974 resultados para Thalamic nuclei
La douleur neuropathique centrale post accident vasculaire cérébral est une condition débilitante dont le traitement s’avère souvent délicat et infructueux. Le but de ce projet était de reproduire cette condition chez le rat en injectant par stéréotaxie une solution de collagènase produisant une hémorragie localisée dans le noyau ventropostérolatéral du thalamus. Des tests comportementaux évaluant la coordination motrice, la sensibilité mécanique, au chaud et au froid étaient réalisés régulièrement afin d’établir la présence de douleur neuropathique puis les effets de l’administration de kétamine, d’amitriptyline, de gabapentine, et de carbamazepine étaient évalués. L’induction d’une hémorragie intrathalamique conduit à l’apparition d’allodynie mécanique bilatérale persistante ainsi que d’allodynie au froid transitoire chez certains sujets et ce sans modification de la coordination motrice. L’administration de kétamine à forte dose renverse l’allodynie mécanique mais est associée à une altération de la motricité. L’administration de gabapentine renverse également cette allodynie mécanique sans effet notable sur la coordination motrice. Les autres médicaments n’ont pas démontré d’effet significatif. L’évaluation histopathologique des cerveaux montre une lésion bien localisée dans la zone d’intérêt. Ces résultats montrent que l’injection intrathalamique de collagénase peut être utilisée comme un modèle fiable de douleur neuropathique centrale. Si la kétamine semble capable de soulager ce type de douleur, elle est associée à des effets indésirables. En revanche, la gabapentine serait une molécule prometteuse pour le traitement de cette condition. Le rôle des récepteurs NMDA et des canaux calciques voltage dépendants, cibles respectives de la kétamine et de la gabapentine dans le maintien de cette douleur mérite d’être précisé.
Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) is widespread in the rodent brain. CART has been implicated in many different functions including reward, feeding, stress responses, sensory processing, learning and memory formation. Recent studies have suggested that CART may also play a role in neural development. Therefore, in the present study we compared the distribution pattern and levels of CART mRNA expression in the forebrain of male and female rats at different stages of postnatal development: P06, P26 and P66. At 6 days of age (P06), male and female rats showed increased CART expression in the somatosensory and piriform cortices, indusium griseum, dentate gyrus, nucleus accumbens, and ventral premammillary nucleus. Interestingly, we found a striking expression of CART mRNA in the ventral posteromedial and ventral posterolateral thalamic nuclei. This thalamic expression was absent at P26 and P66. Contrastingly, at P06 CART mRNA expression was decreased in the arcuate nucleus. Comparing sexes, we found increased CART mRNA expression in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus of adult females. In other regions including the CA1, the lateral hypothalamic area and the dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, CART expression was not different comparing postnatal ages and sexes. Our findings indicate that CART gene expression is induced in a distinct temporal and spatial manner in forebrain sites of male and female rats. They also suggest that CART peptide participate in the development of neural pathways related to selective functions including sensory processing, reward and memory formation. (C) 2011 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cells recruited by the innate immune response rely on surface-expressed molecules in order to receive signals from the local environment and to perform phagocytosis, cell adhesion, and others processes linked to host defense. Hundreds of surface antigens designated through a cluster of differentiation (CD) number have been used to identify particular populations of leukocytes. Surprisingly, we verified that the genes that encode Cd36 and Cd83 are constitutively expressed in specific neuronal cells. For instance, Cd36 mRNA is expressed in some regions related to circuitry involved in pheromone responses and reproductive behavior. Cd44 expression, reanalyzed and detailed here, is associated with the laminar formation and midline thalamic nuclei in addition to striatum, extended amygdala, and a few hypothalamic, cortical, and hippocampal regions. A systemic immune challenge was able to increase Cd44 expression quickly in the area postrema and motor nucleus of the vagus but not in regions presenting expressive constitutive expression. In contrast to Cd36 and Cd44, Cd83 message was widely distributed from the olfactory bulb to the brain stem reticular formation, sparing the striatopallidum, olivary region, and cerebellum. Its pattern of expression nevertheless remained strongly associated with hypothalamic, thalamic, and hindbrain nuclei. Unlike the other transcripts, Cd83 mRNA was rapidly modulated by restraint stress. Our results indicate that these molecules might play a role in specific neural circuits and present functions other than those attributed to leukocyte biology. The data also suggest that these surface proteins, or their associated mRNA, could be used to label neurons in specific circuits/regions. J. Comp. Neurol. 