995 resultados para Theoretical chemistry


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Computer simulations of a colloidal particle suspended in a fluid confined by rigid walls show that, at long times, the velocity correlation function decays with a negative algebraic tail. The exponent depends on the confining geometry, rather than the spatial dimensionality. We can account for the tail by using a simple mode-coupling theory which exploits the fact that the sound wave generated by a moving particle becomes diffusive.


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Using an interpolant form for the gradient of a function of position, we write an integral version of the conservation equations for a fluid. In the appropriate limit, these become the usual conservation laws of mass, momentum, and energy. We also discuss the special cases of the Navier-Stokes equations for viscous flow and the Fourier law for thermal conduction in the presence of hydrodynamic fluctuations. By means of a discretization procedure, we show how the integral equations can give rise to the so-called particle dynamics of smoothed particle hydrodynamics and dissipative particle dynamics.


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The phenomenon of resonant activation of a Brownian particle over a fluctuating barrier is revisited. We discuss the important distinctions between barriers that can fluctuate among up and down configurations, and barriers that are always up but that can fluctuate among different heights. A resonance as a function of the barrier fluctuation rate is found in both cases, but the nature and physical description of these resonances is quite distinct. The nature of the resonances, the physical basis for the resonant behavior, and the importance of boundary conditions are discussed in some detail. We obtain analytic expressions for the escape time over the barrier that explicitly capture the minima as a function of the barrier fluctuation rate, and show that our analytic results are in excellent agreement with numerical results.


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In this article we present a detailed analysis of the kinetics of a class of sequential adsorption models that take into account the effect of externally applied fields (as an electric field, or a shear rate) on the adsorption. The excluded volume interactions related to the finite size of the adsorbing particles are modified by the external fields. As a result, new adsorption mechanisms appear with respect to the ones used to describe the kinetics in a quiescent fluid. In particular, if the adsorbing particles are allowed to roll over preadsorbed ones, adsorption becomes non local even in the simplest geometry. An exact analytic theory cannot be developed, but we introduce a self-consistent theory that turns out to agree with the simulation results over all the range of the parameters.


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Ground-state instability to bond alternation in long linear chains is considered from the point of view of valence-bond (VB) theory. This instability is viewed as the consequence of a long-range order (LRO) which is expected if the ground state is reasonably described in terms of the Kekulé states (with nearest-neighbor singlet pairing). It is argued that the bond alternation and associated LRO predicted by this simple, VB picture is retained for certain linear Heisenberg models; many-body VB calculations on spin s=1 / 2 and s=1 chains are carried out in a test of this argument.


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Background: Network reconstructions at the cell level are a major development in Systems Biology. However, we are far from fully exploiting its potentialities. Often, the incremental complexity of the pursued systems overrides experimental capabilities, or increasingly sophisticated protocols are underutilized to merely refine confidence levels of already established interactions. For metabolic networks, the currently employed confidence scoring system rates reactions discretely according to nested categories of experimental evidence or model-based likelihood. Results: Here, we propose a complementary network-based scoring system that exploits the statistical regularities of a metabolic network as a bipartite graph. As an illustration, we apply it to the metabolism of Escherichia coli. The model is adjusted to the observations to derive connection probabilities between individual metabolite-reaction pairs and, after validation, to assess the reliability of each reaction in probabilistic terms. This network-based scoring system uncovers very specific reactions that could be functionally or evolutionary important, identifies prominent experimental targets, and enables further confirmation of modeling results. Conclusions: We foresee a wide range of potential applications at different sub-cellular or supra-cellular levels of biological interactions given the natural bipartivity of many biological networks.


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A linear M-O-M (M=metal, O=oxygen) cluster embedded in a Madelung field, and also including the quantum effects of the neighboring ions, is used to represent the alkaline-earth oxides. For this model an ab initio wave function is constructed as a linear combination of Slater determinants written in an atomic orbital basis set, i.e., a valence-bond wave function. Each valence-bond determinant (or group of determinants) corresponds to a resonating valence-bond structure. We have obtained ab initio valence-bond cluster-model wave functions for the electronic ground state and the excited states involved in the optical-gap transitions. Numerical results are reasonably close to the experimental values. Moreover, the model contains the ionic model as a limiting case and can be readily extended and improved.


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We analyze the dynamics of Brownian ratchets in a confined environment. The motion of the particles is described by a Fick-Jakobs kinetic equation in which the presence of boundaries is modeled by means of an entropic potential. The cases of a flashing ratchet, a two-state model, and a ratchet under the influence of a temperature gradient are analyzed in detail. We show the emergence of a strong cooperativity between the inherent rectification of the ratchet mechanism and the entropic bias of the fluctuations caused by spatial confinement. Net particle transport may take place in situations where none of those mechanisms leads to rectification when acting individually. The combined rectification mechanisms may lead to bidirectional transport and to new routes to segregation phenomena. Confined Brownian ratchets could be used to control transport in mesostructures and to engineer new and more efficient devices for transport at the nanoscale.


