888 resultados para Theory of models


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Introduction. There is some cross-sectional evidence that theory of mind ability is associated with social functioning in those with psychosis but the direction of this relationship is unknown. This study investigates the longitudinal association between both theory of mind and psychotic symptoms and social functioning outcome in first-episode psychosis. Methods. Fifty-four people with first-episode psychosis were followed up at 6 and 12 months. Random effects regression models were used to estimate the stability of theory of mind over time and the association between baseline theory of mind and psychotic symptoms and social functioning outcome. Results. Neither baseline theory of mind ability (regression coefficients: Hinting test 1.07 95% CI 0.74, 2.88; Visual Cartoon test 2.91 95% CI 7.32, 1.51) nor baseline symptoms (regression coefficients: positive symptoms 0.04 95% CI 1.24, 1.16; selected negative symptoms 0.15 95% CI 2.63, 2.32) were associated with social functioning outcome. There was evidence that theory of mind ability was stable over time, (regression coefficients: Hinting test 5.92 95% CI 6.66, 8.92; Visual Cartoon test score 0.13 95% CI 0.17, 0.44). Conclusions. Neither baseline theory of mind ability nor psychotic symptoms are associated with social functioning outcome. Further longitudinal work is needed to understand the origin of social functioning deficits in psychosis.


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The classical wave-of-advance model of the neolithic transition (i.e., the shift from hunter-gatherer to agricultural economies) is based on Fisher's reaction-diffusion equation. Here we present an extension of Einstein's approach to Fickian diffusion, incorporating reaction terms. On this basis we show that second-order terms in the reaction-diffusion equation, which have been neglected up to now, are not in fact negligible but can lead to important corrections. The resulting time-delayed model agrees quite well with observations


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We survey the population genetic basis of social evolution, using a logically consistent set of arguments to cover a wide range of biological scenarios. We start by reconsidering Hamilton's (Hamilton 1964 J. Theoret. Biol. 7, 1-16 (doi:10.1016/0022-5193(64)90038-4)) results for selection on a social trait under the assumptions of additive gene action, weak selection and constant environment and demography. This yields a prediction for the direction of allele frequency change in terms of phenotypic costs and benefits and genealogical concepts of relatedness, which holds for any frequency of the trait in the population, and provides the foundation for further developments and extensions. We then allow for any type of gene interaction within and between individuals, strong selection and fluctuating environments and demography, which may depend on the evolving trait itself. We reach three conclusions pertaining to selection on social behaviours under broad conditions. (i) Selection can be understood by focusing on a one-generation change in mean allele frequency, a computation which underpins the utility of reproductive value weights; (ii) in large populations under the assumptions of additive gene action and weak selection, this change is of constant sign for any allele frequency and is predicted by a phenotypic selection gradient; (iii) under the assumptions of trait substitution sequences, such phenotypic selection gradients suffice to characterize long-term multi-dimensional stochastic evolution, with almost no knowledge about the genetic details underlying the coevolving traits. Having such simple results about the effect of selection regardless of population structure and type of social interactions can help to delineate the common features of distinct biological processes. Finally, we clarify some persistent divergences within social evolution theory, with respect to exactness, synergies, maximization, dynamic sufficiency and the role of genetic arguments.


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This paper makes several contributions to the growing literatureon the economics of religion. First, we explicitly introduce spatial-location models into the economics of religion. Second, we offer a newexplanation for the observed tendency of state (monopoly) churches tolocate toward the "low-tension" end of the "strictness continuum" (ina one-dimensional product space): This result is obtained through theconjunction of "benevolent preferences" (denominations care about theaggregate utility of members) and asymmetric costs of going to a moreor less strict church than one prefers.We also derive implications regarding the relationship between religiousstrictness and membership. The driving forces of our analysis, religiousmarket interactions and asymmetric costs of membership, high-light newexplanations for some well-established stylized facts. The analysis opensthe way to new empirical tests, aimed at confronting the implications ofour model against more traditional explanations.