517:906-924, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The orbitofrontal cortex (OfC) is a heterogeneous prefrontal sector selectively connected with a wide constellation of other prefrontal, limbic, sensory and premotor areas. Among the limbic cortical connections, the ones with the bippocampus and parabippocampal cortex are particularly salient. Sensory cortices connected with the OfC include areas involved in olfactory, gustatory, somatosensory, auditory and visual processing. Subcortical structures with prominent OfC connections include the amygdala, numerous thalamic nuclei, the striatum, hypothalamus, periaqueductal gray matter, and biochemically specific cell groups in the basal forebrain and brainstem. Architectonic and connectional evidence supports parcellation of the OfC. The rostrally placed isocortical sector is mainly connected with isocortical areas, including sensory areas of the auditory, somatic and visual modalities, whereas the caudal non-isocortical sector is principally connected with non-isocortical areas, and, in the sensory domain, with olfactory and gustatory areas. The connections of the isocortical and non- isocortical orbital sectors with the amygdala, thalamus, striatum, hypotbalamus and periaqueductal gray matter are also specific. The medial sector of the OfC is selectively connected with the bippocampus, posterior parabippocampal cortex, posterior cingulate and retrosplenial areas, and area prostriata, while the lateral orbitofrontal sector is the most heavily connected with sensory areas of the gustatory, somatic and visual modalities, with premotor regions, and with the amygdala.
The dorsolateral column of the periaqueductal gray (dlPAG) integrates aversive emotional experiences and represents an important site responding to life threatening situations, such as hypoxia, cardiac pain and predator threats. Previous studies have shown that the dorsal PAG also supports fear learning; and we have currently explored how the dlPAG influences associative learning. We have first shown that N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) 100 pmol injection in the dlPAG works as a valuable unconditioned stimulus (US) for the acquisition of olfactory fear conditioning (OFC) using amyl acetate odor as conditioned stimulus (CS). Next, we revisited the ascending projections of the dlPAG to the thalamus and hypothalamus to reveal potential paths that could mediate associative learning during OFC. Accordingly, the most important ascending target of the dlPAG is the hypothalamic defensive circuit, and we were able to show that pharmacological inactivation using beta-adrenoceptor blockade of the dorsal premammillary nucleus, the main exit way for the hypothalamic defensive circuit to thalamo-cortical circuits involved in fear learning, impaired the acquisition of the OFC promoted by NMDA stimulation of the dlPAG. Moreover, our tracing study revealed multiple parallel paths from the dlPAG to several thalamic targets linked to cortical-hippocampal-amygdalar circuits involved in fear learning. Overall, the results point to a major role of the dlPAG in the mediation of aversive associative learning via ascending projections to the medial hypothalamic defensive circuit, and perhaps, to other thalamic targets, as well. These results provide interesting perspectives to understand how life threatening events impact on fear learning, and should be useful to understand pathological fear memory encoding in anxiety disorders.
The superior colliculus (SC) is responsible for sensorimotor transformations required to direct gaze toward or a way from unexpected, biologically salient events. Significant changes in the external world are signaled to SC through primary multisensory afferents, spatially organized according to a retinotopic topography. For animals, where anunexpected event could indicate the presence of either predator or prey, early decisions to approach or avoid are particularly important. Rodents' ecology dictates predators are most often detected initially as movements in upper visual field (mapped in medial SC), while appetitive stimuli are normally found in lower visual field (mapped in lateral SC). Our purpose was to exploit this functional segregation to reveal neural sites that can bias or modulate initial approach or avoidance responses. Small injections of Fluoro-Gold were made into medial or lateral sub-regions of intermediate and deep layers of SC (SCm/SCl). A remarkable segregation of input to these two functionally defined areas was found. (i) There were structures that projected only to SCm (e.g., specific cortical areas, lateral geniculate and suprageniculate thalamic nuclei, ventromedial and premammillary hypothalamic nuclei, and several brain-stem areas) or SCl (e.g., primary somatosensory cortex representing upper body parts and vibrissae and parvicellular reticular nucleus in the brainstem). (ii) Other structures projected to both SCm and SCl but from topographically segregated populations of neurons (e.g., zona incerta and substantia nigra pars reticulata). (iii) There were a few brainstem areas in which retrogradely labeled neurons were spatially overlapping (e.g., pedunculopontine nucleus and locus coeruleus). These results indicate significantly more structures across the rat neuraxis are in a position to modulate defense responses evoked from SCm, and that neural mechanisms modulating SC-mediated defense or appetitive behavior are almost entirely segregated.
