903 resultados para Trophic guilds
As várzeas amazônicas têm uma rica biodiversidade e suas características ecológicas afetam os recursos naturais aquáticos, de grande importância ecológica e econômica para os ribeirinhos. Com base nessas informações, este estudo objetivou caracterizar a composição e abundância da ictiofauna de dois lagos de várzea no baixo rio Amazonas e compreender as formas de utilização dos peixes pelos pescadores nas comunidades de Piracãoera e Campos, na região de Urucurituba, Barreira e Correio na região de Tapará. As amostragens foram realizadas nos lagos Aramanaí e Curiquara, nos períodos de enchente, cheia, vazante e seca, no período de julho de 2006 a abril de 2007. Para as coletas foram utilizadas baterias de redes malhadeiras. Para a coleta de dados de captura dos pescadores foram utilizados formulários que continham informações sobre as características das pescarias. Foram capturados 10.146 peixes distribuídos em 156 espécies, 27 famílias e 8 ordens. As famílias mais abundantes em número de indivíduos Scianidae e Loricariidae. No lago Aramanaí, o acari Loricaria sp, foi a espécie que apresentou maior CPUAn com 0,02 indivíduos por m².hora. Em termos de CPUAp, destaque para a espécie Potamotrygon motoro, com 0,13 g.m².hora e acaris Pterygoplichthys pardalis com 0,11 g. m².hora. No lago Curiquara, a maior captura em número de indivíduos foi representada pela espécie Pachypops fourcroi com 0,001 indivíduos por m² de rede. Nos lagos Curiquara e Aramanaí foram identificadas 9 guildas tróficas, sendo que para ambos os lagos os peixes píscivoros e detritívoros apresentaram as maiores capturas em peso. O comprimento médio dos indivíduos capturados nos lagos foi de 20,27 ± 7,53 cm. A maior média de comprimento dos indivíduos foi na cheia e a menor na vazante. Na pesca praticada pelos pescadores é utilizada uma variedade de aparelhos destacando as redes de emalhe. O uso de determinado aparelho de pesca depende do ambiente explorado, espécie alvo, além da estação do ano, podendo ocorrer combinações de mais de um aparelho durante as capturas. O rendimento médio das pescarias nas duas regiões foi de 10 kg.pescador.dia-1. Em Urucurituba a CPUE média foi de 16 kg.pescador.dia-1, já em Tapará 4,5 kg.pescador.dia-1. Os pescadores de Urucurituba apresentam maior volume de captura e de comercialização do pescado. Estas comunidades cumprem parcialmente as regras dos acordos de pesca.
A Amazônia é a região que apresenta a maior riqueza de aves do planeta. Para que se possa entender a origem e os processos de manutenção dessa diversidade, são necessários estudos detalhados sobre os padrões de variação espacial das assembléias de aves por meio de comparações em diferentes escalas espaciais. Além disso, é essencial que se faça uma abordagem que integre os diversos fatores que podem estar interagindo e influenciando esses padrões. Esta tese é composta de três capítulos. No primeiro capítulo, a composição, as características ecológicas e os padrões de vulnerabilidade da avifauna da Estação Científica Ferreira Penna (ECFPn), Amazônia Oriental, são descritos. Uma lista de espécies atualizada para a área, com informações sobre o status de abundância, guilda trófica e tipo de hábitat, foi gerada. A vulnerabilidade das espécies foi acessada com base na avaliação dos padrões de raridade. No segundo capítulo, a avifauna da ECFPn é contextualizada regionalmente por meio da comparação da composição de espécies de diversos sítios representativos das áreas de endemismo definidas para aves na Amazônia. Foram consideradas diferentes categorias taxonômicas e ecológicas nessas análises, a fim de verificar se os padrões de distribuição diferem entre essas categorias e que fatores podem influenciar nos padrões apresentados. Por fim, o terceiro capítulo analisa a variação espacial da riqueza, abundância e similaridade em seis sítios de 100 ha ao longo de uma paisagem homogênea dominada por florestas de terra firme na ECFPn. As variações encontradas foram correlacionadas com a distância geográfica e com a estrutura da vegetação. A combinação desses estudos representa a ampliação do conhecimento sobre a avifauna na área de endemismo Xingu, além de utilizar pela primeira vez abordagens originais para investigar os padrões de distribuição da avifauna na Amazônia em várias escalas espaciais.