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In the 1920s, Ronald Fisher developed the theory behind the p value and Jerzy Neyman and Egon Pearson developed the theory of hypothesis testing. These distinct theories have provided researchers important quantitative tools to confirm or refute their hypotheses. The p value is the probability to obtain an effect equal to or more extreme than the one observed presuming the null hypothesis of no effect is true; it gives researchers a measure of the strength of evidence against the null hypothesis. As commonly used, investigators will select a threshold p value below which they will reject the null hypothesis. The theory of hypothesis testing allows researchers to reject a null hypothesis in favor of an alternative hypothesis of some effect. As commonly used, investigators choose Type I error (rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true) and Type II error (accepting the null hypothesis when it is false) levels and determine some critical region. If the test statistic falls into that critical region, the null hypothesis is rejected in favor of the alternative hypothesis. Despite similarities between the two, the p value and the theory of hypothesis testing are different theories that often are misunderstood and confused, leading researchers to improper conclusions. Perhaps the most common misconception is to consider the p value as the probability that the null hypothesis is true rather than the probability of obtaining the difference observed, or one that is more extreme, considering the null is true. Another concern is the risk that an important proportion of statistically significant results are falsely significant. Researchers should have a minimum understanding of these two theories so that they are better able to plan, conduct, interpret, and report scientific experiments.


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BACKGROUND: Theory of mind (ToM), the capacity to infer the intention, beliefs and emotional states of others, is frequently impaired in behavioural variant fronto-temporal dementia patients (bv-FTDp); however, its impact on caregiver burden is unexplored. SETTING: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health. SUBJECTS: bv-FTDp (n = 28), a subgroup of their caregivers (n = 20) and healthy controls (n = 32). METHODS: we applied a faux-pas (FP) task as a ToM measure in bv-FTDp and healthy controls and the Zarit Burden Interview as a measure of burden in patients' caregivers. Patients underwent structural MRI; we used voxel-based morphometry to examine relationships between regional atrophy and ToM impairment and caregiver burden. RESULTS: FP task performance was impaired in bv-FTDp and negatively associated with caregiver burden. Atrophy was found in areas involved in ToM. Caregiver burden increased with greater atrophy in left lateral premotor cortex, a region associated in animal models with the presence of mirror neurons, possibly involved in empathy. CONCLUSION: ToM impairment in bv-FTDp is associated with increased caregiver burden.