In dieser Studie wurde anhand des Modells der Ratte das Gleichgewichtssystem auf cerebro-corticaler Ebene untersucht, und das Verhalten des Gehirns nach akuten sowie chronischen Ausfällen mit funktioneller Bildgebung untersucht. rnMit der Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET) kann die Metabolismusrate bestimmter Gehirnareale gemessen werden. Narkotisierte Tiere wurden unter galvanischer vestibulärer Stimulation im PET gemessen und die Ergebnisse wurden mit Kontrollstimulations-Messungen verglichen. Es konnten verschiedene Areale, die eine erhöhte Stoffwechselaktivität aufwiesen, ermittelt werden. Dazu gehören der somatosensorische und der insuläre Cortex, Teile des auditorischen Cortexes, der anteriore cinguläre sowie der entorhinale Cortex. Subcorticale Strukturen wie der Hippocampus, die Amygdala sowie die latero-dorsalen thalamischen Kerne wiesen ebenfalls erhöhten Stoffwechsel unter vestibulärer Stimulation auf. rnBei dieser PET-Studie handelt es sich um die erste funktionell-bildgebende Studie, die Verarbeitung vestibulärer Informationen bei Ratten in vivo darstellt. Die anatomische Verbindung der gefundenen Areale wurde mit anterograden und retrograden neuronalen Tracings unterstützt. rnDarüber hinaus wurde markiertes Gewebe, welches die Verbindung zwischen thalamischen und cerebro-corticalen Kernen der vestibulären Verschaltung aufweist, immunhistochemisch auf dessen Neurotransmission hin untersucht. Das katecholaminergen und dem opioidergen System wurde untersucht. Eine Beteiligung katecholaminerger Transmitter konnte nicht nachgewiesen werden. Neurone im somatosensorischen Cortex, die positiv auf einen Opioid-Rezeptor-Antikörper getestet wurden erhalten anterograd markierte Terminale aus dem thalamischen Kern LDDM, der mittels der PET als vestibulär identifiziert werden konnte. rnBasierend auf den Ergebnissen der ersten bildgebenden Studie wurde in einer zweiten funktionell-bildgebenden Studie die zentral-vestibuläre Verschaltung unterbrochen, indem relevante thalamische Kerngebiete (LDDM, LDVL) elektrolytisch zerstört wurden. Die Stoffwechselaktivität wurde anschließend bei diesen Tieren an verschiedenen Zeitpunkten nach der Läsion im PET unter vestibulärer Stimulation gemessen. Die Stoffwechselaktivität dieser Tiere wurde mit der Stoffwechselaktivität von Kontroll-Tieren verglichen. rnBei dieser Studie wurde zum ersten Mal, mittels funktioneller Bildgebung gezeigt, welche Bereiche des Gehirns nach akuter und chronischer Läsion des vestibulären Systems an Kompensationsmechanismen beteiligt sind. Alle Gehirnareale, die in verschiedenen Zeitfenstern (1, 3, 7 und 20 Tage nach Läsion) erhöhten Metabolismus aufweisen, sind Teil der vestibulären Verschaltung. Es handelt sich dabei um Areale der Okulomotorik und des räumlichen Gedächtnisses: das Postsubiculum, den Colliculus superior, das mediale Corpus geniculatum, den entorhinalen Cortex sowie die Zona incerta.rn
In the present in situ hybridization and immunocytochemical studies in the mouse central nervous system (CNS), a strong expression of spastin mRNA and protein was found in Purkinje cells and dentate nucleus in the cerebellum, in hippocampal principal cells and hilar neurons, in amygdala, substantia nigra, striatum, in the motor nuclei of the cranial nerves and in different layers of the cerebral cortex except piriform and entorhinal cortices where only neurons in layer II were strongly stained. Spastin protein and mRNA were weakly expressed in most of the thalamic nuclei. In selected human brain regions such as the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, hippocampus, amygdala, substania nigra and striatum, similar results were obtained. Electron microscopy showed spastin immunopositive staining in the cytoplasma, dendrites, axon terminals and nucleus. In the mouse pilocarpine model of status epilepticus and subsequent temporal lobe epilepsy, spastin expression disappeared in hilar neurons as early as at 2h during pilocarpine induced status epilepticus, and never recovered. At 7 days and 2 months after pilocarpine induced status epilepticus, spastin expression was down-regulated in granule cells in the dentate gyrus, but induced expression was found in reactive astrocytes. The demonstration of widespread distribution of spastin in functionally different brain regions in the present study may provide neuroanatomical basis to explain why different neurological, psychological disorders and cognitive impairment occur in patients with spastin mutation. Down-regulation or loss of spastin expression in hilar neurons may be related to their degeneration and may therefore initiate epileptogenetic events, leading to temporal lobe epilepsy.
