997 resultados para Tales Angola


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Anthony Dunne’s Hertzian Tales is an exploration of the aesthetic and conceptual aspects of industrial design and its potential to bring about social change for the users of electronic objects. It is a provoking and – to first-time readers – positively alarming social commentary on the interrelationship between electronic product design and culture, and the powerful but largely under-explored potential of electronic innovation to trigger social awareness. Hertzian Tales proposes an innovative approach to critical design and therefore serves as a reflection on and a critique of the commercial design practices at large. In this second edition, Dunne reiterates the original rationale for his project: a concern that the majority of industrial designers have unwittingly joined a treadmill culture of post-industrial mass-production – turning out electronic goods that have long simply met the brief of an optimally functioning and eagerly consumable technology.


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This thesis narrates the professional learning experiences of seven Northern Territory teachers. It outlines the evolution from traditional professional development in schools to an active, responsive professional learning agenda. With increasing demands on teachers, standardisation and the quest for improved student outcomes, key themes in the re-storied narrative emerge about the definition and role of professional learning in complex conditions, effective teaching, quality programmes, and teacher agency. This thesis contributes to knowledge about the characteristics that teachers value in their professional learning experiences. An Ongoing Professional Enhancement Model (OPE) is proposed, highlighting directions in this field for key stakeholders.


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The rise and popularity of dystopian fiction in recent years is quite marked and critics often attribute such high sales of books and box office as being linked to the impact September 11 has had on the world, especially in the United States. While the events of September 11, 2001 saw a heightened anxiety by nations and their citizens about the fear and threat of terrorism – an anxiety which is paradoxically lowered and raised by increased surveillance practices, security checks and warnings – other changes since the last stages of the twentieth century have also raised concerns and anxieties. In this paper I use examples of Young Adult (YA) dystopian fiction to illustrate the potential these texts have for providing their readers with alternative ways of thinking about the challenges that others face and their capacity for resilience.


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Background Acute bacterial meningitis (BM) continues to be an important cause of childhood mortality and morbidity, especially in developing countries. Prognostic scales and the identification of risk factors for adverse outcome both aid in assessing disease severity. New antimicrobial agents or adjunctive treatments - except for oral glycerol - have essentially failed to improve BM prognosis. A retrospective observational analysis found paracetamol beneficial in adult bacteraemic patients, and some experts recommend slow β-lactam infusion. We examined these treatments in a prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Patients and methods A retrospective analysis included 555 children treated for BM in 2004 in the infectious disease ward of the Paediatric Hospital of Luanda, Angola. Our prospective study randomised 723 children into four groups, to receive a combination of cefotaxime infusion or boluses every 6 hours for the first 24 hours and oral paracetamol or placebo for 48 hours. The primary endpoints were 1) death or severe neurological sequelae (SeNeSe), and 2) deafness. Results In the retrospective study, the mortality of children with blood transfusion was 23% (30 of 128) vs. without blood transfusion 39% (109 of 282; p=0.004). In the prospective study, 272 (38%) of the children died. Of those 451 surviving, 68 (15%) showed SeNeSe, and 12% (45 of 374) were deaf. Whereas no difference between treatment groups was observable in primary endpoints, the early mortality in the infusion-paracetamol group was lower, with the difference (Fisher s exact test) from the other groups at 24, 48, and 72 hours being significant (p=0.041, 0.0005, and 0.005, respectively). Prognostic factors for adverse outcomes were impaired consciousness, dyspnoea, seizures, delayed presentation, and absence of electricity at home (Simple Luanda Scale, SLS); the Bayesian Luanda Scale (BLS) also included abnormally low or high blood glucose. Conclusions New studies concerning the possible beneficial effect of blood transfusion, and concerning longer treatment with cefotaxime infusion and oral paracetamol, and a study to validate our simple prognostic scales are warranted.


