985 resultados para Thermal activation


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Atmospheric pressure nonthermal-plasma-activated catalysis for the removal of NOx using hydrocarbon selective catalytic reduction has been studied utilizing toluene and n-octane as the hydrocarbon reductant. When the plasma was combined with a Ag/Al2O3 catalyst, a strong enhancement in activity was observed when compared with conventional thermal activation with high conversions of both. NOx and hydrocarbons obtained at temperature at temperature ≤250 °C, where the silver catalyst is normally inactive. Importantly, even in the absence of an external heat source, significant activity was obtained. This low temperature activity provides the basis for applying nonthermal plasmas to activate emission control catalysts during cold start conditions, which remains an important issue for mobile and stationary applications.


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The transient interaction between a refraction index grating and light beams during simultaneous writing and thermal fixing of a photorefractive hologram is investigated. With a diffusion- and photovoltaic-dominated carrier transport mechanism and carrier thermal activation (temperature dependent) considered in Fe:LiNbO3 crystal, from the standpoint of field-material coupling, the theoretical thermal fixing time and the space-charge field buildup, spatial distribution, and temperature dependence are given numerically by combining the band transport model with mobile ions with the coupled-wave equation


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In this thesis an investigation into theoretical models for formation and interaction of nanoparticles is presented. The work presented includes a literature review of current models followed by a series of five chapters of original research. This thesis has been submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy by publication and therefore each of the five chapters consist of a peer-reviewed journal article. The thesis is then concluded with a discussion of what has been achieved during the PhD candidature, the potential applications for this research and ways in which the research could be extended in the future. In this thesis we explore stochastic models pertaining to the interaction and evolution mechanisms of nanoparticles. In particular, we explore in depth the stochastic evaporation of molecules due to thermal activation and its ultimate effect on nanoparticles sizes and concentrations. Secondly, we analyse the thermal vibrations of nanoparticles suspended in a fluid and subject to standing oscillating drag forces (as would occur in a standing sound wave) and finally on lattice surfaces in the presence of high heat gradients. We have described in this thesis a number of new models for the description of multicompartment networks joined by a multiple, stochastically evaporating, links. The primary motivation for this work is in the description of thermal fragmentation in which multiple molecules holding parts of a carbonaceous nanoparticle may evaporate. Ultimately, these models predict the rate at which the network or aggregate fragments into smaller networks/aggregates and with what aggregate size distribution. The models are highly analytic and describe the fragmentation of a link holding multiple bonds using Markov processes that best describe different physical situations and these processes have been analysed using a number of mathematical methods. The fragmentation of the network/aggregate is then predicted using combinatorial arguments. Whilst there is some scepticism in the scientific community pertaining to the proposed mechanism of thermal fragmentation,we have presented compelling evidence in this thesis supporting the currently proposed mechanism and shown that our models can accurately match experimental results. This was achieved using a realistic simulation of the fragmentation of the fractal carbonaceous aggregate structure using our models. Furthermore, in this thesis a method of manipulation using acoustic standing waves is investigated. In our investigation we analysed the effect of frequency and particle size on the ability for the particle to be manipulated by means of a standing acoustic wave. In our results, we report the existence of a critical frequency for a particular particle size. This frequency is inversely proportional to the Stokes time of the particle in the fluid. We also find that for large frequencies the subtle Brownian motion of even larger particles plays a significant role in the efficacy of the manipulation. This is due to the decreasing size of the boundary layer between acoustic nodes. Our model utilises a multiple time scale approach to calculating the long term effects of the standing acoustic field on the particles that are interacting with the sound. These effects are then combined with the effects of Brownian motion in order to obtain a complete mathematical description of the particle dynamics in such acoustic fields. Finally, in this thesis, we develop a numerical routine for the description of "thermal tweezers". Currently, the technique of thermal tweezers is predominantly theoretical however there has been a handful of successful experiments which demonstrate the effect it practise. Thermal tweezers is the name given to the way in which particles can be easily manipulated on a lattice surface by careful selection of a heat distribution over the surface. Typically, the theoretical simulations of the effect can be rather time consuming with supercomputer facilities processing data over days or even weeks. Our alternative numerical method for the simulation of particle distributions pertaining to the thermal tweezers effect use the Fokker-Planck equation to derive a quick numerical method for the calculation of the effective diffusion constant as a result of the lattice and the temperature. We then use this diffusion constant and solve the diffusion equation numerically using the finite volume method. This saves the algorithm from calculating many individual particle trajectories since it is describes the flow of the probability distribution of particles in a continuous manner. The alternative method that is outlined in this thesis can produce a larger quantity of accurate results on a household PC in a matter of hours which is much better than was previously achieveable.