During stereotactic functional neurosurgery, stimulation procedure to control for proper target localization provides a unique opportunity to investigate pathophysiological phenomena that cannot be addressed in experimental setups. Here we report on the distribution of response modalities to 487 intraoperative thalamic stimulations performed in 24 neurogenic pain (NP), 17 parkinsonian (PD) and 10 neuropsychiatric (Npsy) patients. Threshold responses were subdivided into somatosensory, motor and affective, and compared between medial (central lateral nucleus) and lateral (ventral anterior, ventral lateral and ventral medial) thalamic nuclei and between patients groups. Major findings were as follows: in the medial thalamus, evoked responses were for a large majority (95%) somatosensory in NP patients, 47% were motor in PD patients, and 54% affective in Npsy patients. In the lateral thalamus, a much higher proportion of somatosensory (83%) than motor responses (5%) was evoked in NP patients, while the proportion was reversed in PD patients (69% motor vs. 21% somatosensory). These results provide the first evidence for functional cross-modal changes in lateral and medial thalamic nuclei in response to intraoperative stimulations in different functional disorders. This extensive functional reorganization sheds new light on wide-range plasticity in the adult human thalamocortical system.
This article reviews the cholinergic changes in Parkinson's disease and dementia (PDD) and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), their potential clinical implications, and the available evidence for cholinesterase inhibitors in the treatment of PDD and DLB. Marked neuronal loss of cholinergic nuclei, reduced cholinergic markers in the neocortex, hippocampus, and selected thalamic nuclei, and receptor changes have been reported. One large and 2 small placebo-controlled trials and nearly 20 open-label studies suggest that cholinesterase inhibitors have a positive effect on cognition, psychiatric symptoms, and global function in patients with DLB and PDD. The treatment is well tolerated in most patients without any apparent worsening of extrapyramidal motor features. Given the high risk of severe sensitivity reactions and increased risk of cerebrovascular incidents during treatment with neuroleptics, more clinical trials of cholinesterase inhibitors are encouraged to establish their precise role in DLB and PDD.
Combined lesions of retinal targets and ascending auditory pathways can induce, in developing animals, permanent retinal projections to auditory thalamic nuclei and to visual thalamic nuclei that normally receive little direct retinal input. Neurons in the auditory cortex of such animals have visual response properties that resemble those of neurons in the primary visual cortex of normal animals. Therefore, we investigated the behavioral function of the surgically induced retino-thalamo-cortical pathways. We showed that both surgically induced pathways can mediate visually guided behaviors whose normal substrate, the pathway from the retina to the primary visual cortex via the primary thalamic visual nucleus, is missing.
How are long-range axonal projections from the cerebral cortex orchestrated during development? By using both passively and actively transported axonal tracers in fetal and postnatal ferrets, we have analyzed the development of projections from the cortex to a number of thalamic nuclei. We report that the projections of a cortical area to its corresponding thalamic nuclei follow highly cell-specific programs of development. Axons from cells in the deepest layers of the cerebral cortex (layer 6 and superficial subplate neurons) appear to grow very slowly and be delayed for several weeks in the cerebral white matter, reaching the thalamus over a protracted period. Neurons of layer 5, on the other hand, develop their projections much faster; despite being born after the neurons of deeper layers, layer 5 neurons are the first to extend their axons out of the cortical hemisphere and innervate the thalamus. Layer 5 projections are massive in the first postnatal weeks but may become partly eliminated later in development, being overtaken in number by layer 6 cells that constitute the major corticothalamic projection by adulthood. Layer 5 projections are area-specific from the outset and arise as collateral branches of axons directed to the brainstem and spinal cord. Our findings show that the early development of corticofugal connections is determined not by the sequence of cortical neurogenesis but by developmental programs specific for each type of projection neuron. In addition, they demonstrate that in most thalamic nuclei, layer 5 neurons (and not subplate or layer 6 neurons) establish the first descending projections from the cerebral cortex.
