974 resultados para TH1 cytokines
RESUMO:O processo de glicosilação é a modificação pós-traducional de proteínas mais comum e está envolvido em vários processos fisiológicos e patológicos. Especificamente, certos perfis glicosídeos estão correlacionados a estados específicos de diferenciação celular, e podem modular vários eventos celulares, como sinalização celular, migração celular e interações hospedeiro-patogénio. Assim sendo, a glicosilação desempenha um papel crucial na modulação de vários processos imunológicos. No entanto, permanece por esclarecer como as estruturas glicosídicas influenciam a imunidade. Especificamente, algumas estruturas glicosídicas terminais que estão modificadas pela ligação de ácido siálico desempenham um papel importante em várias funções do sistema imune, nomeadamente migração leucocitária em contexto de inflamação e ativação de células imunes. Como tal, este trabalho teve como objectivo investigar como a expressão de certos glicanos influencia componentes importantes da resposta imune inata e adaptativa. Este trabalho está dividido em três componentes principais: 1) A imunidade está amplamente dependente da habilidade das células circulantes migrarem para os tecidos inflamados, sendo que a ligação de leucócitos à Eselectina endotelial é o primeiro passo. Assim, nós analisámos a estrutura e função dos ligandos de E-selectina que são expressos pelas células humanas mononucleares de sangue periférico (PBMCs), fornecendo novos conhecimentos para a compreensão dos intervenientes moleculares que mediam a ligação dos monócitos, células CD4+ e CD8+T e células B ao endotélio vascular. Surpreendentemente, os monócitos apresentaram maior capacidade de ligação à E-selectina comparativamente aos linfócitos. Esta observação pode ser explicada pelo facto de os monócitos humanos expressarem, uniformemente, um vasto reportório de glicoproteínas que exibem afinidade de ligação à E-selectina, nomeadamente: as glicoformas do CD43 (CD43E) e do CD44 (HCELL), em adição à já previamente reportada glicoforma da PSGL-1 (CLA). Consistentemente, a diferente capacidade que as diversas populações linfocitárias apresentam de se ligar à E-selectina, está integralmente relacionada com a sua expressão de glicoproteínas com afinidade de ligação à E-selectina. Enquanto que as células CD4+T apresentam uma elevada reatividade à E-selectina, as células CD8+T e B demonstram pouca ou nenhuma capacidade de ligação à E-selectina. Esta atividade de ligação à E-selectina das células CD4+T é conferida pela expressão de HCELL, em adição às já previamente reportadas CLA e CD43E. As células CD8+ T não expressam HCELL e apenas expressam pequenas quantidades de CLA e CD43E, enquanto que as células B não expressam ligandos de Eselectina. Mais, a exofucosilação da superfície destas células, levou ao dramático aumento da expressão dos ligandos de E-selectina em todos as populações leucocitárias, verificando-se que a criação de certos ligandos de E-selectina está dependente do tipo de célula, após fucosilação. Colectivamente, estes resultados redefinem o nosso conhecimento acerca dos mecanismos moleculares que governam o tráfico das células mononucleares de sangue periférico em contexto de inflamação. 2) A habilidade das células dendríticas (DCs) para extravasarem em locais de inflamação é crucial para o sucesso da terapia com DCs. Assim, analisámos a estrutura e função das moléculas de adesão que mediam a migração transendotelial (TEM) das DCs. Para isso, foram usadas DCs geradas a partir da diferenciação de monócitos (mo-DCS), obtidos quer pelo métodos de separação imuno-magnética de células CD14+ (CD14-S) ou por isolamento por aderência ao plástico (PA-S). Os resultados obtidos indicam que as glicoformas de ligação à Eselectina de PSGL-1, CD43 e CD44 são expressas pelas CD14-S mo-DCs, enquanto que as PA-S mo-DCs expressam apenas CLA. É importante notar que a ligação do CD44 nas mo-DCs, mas não nas PA-S mo-DCs, desencadeia a ativação e consequente adesão da VLA-4 ao endotélio na ausência de um gradiente de quimiocinas. Procedeu-se também à análise dos ligandos E-selectina expressos em mo-DCs geradas a partir de monócitos do sangue do cordão umbilical (UCB) e, inesperadamente, as UCB mo-DCs não expressam qualquer glicoproteína com reatividade à E-selectina. Além disso, a exofucosilação das mo- DCs humanas utilizando uma α(1,3)-fucosiltransferase aumenta significativamente a expressão de HCELL e, portanto, estas células apresentam uma capacidade aumentada para se ligarem à E-selectina em condições de fluxo hemodinâmico. Estes resultados destacam o papel do HCELL no desencadeamento do TEM das CD14-S mo-DCs e sugerem que estratégias para potenciar a expressão de HCELL poderão impulsionar o recrutamento de mo-DCs para locais de inflamação. 