973 resultados para Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade
Researches show high rates of school failure on the part of students who are unable to learn, referring to them as the idea of an incapable individual and intended not to achieve the goals proposed during the school year. Among the most varied problems posed by teachers and that are instilled in students in order to justify the poor performance of the same, we find Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Faced with this problem the objective was to investigate teachers‟ conception of the second year of primary education on ADHD, knowing well the mechanisms of identification, confirmation and referral of these cases, as well as the appropriate treatment and teaching practices suggested. To achieve the proposed objective a literature search was performed supplemented by an empirical study in which we used two instruments to collect data: interviews and observation. The study included empirical two teachers from a state school and two teachers from a private school, all of a midsize city in São Paulo. The interviews showed that teachers of second grade of elementary school consider ADHD a neurological problem in order to be addressed, however, chose not to speak about the treatment carried out by drugs. The observations revealed that the discourse of these teachers are away from their practices, it is worth noting that the differences in these two situations studied - state and private network - are so disparate and interfere in this important teaching practice
The expansion of psychiatric labeling does not reach only the adult population, but also the problematic related to childhood have been captured by the speeches and practices of the medical-psychiatric knowledge and turned into psychopathologies which tend to be treated with the main resource made available by psychiatrics in the present times: the psychotropic drugs. This work presents a critical thinking on the expansion of the diagnoses of “attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity” (ADHD) both in children and teenagers and on the conduction of drug therapies. It follows that the processes of childhood psycho-pathologization and the trivializing of psychotropic drug prescription are related to the overvaluation of the biological conception of psychic suffering and to the economic interests of the great pharmaceutical laboratories which by means of several strategies influence the medical practices, factors that lead to exposure of these patients to possible side effects and the risks of stigmatization that must be considered.
O objetivo desse trabalho é analisar os métodos psicopedagogicos para trabalhar com crianças que apresentam Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade, seja ele no ambiente escolar ou na clinica contribuindo para o desenvolvimento cognitivo, afetivo, moral e físico dessas crianças. A metodologia utilizada é por meio de referencias bibliográficas acerca da literatura. Ao final se irá conclui que a intervenção do psicopedagogo é de extrema importância para que o tratamento traga resultados positivos, por meio de oficinas psicopedagogicas, da psicomotricidade, das brincadeiras, e jogos em gerais, ou até mesmo atividades lúdicas pode proporcionar uma alteração muito favorável na vida dessa criança.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This research investigates and reports the contributions of the Theatre of the Oppressed and its techniques as a therapeutic resource in the education of children with Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity. In the first chapter organize one studying theoretical seeking to conceptualize and understand the Learning, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, seeking to better understand the behavior and the behavior of children with ADHD. Researching on the symptoms, causes and effects of this syndrome. Trace a relationship between familyschool- specialists in an attempt to prove the importance of family support in the teachinglearning process and treatment of these children. In the second chapter start conceptualizing theater, the relationship between work-Theatre-Education Therapy, explain the difference between the theatrical stage and the therapeutic stage. Account the importance of theater games in the classroom and its contribution to social and educational training of the child. Justify the choice of the Theatre of the Oppressed recognizing him as the primary method for this research, because it is a set of exercises, games and techniques that help the child regain equilibrium relations, developing autonomy, encourages creativity and spontaneity, freeing them from their oppression. Besides being an efficient transformation behavior, improving behavior, allowing the inclusion of children in society. It is verified the effectiveness of the method and techniques in their work with children Municipal School Professor. Antonio Severiano in Natal / RN, allowing these children develop body awareness, working senses, thought, memory, inhibition, teaching to expose your point of view, understand and deal with their emotions, respecting its limits and develop their motor and cognitive skills
This research investigates and reports the contributions of the Theatre of the Oppressed and its techniques as a therapeutic resource in the education of children with Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity. In the first chapter organize one studying theoretical seeking to conceptualize and understand the Learning, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, seeking to better understand the behavior and the behavior of children with ADHD. Researching on the symptoms, causes and effects of this syndrome. Trace a relationship between familyschool- specialists in an attempt to prove the importance of family support in the teachinglearning process and treatment of these children. In the second chapter start conceptualizing theater, the relationship between work-Theatre-Education Therapy, explain the difference between the theatrical stage and the therapeutic stage. Account the importance of theater games in the classroom and its contribution to social and educational training of the child. Justify the choice of the Theatre of the Oppressed recognizing him as the primary method for this research, because it is a set of exercises, games and techniques that help the child regain equilibrium relations, developing autonomy, encourages creativity and spontaneity, freeing them from their oppression. Besides being an efficient transformation behavior, improving behavior, allowing the inclusion of children in society. It is verified the effectiveness of the method and techniques in their work with children Municipal School Professor. Antonio Severiano in Natal / RN, allowing these children develop body awareness, working senses, thought, memory, inhibition, teaching to expose your point of view, understand and deal with their emotions, respecting its limits and develop their motor and cognitive skills
O Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade tem sido evocado como justificativa corrente para o fracasso escolar de um número expressivo de crianças, atribuindo-se a elas a responsabilidade por não aprender e isentando de análise a escola e a sociedade nas quais estão inseridas. A situação se torna mais alarmante uma vez que a literatura a respeito aponta dificuldades no diagnóstico e na intervenção sobre esse tipo de transtorno, devidas à falta de clareza sobre o que é esse quadro clínico e em razão da não existência de estudos consistentes acerca das consequências futuras do uso de estimulantes nas crianças. Para discutir essas questões, a primeira parte do artigo apresenta a concepção hegemônica desse tipo de transtorno e sua compreensão do psiquismo infantil. A segunda parte aborda a maneira como a psicologia histórico-cultural analisa o desenvolvimento da atenção e o controle voluntário do comportamento humano, redimensionando a compreensão sobre o transtorno. Finalmente, são feitas algumas reflexões acerca do processo ensino-aprendizagem em crianças com desenvolvimento parcial das funções psicológicas superiores e do papel da psicologia e da pedagogia na compreensão do fenômeno para que sirvam de subsídio a medidas práticas em relação ao problema.