Studies to date have identified only a few proteins that are expressed in a segment-specific manner within the mammalian brain. Here we report that a nonreceptor protein tyrosine phosphatase, PTPH1, is selectively expressed in the adult thalamus. Expression of PTPH1 mRNA is detected in most, but not all, thalamic nuclei. Nuclei that are derived embryonically from the dorsal thalamus and project to the neocortex express this gene, whereas those derived from the ventral thalamus do not. PTPH1 mRNA expression is also restricted to the dorsal thalamus during development and, thus, can serve as a specific marker for the dorsal thalamic nuclei. Since the subcellular localization of PTPH1 protein is not known, its functional role is not clear. However, the restriction of its expression to the thalamic nuclei that have thalamocortical connections suggests that PTPH1 may play a role in the maintenance of these connections or in determining the physiological properties of thalamic relay nuclei.
We studied thalamic projections to the visual cortex in flying foxes, animals that share neural features believed to resemble those present in the brains of early primates. Neurones labeled by injections of fluorescent tracers in striate and extrastriate cortices were charted relative to the architectural boundaries of thalamic nuclei. Three main findings are reported: First, there are parallel lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) projections to striate and extrastriate cortices. Second, the pulvinar complex is expansive, and contains multiple subdivisions. Third, across the visual thalamus, the location of cells labeled after visual cortex injections changes systematically, with caudal visual areas receiving their strongest projections from the most lateral thalamic nuclei, and rostral areas receiving strong projections from medial nuclei. We identified three architectural layers in the LGN, and three subdivisions of the pulvinar complex. The outer LGN layer contained the largest cells, and had strong projections to the areas V1, V2 and V3. Neurones in the intermediate LGN layer were intermediate in size, and projected to V1 and, less densely, to V2. The layer nearest to the origin of the optic radiation contained the smallest cells, and projected not only to V1, V2 and V3, but also, weakly, to the occipitotemporal area (OT, which is similar to primate middle temporal area) and the occipitoparietal area (OP, a third tier area located near the dorsal midline). V1, V2 and V3 received strong projections from the lateral and intermediate subdivisions of the pulvinar complex, while OP and OT received their main thalamic input from the intermediate and medial subdivisions of the pulvinar complex. These results suggest parallels with the carnivore visual system, and indicate that the restriction of the projections of the large- and intermediatesized LGN layers to V1, observed in present-day primates, evolved from a more generalized mammalian condition. (C) 2004 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In the absence of external stimuli, the mammalian brain continues to display a rich variety of spontaneous activity. Such activity is often highly stereotypical, is invariably rhythmic, and can occur with periodicities ranging from a few milliseconds to several minutes. Recently, there has been a particular resurgence of interest in fluctuations in brain activity occurring at <0.1 Hz, commonly referred to as very slow or infraslow oscillations (ISOs). Whilst this is primarily due to the emergence of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) as a technique which has revolutionized the study of human brain dynamics, it is also a consequence of the application of full band electroencephalography (fbEEG). Despite these technical advances, the precise mechanisms which lead to ISOs in the brain remain unclear. In a host of animal studies, one brain region that consistently shows oscillations at <0.1 Hz is the thalamus. Importantly, similar oscillations can also be observed in slices of isolated thalamic relay nuclei maintained in vitro. Here, we discuss the nature and mechanisms of these oscillations, paying particular attention to a potential role for astrocytes in their genesis. We also highlight the relationship between this activity and ongoing local network oscillations in the alpha (a; ~8-13 Hz) band, drawing clear parallels with observations made in vivo. Last, we consider the relevance of these thalamic ISOs to the pathological activity that occurs in certain types of epilepsy.