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Cellular signalling events are at the core of every adaptive response. Signalling events link environmental changes to physiological responses, consequently allowing cellular and organismal sustenance and survival. Classical approaches to study cellular signalling have relied on a variety of cell disruptive techniques which yield limited kinetic information, while the underlying events are much more complex. In this article, we discuss how modern live cell imaging microscopy has found increasing utilization in revealing spatio temporal dynamics of various signalling pathways. Utilizing the well studied mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling cascade as a template, the design, construction and utilization of `mobile' (translocation proficient) biosensors, suitable for studying MAPK signalling in living cells are described in detail. Experimental setup and results obtained from these biosensors, based on different proteins involved in the MAPK signalling cascade, have been described along with the setup of a microscope optimal for live cell imaging applications. Utilizing the ability to activate or deactivate signalling pathways using defined activators and specific pharmacological inhibitors, we also show how these sensors can yield unique spatial and temporal kinetic information of signalling in living cells.


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Cellular signalling events are at the core of every adaptive response. Signalling events link environmental changes to physiological responses, consequently allowing cellular and organismal sustenance and survival. Classical approaches to study cellular signalling have relied on a variety of cell disruptive techniques which yield limited kinetic information, while the underlying events are much more complex. In this article, we discuss how modern live cell imaging microscopy has found increasing utilization in revealing spatio temporal dynamics of various signalling pathways. Utilizing the well studied mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling cascade as a template, the design, construction and utilization of `mobile' (translocation proficient) biosensors, suitable for studying MAPK signalling in living cells are described in detail. Experimental setup and results obtained from these biosensors, based on different proteins involved in the MAPK signalling cascade, have been described along with the setup of a microscope optimal for live cell imaging applications. Utilizing the ability to activate or deactivate signalling pathways using defined activators and specific pharmacological inhibitors, we also show how these sensors can yield unique spatial and temporal kinetic information of signalling in living cells.


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Resumen: El presente artículo presenta las razones jurídicas que fundan la inconstitucionalidad de la ley argentina 26.618 de legalización de las uniones de personas del mismo sexo. Parte del reconocimiento de la igual dignidad esencial de todas las personas y analiza luego la reforma del matrimonio civil dispuesto por la ley 26.618 y la necesidad de reglamentación previa y específica del vínculo filiatorio y de parentesco por adopción y la improcedencia de la aplicación de las técnicas de procreación asistida en las uniones homosexuales o lésbicas. Señala cómo esta legislación afecta a terceros: al menor de edad en desamparo familiar, a la persona por nacer y, también, al matrimonio, a la familia y a la sociedad. El desarrollo presenta los argumentos por los cuales se sostiene que esta ley ha hecho una extensión irrazonable del nombre de matrimonio. También se cuestiona la “cláusula complementaria” prevista por la ley, que evidencia el abuso cometido y la imposibilidad de legislar sin lógica. Considera la actuación de los legisladores y la violación de lo anticipado en las respectivas plataformas electorales y señala que el matrimonio es una realidad anterior al derecho positivo. Finaliza con reflexiones sobre el límite objetivo que surge de la realidad y el riesgo caos social y jurídico-político y la necesidad de derogación de la ley 26.618.


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A tecnologia da biodigestão anaeróbia tem sido comprovada como uma das mais eficientes no tratamento dos dejetos de suínos, esta tecnologia, encontra-se num crescimento tímido em Angola facilitando assim uma poluição maior dos Rios, solos e o ar atmosférico, por falta de tratamento adequado da biomassa produzida por milhares de suínos existentes neste País. O emprego do biogás como fonte de energia para o funcionamento dos equipamentos ainda encontra limitações de ordem tecnológica e por falta de informação, organização e em muitos casos apoios tecnológicos e de instituições governamentais ou Não Governamentais. Este trabalho avaliou a viabilidade técnica, na implantação de Biodigestores na Região de Icolo Bengo em Angola. Foi estudada a implantação de Biodigestores, Modelo Indiano, na fazenda Menga assim como o potencial de geração de energia elétrica existente na produção de Biogás. O tratamento anaeróbio dos resíduos de Suínos como fonte renovável de energia, dentro de um conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável e de racionalização da produção sem agressão ao Meio-Ambiente também são referenciados mostrando que esta tecnologia pode ser apropriada como estratégia de conservação e uso eficiente da energia elétrica que é muito escasso em Angola. O emprego da biodigestão anaeróbia neste caso é possível e desejável, uma vez que contribui para preservação do Meio Ambiente, viabiliza os modernos sistemas de confinamento e reduz o custo da produção assim como ajuda na produção de energia elétrica e de fertilizantes. Um sistema integrado foi proposto e será aplicado na Fazenda Menga, como um dos projetos pioneiros em Angola.


