991 resultados para Tarullo, Daniel K.


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Prolonged exposure of cells or tissues to drugs or hormones such as catecholamines leads to a state of refractoriness to further stimulation by that agent, known as homologous desensitization. In the case of the beta-adrenergic receptor coupled to adenylate cyclase, this process has been shown to be intimately associated with the sequestration of the receptors from the cell surface through a cAMP-independent process. Recently, we have shown that homologous desensitization in the frog erythrocyte model system is also associated with increased phosphorylation of the beta-adrenergic receptor. We now provide evidence that the phosphorylation state of the beta-adrenergic receptor regulates its functional coupling to adenylate cyclase, subcellular translocation, and recycling to the cell surface during the process of agonist-induced homologous desensitization. Moreover, we show that the receptor phosphorylation is reversed by a phosphatase specifically associated with the sequestered subcellular compartment. At 23 degrees C, the time courses of beta-adrenergic receptor phosphorylation, sequestration, and adenylate cyclase desensitization are identical, occurring without a lag, exhibiting a t1/2 of 30 min, and reaching a maximum at approximately 3 hr. Upon cell lysis, the sequestered beta-adrenergic receptors can be partially recovered in a light membrane vesicle fraction that is separable from the plasma membranes by differential centrifugation. The increased beta-adrenergic receptor phosphorylation is apparently reversed in the sequestered vesicle fraction as the sequestered receptors exhibit a phosphate/receptor stoichiometry that is similar to that observed under basal conditions. High levels of a beta-adrenergic receptor phosphatase activity appear to be associated with the sequestered vesicle membranes. The functional activity of the phosphorylated beta-adrenergic receptor was examined by reconstituting purified receptor with its biochemical effector the guanine nucleotide regulatory protein (Ns) in phospholipid vesicles and assessing the receptor-stimulated GTPase activity of Ns. Compared to controls, phosphorylated beta-adrenergic receptors, purified from desensitized cells, were less efficacious in activating the Ns GTPase activity. These results suggest that phosphorylation of the beta-adrenergic receptor leads to its functional uncoupling and physical translocation away from the cell surface into a sequestered membrane domain. In the sequestered compartment, the phosphorylation is reversed thus enabling the receptor to recycle back to the cell surface and recouple with adenylate cyclase.


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Breakdown of the inner blood-retinal barrier (iBRB) occurs early in diabetes and is central to the development of sight-threatening diabetic macular edema (DME) as retinopathy progresses. In the current study, we examined how advanced glycation end products (AGEs) forming early in diabetes could modulate vasopermeability factor expression in the diabetic retina and alter inter-endothelial cell tight junction (TJ) integrity leading to iBRB dysfunction. We also investigated the potential for an AGE inhibitor to prevent this acute pathology and examined a role of the AGE-binding protein galectin-3 (Gal-3) in AGE-mediated cell retinal pathophysiology. Diabetes was induced in C57/BL6 wild-type (WT) mice and in Gal-3(-/-) transgenic mice. Blood glucose was monitored and AGE levels were quantified by ELISA and immunohistochemistry. The diabetic groups were subdivided, and one group was treated with the AGE-inhibitor pyridoxamine (PM) while separate groups of WT and Gal-3(-/-) mice were maintained as nondiabetic controls. iBRB integrity was assessed by Evans blue assay alongside visualisation of TJ protein complexes via occludin-1 immunolocalization in retinal flat mounts. Retinal expression levels of the vasopermeability factor VEGF were quantified using real-time RT-PCR and ELISA. WT diabetic mice showed significant AGE -immunoreactivity in the retinal microvasculature and also showed significant iBRB breakdown (P < .005). These diabetics had higher VEGF mRNA and protein expression in comparison to controls (P < .01). PM-treated diabetics had normal iBRB function and significantly reduced diabetes-mediated VEGF expression. Diabetic retinal vessels showed disrupted TJ integrity when compared to controls, while PM-treated diabetics demonstrated near-normal configuration. Gal-3(-/-) mice showed significantly less diabetes-mediated iBRB dysfunction, junctional disruption, and VEGF expression changes than their WT counterparts. The data suggests an AGE-mediated disruption of iBRB via upregulation of VEGF in the diabetic retina, possibly modulating disruption of TJ integrity, even after acute diabetes. Prevention of AGE formation or genetic deletion of Gal-3 can effectively prevent these acute diabetic retinopathy changes.