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The removal of toxic anions has been achieved using hydrotalcite via two methods: (1) coprecipitation and (2) thermal activation. Hydrotalcite formed via the coprecipitation method, using solutions containing arsenate and vanadate up to pH 10, are able to remove more than 95% of the toxic anions (0.2 M) from solution. The removal of toxic anions in solutions with a pH of >10 reduces the removal uptake percentage to 75%. Raman spectroscopy observed multiple A1 stretching modes of V−O and As−O at 930 and 810 cm−1, assigned to vanadate and arsenate, respectively. Analysis of the intensity and position of the A1 stretching modes helped to identify the vanadate and arsenate specie intercalated into the hydrotalcite structure. It has been determined that 3:1 hydrotalcite structure predominantly intercalate anions into the interlayer region, while the 2:1 and 4:1 hydrotalcite structures shows a large portion of anions being removed from solution by adsorption processes. Treatment of carbonate solutions (0.2 M) containing arsenate and vanadate (0.2 M) three times with thermally activated hydrotalcite has been shown to remove 76% and 81% of the toxic anions, respectively. Thermally activated hydrotalcite with a Mg:Al ratio of 2:1, 3:1, and 4:1 have all been shown to remove 95% of arsenate and vanadate (25 ppm). At increased concentrations of arsenate and vanadate, the removal uptake percentage decreased significantly, except for the 4:1 thermally activated hydrotalcite. Thermally activated Bayer hydrotalcite has also been shown to be highly effective in the removal of arsenate and vanadate. The thermal activation of the solid residue component (red mud) removes 30% of anions from solution (100 ppm of both anions), while seawater-neutralized red mud removes 70%. The formation of hydrotalcite during the seawater neutralization process removes anions via two mechanisms, rather than one observed for thermally activated red mud.


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Bauxite refinery residues (red mud) are derived from the Bayer process by the digestion of crushed bauxite in concentrated sodium hydroxide at elevated temperatures and pressures. This slurry residue, if untreated, is unsuitable for discharge directly into the environment and is usually stored in tailing dams. The liquid portion has the potential for discharge, but requires pre-treatment before this can occur. The seawater neutralisation treatment facilitates a significant reduction in pH and dissolved metal concentrations, through the precipitation of hydrotalcite-like compounds and some other Mg, Ca, and Al hydroxide and carbonate minerals. The hydrotalcite-like compounds, precipitated during seawater neutralisation, also remove a range of transition metals, oxy-anions and other anionic species through a combination of intercalation and adsorption reactions: smaller anions are intercalated into the hydrotalcite matrix, while larger molecules are adsorbed on the particle surfaces. A phenomenon known as ‘reversion’ can occur if the seawater neutralisation process is not properly controlled. Reversion causes an increase in the pH and dissolved impurity levels of the neutralised effluent, rendering it unsuitable for discharge. It is believed that slow dissolution of components of the red mud residue and compounds formed during the neutralisation process are responsible for reversion. This investigation looked at characterising natural hydrotalcite (Mg6Al2(OH)16(CO3)∙4H2O) and ‘Bayer’ hydrotalcite (synthesised using the seawater neutralisation process) using a variety of techniques including X-ray diffraction, infrared and Raman spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis. This investigation showed that Bayer hydrotalcite is comprised of a mixture of 3:1 and 4:1 hydrotalcite structures and exhibited similar chemical characteristic to the 4:1 synthetic hydrotalcite. Hydrotalcite formed from the seawater neutralisation of Bauxite refinery residues has been found not to cause reversion. Other components in red mud were investigated to determine the cause of reversion and this investigation found three components that contributed to reversion: 1) tricalcium aluminate, 2) hydrocalumite and 3) calcium hydroxide. Increasing the amount of magnesium in the neutralisation process has been found to be successful in reducing reversion.


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129I is a radioactive isotope of iodine that is readily absorbed by the body. In this paper we investigated the potential of a 3:1 Zn/Al layered double hydroxide (LDH) as a sorbent for the removal of iodine and iodide from water. Synthetic Zn6Al2(OH)16(CO3)∙4H2O was prepared by the co-precipitation before thermal activation. The LDH was treated with solutions containing iodide and iodine. It was found that iodine could be more easily removed from solution than iodide. Powder X-ray diffraction revealed the destruction of the LDH structure during thermal activation and the successful reformation of a similar LDH material after treatment with the iodide or iodine solution. Thermal decomposition of all samples studied by thermogravimetry appeared to be similar. A new decomposition mechanism similar to one previously described in the literature was proposed for the Zn/Al LDH. The total mass loss of samples treated with iodide and iodine was significantly lower than that of the original LDH indicating that iodine species may form non-removable anions when intercalated into the LDH structure. Evolved gas mass spectrometry failed to detect any iodine species lost as gases during the decomposition of iodide treated LDH however, small quantities of iodine species were observed during decomposition of samples treated with iodine solution.