This study aimed to characterize and compare the performance of students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and students with good academic performance on the readingassessment processes. Forty students ranging from 8 years and 2 months old to 10 years and 11 months old, from both genders, from 1st to 4th grades of elementary level, participated inthis study, distributed in two groups: GI, with 20 students with interdisciplinary diagnosis ofAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and GII, 20 students with good academic performance,paired with GI according to gender, age and school level. The students wereassessedthrough the Brazilian adaptation of the Assessment Process of Reading – PROLEC, composedof four blocks: identification of letters, lexical, syntactic and semantic processes. Statisticallysignificant difference occurred between GI and GII in the PROLEC tests, with the exception of thesame-different and lexical decision tests, indicating that the students from GI presented inferior performance when compared with students from GII. Regarding the classification of the resultsof PROLEC, there was a statistically significant difference in the lexical, syntactic and semanticprocesses and the letter and sound test, with the exception of same-different tests of identificationof letters process. The findings suggests that the group of students with ADHD showsinferior performance compared to the group without disabilities, highlighting that the attentionfactor affects the cognitive functions impairing the acquisition of skills necessary for reading.
O transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH) é um dos problemas psiquiátricos mais comuns na infância, o qual apresenta uma herdabilidade significativa e se caracteriza pela presença de desatenção, hiperatividade e impulsividade. Cerca da metade das crianças com TDAH permanecem com o transtorno durante a vida adulta. Embora os estudos em amostras de crianças tenham explorado diversos genes de suscetibilidade ao TDAH, os resultados são inconclusivos e há poucos estudos em adultos. A amostra aqui estudada é composta por 308 adultos portadores de TDAH e 233 doadores de sangue do Hemocentro do Rio Grande do Sul.Ambos os grupos são compostos por brasileiros descendentes de europeus. Os diagnósticos psiquiátricos foram realizados por uma equipe treinada, seguindo os critérios do DSM-IV. Este trabalho objetivou testar possíveis associações entre polimorfismos nos genes do receptor D4 de dopamina (DRD4) e da proteína transportadora de dopamina (DAT1) com o TDAH, tendo em conta os subtipos, gravidade, comorbidades e idade de início dos sintomas de TDAH. Não foi encontrada associação entre os dois polimorfismos estudados no gene DRD4 (duplicação de 120 pares de base da região 5’ e VNTR de 48 pares de base do éxon III) e o TDAH. Porém, o alelo de 7-repetições do éxon III mostrou-se associado a uma menor idade de início dos sintomas e com o transtorno bipolar do humor associado ao TDAH. Genótipos contendo o alelo de 9-repetições do VNTR de 40pb na região 3’ não traduzida do gene DAT1 predisporiam ao subtipo desatento de TDAH entre os pacientes do sexo masculino e ao TDAH em geral entre as mulheres. Pacientes com o genótipo homozigoto para o alelo de 10-repetições apresentaram um maior número de sintomas de hiperatividade. Os resultados aqui obtidos apontam para a existência de diferenças substanciais no perfil genético entre as amostras de TDAH em crianças e adultos. As características amostrais relacionadas com o sexo, idade, subtipo e comorbidades mais prevalentes podem modificar a associação entre os polimorfismos estudados e o transtorno.
Define o transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade (doravante mencionado pela sigla TDAH) Dispõe sobre a insuficiente disseminação de informações sobre o transtorno e a ainda incipiente conscientização dos portadores e pais/responsáveis sobre seus direitos. A Associação Brasileira do Déficit de Atenção (ABDA). Trata da provável aprovação do Projeto de Lei nº 7081 de 2010, que trata do assunto.