994 resultados para Therapeutic resources
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Most ethnopharmacological studies overlook food plants, yet many edible plants, also have medicinal value. I documented plants that are used as both food and medicine by the Totonac of Zapotitlan de Mendez, Mexico and recorded the presence of selected secondary compounds, and physical characteristics in these plants. Photoactivity, antimicrobial, and antifungal assays also were performed. The presence of these properties were compared among food/medicine plants, food, medicinal, and randomly selected plants. I predicted that a higher percentage of medicinal plants would contain the secondary compounds, physical characteristics, and bioactivity compared to the other groups. Phenolics and cyanogenic glycosides in the medicinal group were significantly greater than in the food/medicine group. The food plants did not differ greatly from the medicinal plants. This research indicates that including food plants in ethnomedical studies could provide a more complete knowledge of peoples therapeutic resources and practices. ^
Objetivos - O foco deste artigo centra‐se na realidade emergente do consumo de medicamentos e/ou produtos terapêuticos naturais para finalidades de gestão do desempenho pessoal (aqui designados consumos de performance), e tem como objetivo analisar a relação entre as práticas de consumo e as perceções do risco e da eficácia atribuídas aos produtos farmacológicos e naturais para finalidades de melhoria e bem‐estar, por parte da população jovem portuguesa (18‐29 anos). Metodologia - A análise dos resultados empíricos de carácter extensivo resulta da aplicação de um inquérito por questionário a uma amostra de âmbito nacional (n=1.483). Do vasto conjunto de indicadores do questionário aplicado, aqueles que são aqui especificamente mobilizados são os que dizem respeito às perceções de risco associadas a estes consumos; aos escalonamentos de risco atribuídos aos diferentes recursos terapêuticos para finalidades de performance; bem como às experiências (e formas de gestão) do risco e da eficácia resultantes das práticas efetivas de consumo. Resultados - Constata‐se que, apesar de os posicionamentos relativamente ao risco dos consumos de performance fazerem salientar uma visão de valorização da segurança, há variações e diferenciações concretas que são indiciadoras não só de permeabilidades e predisposições ao consumo, mas também de conceções que se redefinem no quadro das experiências de uso, das circunstâncias do consumo e das finalidades da utilização dos diferentes produtos terapêuticos. Conclusões - As conceções sobre o risco associado a estes consumos traduzem uma certa plasticidade social, no sentido em que a ancoragem na experiência e a familiaridade com o próprio consumo constituem‐se como aspetos decisivos para a perceção de um maior controlo na gestão do risco. Torna‐se, por isso, importante aprofundar o conhecimento sobre as especificidades contextuais dos segmentos juvenis onde se constroem as modalidades de gestão prática do risco e da eficácia associadas a estes consumos.
Introdução: Os indivíduos portadores da má oclusão de Classe II Divisão 1 possuem diversas etiologias e podem ser encontrados em todas as etnias. As suas características clínicas e radiográficas se agravam com o crescimento e uma vez não tratada, continuam com esta má oclusão por toda sua vida. Para o tratamento ortodôntico na dentição mista recorre-se a dispositivos como aparelhos extra-orais, aparelhos funcionais fixos e removíveis. Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma revisão sobre o diagnóstico e tratamento da Classe II Divisão 1 na dentição mista, salientando a importância do tratamento nesta fase. Materiais e Métodos: Para a concretização do presente trabalho foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica no presente ano, recorrendo-se ao livro “Ortodontia Contemporânea” do autor William Proffit, diversos motores de busca online, nomeadamente, PubMed, Medline, Elsevier e Scholar Google, utilizando como palavras-chave: “Class II Division 1”, “Mixed Dentition”, “Functional Appliance”, “Extra-Oral Appliance”, e revistas de Ortodontia, nomeadamente, American Journal of Orthodontics, Seminars in Orthodontics, The Angle Orthodontist e Dental Press de Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial. A pesquisa foi realizada sem qualquer tipo de limites temporais, sendo dada uma maior importância a artigos mais recentes. Os artigos foram selecionados segundo o seu rigor científico e interesse para o tema. Numa fase mais avançada de revisão bibliográfica foram usados artigos citados na bibliografia dos artigos selecionados na primeira pesquisa efetuada. Conclusão: A dentição mista é considerada a fase ideal para iniciar o diagnóstico, prevenção, interceção e possível correção dos problemas dentários e/ou esqueléticos associados a uma Classe II Divisão 1. A Ortopedia Funcional dos Maxilares, removível ou fixa, e o uso de aparelhos extra-orais constituem recursos terapêuticos disponíveis para o tratamento desta má oclusão.