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Thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) were used to study some selected Mg/Al and Zn/Al layered double hydroxides (LDHs) prepared by co-precipitation. A Mg/Al hydrotalcite was investigated before and after reformation in fluoride and nitrate solutions. Little change in the TG or PXRD patterns was observed. It was proposed that successful intercalation of nitrate anions has occurred. However, the absence of any change in the d(003) interlayer spacing suggests that fluoride anions were not intercalated between the LDH layers. Any fluoride anions that were removed from solution are most likely adsorbed onto the outer surfaces of the hydrotalcite. As fluoride removal was not quantified it is not possible to confirm that this has happened without further experimentation. Carbonate is probably intercalated into the interlayer of these hydrotalcites, as well as fluoride or nitrate. The carbonate most likely originates from either incomplete decarbonation during thermal activation or adsorption from the atmosphere or dissolved in the deionised water. Small and large scale co-precipitation syntheses of a Zn/Al LDH were also investigated to determine if there was any change in the product. While the small scale experiment produced a good quality LDH of reasonable purity; the large scale synthesis resulted in several additional phases. Imprecise measurement and difficulty in handling the large quantities of reagents appeared to be sufficient to alter the reaction conditions causing a mixture of phases to be formed.


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Boron, which is an essential element for plants, is toxic to humans and animals at high concentrations. Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) and thermally activated LDHs have shown good uptake of a range of boron species in laboratory scale experiments when compared to current available methods, which are for the most part ineffective or prohibitively expensive. LDHs were able to remove anions from water by anion exchange, the reformation (or memory) effect and direct precipitation. The main mechanism of boron uptake appeared to be anion exchange, which was confirmed by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements. Solution pH appeared to have little effect on boron sorption while thermal activation did not always significantly improve boron uptake. In addition, perpetration of numerous LDHs with varying boron anions in the interlayer region by direct co-precipitation and anion exchange have been reported by a number of groups. The composition and orientation of the interlayer boron ions could be identified with reasonable certainty by applying a number of characterisation techniques including: powder XRD, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and infrared (IR) spectroscopy. There is still considerable scope for future research on the application of LDHs for the removal of boron contaminants.


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The application of layered double hydroxides (LDHs) and thermally activated LDHs for the removal of various fluorine (F-, BF-4), chlorine (Cl-,ClO-4), bromine (Br-, BrO-3) and iodine (I-, IO-3) species from aqueous solutions has been reviewed in this article. LDHs and thermally activated LDHs were able to significantly reduce the concentration of selected anions in laboratory scale experiments. The M2+:M3+ cation ratio of the LDH adsorbent was an important factor which influenced anion uptake. Though LDHs were able to remove some target anion species through anion exchange and surface adsorption thermal activation and reformation generally produced better results. The presence of competing anions including carbonate, phosphate and sulphate had a significant impact on uptake of the target anion as LDHs typically exhibit lower affinity towards monovalent anions compared to anions with multiple charges. The removal of fluoride and perchlorate from aqueous solution by a continuous flow system utilising fixed bed columns packed with LDH adsorbents has also been investigated. The adsorption capacity of the columns at breakpoint was heavily dependent on the flow rate and lower than result reported for the corresponding batch methods. There is still considerable scope for future research on numerous topics summarised in this article.


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Graphitization, a common process involving the transformation of metastable nongraphitic carbon into graphite is one of the major present-day challenges for micro- and nanocarbons due to their unique structural character and highly unusual thermal activation. Here we report on the successful graphitization of nanocrystalline carbon microcoils prepared by catalytic chemical vapor deposition and post-treated in argon atmosphere at temperatures ∼2500 °C for 2 h. The morphology, microstructure, and thermal properties of the carbon microcoils are examined in detail. The graphitization mechanism is discussed by invoking a model of structural transformation of the carbon microcoils. The results reveal that after graphitization the carbon microcoils are prominently purified and feature a clear helical morphology, as well as a more regular and ordered microstructure. The interlayer spacing of the carbon microcoils decreases from 0.36 to 0.34 nm, whereas the mean crystal sizes in the c - and a -directions increase from 1.64 to 2.04 nm and from 3.86 to 7.21 nm, respectively. Thermal treatment also substantially improves the antioxidation properties of the microcoils by lifting the oxidation onset temperature from 550 to 672 °C. This process may be suitable for other nongraphitic micro- and nanomaterials.