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Diurnal variations and geographic distribution of zooplankton and micronekton are studied in the Angola Dome. The small zooplankton species (Copepodids, Copepods, Amphipods, Ostracods, Chaetognaths, etc.) undertake vertical migrations within a 100 m water layer. Most of the micronekton species are below this layer during the day and move towards the surface during the night. The whole region prospected is rich in zooplankton and micronekton species that are present in the upper 100 m layer during the day. Only the South-West region is poor. On the contrary, this latter region is abundant in species that migrate below this layer during the day. The authors think there are 3 main difficulties in establishing good relationships between micronekton and tunas distribution: 1 - inability of micronekton nets to catch the tunas preys; 2 - the great diversity of tunas food; and 3 - the too large delay between micronekton studies and those of stomach contents of tunas.


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In February-March 1971 the hydrological conditions off Angola did not display the thermal dome mapped by Mazeika's averages (1967). Cold water cells observed are connected at the surface to a sinuous boundary between low-salinity coastal waters and high-salinity tropical oceanic waters. That boundary coincides rather regularly with an area where trades and SW winds alternate; photosynthesis growths rapidly in a thermoclinal layer that rises until 10 m of the surface but never outcrops. Below a poor and permanent homogeneous surface layer, chlorophyll concentrations show a distribution which is typical of divergence areas. Geostrophical and measured currents show off a transient process in horizontal and vertical movements, however the general curvature of the circulation is propitious to upwelling. Oxygen oversaturations of about 110%, suggest a moderate potential primary production which confirms slowness and alternation of movements. Also, the regular range of the various chemical and biological levels and moderate chlorophyll concentrations suggest an ecosystem where nutrients supply rapidly equilibrate phytoplankton consumption and not at all a 'phytoplankton bloom' area as that which exists in coastal upwelling. Values of Richardson's number show that instability becomes visible at the bottom of the euphotic layer. An evaluation of the vertical motion is inferred by the peculiar distribution and diurnal alternance of the winds shows that 'doming' structures may be sustained by local meteorological events.


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A presente tese versa sobre o processo de transição para a democracia em Angola. O período estudado compreende a independência do país em 1975 ao ano de 2012, com a realização das terceiras eleições gerais. Para tal, são realizados três recortes cronológicos, a saber: (1) de 1975 com a independência de Angola e a inauguração da Primeira República, ao ano de 1991 com o advento do multipartidarismo e da Segunda República; (2) da Segunda República em 1991, ao ano de 2010 com a promulgação da chamada Constituição Atípica e a instauração da Terceira República; (3) e da Terceira República em 2010, ao pleito eleitoral de 2012. Cada um destes períodos é estudado a partir da análise das instituições políticas que caracterizam a democracia. São igualmente identificadas e examinadas as razões que levaram a deflagrar a transição (por quê?); a forma pela qual a transição foi desencadeada (como?); os atores envolvidos no processo transicional (quem?); bem como o estágio da democratização em Angola. A tese é desenvolvida tendo em conta a produção bibliográfica existente sobre o tema e os dados empíricos coletados mediante entrevistas em profundidade com atores envolvidos no processo de transição e cidadãos comuns.


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Esta dissertação pretende desenvolver um estudo sobre o humor nos contos do escritor angolano João Melo, a partir dos livros Filhos da Pátria (2001), O dia em que o Pato Donaldo comeu pela primeira vez a Margarida (2006) e O homem que não tira o palito da boca (2009). Fundamentada nas perspectivas freudiana e lacaniana a respeito dos paradoxos do humor, pretende-se, ainda, apontar o aspecto tragicômico de seus textos e o modo como a ironia, estratégia discursiva contundente em seus contos, mostra-se como a principal estratégia discursiva do humor. Intenta-se, ainda, apontar a relação entre a literatura de João Melo e o processo criativo da sublimação, identificando-a, assim, como obra de arte, por excelência. Pelo discurso poético de João Melo, revive-se a história angolana, produzindo novas metáforas, incluindo novos significados e abrindo, assim, novos caminhos. A partir da máxima Seria trágico, se não fosse cômico, a Angola de João Melo seria traumática, se não fosse desconstruída por sua literatura