Voir aussi : F. Plumereau, S. Mucci, P. Le Naoures, J.B. Finel, A. Hamy. Ischémie mésentérique aiguë d’étiologie artérielle : intérêt d’une revascularisation précoce. Journal de Chirurgie Viscérale, Volume 152, Issue 1, February 2015, pp. 16-21. doi:10.1016/j.jchirv.2014.07.014
Antecedentes: Sayausí, pese a su urbanización en los últimos 20 años aún mantiene costumbres ancestrales andinas, como el uso de plantas medicinales: recurso preventivo y terapéutico en salud. Objetivo: Conocer el manejo de las plantas medicinales en Sayausí, según los principios de la cosmovisión andina. Materiales y Métodos: Investigación con enfoque cualitativo e intercultural. Estudia el uso de plantas medicinales bajo los postulados de la cosmovisión andina, con los sabios de la comunidad. Fundamento teórico para el análisis de los datos: el diseño narrativo, generando conceptos e interpretaciones a partir de la información obtenida de los sabios. Técnicas utilizadas: entrevistas. Instrumentos: formularios con preguntas abiertas, grabaciones y fotografías. Las entrevistas se redactaron utilizando citas, códigos y memos, procesadas con el programa Atlas ti; las categorías principales agrupadas según taxonomías; la información complementada con tablas y figuras. Resultados: los Yachak explicaron con sus propias palabras y vivencias los cinco principios: relacionalidad, reciprocidad, correspondencia, complementariedad y paridad. En su racionalidad todo funciona como proceso holístico, involucra a todos los componentes del universo. El sanar con montes constituye un verdadero ritual: incluye los principios, las plantas, el cuerpo y el espíritu. En el proceso formativo de los sabios intervienen: aprendizaje, don y necesidad. Las plantas tienen tres funciones principales: sanación, alimentación y elemento sagrado. Las formas para clasificar las plantas fueron: género, forma, color, y estado térmico. La recolección del monte, su preparación y la administración son los tres momentos del proceso de curación
The Australian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ABMDR) is a publicly funded company that is part of an international network that facilitates unrelated bone marrow transplantation. This role means that the ABMDR has access to a large biospecimen repository, therefore making it a highly valuable research resource. Recognising the potential value of these biospecimens for research purposes, the ABMDR is in the process of determining whether, and how, to share its biospecimens with other biobanks. While this would undoubtedly be of value to the scientific community, and ultimately to the wider community, it would also inevitably transform the role of an institution whose primary role is therapeutic, and would compromise the degree of control that a custodian has over donated material. This article describe the challenges confronting the ABMDR, and organisations like it, in balancing their duties to donors, patients, researchers and the general public. These problems have led inevitably to the use of "property" rights language in the discussion of these issues but notions of gift, ownership, trusteeship and transfer might also be considered.
Loss of function, muscle inflammation, and pain are some of the signs and symptoms of temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). Pharmacological strategies to minimize the clinical manifestation of these disorders often focus on blocking or inhibiting the pain-causing symptom. Resources such as muscle-relaxants, anxiety-relief drugs, and splint therapy are often used to reduce muscular hyperactivity related to TMD muscle pain. This study compares the effect of a randomly ordered association of occlusal splint therapy (S), nonsteroid anti-inflammatory with a muscle-relaxant drug (orphenadrine citrate) (O), and an anxiety-relief drug (benzodiazepine) (B), to ease painful TMD muscle symptoms. Clinical and anamnestic analyses were recorded in accordance with the Helkimo TMD index and applied before and after treatments. Twenty-one group two Helkimo TMD adult female patients were treated, all of whom were subjected to the three random therapeutic associations proposed: SBO, BOS, and OSB. The same operator applied the three specific associations over a period of 21 days in the proposed sequence, seven days for each therapy. The results show that all the groups presented the best results in terms of relief from pain after the therapeutic association (28.5% showed a decrease and 47.6% showed an absence of symptoms). No significant difference was observed among association therapeutic protocols. Copyright © 2003 by CHROMA, Inc.