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β-Hydroxyperoxyl radicals are formed during atmospheric oxidation of unsaturated volatile organic compounds such as isoprene. They are intermediates in the combustion of alcohols. In these environments the unimolecular isomerization and decomposition of β-hydroxyperoxyl radicals may be of importance, either through chemical or thermal activation. We have used ion-trap mass spectrometry to generate the distonic charge-tagged β-hydroxyalkyl radical anion, ˙CH2C(OH)(CH3)CH2C(O)O−, and investigated its subsequent reaction with O2 in the gas phase under conditions that are devoid of complicating radical–radical reactions. Quantum chemical calculations and master equation/RRKM theory modeling are used to rationalize the results and discern a reaction mechanism. Reaction is found to proceed via initial hydrogen abstraction from the γ-methylene group and from the β-hydroxyl group, with both reaction channels eventually forming isobaric product ions due to loss of either ˙OH + HCHO or ˙OH + CO2. Isotope labeling studies confirm that a 1,5-hydrogen shift from the β-hydroxyl functionality results in a hydroperoxyalkoxyl radical intermediate that can undergo further unimolecular dissociations. Furthermore, this study confirms that the facile decomposition of β-hydroxyperoxyl radicals can yield ˙OH in the gas phase.


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Power dissipation maps have been generated in the temperature range of 900 degrees C to 1150 degrees C and strain rate range of 10(-3) to 10 s(-1) for a cast aluminide alloy Ti-24Al-20Nb using dynamic material model. The results define two distinct regimes of temperature and strain rate in which efficiency of power dissipation is maximum. The first region, centered around 975 degrees C/0.1 s(-1), is shown to correspond to dynamic recrystallization of the alpha(2) phase and the second, centered around 1150 degrees C/0.001 s(-1), corresponds to dynamic recovery and superplastic deformation of the beta phase. Thermal activation analysis using the power law creep equation yielded apparent activation energies of 854 and 627 kJ/mol for the first and second regimes, respectively. Reanalyzing the data by alternate methods yielded activation energies in the range of 170 to 220 kJ/mol and 220 to 270 kJ/mol for the first and second regimes, respectively. Cross slip was shown to constitute the activation barrier in both cases. Two distinct regimes of processing instability-one at high strain rates and the other at the low strain rates in the lower temperature regions-have been identified, within which shear bands are formed.


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The resistivity of two types of lithium fast-ion conductors, Li16-2xZnx(GeO4)4 (x=1,2) and Li3+xGexV1-xO4 (x=0.25,0.6,0.72), showed pronounced maxima as a function of pressure. For the first type, ln(ρ / ρ0) peaked at values of 0.12 (x=1) and 0.35 (x=2) near 20 kbar and decreased thereafter up to 80 kbar. Thermal activation energies and prefactors also showed corresponding maxima. For the second type, ln(ρ / ρ0) increased to 3-4 between 20 and 32 kbar. Near 80 kbar, ρ decreased (for x=0.25) by a factor of 250. The results are interpreted in terms of negative activation volumes.


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The impression creep behaviour of zinc is studied in the range 300 to 500 K and the results are compared with the data from conventional creep tests. The steady-state impression velocity is found to exhibit the same stress and temperature dependence as in conventional tensile creep with the same power law stress exponent. Also studied is the effect of indenter size on the impression velocity. The thermal activation parameters for plastic flow at high temperatures derived from a number of testing techniques agree reasonably well. Grain boundary sliding is shown to be unimportant in controlling the rate of plastic flow at high temperatures. It is observed that the Cottrell-Stokes law is obeyed during high-temperature deformation of zinc. It is concluded that a mechanism such as forest intersection involving attractive trees controls the high-temperature flow rather than a diffusion mechanism.


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The apparent thermal activation energy of 0.56 eV and the electron thermal capture cross section of 2.0 × 10-16 cm2 are measured for the gold related acceptor level in p+ nn+ silicon diodes by isothermal current transient and DLTS techniques. Using the emission and capture rate data and a degeneracy ratio of 2, the energy separation of the trap level from the conduction band is calculated and found to have the same temperature dependence as the band gap indicating that the acceptor level is pinned with respect to the valence band a t Ev + 0.637 eV.