947 resultados para Synthesis conditions


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A high quality pure hydroxy-sodalite zeolite membrane was successfully synthesized on an alpha-Al2O3 support by a novel microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis (MARS) method. Influence of synthesis conditions, such as synthesis time, synthesis procedure, etc., on the formation of hydroxy-sodalite zeolite membrane by MAHS method was studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and gas permeation measurements. The synthesis of hydroxy-sodalite zeolite membrane by MAHS method only needed 45 min and synthesis was more than 8 times faster than by the conventional hydrothermal synthesis (CHS) method. A pure hydroxy-sodalite zeolite membrane was easily synthesized by MAHS method, while a zeolite membrane, which consisted of NaX zeolite, NaA zeolite and hydroxy-sodalite zeolite, was usually synthesized by CHS method. The effect of preparation procedures had a dramatic impact on the formation of hydroxy-sodalite zeolite membrane and a single-stage synthesis procedure produced a pure hydroxy-sodalite zeolite membrane. The pure hydroxy-sodalite zeolite membrane synthesized by MARS method was found to be well inter-grown and the thickness of the membrane was 6-7 mum. Gas permeation results showed that the hydrogen/n-butane permselectivity of the hydroxy-sodalite zeolite membrane was larger than 1000. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Spherical and submicrometer-sized hollow Gd2O3:Eu3+ phosphors were prepared by homogeneous precipitation and hydrothermal method by varying the concentrations of reactants and changing the synthesis conditions. In the precipitation step, the spherical nucleus was formed and grew to large particles. In the hydrothermal step, the large particles crystallized to solid or hollow spheres. At last, Gd2O3:Eu3+ phosphors were obtained by annealing at the temperature more than 600 degrees C. The deduced mechanics of forming the solid and hollow spheres was proposed. And the obtained spherical Gd2O3:Eu3+ phosphors had better red luminescence properties. The relative luminescence intensity and the lifetime increased with increasing annealing temperatures.


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The controllable synthesis of nanosized carbon-supported Pd catalysts through a surface replacement reaction (SRR) method is reported in this paper. Depending on the synthesis conditions the Pd can be formed on Co nanoparticles surface in hollow nanospheres or nanoparticles structures. Citrate anion acts as a stabilizer for the nanostructures, and protonation of the third carboxyl anion and hence the nanostructure and size of the resulting catalysts are controlled via the pH of the synthesis solution. Pd hollow nanospheres, containing smaller Pd nanoparticles, supported on carbon are formed under the condition of pH 9 reaction solution. Meanwhile, highly dispersed carbon-supported Pd nanoparticles can be formed with higher pH (pH >= 10). All catalysts prepared through the SRR method show enhanced activities for the HCOOH electro-oxidation reaction compared to catalysts reduced by NaBH4.


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Graças aos desenvolvimentos na área da síntese de nanomaterais e às potentes técnicas de caracterização à nanoescala conseguimos hoje visualizar uma nanopartícula (NP) como um dispositivo de elevado potencial terapêutico. A melhoria da sua efectividade terapêutica requer no entanto o aprofundamento e sistematização de conhecimentos, ainda muito incipientes, sobre toxicidade, selectividade, efeitos colaterais e sua dependência das próprias características físico-químicas da NP em análise. O presente trabalho, elegendo como alvo de estudo uma substância considerada biocompatível e não tóxica, a hidroxiapatite (Hap), pretende dar um contributo para esta área do conhecimento. Definiram-se como metas orientadoras deste trabalho (i) estudar a síntese de nanoparticulas de Hap (Hap NP), e a modificação das características físico-químicas e morfológicas das mesmas através da manipulação das condições de síntese; (ii) estudar a funcionalização das Hap NP com nanoestruturas de ouro e com ácido fólico, para lhes conferir capacidades acrescidas de imagiologia e terapêuticas, particularmente interessantes em aplicações como o tratamento do cancro (iii) estudar a resposta celular a materiais nanométricos, com propriedades físico-químicas diversificadas. No que se refere à síntese de Hap NP, comparam-se dois métodos de síntese química distintos, a precipitação química a temperatura fisiológica (WCS) e a síntese hidrotérmica (HS), em meios aditivados com ião citrato. A síntese WCS originou partículas