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Understanding and quantifying seismic energy dissipation, which manifests itself in terms of velocity dispersion and attenuation, in fluid-saturated porous rocks is of considerable interest, since it offers the perspective of extracting information with regard to the elastic and hydraulic rock properties. There is increasing evidence to suggest that wave-induced fluid flow, or simply WIFF, is the dominant underlying physical mechanism governing these phenomena throughout the seismic, sonic, and ultrasonic frequency ranges. This mechanism, which can prevail at the microscopic, mesoscopic, and macroscopic scale ranges, operates through viscous energy dissipation in response to fluid pressure gradients and inertial effects induced by the passing wavefield. In the first part of this thesis, we present an analysis of broad-band multi-frequency sonic log data from a borehole penetrating water-saturated unconsolidated glacio-fluvial sediments. An inherent complication arising in the interpretation of the observed P-wave attenuation and velocity dispersion is, however, that the relative importance of WIFF at the various scales is unknown and difficult to unravel. An important generic result of our work is that the levels of attenuation and velocity dispersion due to the presence of mesoscopic heterogeneities in water-saturated unconsolidated clastic sediments are expected to be largely negligible. Conversely, WIFF at the macroscopic scale allows for explaining most of the considered data while refinements provided by including WIFF at the microscopic scale in the analysis are locally meaningful. Using a Monte-Carlo-type inversion approach, we compare the capability of the different models describing WIFF at the macroscopic and microscopic scales with regard to their ability to constrain the dry frame elastic moduli and the permeability as well as their local probability distribution. In the second part of this thesis, we explore the issue of determining the size of a representative elementary volume (REV) arising in the numerical upscaling procedures of effective seismic velocity dispersion and attenuation of heterogeneous media. To this end, we focus on a set of idealized synthetic rock samples characterized by the presence of layers, fractures or patchy saturation in the mesocopic scale range. These scenarios are highly pertinent because they tend to be associated with very high levels of velocity dispersion and attenuation caused by WIFF in the mesoscopic scale range. The problem of determining the REV size for generic heterogeneous rocks is extremely complex and entirely unexplored in the given context. In this pilot study, we have therefore focused on periodic media, which assures the inherent self- similarity of the considered samples regardless of their size and thus simplifies the problem to a systematic analysis of the dependence of the REV size on the applied boundary conditions in the numerical simulations. Our results demonstrate that boundary condition effects are absent for layered media and negligible in the presence of patchy saturation, thus resulting in minimum REV sizes. Conversely, strong boundary condition effects arise in the presence of a periodic distribution of finite-length fractures, thus leading to large REV sizes. In the third part of the thesis, we propose a novel effective poroelastic model for periodic media characterized by mesoscopic layering, which accounts for WIFF at both the macroscopic and mesoscopic scales as well as for the anisotropy associated with the layering. Correspondingly, this model correctly predicts the existence of the fast and slow P-waves as well as quasi and pure S-waves for any direction of wave propagation as long as the corresponding wavelengths are much larger than the layer thicknesses. The primary motivation for this work is that, for formations of intermediate to high permeability, such as, for example, unconsolidated sediments, clean sandstones, or fractured rocks, these two WIFF mechanisms may prevail at similar frequencies. This scenario, which can be expected rather common, cannot be accounted for by existing models for layered porous media. Comparisons of analytical solutions of the P- and S-wave phase velocities and inverse quality factors for wave propagation perpendicular to the layering with those obtained from numerical simulations based on a ID finite-element solution of the poroelastic equations of motion show very good agreement as long as the assumption of long wavelengths remains valid. A limitation of the proposed model is its inability to account for inertial effects in mesoscopic WIFF when both WIFF mechanisms prevail at similar frequencies. Our results do, however, also indicate that the associated error is likely to be relatively small, as, even at frequencies at which both inertial and scattering effects are expected to be at play, the proposed model provides a solution that is remarkably close to its numerical benchmark. -- Comprendre et pouvoir quantifier la dissipation d'énergie sismique qui se traduit par la dispersion et l'atténuation des vitesses dans les roches poreuses et saturées en fluide est un intérêt primordial pour obtenir des informations à propos des propriétés élastique et hydraulique des roches en question. De plus en plus d'études montrent que le déplacement relatif du fluide par rapport au solide induit par le passage de l'onde (wave induced fluid flow en anglais, dont on gardera ici l'abréviation largement utilisée, WIFF), représente le principal mécanisme physique qui régit ces phénomènes, pour la gamme des fréquences sismiques, sonique et jusqu'à l'ultrasonique. Ce mécanisme, qui prédomine aux échelles microscopique, mésoscopique et macroscopique, est lié à la dissipation d'énergie visqueuse résultant des gradients de pression de fluide et des effets inertiels induits par le passage du champ d'onde. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous présentons une analyse de données de diagraphie acoustique à large bande et multifréquences, issues d'un forage réalisé dans des sédiments glaciaux-fluviaux, non-consolidés et saturés en eau. La difficulté inhérente à l'interprétation de l'atténuation et de la dispersion des vitesses des ondes P observées, est que l'importance des WIFF aux différentes échelles est inconnue et difficile à quantifier. Notre étude montre que l'on peut négliger le taux d'atténuation et de dispersion des vitesses dû à la présence d'hétérogénéités à l'échelle mésoscopique dans des sédiments clastiques, non- consolidés et saturés en eau. A l'inverse, les WIFF à l'échelle macroscopique expliquent la plupart des données, tandis que les précisions apportées par les WIFF à l'échelle microscopique sont localement significatives. En utilisant une méthode d'inversion du type Monte-Carlo, nous avons comparé, pour les deux modèles WIFF aux échelles macroscopique et microscopique, leur capacité à contraindre les modules élastiques de la matrice sèche et la perméabilité ainsi que leur distribution de probabilité locale. Dans une seconde partie de cette thèse, nous cherchons une solution pour déterminer la dimension d'un volume élémentaire représentatif (noté VER). Cette problématique se pose dans les procédures numériques de changement d'échelle pour déterminer l'atténuation effective et la dispersion effective de la vitesse sismique dans un milieu hétérogène. Pour ce faire, nous nous concentrons sur un ensemble d'échantillons de roches synthétiques idéalisés incluant des strates, des fissures, ou une saturation partielle à l'échelle mésoscopique. Ces scénarios sont hautement pertinents, car ils sont associés à un taux très élevé d'atténuation et de dispersion des vitesses causé par les WIFF à l'échelle mésoscopique. L'enjeu de déterminer la dimension d'un VER pour une roche hétérogène est très complexe et encore inexploré dans le contexte actuel. Dans cette étude-pilote, nous nous focalisons sur des milieux périodiques, qui assurent l'autosimilarité des échantillons considérés indépendamment de leur taille. Ainsi, nous simplifions le problème à une analyse systématique de la dépendance de la dimension des VER aux conditions aux limites appliquées. Nos résultats indiquent que les effets des conditions aux limites sont absents pour un milieu stratifié, et négligeables pour un milieu à saturation partielle : cela résultant à des dimensions petites des VER. Au contraire, de forts effets des conditions aux limites apparaissent dans les milieux présentant une distribution périodique de fissures de taille finie : cela conduisant à de grandes dimensions des VER. Dans la troisième partie de cette thèse, nous proposons un nouveau modèle poro- élastique effectif, pour les milieux périodiques caractérisés par une stratification mésoscopique, qui prendra en compte les WIFF à la fois aux échelles mésoscopique et macroscopique, ainsi que l'anisotropie associée à ces strates. Ce modèle prédit alors avec exactitude l'existence des ondes P rapides et lentes ainsi que les quasis et pures ondes S, pour toutes les directions de propagation de l'onde, tant que la longueur d'onde correspondante est bien plus grande que l'épaisseur de la strate. L'intérêt principal de ce travail est que, pour les formations à perméabilité moyenne à élevée, comme, par exemple, les sédiments non- consolidés, les grès ou encore les roches fissurées, ces deux mécanismes d'WIFF peuvent avoir lieu à des fréquences similaires. Or, ce scénario, qui est assez commun, n'est pas décrit par les modèles existants pour les milieux poreux stratifiés. Les comparaisons des solutions analytiques des vitesses des ondes P et S et de l'atténuation de la propagation des ondes perpendiculaires à la stratification, avec les solutions obtenues à partir de simulations numériques en éléments finis, fondées sur une solution obtenue en 1D des équations poro- élastiques, montrent un très bon accord, tant que l'hypothèse des grandes longueurs d'onde reste valable. Il y a cependant une limitation de ce modèle qui est liée à son incapacité à prendre en compte les effets inertiels dans les WIFF mésoscopiques quand les deux mécanismes d'WIFF prédominent à des fréquences similaires. Néanmoins, nos résultats montrent aussi que l'erreur associée est relativement faible, même à des fréquences à laquelle sont attendus les deux effets d'inertie et de diffusion, indiquant que le modèle proposé fournit une solution qui est remarquablement proche de sa référence numérique.