Identificamos padrões ecomorfológicos que refletem a ecologia de espécies encontradas em poças de maré na Zona Costeira Amazônica (ZCA). Indivíduos de 19 espécies foram coletados no estado do Pará durante duas expedições em 2011. Foram estabelecidas dominância, grau de residência, guildas tróficas e tomadas medidas morfométricas de até 10 indivíduos de cada espécie. Calculou-se 23 atributos ecomorfológicos relacionados à locomoção, posição e forrageio, utilizados para o cálculo da distância ecomorfológica. Foram utilizadas Análises de Componentes Principais (PCA) para avaliar que atributos ecomorfológicos explicaram a variação entre as espécies. O teste de Mantel foi utilizado para testar a correlação da distância taxonômica com a morfologia das espécies e um teste de Mantel parcial para avaliar a correlação das guildas tróficas com os padrões ecomorfológicos, controlando-se o efeito da distância taxonômica entre as espécies. Nas análises formaram-se dois eixos principais para variação em relação aos padrões de locomoção, correlacionados à largura do pedúnculo caudal e formato da nadadeira anal, ocorrendo influência da distância taxonômica entre as espécies nos padrões ecomorfológicos. Espécies dominantes e residentes apresentaram menor capacidade de natação contínua. Quanto à posição na coluna d'água, formaram-se dois eixos principais da variação, correlacionados à posição do olho, área da nadadeira pélvica e formato do corpo, ocorrendo influência da distância taxônomica entre as espécies nas dissimilaridades morfológicas. A PCA agrupou espécies de hábito pelágico com espécies de hábito bentônico. Em relação ao forrageio, formaram-se dois eixos principais da variação, correlacionados ao tamanho da boca, tamanho do olho e comprimento do trato digestório. Espécies de diferentes guildas permaneceram agrupadas, sugerindo fraca relação da morfologia com o forrageio e não houve influência da distância taxonômica nas dissimilaridades nas guildas tróficas. Espécies residentes e dominantes em poças de maré na ZCA apresentam hábito sedentário, ocorrendo pouca influência da distância taxonômica nos padrões ecomorfológicos que se referem à posição na coluna d'água e locomoção, demonstrando que espécies distantes filogeneticamente podem apresentar padrões ecomorfológicos similares, e a morfologia demonstrou-se como fraca preditora das táticas de forrageio.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The choice of sampling methods to survey saproxylic beetles is a key aspect to assessing conservation strategies for one of the most endangered assemblages in Europe. We evaluated the efficiency of three sampling methods: baited tube traps (TT), window traps in front of a hollow opening (WT), and emergence traps covering tree hollows (ET) to study richness and diversity of saproxylic beetle assemblages at species and family levels in Mediterranean woodlands. We also examined trap efficiency to report ecological diversity, and changes in the relative richness and abundance of species forming trophic guilds: xylophagous, saprophagous/saproxylophagous, xylomycetophagous, predators and commensals. WT and ET were similarly effective in reporting species richness and diversity at species and family levels, and provided an accurate profile of both the flying active and hollow-linked saproxylic beetle assemblages. WT and ET were the most complementary methods, together reporting more than 90 % of richness and diversity at both species and family levels. Diversity, richness and abundance of guilds were better characterized by ET, which indicates higher efficiency in outlining the ecological community of saproxylics that inhabit tree hollows. TT were the least effective method at both taxonomic levels, sampling a biased portion of the beetle assemblage attracted to trapping principles, however they could be used as a specific method for families such as Bostrichiidae, Biphyllidae, Melyridae, Mycetophagidae or Curculionidae Scolytinae species. Finally, ET and WT combination allows a better characterization of saproxylic assemblages in Mediterranean woodland, by recording species with different biology and linked to different microhabitat types.
Se aporta la relación de especies de coleópteros y sírfidos saproxílicos que habitan en ecosistemas de dehesa del oeste ibérico. Se ha estudiado la Reserva Biológica de Campanarios de Azaba, provincia de Salamanca, designada en 2013 como primera Reserva Entomológica de España por la Asociación española de Entomología. Durante los 19 meses de muestreo se registraron 9.603 ejemplares de coleópteros saproxílicos pertenecientes a 157 especies (40 familias) y 477 ejemplares de sírfidos saproxílicos pertenecientes a 18 especies. Para la recolección del material se utilizaron trampas de emergencia y trampas de ventana. Entre los insectos capturados hay diez especies amenazadas, ya sea a nivel europeo o de España, que, a la vista de los resultados, mantienen poblaciones abundantes en este ecosistema de dehesa del oeste ibérico.
Habitat loss, fragmentation, and degradation threaten the World’s ecosystems and species. These, and other threats, will likely be exacerbated by climate change. Due to a limited budget for conservation, we are forced to prioritize a few areas over others. These places are selected based on their uniqueness and vulnerability. One of the most famous examples is the biodiversity hotspots: areas where large quantities of endemic species meet alarming rates of habitat loss. Most of these places are in the tropics, where species have smaller ranges, diversity is higher, and ecosystems are most threatened.