de tamanho nanométrico, com uma morfologia de agulha, pouco cristalinas e elevada área superficial especifica. A síntese HS à temperatura de 180ºC permitiu obter partículas de dimensões também nanométricas mas com área específica inferior, com morfologia de bastonete prismático com secção recta hexagonal e elevada cristalinidade. Com o objectivo de aprofundar o papel de algumas variáveis experimentais na definição das características finais das partículas de hidroxiapatite, designadamente o papel do ião citrato (Cit), variou-se a razão molar [Cit/Ca] da solução reagente e o tempo de síntese. Demonstrou-se que o ião citrato e outras espécies químicas resultantes da sua decomposição nas condições térmicas (180ºC) de síntese tem um papel preponderante na velocidade de nucleação e de crescimento dessas mesmas partículas e por conseguinte nas características físico-químicas das mesmas. Elevadas razões [Cit/Ca] originam partículas de dimensão micrométrica cuja morfologia é discutida no contexto do crescimento com agregação. Com o objectivo de avaliar a citotoxicidade in vitro das nanopartículas sintetizadas procedeu-se à esterilização das mesmas. O método de esterilização escolhido foi a autoclavagem a 121º C. Avaliou-se o impacto do processo de esterilização nas características das partículas, verificando-se contrariamente às partículas WCS, que as partículas HS não sofrem alterações significativas de morfologia, o que se coaduna com as condições de síntese das mesmas, que são mais severas do que as de esterilização. As partículas WCS sofrem processos de dissolução e recristalização que se reflectem em alterações significativas de morfologia. Este estudo demonstrou que a etapa de esterilização de nanopartículas para aplicações biomédicas, por autoclavagem, pode alterar substancialmente as propriedades das mesmas, sendo pois criticamente importante caracterizar os materiais após esterilização. Os estudos citotoxicológicos para dois tipos de partículas esterilizadas (HSster e WCSster) revelaram que ambas apresentam baixa toxicidade e possuem potencial para a modelação do comportamento de células osteoblásticas. Tendo em vista a funcionalização da superfície das Hap NP para multifunções de diagnóstico e terapia exploraram-se condições experimentais que viabilizassem o acoplamento de nanopartículas de ouro à superfície das nanopartículas de Hidroxiapatite (Hap-AuNP). Tirando partido da presença de grupos carboxílicos adsorvidos na superfície das nanopartículas de Hap foi possível precipitar partículas nanométricas de ouro (1,5 a 2,5 nm) na superfície das mesmas adaptando o método descrito por Turkevich. No presente trabalho as nanopartículas de Hap funcionaram assim como um template redutor do ouro iónico de solução, propiciando localmente, na superfície das próprias nanopartículas de Hap, a sua redução a ouro metálico. A nucleação do ouro é assim contextualizada pelo papel redutor das espécies químicas adsorvidas, designadamente os grupos carboxílicos derivados de grupos citratos que presidiram à síntese das próprias nanopartículas de Hap. Estudou-se também a funcionalização das Hap NP com ácido fólico (FA), uma molécula biologicamente interessante por ser de fácil reconhecimento pelos receptores existentes em células cancerígenas. Os resultados confirmaram a ligação do ácido fólico à superfície das diferentes partículas produzidas HS e Hap-AuNPs. Graças às propriedades ópticas do ouro nanométrico (efeito plasmão) avaliadas por espectroscopia vis-UV e às potencialidades de hipertermia local por conversão fototérmica, as nanoestruturas Hap-AuNPs produzidas apresentam-se com elevado interesse enquanto nanodispositivos capazes de integrar funções de quimio e terapia térmica do cancro e imagiologia. O estudo da resposta celular aos diversos materiais sintetizados no presente trabalho foi alvo de análise na tentativa de se caracterizar a toxicidade dos mesmos bem como avaliar o seu desempenho em aplicações terapêuticas. Demonstrou-se que as Hap NP não afectam a proliferação das células para concentrações até 500 g/ml, observando-se um aumento na expressão genética da BMP-2 e da fosfatase alcalina. Verificou-se também que as Hap NP são susceptíveis de internalização por células osteoblásticas MG63, apresentando uma velocidade de dissolução intracelular relativamente reduzida. A resposta celular às Hap-AuNP confirmou a não citotoxicidade destas partículas e revelou que a presença do ouro na superfície das Hap NP aumenta a taxa proliferação celular, bem como a expressão de parâmetros osteogénicos. No seu conjunto os resultados sugerem que os vários tipos de partículas sintetizadas no presente estudo apresentam também comportamentos interessantes para aplicações em engenharia de tecido ósseo.