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The extensional theory of arrays is one of the most important ones for applications of SAT Modulo Theories (SMT) to hardware and software verification. Here we present a new T-solver for arrays in the context of the DPLL(T) approach to SMT. The main characteristics of our solver are: (i) no translation of writes into reads is needed, (ii) there is no axiom instantiation, and (iii) the T-solver interacts with the Boolean engine by asking to split on equality literals between indices. As far as we know, this is the first accurate description of an array solver integrated in a state-of-the-art SMT solver and, unlike most state-of-the-art solvers, it is not based on a lazy instantiation of the array axioms. Moreover, it is very competitive in practice, specially on problems that require heavy reasoning on array literals


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This thesis attempts to fill gaps in both a theoretical basis and an operational and strategic understanding in the areas of social ventures, social entrepreneurship and nonprofit business models. This study also attempts to bridge the gap in strategic and economic theory between social and commercial ventures. More specifically, this thesis explores sustainable competitive advantage from a resource-based theory perspective and explores how it may be applied to the nonmarket situation of nonprofit organizations and social ventures. It is proposed that a social value-orientation of sustainable competitive advantage, called sustainable contributive advantage, provides a more realistic depiction of what is necessary in order for a social venture to perform better than its competitors over time. In addition to providing this realistic depiction, this research provides a substantial theoretical contribution in the area of economics, social ventures, and strategy research, specifically in regards to resource-based theory. The proposed model for sustainable contributive advantage uses resource-based theory and competitive advantage in order to be applicable to social ventures. This model proposes an explanation of a social venture’s ability to demonstrate consistently superior performance. In order to determine whether sustainable competitive advantage is in fact, appropriate to apply to both social and economic environments, quantitative analyses are conducted on a large sample of nonprofit organizations in a single industry and then compared to similar quantitative analyses conducted on commercial ventures. In comparing the trends and strategies between the two types of entities from a quantitative perspective, propositions are developed regarding a social venture’s resource utilization strategies and their possible impact on performance. Evidence is found to support the necessity of adjusting existing models in resource-based theory in order to apply them to social ventures. Additionally supported is the proposed theory of sustainable contributive advantage. The thesis concludes with recommendations for practitioners, researchers and policy makers as well as suggestions for future research paths.


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Dans cette thèse, nous étudions quelques problèmes fondamentaux en mathématiques financières et actuarielles, ainsi que leurs applications. Cette thèse est constituée de trois contributions portant principalement sur la théorie de la mesure de risques, le problème de l’allocation du capital et la théorie des fluctuations. Dans le chapitre 2, nous construisons de nouvelles mesures de risque cohérentes et étudions l’allocation de capital dans le cadre de la théorie des risques collectifs. Pour ce faire, nous introduisons la famille des "mesures de risque entropique cumulatifs" (Cumulative Entropic Risk Measures). Le chapitre 3 étudie le problème du portefeuille optimal pour le Entropic Value at Risk dans le cas où les rendements sont modélisés par un processus de diffusion à sauts (Jump-Diffusion). Dans le chapitre 4, nous généralisons la notion de "statistiques naturelles de risque" (natural risk statistics) au cadre multivarié. Cette extension non-triviale produit des mesures de risque multivariées construites à partir des données financiéres et de données d’assurance. Le chapitre 5 introduit les concepts de "drawdown" et de la "vitesse d’épuisement" (speed of depletion) dans la théorie de la ruine. Nous étudions ces concepts pour des modeles de risque décrits par une famille de processus de Lévy spectrallement négatifs.


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The present thesis is a contribution to the study of laser-solid interaction. Despite the numerous applications resulting from the recent use of laser technology, there is still a lack of satisfactory answers to theoretical questions regarding the mechanism leading to the structural changes induced by femtosecond lasers in materials. We provide here theoretical approaches for the description of the structural response of different solids (cerium, samarium sulfide, bismuth and germanium) to femtosecond laser excitation. Particular interest is given to the description of the effects of the laser pulse on the electronic systems and changes of the potential energy surface for the ions. Although the general approach of laser-excited solids remains the same, the potential energy surface which drives the structural changes is calculated with different theoretical models for each material. This is due to the difference of the electronic properties of the studied systems. We use the Falicov model combined with an hydrodynamic method to study photoinduced phase changes in cerium. The local density approximation (LDA) together with the Hubbard-type Hamiltonian (LDA+U) in the framework of density functional theory (DFT) is used to describe the structural properties of samarium sulfide. We parametrize the time-dependent potential energy surface (calculated using DFT+ LDA) of bismuth on which we perform quantum dynamical simulations to study the experimentally observed amplitude collapse and revival of coherent $A_{1g}$ phonons. On the basis of a time-dependent potential energy surface calculated from a non-orthogonal tight binding Hamiltonian, we perform molecular dynamics simulation to analyze the time evolution (coherent phonons, ultrafast nonthermal melting) of germanium under laser excitation. The thermodynamic equilibrium properties of germanium are also reported. With the obtained results we are able to give many clarifications and interpretations of experimental results and also make predictions.