Species distributions are useful to understand ecological theory and evaluate extinction risk. Small-ranged species, or those endemic to one place, are more vulnerable to extinction than widely distributed species. However, current range maps often overestimate the distribution of species, including areas that are not within the suitable elevation or habitat for a species. Consequently, assessment of extinction risk using these maps could underestimate vulnerability.
In order to be effective in our quest to conserve the World’s most important places we must: 1) Translate global and national priorities into practical local actions, 2) Find synergies between biodiversity conservation and human welfare, 3) Evaluate the different dimensions of threats, in order to design effective conservation measures and prepare for future threats, and 4) Improve the methods used to evaluate species’ extinction risk and prioritize areas for conservation. The purpose of this dissertation is to address these points in Colombia and other global biodiversity hotspots.
In Chapter 2, I identified the global, strategic conservation priorities and then downscaled to practical local actions within the selected priorities in Colombia. I used existing range maps of 171 bird species to identify priority conservation areas that would protect the greatest number of species at risk in Colombia (endemic and small-ranged species). The Western Andes had the highest concentrations of such species—100 in total—but the lowest densities of national parks. I then adjusted the priorities for this region by refining these species ranges by selecting only areas of suitable elevation and remaining habitat. The estimated ranges of these species shrank by 18–100% after accounting for habitat and suitable elevation. Setting conservation priorities on the basis of currently available range maps excluded priority areas in the Western Andes and, by extension, likely elsewhere and for other taxa. By incorporating detailed maps of remaining natural habitats, I made practical recommendations for conservation actions. One recommendation was to restore forest connections to a patch of cloud forest about to become isolated from the main Andes.
For Chapter 3, I identified areas where bird conservation met ecosystem service protection in the Central Andes of Colombia. Inspired by the November 11th (2011) landslide event near Manizales, and the current poor results of Colombia’s Article 111 of Law 99 of 1993 as a conservation measure in this country, I set out to prioritize conservation and restoration areas where landslide prevention would complement bird conservation in the Central Andes. This area is one of the most biodiverse places on Earth, but also one of the most threatened. Using the case of the Rio Blanco Reserve, near Manizales, I identified areas for conservation where endemic and small-range bird diversity was high, and where landslide risk was also high. I further prioritized restoration areas by overlapping these conservation priorities with a forest cover map. Restoring forests in bare areas of high landslide risk and important bird diversity yields benefits for both biodiversity and people. I developed a simple landslide susceptibility model using slope, forest cover, aspect, and stream proximity. Using publicly available bird range maps, refined by elevation, I mapped concentrations of endemic and small-range bird species. I identified 1.54 km2 of potential restoration areas in the Rio Blanco Reserve, and 886 km2 in the Central Andes region. By prioritizing these areas, I facilitate the application of Article 111 which requires local and regional governments to invest in land purchases for the conservation of watersheds.
Chapter 4 dealt with elevational ranges of montane birds and the impact of lowland deforestation on their ranges in the Western Andes of Colombia, an important biodiversity hotspot. Using point counts and mist-nets, I surveyed six altitudinal transects spanning 2200 to 2800m. Three transects were forested from 2200 to 2800m, and three were partially deforested with forest cover only above 2400m. I compared abundance-weighted mean elevation, minimum elevation, and elevational range width. In addition to analyzing the effect of deforestation on 134 species, I tested its impact within trophic guilds and habitat preference groups. Abundance-weighted mean and minimum elevations were not significantly different between forested and partially deforested transects. Range width was marginally different: as expected, ranges were larger in forested transects. Species in different trophic guilds and habitat preference categories showed different trends. These results suggest that deforestation may affect species’ elevational ranges, even within the forest that remains. Climate change will likely exacerbate harmful impacts of deforestation on species’ elevational distributions. Future conservation strategies need to account for this by protecting connected forest tracts across a wide range of elevations.