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We analyze the diffusion of a Brownian particle in a fluid under stationary flow. By using the scheme of nonequilibrium thermodynamics in phase space, we obtain the Fokker-Planck equation that is compared with others derived from the kinetic theory and projector operator techniques. This equation exhibits violation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. By implementing the hydrodynamic regime described by the first moments of the nonequilibrium distribution, we find relaxation equations for the diffusion current and pressure tensor, allowing us to arrive at a complete description of the system in the inertial and diffusion regimes. The simplicity and generality of the method we propose makes it applicable to more complex situations, often encountered in problems of soft-condensed matter, in which not only one but more degrees of freedom are coupled to a nonequilibrium bath.


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Fullerenes are wonderful molecules that exhibit a wealth of interesting properties, which promises a major role for this family in the future in the (bio)medicine and nanotechnology fields. However, there are still many unknowns such as for instance the reactivity of these molecules and how this is affected by metals. These aspects are difficult to apprehend by experiments alone, for which reason there is a widespread interest in the description and simulation of them by theoretical chemistry. Here we briefly describe our results from the past five years and their future impact


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Water soluble perchlorinated trityl (PTM) radicals were found to be effective 95 GHz DNP (dynamic nuclear polarization) polarizers in ex situ (dissolution) 13C DNP (Gabellieri et al., Angew Chem., Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 3360). The degree of the nuclear polarization obtained was reported to be dependent on the position of the chlorine substituents on the trityl skeleton. In addition, on the basis of the DNP frequency sweeps it was suggested that the 13C NMR signal enhancement is mediated by the Cl nuclei. To understand the DNP mechanism of the PTM radicals we have explored the 95 GHz EPR characteristics of these radicals that are relevant to their performance as DNP polarizers. The EPR spectra of the radicals revealed axially symmetric g-tensors. A comparison of the spectra with the 13C DNP frequency sweeps showed that although the solid effect mechanism is operational the DNP frequency sweeps reveal some extra width suggesting that contributions from EPR forbidden transitions involving 35,37Cl nuclear flips are likely. This was substantiated experimentally by ELDOR (electron-electron double resonance) detected NMR measurements, which map the EPR forbidden transitions, and ELDOR experiments that follow the depolarization of the electron spin upon irradiation of the forbidden EPR transitions. DFT (density functional theory) calculations helped to assign the observed transitions and provided the relevant spin Hamiltonian parameters. These results show that the 35,37Cl hyperfine and nuclear quadrupolar interactions cause a considerable nuclear state mixing at 95 GHz thus facilitating the polarization of the Cl nuclei upon microwave irradiation. Overlap of Cl nuclear frequencies and the 13C Larmor frequency further facilitates the polarization of the 13C nuclei by spin diffusion. Calculation of the 13C DNP frequency sweep based on the Cl nuclear polarization showed that it does lead to an increase in the width of the spectra, improving the agreement with the experimental sweeps, thus supporting the existence of a new heteronuclear assisted DNP mechanism.


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We derive a one dimensional formulation of the Planck-Nernst-Poisson equation to describe the dynamics of of a symmetric binary electrolyte in channels whose section is of nanometric section and varies along the axial direction. The approach is in the spirit of the Fick-Jacobs di fusion equation and leads to a system of coupled equations for the partial densities which depends on the charge sitting at the walls in a non trivial fashion. We consider two kinds of non uniformities, those due to the spatial variation of charge distribution and those due to the shape variation of the pore and report one and three-dimensional solutions of the electrokinetic equations.


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The classical theory of collision induced emission (CIE) from pairs of dissimilar rare gas atoms was developed in Paper I [D. Reguera and G. Birnbaum, J. Chem. Phys. 125, 184304 (2006)] from a knowledge of the straight line collision trajectory and the assumption that the magnitude of the dipole could be represented by an exponential function of the inter-nuclear distance. This theory is extended here to deal with other functional forms of the induced dipole as revealed by ab initio calculations. Accurate analytical expression for the CIE can be obtained by least square fitting of the ab initio values of the dipole as a function of inter-atomic separation using a sum of exponentials and then proceeding as in Paper I. However, we also show how the multi-exponential fit can be replaced by a simpler fit using only two analytic functions. Our analysis is applied to the polar molecules HF and HBr. Unlike the rare gas atoms considered previously, these atomic pairs form stable bound diatomic molecules. We show that, interestingly, the spectra of these reactive molecules are characterized by the presence of multiple peaks. We also discuss the CIE arising from half collisions in excited electronic states, which in principle could be probed in photo-dissociation experiments.


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The purpose of this work is to demonstrate the usefulness of low cost high performance computers. It is presented technics and software packages used by computational chemists. Access to high-performance computing power remains crucial for many computational quantum chemistry. So, this work introduces the concept of PC cluster, an economical computing plataform.


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This paper aims to discuss and reflect about the use of computers in the teaching of Quantum Chemistry. A course on Computational Quantum Chemistry concentrating on Medicinal Chemistry projects was developed for undergraduate and graduate students. The results showed that students got more motivated and involved when there is an articulation between theory and practice. This work presents an alternative way to teach Theoretical Chemistry using projects.