3) Outro obstáculo para alcançar o sucesso promissor de vacinas baseadas em DCs é o estabelecimento de abordagens eficientes que poderão melhorar o estado de maturação e apresentação antigénica das DCs. Por conseguinte, foram investigadas abordagens alternativas que podem superar este obstáculo. Através da remoção de ácido siálico de superfície celular das DCs, conseguiu-se induzir a maturação de DC humanas e de ratinhos. Notavelmente, tanto as DCs humanas como as de ratinho, ao serem desialiladas mostraram uma capacidade aumentada para induzir a proliferação de células T, para secretar citocinas Th1 e para induzir a morte específica de células tumorais. Em adição, as DCs desialiladas apresentam uma maior capacidade de apresentação cruzada de antigénios tumorais às células T citotóxicas. Colectivamente, o presente estudo oferece uma visão chave para optimizar a capacidade das DCs em induzir respostas imunitárias anti-tumorais, e indica que o tratamento com sialidase é uma nova tecnologia para melhorar a eficácia e aplicabilidade das vacinas baseadas em DCs. Coletivamente, os nossos resultados demostram como a glicosilação e a sua manipulação podem modular a imunidade. Concretamente, através de uma reação de exofucosilação conseguimos aumentar fortemente a capacidade de os leucócitos extravasarem para os tecidos afectados, enquanto que a remoção dos níveis de ácido siálico da superfície celular das DCs, induz potentes respostas anti-tumorais mediadas por células T citotóxicas. ---------------------------- ABSTRACT: Glycosylation is the most widely form of protein post-translational modification and is involved in many physiological and pathological processes. Specifically, certain patterns of glycosylation are associated with determined stages of cell differentiation and can modulate processes like cell-signaling and migration and host-pathogen interactions. As such, glycosylation plays a crucial role in the modulation of several immune events. However, how glycans execute this immune-modulation and, therefore, influence immunity is still poorly unknown. Specifically, some terminal sialic acid-modified determinants are known to be involved in several physiological immune processes, including leukocyte trafficking into sites of inflammation and cell immune activation. Therefore, in this work, we sought to investigate more deeply how the expression of these glycosidic structures affects events form both innate and adaptive immune responses. To this end, we divided our work into three main parts: 1) Immunity critically depends on the ability of sentinel circulating cells to infiltrate injured sites, of which leukocyte binding to endothelial E-selectin is the critical first step. Thus, we first analyzed the structure and function of the E-selectin ligands expressed on native human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), providing novel insights into the molecular effectors governing adhesion of circulating monocytes, and of circulating CD4+T, CD8+T and B cells, to vascular endothelium under hemodynamic shear conditions. Strikingly, monocytes show a higher ability to tether and roll on endothelial cells than lymphocyte subsets. This is due to the fact that human circulating monocytes uniformly display a wide repertoire of E-selectin binding glycoproteins, namely the E-selectin-binding glycoforms of CD43 (CD43E) and CD44 (HCELL), in addition to the previously described E-selectin-binding glycoform of PSGL-1 (CLA). In addition, we also observed a differential ability of the different lymphocyte subsets to bind to Eselectin under hemodynamic shear stress conditions, and these differences were highly correlated with their individual expression of E-selectin binding glycoproteins. While CD4+T cells show a robust E-selectin binding ability, CD8+T and B cells show little to no E-selectin reactivity. CD4+T cell potent Eselectin rolling activity is conferred by HCELL expression, in addition to the previously reported E-selectin-binding glycoproteins CD43E and CLA. CD8+T cells display no HCELL and low amounts of CLA and CD43E, whereas B cells lack E-selectin ligand expression. Moreover, enforced exofucosylation of cell surface of these cells noticeably increases expression of functional E-selectin ligands among all leukocytes subsets, with cell type-dependent specificity in the protein scaffolds that are modified. Taken together, these findings redefine our understanding of the molecular mechanisms governing the trafficking patterns of PBMCs that are relevant in the context of acute or chronic inflammatory conditions. 