951 resultados para Surface Plasmon, Impedance Spectroscopy


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Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was used to study carbon dioxide (CO2) corrosion product scales and their effects on further CO2 corrosion. Objectives were to determine the suitability of EIS for studying corrosion scales and to investigate the influence of environmental factors on scale formation. EIS provided useful information about protective abilities and electrochemical properties of corrosion scales. CO2 corrosion scales formed at high-temperature and pressure provided better protection than those formed at low-temperature and pressure. The level of protection of the scale formed at higher temperature and pressure increased with exposure time. EIS results were compared with coupon weight-loss measurements. Scales were analyzed using a combination of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis, x-ray diffraction (XRD), and electron microscopy.


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Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was used to study carbon dioxide (CO2) corrosion product scales and their effects on further CO2 corrosion. Objectives were to determine the suitability of EIS for studying corrosion scales and to investigate the influence of environmental factors on scale formation. EIS provided useful information about protective abilities and electrochemical properties of corrosion scales. CO2 corrosion scales formed at high-temperature and pressure provided better protection than those formed at low-temperature and pressure. The level of protection of the scale formed at higher temperature and pressure increased with exposure time. EIS results were compared with coupon weight-loss measurements. Scales were analyzed using a combination of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis, x-ray diffraction (XRD), and electron microscopy


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The electrochemical behaviour of potentiodynamically formed thin anodic films of polycrystalline tin in aqueous sodium bicarbonate solutions (pH approximate to 8.3) were studied using cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Different equivalent circuits corresponding to various potential regions were employed to account for the electrochemical processes taking place under each condition. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Der Einfluß von Druck auf die Eigenschaften dünner dielektrischer Filme wurde mit Hilfe von Oberflächenplasmonen-Spektroskopie untersucht. Die Arbeit kann aus der Perspektive der Materialcharakterisierung und aus apparativer Sicht betrachtet werden, da z.B. eine neue Hochdruckzelle konstruiert wurde, die kombinierte Oberflächenplasmonen-Elektrochemie Messungen erlaubt. SiO2-Solgel Filme wurden optimiert und auf ihre Widerstandsfähigkeit in Bufferlösungen und ihre Oberflächeneigenschaften hin untersucht. Eine Anwendung lag in der Charakterisierung von thermoresponsiven Acrylsäureisopropylamid Hydrogelen, die einen Volumenphasenübergang aufwiesen, dessen Eigenschaften durch Druck und die Beschränktheit des Films auf die Oberfläche beeinflußt wurden.Die Charakterisierung von DNA Hybridisierungsreaktionen an Oberflächen wurde mit einer Fluoreszenz-erweiterten Hochdruckapparatur durchgeführt. Zunächst wurde die Stabilität der zugrundeliegenden Bindematrix sichergestellt. Bei DNA Einzelsträngen führten Temperatur und Druck zu jeweils verringertem bzw. erhöhtem Signal. Entropie und Änderungen der Lösungsmitteleigenschaften wurden für die Signaländerungen verantwortlich gemacht. Die Eigenschaften der Doppelhelix wurden im Langmuir-Bild beschrieben. Der Brechungsindex von Kohlendioxid wurde bis zu 200 MPa gemessen und mit vorhandenen Gleichungen verglichen. Weiterhin wurde das Schwellverhalten von PMMA in scCO2/MMA-Mischungen untersucht. Mit Druck und MMA-Konzentration nimmt das Polymer vermehrt Kohlendioxid auf. Dadurch schwillt es an und sein Brechungsindex nimmt ab. Berechnungen unter Annahme einer idealen Mixtur ergaben gute qualitative Übereinstimmung mit den Meßwerten.Abschließend wurde eine neue Elektrochemie-Hochdruckzelle vorgestellt, die an Kaliumhexacyanoferrat(III)-(II) getestet wurde. Die Elektropolymerisation von Thiophen optisch untersucht.


