and germination. It is therefore necessary for more resilient species to ensure essential processes are maintained within the system. This study investigates the influence of two rodent species, Melomys cervinipes (Fawn-footed Melomys) and Rattus fuscipes (Bush Rat), on the germination process of rainforest fruits. Both species are endemic to north Queensland rainforest and commonly found in fragmented habitats in high densities. We found in 85% of fruit species tested, rodent feeding increased seed germination rate by a factor of 3.5. Our results suggest that rodents can play a significant role in enhancing germination rates of fruits in the tropical rainforest of far north Queensland.


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To circumvent the practical difficulties in research on tropical rainforest lianas in their natural habitat due to prevailing weather conditions, dense camouflaging vegetation and problems in transporting equipment for experimental investigations, Entada pursaetha DC (syn. Entada scandens Benth., Leguminosae) was grown inside a research campus in a dry subtropical environment. A solitary genet has attained a gigantic size in 17 years, infesting crowns of semi-evergreen trees growing in an area roughly equivalent to 1.6 ha. It has used aerially formed, cable-like stolons for navigating and spreading its canopy across tree gaps. Some of its parts which had remained unseen in its natural habitat due to dense vegetation are described. The attained size of this liana in a climatically different environment raises the question as to why it is restricted to evergreen rainforests. Some research problems for which this liana will be useful are pointed out.


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This dissertation concerns the Punan Vuhang, former hunter-gatherers who are now part-time farmers living in an area of remote rainforest in the Malaysian state of Sarawak. It covers two themes: first, examining their methods of securing a livelihood in the rainforest, and second looking at their adaptation to a settled life and agriculture, and their response to rapid and large-scale commercial logging. This study engages the long-running debates among anthropologists and ecologists on whether recent hunting-gathering societies were able to survive in the tropical rainforest without dependence on farming societies for food resources. In the search for evidence, the study poses three questions: What food resources were available to rainforest hunter-gatherers? How did they hunt and gather these foods? How did they cope with periodic food shortages? In fashioning a life in the rainforest, the Punan Vuhang survived resource scarcity by developing adaptive strategies through intensive use of their knowledge of the forest and its resources. They also adopted social practices such as sharing and reciprocity, and resource tenure to sustain themselves without recourse to external sources of food. In the 1960s, the Punan Vuhang settled down in response to external influences arising in part from the Indonesian-Malaysian Confrontation. This, in turn, initiated a series of processes with political, economic and religious implications. However, elements of the traditional economy have remained resilient as the people continue to hunt, fish and gather, and are able to farm on an individual basis, unlike neighboring shifting cultivators who need to cooperate with each other. At the beginning of the 21st century, the Punan Vuhang face a new challenge arising from the issue of rights in the context of the state and national law and large-scale commercial logging in their forest habitat. The future seems bleak as they face the social problems of alcoholism, declining leadership, and dependence on cash income and commodities from the market.


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In April–July 2008, intensive measurements were made of atmospheric composition and chemistry in Sabah, Malaysia, as part of the "Oxidant and particle photochemical processes above a South-East Asian tropical rainforest" (OP3) project. Fluxes and concentrations of trace gases and particles were made from and above the rainforest canopy at the Bukit Atur Global Atmosphere Watch station and at the nearby Sabahmas oil palm plantation, using both ground-based and airborne measurements. Here, the measurement and modelling strategies used, the characteristics of the sites and an overview of data obtained are described. Composition measurements show that the rainforest site was not significantly impacted by anthropogenic pollution, and this is confirmed by satellite retrievals of NO2 and HCHO. The dominant modulators of atmospheric chemistry at the rainforest site were therefore emissions of BVOCs and soil emissions of reactive nitrogen oxides. At the observed BVOC:NOx volume mixing ratio (~100 pptv/pptv), current chemical models suggest that daytime maximum OH concentrations should be ca. 105 radicals cm−3, but observed OH concentrations were an order of magnitude greater than this. We confirm, therefore, previous measurements that suggest that an unexplained source of OH must exist above tropical rainforest and we continue to interrogate the data to find explanations for this.