2) The ability of circulating dendritic cells (DCs) to extravasate at inflammatory sites is critical to the success of DC-based therapies. Therefore, we assessed the structure and function of adhesion molecules mediating the transendothelial migration (TEM) of human monocyte derived-DCs (mo-DCs), obtained either by CD14 positive immune-magnetic selection (CD14-S) or by plastic adherence of blood monocytes (PA-S). We report for the first time that the E-selectin binding glycoforms of PSGL-1, CD43 and CD44 are all expressed on CD14-S mo-DCs, in contrast to PA-S mo-DCs that express only CLA. Importantly, CD44 engagement on CD14-S mo-DCs, but not on PA-S mo-DCs, triggers VLA-4-dependent adhesiveness and programs TEM in absence of chemokine gradient. We also analyzed the E-selectin ligands expressed on mo-DCs generated from umbilical cord blood (UCB) monocytes, and unexpectedly, UCB mo-DCs do not express any glycoprotein with E-selectin reactivity. Furthermore, exoglycosylation of human mo-DCs using an α(1,3)-fucosyltransferase significantly increases expression of HCELL, and therefore exofucosylated mo-DCs exhibit an augmented ability to bind to E-selectin under hemodynamic shear stress conditions. These findings highlight a role for HCELL engagement in priming TEM of CD14-S mo-DCs, and suggest that strategies to enforce HCELL expression could boost mo-DC recruitment to inflammatory sites.3) Another obstacle to achieve the promising success of DC-based vaccines is the establishment of efficient approaches that could successfully enhance maturation and cross-presentation ability of DCs. Therefore, we investigated an alternative approach that can overcome this problem. Through removal of sialic acid content from DC cell surface we are able to elicit maturation of both human and mouse DCs. Notably, desialylated human and murine DCs showed enhanced ability to induce autologous T cell to proliferate, to secrete Th1 cytokines and to kill tumor cells. Moreover, desialylated DCs display enhanced cross-presentation of tumor antigens to cytotoxic CD8+ T cells. Collectively, this study offers key insight to optimize the ability of DCs to boost anti-tumor immune responses, and indicates that the treatment with an exogenous sialidase is a powerful new technology to improve the efficacy and applicability of DC-based vaccines. Overall, our findings show how glycosylation and its manipulation can modulate immunity. Concretely, through an exofucosylation reaction we are able to greatly augment the ability of leukocytes to extravasate into injured tissues, while removal of sialic acid moieties from cell surface of DCs, significantly potentiate their ability to induce anti-tumor cytotoxic T cell-mediate responses.
Invariant NKT cells (iNKT cells) recognize glycolipid Ags via an invariant TCR alpha-chain and play a central role in various immune responses. Although human CD4(+) and CD4(-) iNKT cell subsets both produce Th1 cytokines, the CD4(+) subset displays an enhanced ability to secrete Th2 cytokines and shows regulatory activity. We performed an ex vivo analysis of blood, liver, and tumor iNKT cells from patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and metastases from uveal melanoma or colon carcinoma. Frequencies of Valpha24/Vbeta11 iNKT cells were increased in tumors, especially in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. The proportions of CD4(+), double negative, and CD8alpha(+) iNKT cell subsets in the blood of patients were similar to those of healthy donors. However, we consistently found that the proportion of CD4(+) iNKT cells increased gradually from blood to liver to tumor. Furthermore, CD4(+) iNKT cell clones generated from healthy donors were functionally distinct from their CD4(-) counterparts, exhibiting higher Th2 cytokine production and lower cytolytic activity. Thus, in the tumor microenvironment the iNKT cell repertoire is modified by the enrichment of CD4(+) iNKT cells, a subset able to generate Th2 cytokines that can inhibit the expansion of tumor Ag-specific CD8(+) T cells. Because CD4(+) iNKT cells appear inefficient in tumor defense and may even favor tumor growth and recurrence, novel iNKT-targeted therapies should restore CD4(-) iNKT cells at the tumor site and specifically induce Th1 cytokine production from all iNKT cell subsets.