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The research interest of this study is to investigate surface immobilization strategies for proteins and other biomolecules by the surface plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS) technique. The recrystallization features of the S-layer proteins and the possibility of combining the S-layer lattice arrays with other functional molecules make this protein a prime candidate for supramolecular architectures. The recrystallization behavior on gold or on the secondary cell wall polymer (SCWP) was recorded by SPR. The optical thicknesses and surface densities for different protein layers were calculated. In DNA hybridization tests performed in order to discriminate different mismatches, recombinant S-layer-streptavidin fusion protein matrices showed their potential for new microarrays. Moreover, SCWPs coated gold chips, covered with a controlled and oriented assembly of S-layer fusion proteins, represent an even more sensitive fluorescence testing platform. Additionally, S-layer fusion proteins as the matrix for LHCII immobilization strongly demonstrate superiority over routine approaches, proving the possibility of utilizing them as a new strategy for biomolecular coupling. In the study of the SPFS hCG immunoassay, the biophysical and immunological characteristics of this glycoprotein hormone were presented first. After the investigation of the effect of the biotin thiol dilution on the coupling efficiently, the interfacial binding model including the appropriate binary SAM structure and the versatile streptavidin-biotin interaction was chosen as the basic supramolecular architecture for the fabrication of a SPFS-based immunoassay. Next, the affinity characteristics between different antibodies and hCG were measured via an equilibrium binding analysis, which is the first example for the titration of such a high affinity interaction by SPFS. The results agree very well with the constants derived from the literature. Finally, a sandwich assay and a competitive assay were selected as templates for SPFS-based hCG detection, and an excellent LOD of 0.15 mIU/ml was attained via the “one step” sandwich method. Such high sensitivity not only fulfills clinical requirements, but is also better than most other biosensors. Fully understanding how LHCII complexes transfer the sunlight energy directionally and efficiently to the reaction center is potentially useful for constructing biomimetic devices as solar cells. After the introduction of the structural and the spectroscopic features of LHCII, different surface immobilization strategies of LHCII were summarized next. Among them the strategy based on the His-tag and the immobilized metal (ion) affinity chromatography (IMAC) technique were of great interest and resulted in different kinds of home-fabricated His-tag chelating chips. Their substantial protein coupling capacity, maintenance of high biological activity and a remarkably repeatable binding ability on the same chip after regeneration was demonstrated. Moreover, different parameters related to the stability of surface coupled reconstituted complexes, including sucrose, detergent, lipid, oligomerization, temperature and circulation rate, were evaluated in order to standardize the most effective immobilization conditions. In addition, partial lipid bilayers obtained from LHCII contained proteo-liposomes fusion on the surface were observed by the QCM technique. Finally, the inter-complex energy transfer between neighboring LHCIIs on a gold protected silver surface by excitation with a blue laser (λ = 473nm) was recorded for the first time, and the factors influencing the energy transfer efficiency were evaluated.


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Sequenz spezifische biomolekulare Analyseverfahren erweisen sich gerade im Hinblick auf das Humane Genom Projekt als äußerst nützlich in der Detektion von einzelnen Nukleotid Polymorphismen (SNPs) und zur Identifizierung von Genen. Auf Grund der hohen Anzahl von Basenpaaren, die zu analysieren sind, werden sensitive und effiziente Rastermethoden benötigt, welche dazu fähig sind, DNA-Proben in einer geeigneten Art und Weise zu bearbeiten. Die meisten Detektionsarten berücksichtigen die Interaktion einer verankerten Probe und des korrespondierenden Targets mit den Oberflächen. Die Analyse des kinetischen Verhaltens der Oligonukleotide auf der Sensoroberfläche ist infolgedessen von höchster Wichtigkeit für die Verbesserung bereits bekannter Detektions - Schemata. In letzter Zeit wurde die Oberflächen Plasmonen feld-verstärkte Fluoreszenz Spektroskopie (SPFS) entwickelt. Sie stellt eine kinetische Analyse - und Detektions - Methode dar, die mit doppelter Aufzeichnung, d.h. der Änderung der Reflektivität und des Fluoreszenzsignals, für das Interphasen Phänomen operiert. Durch die Verwendung von SPFS können Kinetikmessungen für die Hybridisierung zwischen Peptid Nukleinsäure (PNA), welche eine synthetisierte Nukleinsäure DNA imitiert und eine stabilere Doppelhelix formt, und DNA auf der Sensoroberfläche ausgeführt werden. Mittels einzel-, umfassend-, und titrations- Experimenten sowohl mit einer komplementär zusammenpassenden Sequenz als auch einer mismatch Sequenz können basierend auf dem Langmuir Modell die Geschwindigkeitskonstanten für die Bindungsreaktion des oligomer DNA Targets bzw. des PCR Targets zur PNA ermittelt werden. Darüber hinaus wurden die Einflüsse der Ionenstärke und der Temperatur für die PNA/DNA Hybridisierung in einer kinetischen Analyse aufgezeigt.