This article analyses performance consumptions among young people. The theme is explored along two main axes. The first concerns the social heterogeneity in this field, considered on two levels: the different purposes for those investments - cognitive/mental and physical performance; and the different social contexts - university and work - where performance practices and dispositions may be fostered. The second axis explores the roles of pharmacological and natural consumptions, and their interrelationship, in the dissemination of these practices. The empirical data for this analysis were drawn from an ongoing research project on performance consumptions among young people (aged 18-29 years) in Portugal, including both university students and young workers without university education. The results correspond to the stage of extensive research, for which a questionnaire was organised at a national level, using non-proportional quota sampling. On the one hand, they show that (a) there is a hierarchy of acceptance of consumptions according to their purposes, with cognitive/mental performance showing higher acceptance and (b) both pharmaceuticals and natural products are consumed for every type of performance investment. On the other, the comparison between students and workers introduces a certain heterogeneity in this general backdrop, both in terms of the purposes for their consumptions and their opting for natural or pharmacological resources. These threads of heterogeneity will prompt a discussion of the dynamics of pharmaceuticalisation within the field of performance, in particular how therapeutic cultures may be changing in terms of the way individuals relate to medications, expanding their uses in social life.
"This article analyses performance consumptions among young people. The theme is explored along two main axes. The first concerns the social heterogeneity in this field, considered on two levels: the different purposes for those investments – cognitive/mental and physical performance; and the different social contexts – university and work – where performance practices and dispositions may be fostered. The second axis explores the roles of pharmacological and natural consumptions, and their interrelationship, in the dissemination of these practices. The empirical data for this analysis were drawn from an ongoing research project on performance consumptions among young people (aged 18−29 years) in Portugal, including both university students and young workers without university education. The results correspond to the stage of extensive research, for which a questionnaire was organised at a national level, using non-proportional quota sampling. On the one hand, they show that (a) there is a hierarchy of acceptance of consumptions according to their purposes, with cognitive/mental performance showing higher acceptance and (b) both pharmaceuticals and natural products are consumed for every type of performance investment. On the other, the comparison between students and workers introduces a certain heterogeneity in this general backdrop, both in terms of the purposes for their consumptions and their opting for natural or pharmacological resources. These threads of heterogeneity will prompt a discussion of the dynamics of pharmaceuticalisation within the field of performance, in particular how therapeutic cultures may be changing in terms of the way individuals relate to medications, expanding their uses in social life."
Knowing when to compete and when to cooperate to maximize opportunities for equal access to activities and materials in groups is critical to children's social and cognitive development. The present study examined the individual (gender, social competence) and contextual factors (gender context) that may determine why some children are more successful than others. One hundred and fifty-six children (M age=6.5 years) were divided into 39 groups of four and videotaped while engaged in a task that required them to cooperate in order to view cartoons. Children within all groups were unfamiliar to one another. Groups varied in gender composition (all girls, all boys, or mixed-sex) and social competence (high vs. low). Group composition by gender interaction effects were found. Girls were most successful at gaining viewing time in same-sex groups, and least successful in mixed-sex groups. Conversely, boys were least successful in same-sex groups and most successful in mixed-sex groups. Similar results were also found at the group level of analysis; however, the way in which the resources were distributed differed as a function of group type. Same-sex girl groups were inequitable but efficient whereas same-sex boy groups were more equitable than mixed groups but inefficient compared to same-sex girl groups. Social competence did not influence children's behavior. The findings from the present study highlight the effect of gender context on cooperation and competition and the relevance of adopting an unfamiliar peer paradigm when investigating children's social behavior.
The business value of Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERP systems), and in general large software implementations, has been extensively debated in both popular press and in the academic literature for over two decades. Organisations invest enormous sums of money and resources in Enterprise Resource Planning systems (and related infrastructure), presumably expecting positive impacts to the organisation and its functions. Some studies have reported large productivity improvements and substantial benefits from ERP systems, while others have reported that ERP systems have not had any bottom-line impact. This paper discusses initial findings from a study that focuses on identifying and assessing important ERP impacts in 23 Australian public sector organizations.