Despite the well-established antitumor activity of CD1d-restricted invariant natural killer T lymphocytes (iNKT), their use for cancer therapy has remained challenging. This appears to be due to their strong but short-lived activation followed by long-term anergy after a single administration of the CD1d agonist ligand alpha-galactosylceramide (αGC). As a promising alternative, we obtained sustained mouse iNKT cell responses associated with prolonged antitumor effects through repeated administrations of tumor-targeted recombinant sCD1d-antitumor scFv fusion proteins loaded with αGC. Here, we demonstrate that CD1d fusion proteins bound to tumor cells via the antibody fragment specific for a tumor-associated antigen, efficiently activate human iNKT cell lines leading to potent tumor cell lysis. The importance of CD1d tumor targeting was confirmed in tumor-bearing mice in which only the specific tumor-targeted CD1d fusion protein resulted in tumor inhibition of well-established aggressive tumor grafts. The therapeutic efficacy correlated with the repeated activation of iNKT and natural killer cells marked by their release of TH1 cytokines, despite the up-regulation of the co-inhibitory receptor PD-1. Our results demonstrate the superiority of providing the superagonist αGC loaded on recombinant CD1d proteins and support the use of αGC/sCD1d-antitumor fusion proteins to secure a sustained human and mouse iNKT cell activation, while targeting their cytotoxic activity and cytokine release to the tumor site.
An attractive treatment of cancer consists in inducing tumor-eradicating CD8(+) CTL specific for tumor-associated Ags, such as NY-ESO-1 (ESO), a strongly immunogenic cancer germ line gene-encoded tumor-associated Ag, widely expressed on diverse tumors. To establish optimal priming of ESO-specific CTL and to define critical vaccine variables and mechanisms, we used HLA-A2/DR1 H-2(-/-) transgenic mice and sequential immunization with immunodominant DR1- and A2-restricted ESO peptides. Immunization of mice first with the DR1-restricted ESO(123-137) peptide and subsequently with mature dendritic cells (DCs) presenting this and the A2-restriced ESO(157-165) epitope generated abundant, circulating, high-avidity primary and memory CD8(+) T cells that efficiently killed A2/ESO(157-165)(+) tumor cells. This prime boost regimen was superior to other vaccine regimes and required strong Th1 cell responses, copresentation of MHC class I and MHC class II peptides by the same DC, and resulted in upregulation of sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1, and thus egress of freshly primed CD8(+) T cells from the draining lymph nodes into circulation. This well-defined system allowed detailed mechanistic analysis, which revealed that 1) the Th1 cytokines IFN-gamma and IL-2 played key roles in CTL priming, namely by upregulating on naive CD8(+) T cells the chemokine receptor CCR5; 2) the inflammatory chemokines CCL4 (MIP-1beta) and CCL3 (MIP-1alpha) chemoattracted primed CD4(+) T cells to mature DCs and activated, naive CD8(+) T cells to DC-CD4 conjugates, respectively; and 3) blockade of these chemokines or their common receptor CCR5 ablated priming of CD8(+) T cells and upregulation of sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1. These findings provide new opportunities for improving T cell cancer vaccines.