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Rapid and sensitive detection of chemical and biological analytes becomes increasingly important in areas such as medical diagnostics, food control and environmental monitoring. Optical biosensors based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and optical waveguide spectroscopy have been extensively pushed forward in these fields. In this study, we combine SPR, surface plasmon-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS) and optical waveguide spectroscopy with hydrogel thin film for highly sensitive detection of molecular analytes.rnrnA novel biosensor based on SPFS which was advanced through the excitation of long range surface plasmons (LRSPs) is reported in this study. LRSPs are special surface plasmon waves propagating along thin metal films with orders of magnitude higher electromagnetic field intensity and lower damping than conventional SPs. Therefore, their excitation on the sensor surface provides further increased fluorescence signal. An inhibition immunoassay based on LRSP-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (LRSP-FS) was developed for the detection of aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) in milk. The biosensor allowed for the detection of AFM1 in milk at concentrations as low as 0.6 pg mL-1, which is about two orders of magnitude lower than the maximum AFM1 residue level in milk stipulated by the European Commission legislation.rnrnIn addition, LRSPs probe the medium adjacent to the metallic surface with more extended evanescent field than regular SPs. Therefore, three-dimensional binding matrices with up to micrometer thickness have been proposed for the immobilization of biomolecular recognition elements with large surface density that allows to exploit the whole evanescent field of LRSP. A photocrosslinkable carboxymethyl dextran (PCDM) hydrogel thin film is used as a binding matrix, and it is applied for the detection of free prostate specific antigen (f-PSA) based on the LRSP-FS and sandwich immunoassay. We show that this approach allows for the detection of f-PSA at low femto-molar range, which is approximately four orders of magnitude lower than that for direct detection of f-PSA based on the monitoring of binding-induced refractive index changes.rnrnHowever, a three dimensional hydrogel binding matrix with micrometer thickness can also serve as an optical waveguide. Based on the measurement of binding-induced refractive index changes, a hydrogel optical waveguide spectroscopy (HOWS) is reported for a label-free biosensor. This biosensor is implemented by using a SPR optical setup in which a carboxylated poly(N-isoproprylacrylamide) (PNIPAAm) hydrogel film is attached on a metallic surface and modified by protein catcher molecules. Compared to regular SPR biosensor with thiol self-assembled monolayer (SAM), HOWS provides an order of magnitude improved resolution in the refractive index measurements and enlarged binding capacity owing to its low damping and large swelling ratio, respectively. A model immunoassay experiment revealed that HOWS allowed detection of IgG molecules with a 10 pM limit of detection (LOD) that was five-fold lower than that achieved for SPR with thiol SAM. For the high capacity hydrogel matrix, the affinity binding was mass transport limited.rnrnThe mass transport of target molecules to the sensor surface can play as critical a role as the chemical reaction itself. In order to overcome the diffusion-limited mass transfer, magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles were employed. The magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) can serve both as labels providing enhancement of the refractive index changes, and “vehicles” for rapidly delivering the analytes from sample solution to an SPR sensor surface with a gradient magnetic field. A model sandwich assay for the detection of β human chorionic gonadotropin (βhCG) has been utilized on a gold sensor surface with metallic diffraction grating structure supporting the excitation of SPs. Various detection formats including a) direct detection, b) sandwich assay, c) MNPs immunoassay without and d) with applied magnetic field were compared. The results show that the highly-sensitive MNPs immunoassay improves the LOD on the detection of βhCG by a factor of 5 orders of magnitude with respect to the direct detection.rn


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Silica coated Ag nanoparticles with defined surface plasmon resonances are used to selectively detect and analyze protein cofactors in solution and on interfaces via surface enhanced resonance Raman spectroscopy. The silica coating has a surprisingly small effect on optical amplification but minimizes unwanted interactions between the protein and the nanoparticle.


