1000 resultados para Symonds, John Addington, 1840-1893.
Printed in Great Britain.
Edited by Horatio F. Brown.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Forms the third part of the author's "Renaissance in Italy".
Each plate accompanied by guard sheet with descriptive letterpress.
Mode of access: Internet.
First edition, 1886.
Available on microfilm.
v. 1. The philosophy of evolution. On the application of evolutionary principles to art and literature. On some principles of criticism. The provinces of the several arts. On the relation of art to science and morality. Realism and idealism. The model. Beauty, composition, expression, characterisation. Caricature, the fantastic, the grotesque. Notes on style: History and usage of the word; National style.-v. 2. Notes on style: Personal style; The art of style. Democratic art, with special reference to Walt Whitman. Landscape. Nature myths and allegories. Is poetry at bottom a criticism of life? A review of Matthew Arnold's selection from Wordsworth. Is music the type or measure of all art? The pathos of the rose in poetry. A comparison of Elizabethan with Victorian poetry. Appendix.
Mode of access: Internet.
It is certainly astonishing that an innovating study about the Greek pederasty in England like the one by John Addington Symonds does not quote Plutarch's Eroticus -in fact, it is only cited in some footnotes-, if one bears in mind that this dialogue is an accurate philosophical reflection on Greek eros, in which very often significant ethical themes are approached. The aim of this article is just to reveal the different reasons for such an omission.
Resulta sorprendente que un estudio pionero en Inglaterra sobre la pederastia griega como el de John Addington Symonds no cite el Erótico de Plutarco, excepción hecha de en algunas notas a pie de página, siendo como es este dialogo una seria reflexión filosófica sobre el eros griego, en que a menudo se abordan cuestiones éticas. El objetivo de este artículo es revelar justamente las razones de índole diversa para una tal omisión.
Resulta sorprenent que un estudi pioner a Anglaterra sobre la pederàstia grega como el de John Addington Symonds no citi l'Eròtic de Plutarc, llevat de en algunes notes a peu de pàgina, essent com és aquest diàleg una seriosa reflexió filosòfica sobre l'eros grec, en què sovint s'aborden qüestions ètiques. L'objectiu d'aquest article és revelar justament les raons d'índole diversa per a una tal omissió.
vol. 1