Streptococcus du Groupe B (GBS) et Streptococcus suis sont deux pathogènes encapsulés qui induisent des pathologies similaires dont la méningite et la septicémie chez les animaux et/ou les humains. Les sérotypes III et V du GBS et les sérotypes 2 et 14 du S. suis (utilisés dans cette étude) sont parmi les plus prévalents et/ou les plus virulents. La capsule polysaccharidique (CPS) définit le sérotype et est considérée comme un facteur de virulence essentiel pour les deux espèces bactériennes. Malgré que plusieurs études aient été réalisées au niveau des interactions entre ces streptocoques et les cellules de l’immunité innée, aucune information n’est disponible sur la régulation de la réponse immunitaire contre ces pathogènes par les cellules dendritiques (DCs) et leur interactions avec d’autres cellules, notamment les cellules ‘natural killer’ (NK). Dans cette étude, différentes approches (in vitro, ex vivo et in vivo) chez la souris ont été développées pour caractériser les interactions entre les DCs, les cellules NK et GBS ou S. suis. L’utilisation de mutants non encapsulés a permis d’évaluer l’importance de la CPS dans ces interactions. Les résultats in vitro avec les DCs infectées par GBS ou S. suis ont démontré que ces deux pathogènes interagissent différemment avec ces cellules. GBS est grandement internalisé par les DCs, et ce, via de multiples mécanismes impliquant notamment les radeaux lipidiques et la clathrine. Le mécanisme d’endocytose utilisé aurait un effet sur la capacité du GBS à survivre intracellulairement. Quant au S. suis, ce dernier est très faiblement internalisé et, si le cas, rapidement éliminé à l’intérieur des DCs. GBS et S. suis activent les DCs via différents récepteurs et favorisent la production de cytokines et chimiokines ainsi que l’augmentation de l’expression de molécules de co-stimulation. Cette activation permet la production d’interferon-gamma (IFN-y) par les cellules NK. Cependant, GBS semble plus efficient à activer les DCs, et par conséquent, les cellules NK que S. suis. La production d’IFN-y, en réponse à la stimulation bactérienne, est principalement assurée par un contact direct entre les DCs et les cellules NK et ne dépend qu’en partie de facteurs solubles. De plus, nos résultats in vivo ont démontré que ces deux streptocoques induisent rapidement la libération d'IFN-y par les cellules NK lors de la phase aiguë de l'infection. Ceci suggère que les interactions entre les DCs et les cellules NK pourraient jouer un rôle dans le développement d’une réponse immune T auxiliaire de type 1 (T ‘helper’ 1 en anglais; Th1). Cependant, la capacité de S. suis à activer la réponse immunitaire in vivo est également plus faible que celle observée pour GBS. En effet, les CPSs de GBS et de S. suis jouent des rôles différents dans cette réponse. La CPS de S. suis empêche une activation optimale des DCs et des cellules NK alors que c’est l’opposé pour la CPS de GBS, indépendamment du sérotype évalué. En résumé, cette étude adresse pour la première fois la contribution des DCs et des cellules NK dans la réponse immunitaire innée lors d’une infection à GBS ou à S. suis et, par extension, dans le développement d’une réponse Th1. Nos résultats renforcent davantage le rôle central des DCs dans le contrôle efficace des infections causées par des bactéries encapsulées.
Therapy with stem cells has showed to be promising for acute kidney injury (AKI), although how it works is still controversial. Modulation of the inflammatory response is one possible mechanism. Most of published data relies on early time and whether the protection is still maintained after that is not known. Here, we analyzed whether immune modulation continues after 24 h of reperfusion. MSC were obtained from male Wistar rats. After 3-5 passages, cells were screened for CD73, CD90, CD44, CD45, CD29 and CD 31. In addition, MSC were submitted to differentiation in adipocyte and in osteocyte. AKI was induced by bilaterally clamping of renal pedicles for 60 min. Six hours after injury, MSC (2 x 105 cells) were administered intravenously. MSC-treated animals presented the lowest serum creatinine compared to non-treated animals (24 h: 1.3 +/- 0.21 vs. 3.23 +/- 0.89 mg/dl, p<0.05). The improvement in renal function was followed by a lower expression of IL-1b, IL-6 and TNF-alpha and higher expression of IL-4 and IL-10. However, 48 h after reperfusion, this cytokine profile has changed. The decrease in Th1 cytokines was less evident and IL-6 was markedly up regulated. PCNA analysis showed that regeneration occurs faster in kidney tissues of MSC-treated animals than in controls at 24 h. And also ratio of Bcl-2/Bad was higher at treated animals after 24 and 48 h. Our data demonstrated that the immunomodulatory effects of MSC occur at very early time point, changing the inflammation profile toward a Th2 profile. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Mice genetically selected for high (H) and low (L) antibody production (HIV-A and L-IV-A) were used in an experimental model of paracoccidioidomycosis. In a previous work, it was observed that male HIV-A animals were more susceptible to the infection due to adrenal gland damage. Male HIV-A and LIV-A animals were intravenously inoculated with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (strain 18) and sacrificed 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 weeks after inoculation. At each time interval, lungs and adrenals were removed to estimate recoverability of the fungus, as well as to determine Th1 (IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha) and Th2 (IL-4 and IL-10) cytokine profiles. While viable fungi recoverability from the lungs of HIV-A mice was higher after 4 and 8 weeks, there was less fungal recovery from the adrenals of LIV-A animals after the 2nd week, with total fungal elimination after the 8th week. With regard to Th2 cytokines, there was an inhibition in IL-4 production in the organs from infected animals, the extent of which varied according to the organ and the time period after initiation of infection. IL-10 production was found to be lower in both organs. Determination of Th1 cytokines revealed that IFN-gamma production increased in both organs, mainly in the adrenal of LIV-A after 8 and 10 weeks, when these animals showed a total fungal elimination. A significant difference was observed between HIV-A and LIV-A concerning TNF-alpha production in both organs and at all recovery times, in that LIV-A produced a higher level of this cytokine, mainly in the adrenal. These results may explain the high susceptibility of HIV-A to P. brasiliensis infection, is due, at least in part, to adrenal involvement. The higher production of Th1 cytokines by LIV-A in comparison to HIV-A mice may account for LIV-A resistance to P. brasiliensis infection. Our data reveal the importance of this experimental model in the study of the adrenal involvement in paracoccidioidomycosis, since this gland may be highly compromised in the patients, leading to the development of Addison's Disease.
Mice genetically selected for high (H) and low (L) antibody production (Selection IV-A) were used as murine experimental model. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the macrophagic activity and to characterize the immune response in Mycobacterium bovis-AN5 infected mice (3×10 7 bacteria). The response profile previously observed in such strains was not similar to that obtained during M. bovis infection; however, it corroborated works carried out using Selection I, which is very similar to Selection IV-A regarding infection by M. tuberculosis and Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG). Considering bacterial recovery, LIV-A mice showed higher control of the infectious process in the lungs than in the spleen, whereas HIV-A mice presented more resistance in the spleen. With respect to macrophagic activity, hydrogen peroxide (H2O 2) was probably not involved in the infection control since there was an inhibition in the production of this metabolite. Nitric oxide (NO) and TNF-α production seemed to be important in the control of bacterial replication and varied according to the strain, period and organ. Evaluation of the antibody production indicated that the multi-specific effect commonly observed in these strains was not the same in the response to M. bovis. Antibody concentrations were higher in LIV-A than in HIV-A mice at the beginning of the infection, being similar afterwards. Such data were compared with delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH), which was more intense in HIV-A than in LIV-A mice, indicating that antibody production is independent of the capability to trigger DTH reactions and that cellular and humoral responses to M. bovis antigens show a polygenic control and an independent quantitative genetic regulation. Differences were observed among organs and metabolites, suggesting that different mechanisms play an important role in this infection in natural heterogeneous populations, indicating that NO, TNF-α and Th1 cytokines are involved in the infection control.