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by Daniel K. Moon.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n. Resumen tambi??n en ingl??s


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Prevalencia y predictores de la agresi??n sexual en las relaciones de noviazgo en adolescentes y j??venes. Son muchos los estudios publicados que analizan las influencias di??dicas en las relaciones de noviazgo en adolescentes y j??venes adultos. El objetivo de este estudio consiste en aplicar el modelo di??dico de la agresi??n f??sica hacia las parejas a la agresi??n sexual contra las parejas. Se ha utilizado una muestra de 4.052 adolescentes y j??venes adultos de ambos sexos, con edades comprendidas entre los 16 y los 26 a??os. El porcentaje de hombres agresores es significativamente superior que el de mujeres (35,7 por ciento vs 14,9 por ciento), y el porcentaje de v??ctimas de agresi??n sexual fue superior para las mujeres (25,1 por ciento vs 21,7 por ciento). Los resultados muestran que tanto la agresi??n como la victimizaci??n sexual son fundamentalmente de naturaleza psicol??gica, como, por ejemplo, la utilizaci??n de t??cticas coercitivas de naturaleza verbal. Tal como predice el modelo di??dico de agresi??n f??sica en las relaciones de noviazgo, la victimizaci??n sexual se predice en funci??n de la agresi??n sexual de los individuos estudiados tanto en el caso de los hombres como en el de las mujeres.


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La bacteriemia asociada a catéter afecta a pacientes en las unidades de cuidado intensivo con una alta morbilidad, mortalidad y aumento de los costos al sistema de salud. Los recién nacidos son la población de más alto riesgo por el mayor uso de catéteres centrales. Objetivo: Caracterizar factores de riesgo para bacteriemia asociada a catéter en la Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo Neonatal de la Fundación Cardioinfantil entre 2005 - 2010 Materiales y método: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, incluyó todos los recién nacidos con diagnostico de bacteriemia asociada a catéter. Se analizó la información utilizando frecuencias y medidas de tendencia central. Resultados: Se encontraron 50 pacientes con diagnostico de bacteriemia asociada a catéter. 50% de género masculino, 52% con edad gestacional al nacimiento menor a 36 semanas y 24% con peso menor a 1500 gramos al momento de la inserción del catéter. La edad fue de 24.2 días al momento de la inserción del catéter. En el 66% de los pacientes el sitio de inserción fue el miembro superior, siendo el Sthaphylococcus Epidermidis el germen con el 50% de las bacteriemias. Conclusión: La bacteriemia asociada a catéter afecta paciente prematuros, de bajo peso sin diferencias en genero. La manipulación de dichos dispositivos, el sitio de inserción, el uso previo de antibióticos, la duración del catéter y el uso de nutrición parenteral son factores que están asociados al mayor riesgo de infección. Siendo el Staphylococcus Epidermidis el germen mas frecuente.


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Importancia: el paciente con fibrosis quística después de las complicaciones gastrointestinales y pulmonares debe enfrentar otras comorbilidades como la diabetes relacionada a su condición . Dado el aumento en la esperanza de vida y el hecho de que virtualmente todas los pacientes con esta enfermedad pueden desarrollar alteración en el metabolismo de los carbohidratos, se requiere una sensibilización frente al tema que posibilite una detección temprana de esta entidad y un tratamiento óptimo que evite las complicaciones microvasculares e impacte entre otros el crecimiento pondo-estatural en pacientes en desarrollo y la función pulmonar. Objetivo : realizar una revisión actualizada de la literatura sobre la diabetes relacionada a la fibrosis quística, destacando las indicaciones de tamización y tratamiento. Conclusión : la FQ dentro de su abordaje requiere la detección temprana de la alteración del metabolismo de los carbohidratos con una prueba de tolerancia a la glucosa , el daño del islote pancreático , la disfunción inmune, la resistencia a la insulina, el estrés oxidativo entre otros elementos fisiopatológicos conllevan a un estado de depleción de insulina que producirán un efecto negativo microvascular así como a una reducción marcada de la función pulmonar, mayores tasa de infección e incremento de la mortalidad. La piedra angular del tratamiento en pacientes con o sin hiperglicemia es la insulina que mejora tanto el estado nutricional como la función pulmonar ; nuevos antidiabéticos orales con efecto incretinas y fármacos modificadores de la enfermedad se vislumbran como alternativas al corto plazo