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Dans cette thèse, nous démontrons des travaux sur la synthèse à faible coût des matériaux de cathode et l'anode pour les piles lithium-ion. Pour les cathodes, nous avons utilisé des précurseurs à faible coût pour préparer LiFePO4 et LiFe0.3Mn0.7PO4 en utilisant une méthode hydrothermale. Tout d'abord, des matériaux composites (LiFePO4/C) ont été synthétisés à partir d'un précurseur de Fe2O3 par une procédé hydrothermique pour faire LiFePO4(OH) dans une première étape suivie d'une calcination rapide pour le revêtement de carbone. Deuxièmement, LiFePO4 avec une bonne cristallinité et une grande pureté a été synthétisé en une seule étape, avec Fe2O3 par voie hydrothermale. Troisièmement, LiFe0.3Mn0.7PO4 a été préparé en utilisant Fe2O3 et MnO comme des précurseurs de bas coûts au sein d'une méthode hydrothermale synthétique. Pour les matériaux d'anode, nous avons nos efforts concentré sur un matériau d'anode à faible coût α-Fe2O3 avec deux types de synthèse hydrothermales, une a base de micro-ondes (MAH) l’autre plus conventionnelles (CH). La nouveauté de cette thèse est que pour la première fois le LiFePO4 a été préparé par une méthode hydrothermale en utilisant un précurseur Fe3+ (Fe2O3). Le Fe2O3 est un précurseur à faible coût et en combinant ses coûts avec les conditions de synthèse à basse température nous avons réalisé une réduction considérable des coûts de production pour le LiFePO4, menant ainsi à une meilleure commercialisation du LiFePO4 comme matériaux de cathode dans les piles lithium-ion. Par cette méthode de préparation, le LiFePO4/C procure une capacité de décharge et une stabilité de cycle accrue par rapport une synthétisation par la méthode à l'état solide pour les mêmes précurseurs Les résultats sont résumés dans deux articles qui ont été récemment soumis dans des revues scientifiques.


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A recycle ultrafiltration membrane reactor was used to develop a continuous synthesis process for the production of isomaltooligosaccharides (IMO) from sucrose, using the enzymes dextransucrase and dextranase. A variety of membranes were tested and the parameters affecting reactor stability, productivity, and product molecular weight distribution were investigated. Enzyme inactivation in the reactor was reduced with the use of a non-ionic surfactant but its use had severe adverse effects on the membrane pore size and porosity. During continuous isomaltooligosaccharide synthesis, dextransucrase inactivation was shown to occur as a result of the dextranase activity and it was dependent mainly on the substrate availability in the reactor and the hydrolytic activity of dextranase. Substrate and dextranase concentrations (50-200 mg/mL(-1) and 10-30 U/mL(-1), respectively) affected permeate fluxes, reactor productivity, and product average molecular weight. The oligodextrans and isomaltooligosaccharides formed had molecular weights lower than in batch synthesis reactions but they largely consisted of oligosaccharides with a degree of polymerization (DP) greater than 5, depending on the synthesis conditions. No significant rejection of the sugars formed was shown by the membranes and permeate flux was dependent on tangential flow velocity. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The effects of pyrrole, anthraquinone-2-sulphonic acid (AQSA) and iron(III) chloride (FeCl3) concentrations, reaction time and temperature on the electrical conductivity of polypyrrole (PPy) - coated poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) fabrics were investigated. With an increase in both the AQSA and FeCl3 concentrations, resistivity decreased to a point beyond which higher concentrations led to increased surface resistivity. Erosion of the polymer coating, in dynamic synthesis from continual abrasion, manifested as an exponential increase in the resistance of the coated textile substrate. This was not encountered in static synthesis conditions. Temperature affected the degree of surface and bulk polymerisation. The effect of polymerisation temperature on conductivity was negligible. Conductive polymer coating on textiles through chemical polymerisation enabled a smooth coherent film to encase individual fibres, which did not affect the tactile properties of the host substrate. The optimum FeCl3/pyrrole and AQSA FeCl3/pyrrole molar ratios were found to be 2.22 and 0.40 respectively.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A polymeric precursor method based on the Pechini process was successfully used to synthesize zirconia-12 mol% ceria ceramic powders, the influence of the main process variables (citric acid-ethylene glycol ratio, citric acid-total oxides ratio and calcination temperature) on phase formation and powder morphology (surface area and crystallite size) were investigated. The thermal decomposition behavior of the precursor is presented. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of powders revealed a crystalline tetragonal zirconia single-phase, with crystallite diameter ranging from 6 to 15 nm. The BET surface areas were relatively high, reaching 95 m(2) g(-1) Nitrogen adsorption/desorption on the powders suggested that nonaggregated powders could be attained, depending on the synthesis conditions. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The understanding and control of ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic semiconducting oxides (DMO) is a special challenge in solid-state physics and materials science due to its impact in magneto-optical devices and spintronics. Several studies and mechanisms have been proposed to explain intrinsic ferromagnetism in DMO compounds since the theoretical prediction of room-temperature ferromagnetism. However, genuine and intrinsic ferromagnetism in 3d-transition metal-doped n-type ZnO semiconductors is still a controversial issue. Furthermore, for DMO nanoparticles, some special physical and chemical effects may also play a role. In this contribution, structural and magnetic properties of sonochemically prepared cobalt-doped ZnO nanoparticles were investigated. A set of ZnO samples was prepared varying cobalt molar concentration and time of ultrasonic exposure. The obtained results showed that single phase samples can be obtained by the sonochemical method. However, cobalt nanoclusters can be detected depending on synthesis conditions. Magnetic measurements indicated a possible ferromagnetic response, associated to defects and cobalt substitutions at the zinc site by cobalt. However, ferromagnetism is depleted at higher magnetic fields. Also, an antiferromagnetic response is detected due to cobalt oxide cluster at high cobalt molar concentrations. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) obtained much attention because of their unusual structures and properties as well as their potential applications. This dissertation research was focused on (1) the effects of synthesis conditions on the structures of MOFs, (2) the thermal stability of MOFs, (3) pressure-induced amorphization, and (4) the effect of high-valent ions on the structure of a MOF. This research demonstrated that the crystal structure of MOF-5 could be controlled by drying solvents. If the vacuum solvent is dimethylformamide (DMF), the crystal structure of MOF-5 is tetragonal. In contrast, if the DMF is displaced by CH2Cl2 before the vacuum, the obtained MOF-5 occupies a cubic structure. Furthermore, it was found that the tetragonal MOF-5 exhibited a mediate surface area (300-1000 m2/g). The surface area of tetragonal MOF-5 is also dependent on Zn(NO3)2/H2BDC (H2BDC: terephthalic acid) molar ratios used for its synthesis. The optimum ratio is 1.38, at which synthesized tetragonal MOF-5 exhibits the highest crystallinity and surface area (1297 m2/g). The thermal stability and decomposition of MOF-5 were systematically investigated. The thermal decomposition of cubic and tetragonal MOF-5s resulted in the same products: CO2, benzene, amorphous carbon, and crystal ZnO. The thermal decomposition is due to breaking carboxylic bridges between benzene rings and Zn4O clusters. Identifying structural relationships between crystalline and noncrystalline states is of fundamental interest in materials research. Currently, amorphization of solid materials at ambient temperature requires an ultra-high pressure (several GPa). However, this research demonstrated that MOF-5 and IRMOF-8 can be irreversibly amorphized at ambient temperature by employing a low compressing pressure of 3.5 MPa, which is 100 times lower than that required for amorphization of other solids. Furthermore, the pressure-induced amorphization (PIA) of MOFs is strongly dependent on the changeability of bond angles. If the geometric structure of a MOF can allow bond angles to be changed without breaking bonds, it can easily be amorphized by compression. This can explain why MOF-5 and IRMOF-8 can easily be amorphized via compression than Cu-BTC. It is generally recognized that zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs) occupy much higher stability than other types of MOFs. The representative of ZIFs is Zn(2-methylimidazole)2 (ZIF-8) exhibiting high-decomposition temperature and high chemical resistance to various solvents. However, so far, it is still unknown whether the high stability of ZIF-8 can be challenged by ions, which is important for its modification by doping ions. In this research, we performed aqueous salt solution treatment on ZIF-8, and the results showed that anions (Cl¯ and NO3¯) in a solution exhibited no effect on the crystal structure of ZIF-8. However, the effect of cations (in a solution) on structure of ZIF-8 strongly depends on the cation valences. The univalent metal cations showed no effect on the structure of ZIF-8, whereas the bivalent or higher-valent metal cations caused the collapse of ZIF-8 crystal structure. Therefore, structure stability of ZIF-8 is considered when it is subjected to the application, in which high-valent metal cations are involved.