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Doenças Tropicais - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Immunreaktionen gegen Antigene können eine zelluläre Immunantwort, eingeleitet durch TH1-Zellen induzieren oder aber eine antikörpervermittelte humorale Immunantwort induzieren, die von Zellen des TH2-Typs bestimmt sind. Diese unterschiedlichen Immunreaktionen regulieren sich gegenseitig, indem sie sich wechselseitig unterdrücken. Dadurch stellt sich ein Gleichgewicht zwischen den TH1- und TH2-Immunantworten ein. Die Allergie vom Soforttyp ist TH2-dominiert und wird ausgelöst durch die Produktion spezifischer IgE-Antikörper gegen eigentlich harmlose Antigene. Durch die frühe Ausschüttung des Zytokins IL-4 von T-Zellen differenzieren naive allergenspezifische T-Zellen zu TH2-Zellen aus. Diese sezernieren dann ebenfalls IL-4 und auch IL-13, was die B-Zellen zu einer vermehrten Produktion von IgE-Molekülen stimuliert. IgE bindet an den hochaffinen IgE-Rezeptor auf Mastzellen, Basophilen und Eosinophilen. Bei weiterem Allergenkontakt kommt es durch Kreuzvernetzung der Fc-Rezeptoren zur Ausschüttung vo
Cryptosporidium parvum ist ein intrazellulärer protozoischer Darmparasit (Apikomplexa), der weltweit zu den bedeutendsten Erregern von Diarrhöen beim Menschen und einer Reihe von Nutztieren zählt. Vor allem immunkompromittierte Personen wie zum Beispiel AIDS-Patienten erleiden schwere, chronische bis lebensbedrohende Erkrankungen. Da nach wie vor keine effektive Therapie gegen eine Kryptosporidiose in Form eines spezifisch wirkenden Chemotherapeutikums oder einer Vakzine existiert, ist es notwendig, die Immunantwort des Wirtes gegen den Parasiten und dessen Bindung, Invasion und die intrazelluläre Entwicklung in den Epithelzellen eingehend zu studieren, um neue Ansatzpunkte zu entwickeln. Wohingegen Menschen zeitlebens suszeptibel für eine Infektion mit C. parvum sind, entwickeln Mäuse eine natürliche Resistenz und können als adulte Tiere nicht mehr infiziert werden. Daher sind Mausmodelle der Kryptosporidiose auf neonatale oder immunsupprimierte und immundefiziente adulte Mäuse beschränkt. Bei der Überwindung einer C. parvum-Infektion sind Effektoren der natürlichen und adaptiven Immunität beteiligt. Die zentrale Rolle spielen CD4+-T-Zellen, sowie Interferon-gamma und Interleukin-12. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Infektionen in IFN-gamma (GKO)- und IL-12 p40 (IL12KO)-Knockout-Mäusen (C57BL/6) etabliert, für die bereits gezeigt wurde, dass sie eine Suszeptibilität gegenüber einer Erstinfektion besitzen. Erstmals wurden die beiden Infektionsmodelle parallel unter denselben Bedingungen analysiert, um Rückschlüsse auf die Funktion und die Bedeutung der beiden Th1-Zytokine IFN-gamma und IL-12 bei der Auseinandersetzung mit dem Parasiten und der Überwindung einer Infektion ziehen zu können. Es wurden deutliche Unterschiede im Infektionsverlauf, bei der Höhe und Dauer der Parasitenausscheidung und der induzierten systemischen und mukosalen Antikörperantwort beobachtet. Zum ersten Mal konnte gezeigt werden, dass neben IL12KO auch GKO in der Lage sind, eine erste Infektion zu überwinden und eine Resistenz gegenüber einer erneuten Konfrontation mit dem Parasiten zu entwickeln. Alle Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Etablierung einer protektiven Immunität gegen eine Kryptosporidiose generell unabhängig von der Anwesenheit der Zytokine IFN-gamma und IL-12 ist, der Verlust von IFN-gamma jedoch schwerer wiegt. Bei GKO-Mäusen persistierte der Parasit in Form einer niedriggradigen chronischen Infektion. Die beiden Infektionsmodelle stellten sich als ideales System für die Etablierung einer effektiven Immunisierungsstrategie heraus. Intranasale Immunisierungen, welche neben einer systemischen auch eine mukosale Immunantwort induzieren können, schienen einen richtigen Ansatz darzustellen. Intraperitoneale und subkutane Immunisierungen führten zwar zur Ausbildung einer starken spezifischen IgG-Antwort im Serum, diese war jedoch nicht in der Lage, einen Schutz vor einer Infektion zu vermitteln. Neben den in vivo Untersuchungen wurde des Weiteren auch die intrazelluläre Entwicklung von C. parvum in einem in vitro Kultursystem verfolgt. Zum ersten Mal wurde die Genexpression von vier Oberflächenproteinen der invasiven Zoitenstadien und eines Oozystenwandproteins parallel durch RT-PCR analysiert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass alle untersuchten Gene während der intrazellulären Entwicklung differentiell exprimiert werden, was eine unterschiedliche Funktion der Proteine während des Entwicklungszyklus nahe legt. Das Expressionsmuster der verschiedenen Gene charakterisiert bestimmte Abschnitte innerhalb des Entwicklungszyklus. Dabei wurden Marker für die Invasion (CP17) sowie für die asexuelle (GP900) und sexuelle Replikation (COWP) identifiziert.