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An electronic theory is developed, which describes the ultrafast demagnetization in itinerant ferromagnets following the absorption of a femtosecond laser pulse. The present work intends to elucidate the microscopic physics of this ultrafast phenomenon by identifying its fundamental mechanisms. In particular, it aims to reveal the nature of the involved spin excitations and angular-momentum transfer between spin and lattice, which are still subjects of intensive debate. In the first preliminary part of the thesis the initial stage of the laser-induced demagnetization process is considered. In this stage the electronic system is highly excited by spin-conserving elementary excitations involved in the laser-pulse absorption, while the spin or magnon degrees of freedom remain very weakly excited. The role of electron-hole excitations on the stability of the magnetic order of one- and two-dimensional 3d transition metals (TMs) is investigated by using ab initio density-functional theory. The results show that the local magnetic moments are remarkably stable even at very high levels of local energy density and, therefore, indicate that these moments preserve their identity throughout the entire demagnetization process. In the second main part of the thesis a many-body theory is proposed, which takes into account these local magnetic moments and the local character of the involved spin excitations such as spin fluctuations from the very beginning. In this approach the relevant valence 3d and 4p electrons are described in terms of a multiband model Hamiltonian which includes Coulomb interactions, interatomic hybridizations, spin-orbit interactions, as well as the coupling to the time-dependent laser field on the same footing. An exact numerical time evolution is performed for small ferromagnetic TM clusters. The dynamical simulations show that after ultra-short laser pulse absorption the magnetization of these clusters decreases on a time scale of hundred femtoseconds. In particular, the results reproduce the experimentally observed laser-induced demagnetization in ferromagnets and demonstrate that this effect can be explained in terms of the following purely electronic non-adiabatic mechanism: First, on a time scale of 10–100 fs after laser excitation the spin-orbit coupling yields local angular-momentum transfer between the spins and the electron orbits, while subsequently the orbital angular momentum is very rapidly quenched in the lattice on the time scale of one femtosecond due to interatomic electron hoppings. In combination, these two processes result in a demagnetization within hundred or a few hundred femtoseconds after laser-pulse absorption.


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Models used in neoclassical economics assume human behaviour to be purely rational. On the other hand, models adopted in social and behavioural psychology are founded on the ‘black box’ of human cognition. In view of these observations, this paper aims at bridging this gap by introducing psychological constructs in the well established microeconomic framework of choice behaviour based on random utility theory. In particular, it combines constructs developed employing Ajzen’s theory of planned behaviour with Lancaster’s theory of consumer demand for product characteristics to explain stated preferences over certified animal-friendly foods. To reach this objective a web survey was administered in the largest five EU-25 countries: France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK. Findings identify some salient cross-cultural differences between northern and southern Europe and suggest that psychological constructs developed using the Ajzen model are useful in explaining heterogeneity of preferences. Implications for policy makers and marketers involved with certified animal-friendly foods are discussed.


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The study of workarounds (WA) has increased in importance due to their impact on patient safety and efficiency. However, there are no adequate theories to explain the motivation to create and use a workaround in a healthcare sitting. Although theories of technology acceptance help to understand the reasons to accept or reject technology, they fail to explain drivers for alternatives. Also workarounds involve creators and performers that have different motivations. Models such as Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) or Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) can help to explain the role of workaround users, but lack explanation of workaround creators’ dynamics. Our aim is to develop a theoretical foundation to explain workaround motivation behaviour models with norms that relate to sanctions to provide an integrated Workaround Motivation Model; WAMM. The development of WAMM model is explained in this paper based on workaround cases as part of further research to establish the model.


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This paper considers tests which maximize the weighted average power (WAP). The focus is on determining WAP tests subject to an uncountable number of equalities and/or inequalities. The unifying theory allows us to obtain tests with correct size, similar tests, and unbiased tests, among others. A WAP test may be randomized and its characterization is not always possible. We show how to approximate the power of the optimal test by sequences of nonrandomized tests. Two alternative approximations are considered. The rst approach considers a sequence of similar tests for an increasing number of boundary conditions. This discretization allows us to implement the WAP tests in practice. The second method nds a sequence of tests which approximate the WAP test uniformly. This approximation allows us to show that WAP similar tests are admissible. The theoretical framework is readily applicable to several econometric models, including the important class of the curved-exponential family. In this paper, we consider the instrumental variable model with heteroskedastic and autocorrelated errors (HAC-IV) and the nearly integrated regressor model. In both models, we nd WAP similar and (locally) unbiased tests which dominate other available tests.