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We report the fabrication and characterization of hybrids of vertically-aligned carbon nanotube forests and gold nanoparticles for improved manipulation of their plasmonic properties. Raman spectroscopy of nanotube forests performed at the separation area of nanotube-nanoparticles shows a scattering enhancement factor of the order of 1 × 10(6). The enhancement is related to the plasmonic coupling of the nanoparticles and is potentially applicable in high-resolution scanning near-field optical microscopy, plasmonics, and photovoltaics.


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The effects of the surface morphology of Ag on the surface-plasmon-enhanced emission of ZnO films have been studied for a ZnO/Ag/Si system by photoluminescence spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. The results indicate that the enhancement of ZnO ultraviolet emission is dependent on the deposition conditions of the Ag interlayers. By examining the dependence of the enhancement ratio of surface-plasmon-mediated emission on the characteristic parameters of Ag surface morphology, we found that the surface plasmon coupling to light is determined by both the Ag particle size and density.


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The vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser(VCSEL) has proved to be a low cost light source with attractive properties such as surface emission, circular and low divergence output beam, and simple integration in two-dimensional array. Many new applications such as in spectroscopy, optical storage, short distance fiber optic interconnects, and in longer distance communication, are continuously arising. Many of these applications require stable and single-mode high output power. Several methods that affect the transverse guiding and/or introduce mode selective loss or gain have been developed. In this study, a method for improving the single mode output power by using metal surface plasmons nanostructure is proposed. Theoretical calculation shows that the outpout power is improved about 50% compared to the result of standard VCSELs.


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Thermal tuning of the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of Ag nanoparticles on a thermochromic thin film of VO2 was studied experimentally. The tuning is strongly temperature dependent and thermally reversible. The LSPR wavelength lambda(SPR) shifts to the blue with increasing temperature from 30 to 80 degrees C, and shifts back to the red as temperature decreases. A smart tuning is achievable on condition that the temperature is controlled in a stepwise manner. The tunable wavelength range depends on the particle size or the mass thickness of the metal nanoparticle film. Further, the tunability was found to be enhanced significantly when a layer of TiO2 was introduced to overcoat the Ag nanoparticles, yielding a marked sensitivity factor Delta lambda(SPR)/Delta n, of as large as 480 nm per refractive index unit (n) at the semiconductor phase of VO2.


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In this paper, electrochemical surface plasmon resonance (SPR) method was first used to detect enzymatic reaction in bilayer lipid membrane (BLM) based on immobilizing horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in the BLMs supported by the redox polyaniline (PAn) film. By SPR kinetic curve in situ monitoring the redox transformation of PAn film resulted from the reaction between HRP and PAn, the enzymatic reaction of HRP with H2O2, was successfully analyzed by electrochemical SPR spectroscopy.


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This paper reports the study of protein conformational change by Au nanoparticles (AUNPs)-amplified surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy. Taking cytochrome c (Cyt c) as an example, this paper gives a detailed description of the construction of metal-protein-metal sandwich nanostructure consisting of an Au film underlayer, a cytochrome c intermediate layer and an AuNPs upper layer. The incorporation of AuNPs into SPR biosensing results in increased SPR sensitivity to protein conformational change as demonstrated by acid denaturation of Cyt c. It suggests the conformational change of surface-confined Cyt c leads to the distance and electromagnetic coupling variations of Au film-AuNPs.


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A universal metal-molecule-metal sandwich architecture by the self-assembly of Ag nanoparticles (NPs) and Au NPs of various shapes interconnected with 4-aminothiophenol (4-ATP) molecules was presented. These Ag NPs/4-ATP/Au NPs sandwich structures were characterized by surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) using an off-surface plasmon resonance condition. Enhancement factors (EF) on the order of 10(8) for 9b(b(2)) vibration mode were observed for the 4-ATP self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) in such sandwich structures. The factors are 2 orders of magnitude larger than that on the monolayer of Au NPs of various shapes under similar condition. More importantly, remarkable increase in the intensity of b(2) vibrational modes, which is characteristic of the charge transfer (CT) behavior between metal NPs and 4-ATP molecules, was observed in these sandwich structures under 1064 nm excitation. The obtained EF on these sandwich structure for 9b(b(2)) is larger than that for 7a vibration mode by a factor of similar to 10(2), demonstrating the importance of the contribution of the CT mechanism and the CT behavior of metal contacts, which play a significant role in metal-molecule-metal nanosystems.