In Chapter 5, I refine the ranges of 726 species from six biodiversity hotspots by suitable elevation and habitat. This set of 172 bird species for the Atlantic Forest, 138 for Central America, 100 for the Western Andes of Colombia, 57 for Madagascar, 102 for Sumatra, and 157 for Southeast Asia met the criteria for range size, endemism, threat, and forest use. Of these 586 species, the Red List deems 108 to be threatened: 15 critically endangered, 29 endangered, and 64 vulnerable. When ranges are refined by elevational limits and remaining forest cover, 10 of those critically endangered species have ranges < 100km2, but then so do 2 endangered species, seven vulnerable, and eight non-threatened ones. Similarly, 4 critically endangered species, 20 endangered, and 12 vulnerable species have refined ranges < 5000km2, but so do 66 non-threatened species. A striking 89% of these species I have classified in higher threat categories have <50% of their refined ranges inside protected areas. I find that for 43% of the species I assessed, refined range sizes fall within thresholds that typically have higher threat categories than their current assignments. I recommend these species for closer inspection by those who assess risk. These assessments are not only important on a species-by-species basis, but by combining distributions of threatened species, I create maps of conservation priorities. They differ significantly from those created from unrefined ranges.
Artificial lakes must differ from natural lakes in important structural and functional aspects that need to be understood so that these ecosystems can be properly managed. The aim of this work was to test the hypothesis that the artificial lakes (impoundments) in the semi-arid region of the Rio Grande do Norte State are more eutrophic and turbid and have different trophic structure when compared to the natural coastal lakes that occur in the humid eastern coast of the State. To test this hypothesis, 10 natural lakes and 8 artificial lakes with about 100 ha were sampled between September and November 2005 for the determination of some limnological variables and the abundance of the main fish species, which were grouped in three trophic guilds: facultative piscivores, facultative planktivores and omnivores. The results show that the artificial lakes had significantly higher concentrations of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, chlorophyll a , total and volatile suspended solids than the natural lakes. Results also show that the values of pH, total alkalinity, electric conductivity, turbidity as well as the coefficient of vertical attenuation of light were significantly higher in the artificial lakes than in the natural lakes. In the artificial lakes, the abundance of facultative planktivores was significantly higher, while the abundance of facultative piscivores significantly lower than in the natural lakes. There was no significant difference in the abundance of omnivorous fish between the two types of lakes. These results suggest that the increase in turbidity together with the other changes in the water quality of the artificial lakes, modifies the trophic structure of the fish communities reducing the importance of piscivores and the length of the food chains
Artificial lakes must differ from natural lakes in important structural and functional aspects that need to be understood so that these ecosystems can be properly managed. The aim of this work was to test the hypothesis that the artificial lakes (impoundments) in the semi-arid region of the Rio Grande do Norte State are more eutrophic and turbid and have different trophic structure when compared to the natural coastal lakes that occur in the humid eastern coast of the State. To test this hypothesis, 10 natural lakes and 8 artificial lakes with about 100 ha were sampled between September and November 2005 for the determination of some limnological variables and the abundance of the main fish species, which were grouped in three trophic guilds: facultative piscivores, facultative planktivores and omnivores. The results show that the artificial lakes had significantly higher concentrations of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, chlorophyll a , total and volatile suspended solids than the natural lakes. Results also show that the values of pH, total alkalinity, electric conductivity, turbidity as well as the coefficient of vertical attenuation of light were significantly higher in the artificial lakes than in the natural lakes. In the artificial lakes, the abundance of facultative planktivores was significantly higher, while the abundance of facultative piscivores significantly lower than in the natural lakes. There was no significant difference in the abundance of omnivorous fish between the two types of lakes. These results suggest that the increase in turbidity together with the other changes in the water quality of the artificial lakes, modifies the trophic structure of the fish communities reducing the importance of piscivores and the length of the food chains
Understanding plant response to herbivory facilitates the prioritisation of guilds of specialist herbivores as biological control agents based on their potential impacts. Prickly acacia (Acacia nilotica ssp. indica) is a weed of national significance in Australia and is a target for biological control. Information on the susceptibility of prickly acacia to herbivory is limited, and there is no information available on the plant organ (i.e. leaf, shoot and root in isolation or in combination) most susceptible to herbivory. We evaluated the ability of prickly acacia seedlings, to respond to different types of simulated herbivory (defoliation, shoot damage, root damage and combinations), at varying frequencies (no herbivory, single, two and three events of herbivory) to identify the type and frequency of herbivory that will be required to reduce the growth and vigour. Defoliation and shoot damage, individually, had a significant negative impact on prickly acacia seedlings. For the defoliation to be effective, more than two defoliation events were required, whereas a single bout of shoot damage was enough to cause a significant reduction in plant vigour. A combination of defoliation + shoot damage had the greatest negative impact. The study highlights the need to prioritise specialist leaf and shoot herbivores as potential biological control agents for prickly acacia.