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The use of fully bio-based and biodegradable materials for massive applications, such as food packaging, is an emerging tendency in polymer research. But the formulations proposed in this way should preserve or even increase the functional properties of conventional polymers, such as transparency, homogeneity, mechanical properties and low migration of their components to foodstuff. This is not always trivial, in particular when brittle biopolymers, such as poly(lactic acid) (PLA), are considered. In this work the formulation of innovative materials based on PLA modified with highly compatible plasticizers, i.e. oligomers of lactic acid (OLAs) is proposed. Three different synthesis conditions for OLAs were tested and the resulting additives were further blended with commercial PLA obtaining transparent and ductile materials, able for films manufacturing. These materials were tested in their structural, thermal and tensile properties and the best formulation among the three materials was selected. OLA with molar mass (Mn) around 1,000 Da is proposed as an innovative and fully compatible and biodegradable plasticizer for PLA, able to replace conventional plasticizers (phthalates, adipates or citrates) currently used for films manufacturing in food packaging applications.


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The EU intends to increase the fraction of fuels from biogenic energy sources from 2% in 2005 to 8% in 2020. This means a minimum of 30 million TOE/a of fuels from biomass. This makes technical-scale generation of syngas from high-grade biomass, e.g. straw, hay, bark, or paper/cardboard waste, and the production of synthetic fuels by Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis highly attractive. The BTL concept (Biomass to Liquids) of the Karlsruhe Research Center, labeled bioliq, focuses on this challenge by locally concentrating the biomass energy content by fast pyrolysis in a coke/oil slurry followed by slurry conversion to syngas in a central entrained flow gasifier at 1200C and pressures above 4MPa. FT synthesis generates intermediate products for synthetic fuels. To prevent the sensitive catalysts from being poisoned the syngas must be free of tar and particulates. Trace concentrations of H2S, COS, CS2, HCl, NH3, and HCN must be on the order of a few ppb. Moreover, maximum conversion efficiency will be achieved by cleaning the gas above the synthesis conditions. (T>350C, P>4MPa). The concept of an innovative dry HTHP syngas cleaning process is presented. Based on HT particle filtration and suitable sorption and catalysis processes for the relevant contaminants, an overall concept will be derived, which leads to a syngas quality required for FT synthesis in only two combined stages. Results of filtration experiments on a pilot scale are presented. The influence of temperature on the separation and conversion, respectively, of particulates and gaseous contaminants is discussed on the basis of experimental results obtained on a laboratory and pilot scale. Extensive studies of this concept are performed in a scientific network comprising the Karlsruhe Research Center and five universities; funding is provided by the Helmholtz Association of National Research Centers in Germany.


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Crystalline acid-functionalized metal phosphonates are potential candidates as proton conducting electrolytes. Their frameworks can be chemically modified to contain proton carriers such as acidic groups (P-OH; -SO3H, -COOH,…) and guest molecules (H2O, NH3,…) that generates hydrogen bond networks stable in a wide range of temperature [1,2]. In this work, focus is laid on properties derived from the combination of lanthanide ions with the amino-sulfophosphonate ligand (H2O3PCH2)2-N-(CH2)2-SO3H. Hightrough-put screening was followed to reach the optimal synthesis conditions under solvothermal conditions at 140 ºC. Isolated polycrystalline solids, Ln[(O3PCH2)2-NH-(CH2)2-SO3H].2H2O (Ln= La, Pr and Sm), crystallize in the monoclinic (La) and orthorhombic (Pr and Sm) systems with unit cell volume of ~2548 Å3. Preliminary proton conductivity measurements for Sm derivative have been carried out between 25º and 80 ºC at relative humidity (RH) values of 70 % and 95 %. The sample exhibits enhanced conductivity at high RH and T (Figure 1) and constant activation energies of 0.4 eV, typical of a Grothuss mechanism of proton.