993 resultados para Teaching languages
Resumen tomado del autor. Resumen también en francés e inglés
Se analizan algunas investigaciones recientes que exploran las potenciales ventajas y el uso efectivo de un método de enseñanza del ingles como lengua extranjera y la enseñanza de la lingüística inglesa.
Muestra que la enseñanza de idiomas en la escuela primaria puede ser eficaz y agradable sin importar el idioma materno del alumno, ni qué nivel ha alcanzado el maestro en su aprendizaje del idioma. Incluye una visión general de la enseñanza del idioma, estudios de casos, capítulos teóricos sobre la adquisición del lenguaje del segundo idioma y métodos de enseñanza, seguidos por capítulos prácticos sobre cómo los niños desarrollan las habilidades de escucha, habla, lectura escritura y estrategias de aprendizaje, cómo utilizar juegos, canciones e historias de manera eficaz y cómo facilitar la transición entre las escuelas primarias y secundarias.
This paper juxtaposes postmodernist discourses on language, identity and cultural power with historical forms of language inequalities grounded in the nation-state. The discussion is presented in three sections. The first section focuses on the mixed legacies of language-state relations within the pluralist nation-state, colonial and postcolonial language policies. The second section examines the concept of linguistic minority rights beyond the nation-state. This incorporates discussion of transmigration, the breaking up of previous power blocs in Eastern Europe and the role of language in the articulation of emergent 'ethnic' nationalisms. The third section examines the concept of multilingualism within the interactive cultural landscape defined by 'informationalism'. Discussing the collective impact of these variables on the shaping of new cultural, economic and political inequalities, the paper highlights the tensions in which the concept of linguistic minority rights exists in the world today.
This paper reports on a study investigating teachers’ views and beliefs about the relationship between second language (L2) research and practice. Although a gap has been frequently reported between the two, there is little empirical data to show what teachers’ views on this relationship are or how these views and beliefs influence their use of research. A total of 60 TESOL1 teachers in England responded to a questionnaire which sought both qualitative and quantitative data. Results of the data analysis suggest that although their views on research and its usefulness are positive, teachers are mainly sceptical about the practicality and relevance of L2 research. More importantly, they expect research to originate from rather than end in classrooms and maintain that the prime responsibility of bringing research and practice together is to be shared by teacher training programmes and educational policies of the institutions they work in. Our analysis of the data further implies that there are differences between teachers’ epistemological assumptions and the more established notions of research.
"References": p. 107-108.
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