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Phenotypic screening is making a comeback in drug discovery as the maturation of chemical proteomics methods has facilitated target identification for bioactive small molecules. A limitation of these approaches is that time-consuming genetic methods or other means are often required to determine the biologically relevant target (or targets) from among multiple protein-compound interactions that are typically detected. Here, we have combined phenotypic screening of a directed small-molecule library with competitive activity-based protein profiling to map and functionally characterize the targets of screening hits. Using this approach, we identify carboxylesterase 3 (Ces3, also known as Ces1d) as a primary molecular target of bioactive compounds that promote lipid storage in adipocytes. We further show that Ces3 activity is markedly elevated during adipocyte differentiation. Treatment of two mouse models of obesity-diabetes with a Ces3 inhibitor ameliorates multiple features of metabolic syndrome, illustrating the power of the described strategy to accelerate the identification and pharmacologic validation of new therapeutic targets.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Schistosoma mansoni synthesizes glycoconjugates which interact with galectin-3, eliciting an intense humoral immune response. Moreover, it was demonstrated that galectin-3 regulates B cell differentiation into plasma cells. Splenomegaly is a hallmark event characterized by polyclonal B cell activation and enhancement of antibody production. Here, we investigated whether galectin-3 interferes with spleen organization and B cell compartment during chronic schistosomiasis, using wild type (WT) and galectin-3(-/-) mice. In chronically-infected galectin-3(-/-) mice the histological architecture of the spleen, including white and red pulps, was disturbed with heterogeneous lymphoid follicles, an increased number of plasma cells (CD19(-)B220(-/low)CD138(+)) and a reduced number of macrophages (CD19(-)B220(-)Mac-1(+)CD138(-)) and B lymphocytes (CD19(+)B220(+/high)CD138(-)), compared with the WT infected mice. In the absence of galectin-3 there was an increase of annexin-V+PI- cells and a major presence of apoptotic cells in spleen compared with WT infected mice. In spleen of WT infected mice galectin-3 was largely expressed in lymphoid follicles and extrafollicular sites. Thus, we propose that galectin-3 plays a role in splenic architecture, controlling distinct events such as apoptosis, macrophage activity, B cell differentiation and plasmacytogenesis in the course of S. mansoni infection.


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Chemosensitive neurons in the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) regulate breathing in response to CO2/H+ changes. Their activity is also sensitive to neuromodulatory inputs from multiple respiratory centers, and thus they serve as a key nexus of respiratory control. However, molecular mechanisms that control their activity and susceptibility to neuromodulation are unknown. Here, we show in vitro and in vivo that KCNQ channels are critical determinants of RTN neural activity. In particular, we find that pharmacological block of KCNQ channels (XE991, 10 mu M) increased basal activity and CO2 responsiveness of RTN neurons in rat brain slices, whereas KCNQ channel activation (retigabine, 2-40 mu M) silenced these neurons. Interestingly, we also find that KCNQ and apamin-sensitive SK channels act synergistically to regulate firing rate of RTN chemoreceptors; simultaneous blockade of both channels led to a increase in CO2 responsiveness. Furthermore, we also show that KCNQ channels but not SK channels are downstream effectors of serotonin modulation of RTN activity in vitro. In contrast, inhibition of KCNQ channel did not prevent modulation of RTN activity by Substance P or thyrotropin-releasing hormone, previously identified neuromodulators of RTN chemoreception. Importantly, we also show that KCNQ channels are critical for RTN activity in vivo. Inhibition of KCNQ channels lowered the CO2 threshold for phrenic nerve discharge in anesthetized rats and decreased the ventilatory response to serotonin in awake and anesthetized animals. Given that serotonergic dysfunction may contribute to respiratory failure, our findings suggest KCNQ channels as a new therapeutic avenue for respiratory complications associated with multiple neurological disorders.