INTRODUCTION:Terrestrial top-predators are expected to regulate and stabilise food webs through their consumptive and non-consumptive effects on sympatric mesopredators and prey. The lethal control of top-predators has therefore been predicted to inhibit top-predator function, generate the release of mesopredators and indirectly harm native fauna through trophic cascade effects. Understanding the outcomes of lethal control on interactions within terrestrial predator guilds is important for zoologists, conservation biologists and wildlife managers. However, few studies have the capacity to test these predictions experimentally, and no such studies have previously been conducted on the eclectic suite of native and exotic, mammalian and reptilian taxa we simultaneously assess. We conducted a series of landscape-scale, multi-year, manipulative experiments at nine sites spanning five ecosystem types across the Australian continental rangelands to investigate the responses of mesopredators (red foxes, feral cats and goannas) to contemporary poison-baiting programs intended to control top-predators (dingoes) for livestock protection.RESULT:Short-term behavioural releases of mesopredators were not apparent, and in almost all cases, the three mesopredators we assessed were in similar or greater abundance in unbaited areas relative to baited areas, with mesopredator abundance trends typically either uncorrelated or positively correlated with top-predator abundance trends over time. The exotic mammals and native reptile we assessed responded similarly (poorly) to top-predator population manipulation. This is because poison baits were taken by multiple target and non-target predators and top-predator populations quickly recovered to pre-control levels, thus reducing the overall impact of baiting on top-predators and averting a trophic cascade.CONCLUSIONS:These results are in accord with other predator manipulation experiments conducted worldwide, and suggest that Australian populations of native prey fauna at lower trophic levels are unlikely to be negatively affected by contemporary dingo control practices through the release of mesopredators. We conclude that contemporary lethal control practices used on some top-predator populations do not produce the conditions required to generate positive responses from mesopredators. Functional relationships between sympatric terrestrial predators may not be altered by exposure to spatially and temporally sporadic application of non-selective lethal control.
Recently argued that observed positive relationships between dingoes and small mammals were a result of top-down processes whereby lethal dingo control reduced dingoes and increased mesopredators and herbivores, which then suppressed small mammals. Here, I show that the prerequisite negative effects of dingo control on dingoes were not shown, and that the same positive relationships observed may simply represent well-known bottom-up processes whereby more generalist predators are found in places with more of their preferred prey. Identification of top-predator controlinduced trophic cascades first requires demonstration of some actual effect of control on predators, typically possible only through manipulative experiments with the ability to identify cause and effect.
In lake ecosystems, both fish and invertebrate predators have dramatic effects on their prey communities. Fish predation selects large cladocerans while invertebrate predators prefer prey of smaller size. Since invertebrate predators are the preferred food items for fish, their occurrence at high densities is often connected with the absence or low number of fish. It is generally believed that invertebrate predators can play a significant role only if the density of planktivorous fish is low. However, in eutrophic clay-turbid Lake Hiidenvesi (southern Finland), a dense population of predatory Chaoborus flavicans larvae coexists with an abundant fish population. The population covers the stratifying area of the lake and attains a maximum population density of 23000 ind. m-2. This thesis aims to clarify the effects of Chaoborus flavicans on the zooplankton community and the environmental factors facilitating the coexistence of fish and invertebrate predators. In the stratifying area of Lake Hiidenvesi, the seasonal succession of cladocerans was exceptional. The spring biomass peak of cladocerans was missing and the highest biomass occurred in midsummer. In early summer, the consumption rate by chaoborids clearly exceeded the production rate of cladocerans and each year the biomass peak of cladocerans coincided with the minimum chaoborid density. In contrast, consumption by fish was very low and each study year cladocerans attained maximum biomass simultaneously with the highest consumption by smelt (Osmerus eperlanus). The results indicated that Chaoborus flavicans was the main predator of cladocerans in the stratifying area of Lake Hiidenvesi. The clay turbidity strongly contributed to the coexistence of chaoborids and smelt at high densities. Turbidity exceeding 30 NTU combined with light intensity below 0.1 μE m-2 s-1provides an efficient daytime refuge for chaoborids, but turbidity alone is not an adequate refuge unless combined with low light intensity. In the non-stratifying shallow basins of Lake Hiidenvesi, light intensity exceeds this level during summer days at the bottom of the lake, preventing Chaoborus forming a dense population in the shallow parts of the lake. Chaoborus can be successful particularly in deep, clay-turbid lakes where they can remain high in the water column close to their epilimnetic prey. Suspended clay alters the trophic interactions by weakening the link between fish and Chaoborus, which in turn strengthens the effect of Chaoborus predation on crustacean zooplankton. Since food web management largely relies on manipulations of fish stocks and the cascading effects of such actions, the validity of the method in deep clay-turbid lakes may be questioned.