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Stingless bees of the genus Partamona are distributed from southern Mexico to southern Brazil. This genus has been subject to different approaches to solve questions concerning general biology, taxonomy, systematics and biogeography, but population studies applying molecular techniques are inexistent. We analyzed the genetic structure of P. helleri across its geographic distribution along the coastal Atlantic tropical rainforest in Brazil. Ten mtDNA haplotypes were observed in 47 colonies of P. helleri of which some were exclusive and others shared among geographic sub-groups. Statistical analysis showed high genetic differentiation between geographic areas sampled. Fragmentation of the Atlantic forest during Pleistocene glaciations is discussed as a possible cause of the present haplotype distribution and frequency.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Because algae are primarily aquatic, it seems almost paradoxical that there Should exist a relatively diversified soil flora where aerophytic cyanoprokaryotes are especially abundant. However, there appear to be relatively few studies oil this topic. This paper aims to improve the taxonomic knowledge oil the chroococcalean and oscillatorialean cyanoprokaryote flora in tropical regions. Samples of cyanoprokaryotes were collected in the rainforest region of the São Paulo State, Brazil. Data oil cyanoprokaryote mass type and color, substratum type, air and mass temperature and humidity, pH and absolute and relative irradiance were collected. The study revealed the presence of 24 species belonging to the orders Chroococcales and Oscillatoriales (12 species each). Aphanothece (four species) was the most species-rich genus. Overall, taxonomic resolution at the species level based oil morphological and morphometric data can still be problematic.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Achados acidentais de instrumentos líticos em região de terra firme junto ao rio Curuá, no médio curso da Bacia do Xingu, sugere uma ocupação disseminada por caçador-coletores pré-cerâmicos na região, contrariamente a expectativas de que a floresta tropical teria recursos alimentares insuficientes para a ocupação humana longe da várzea. Os artefatos líticos incluem pontas de projétil de lascamento cuidadoso, possivelmente relacionados a alguns artefatos do Pleistoceno final encontrados na Caverna da Pedra Pintada, em Monte Alegre. Os resíduos alimentares encontrados com os artefatos de Monte Alegre eram de uma economia de coleta de ambientes rupestres e ribeirinhos. As pontas do Xingu foram recolhidas por garimpeiros nas reias e cascalhos no leito do rio Curuá. Os garimpeiros encontraram os artefatos enquanto escavavam e peneiravam sedimentos auríferos. Tais depósitos algumas vezes também contêm remanescentes de plantas e artefatos de madeira pré-históricos, fontes de informação potencial sobre antigos habitats, subsistência e tecnologia. O grupo de pesquisa do Projeto Baixo Amazonas viajou a diversos dos sítios submersos com os garimpeiros para preparar escavações para o futuro. Em um sítio, Curupité, onde os garimpeiros encontraram uma grande ponta com pedúnculo e um arpão de madeira inteiro em 1986, a equipe utilizou equipamento de mergulho para prospectar o leito do rio e os barrancos, e mapearam a topografa com um teodolito a laser.


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Este estudo é uma proposta de contribuição científica ao entendimento das inter-relações entre densidade de populações de microorganismos de solo, associadas à variabilidade microclimática sazonal em floresta tropical úmida, considerando também estudo de caso de evento extremo. Alguns organismos vivos, especialmente microorganismos de solo, são muito sensíveis às pequenas variações microclimáticas (luminosidade, temperatura, umidade do solo, vento, calor sensível, calor latente, etc. Seguramente estes fatores condicionantes são importantes para o entendimento da distribuição espacial destes seres vivos em ecossistemas naturais, habitados por uma enorme variedade de microorganismos (fungos e bactérias). Estes foram estudados quanto sua distribuição e densidade, utilizando a técnica "Pour Plate" de contagem em placas de "Petri" seguindo a metodologia utilizada por De-Polli e Guerra, descrita por Clark. O estudo foi realizado em duas áreas experimentais, PPBio (área de floresta densa natural) e ESECAFLOR (área de um hectare coberta para simulação de seca prolongada) em Caxiuanã-PA, com medidas contínuas de variáveis microclimáticas térmicas, úmidas e precipitações, além da avaliação de padrões de distribuição espacial e temporal da abundância e riqueza das espécies, para estabelecer um sistema de monitoramento de fungos e bactérias de solo associado à variabilidade climática na floresta nacional de Caxiuanã. As áreas experimentais são predominantemente de Yellow Latossolo. As análises microbiológicas mostraram que fungos desenvolveram-se melhor em época seca e bactérias na época chuvosa. Suas populações diminuem com a profundidade, exceto em ambiente alterado. As correlações de variações sazonais entre populações de fungos e bactérias e as variáveis temperatura e umidade do solo, se estabeleceram satisfatoriamente para qualquer época do ano em ambos os sítios estudados.


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Este estudo analisou as variações sazonais e anuais dos fluxos de calor sensível e latente, armazenados pelo dossel vegetativo de floresta tropical úmida, bem como a taxa de infiltração de água no solo em duas parcelas experimentais, uma com exclusáo de chuva e outra submetida às condições reais de precipitação pluvial. Os dados aqui usados foram obtidos do projeto ''Estudo da Seca da Floresta (ESECAFLOR), subprojeto do Experimento de Grande Escala da Biosfera-Atmosfera na Amazônia (LBA), conduzido na reserva florestal de terra firme em Caxiuaná, PA. Os dados de temperatura e umidade relativa do ar foram coletados no perfil da floresta amazônica, em intervalos de 8 m, deSde a superfície até 32 m, durante o ano de 2008, em intervalos horários, para se determinar os fluxos de calor sensível e latente armazenados nos período chuvoso (fevereiro, março e abril) e menos chuvoso (setembro, outubro e novembro). Os resultados indicaram que o fluxo de calor sensível armazenado no dossel da floresta no ano de 2008, foi 167,93 W m-2 e o fluxo de calor latente armazenado foi de 5184,38 W m-2. A taxa de infiltração de água do solo na floresta foi reduzida drasticamente nos primeiros minutos do início do experimento, independentemente das condições de umidade do solo e, em seguida, ela apresentou comportamento quase constante ao longo do tempo.