993 resultados para Structural representation


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This thesis makes several contributions towards improved methods for encoding structure in computational models of word meaning. New methods are proposed and evaluated which address the requirement of being able to easily encode linguistic structural features within a computational representation while retaining the ability to scale to large volumes of textual data. Various methods are implemented and evaluated on a range of evaluation tasks to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.


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Real-world environments such as houses and offices change over time, meaning that a mobile robot’s map will become out of date. In this work, we introduce a method to update the reference views in a hybrid metrictopological map so that a mobile robot can continue to localize itself in a changing environment. The updating mechanism, based on the multi-store model of human memory, incorporates a spherical metric representation of the observed visual features for each node in the map, which enables the robot to estimate its heading and navigate using multi-view geometry, as well as representing the local 3D geometry of the environment. A series of experiments demonstrate the persistence performance of the proposed system in real changing environments, including analysis of the long-term stability.


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A simple and practical technique for the discrete representation of reinforcement in two-dimensional boundary element analysis of reinforced concrete structural elements is presented. The bond developed over the surface of contact between the reinforcing steel and concrete is represented using fictitious one-dimensional spring elements. Potentials of the model developed are demonstrated using a number of numerical examples. The results are seen to be in good agreement with the results obtained using standard finite element software.


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Time-frequency analysis of various simulated and experimental signals due to elastic wave scattering from damage are performed using wavelet transform (WT) and Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT) and their performances are compared in context of quantifying the damages. Spectral finite element method is employed for numerical simulation of wave scattering. An analytical study is carried out to study the effects of higher-order damage parameters on the reflected wave from a damage. Based on this study, error bounds are computed for the signals in the spectral and also on the time-frequency domains. It is shown how such an error bound can provide all estimate of error in the modelling of wave propagation in structure with damage. Measures of damage based on WT and HHT is derived to quantify the damage information hidden in the signal. The aim of this study is to obtain detailed insights into the problem of (1) identifying localised damages (2) dispersion of multifrequency non-stationary signals after they interact with various types of damage and (3) quantifying the damages. Sensitivity analysis of the signal due to scattered wave based on time-frequency representation helps to correlate the variation of damage index measures with respect to the damage parameters like damage size and material degradation factors.


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Tlhe well-known Cahn-lngold-Prelog method of specifying the stereoisomers is introduced within the framework of ALWIN-Algorithmic Wiswesser Notation. Given the structural diagram, the structural ALWIN is first formed; the speclflcation symbols are then introduced at the appropriate places to describe the stereoisomers.


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This study views each protein structure as a network of noncovalent connections between amino acid side chains. Each amino acid in a protein structure is a node, and the strength of the noncovalent interactions between two amino acids is evaluated for edge determination. The protein structure graphs (PSGs) for 232 proteins have been constructed as a function of the cutoff of the amino acid interaction strength at a few carefully chosen values. Analysis of such PSGs constructed on the basis of edge weights has shown the following: 1), The PSGs exhibit a complex topological network behavior, which is dependent on the interaction cutoff chosen for PSG construction. 2), A transition is observed at a critical interaction cutoff, in all the proteins, as monitored by the size of the largest cluster (giant component) in the graph. Amazingly, this transition occurs within a narrow range of interaction cutoff for all the proteins, irrespective of the size or the fold topology. And 3), the amino acid preferences to be highly connected (hub frequency) have been evaluated as a function of the interaction cutoff. We observe that the aromatic residues along with arginine, histidine, and methionine act as strong hubs at high interaction cutoffs, whereas the hydrophobic leucine and isoleucine residues get added to these hubs at low interaction cutoffs, forming weak hubs. The hubs identified are found to play a role in bringing together different secondary structural elements in the tertiary structure of the proteins. They are also found to contribute to the additional stability of the thermophilic proteins when compared to their mesophilic counterparts and hence could be crucial for the folding and stability of the unique three-dimensional structure of proteins. Based on these results, we also predict a few residues in the thermophilic and mesophilic proteins that can be mutated to alter their thermal stability.


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We explore the application of pseudo time marching schemes, involving either deterministic integration or stochastic filtering, to solve the inverse problem of parameter identification of large dimensional structural systems from partial and noisy measurements of strictly static response. Solutions of such non-linear inverse problems could provide useful local stiffness variations and do not have to confront modeling uncertainties in damping, an important, yet inadequately understood, aspect in dynamic system identification problems. The usual method of least-square solution is through a regularized Gauss-Newton method (GNM) whose results are known to be sensitively dependent on the regularization parameter and data noise intensity. Finite time,recursive integration of the pseudo-dynamical GNM (PD-GNM) update equation addresses the major numerical difficulty associated with the near-zero singular values of the linearized operator and gives results that are not sensitive to the time step of integration. Therefore, we also propose a pseudo-dynamic stochastic filtering approach for the same problem using a parsimonious representation of states and specifically solve the linearized filtering equations through a pseudo-dynamic ensemble Kalman filter (PD-EnKF). For multiple sets of measurements involving various load cases, we expedite the speed of thePD-EnKF by proposing an inner iteration within every time step. Results using the pseudo-dynamic strategy obtained through PD-EnKF and recursive integration are compared with those from the conventional GNM, which prove that the PD-EnKF is the best performer showing little sensitivity to process noise covariance and yielding reconstructions with less artifacts even when the ensemble size is small.


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We explore the application of pseudo time marching schemes, involving either deterministic integration or stochastic filtering, to solve the inverse problem of parameter identification of large dimensional structural systems from partial and noisy measurements of strictly static response. Solutions of such non-linear inverse problems could provide useful local stiffness variations and do not have to confront modeling uncertainties in damping, an important, yet inadequately understood, aspect in dynamic system identification problems. The usual method of least-square solution is through a regularized Gauss-Newton method (GNM) whose results are known to be sensitively dependent on the regularization parameter and data noise intensity. Finite time, recursive integration of the pseudo-dynamical GNM (PD-GNM) update equation addresses the major numerical difficulty associated with the near-zero singular values of the linearized operator and gives results that are not sensitive to the time step of integration. Therefore, we also propose a pseudo-dynamic stochastic filtering approach for the same problem using a parsimonious representation of states and specifically solve the linearized filtering equations through apseudo-dynamic ensemble Kalman filter (PD-EnKF). For multiple sets ofmeasurements involving various load cases, we expedite the speed of the PD-EnKF by proposing an inner iteration within every time step. Results using the pseudo-dynamic strategy obtained through PD-EnKF and recursive integration are compared with those from the conventional GNM, which prove that the PD-EnKF is the best performer showing little sensitivity to process noise covariance and yielding reconstructions with less artifacts even when the ensemble size is small. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Bonding in buckminsterfullerene, C60, can be described in terms of a unique canonical representation in which all six membered rings have a benzenoid Kekule structure while the pentagons are all made of exclusively single bonds. The corresponding valence bond structure reflects the full symmetry of the molecule and is consistent with the observed bond length variations. Computational support for the bonding description is provided using localized MO's obtained at the MNDO level. The requirement of benzenoid structures for all the hexagons can be used as a criterion of stability of fullerenes which complements the pentagon isolation rule. A convenient two-dimensional representation of the fullerene structures incorporating the above bonding description is suggested, especially for use in mechanistic discussions.


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The increasing number of available protein structures requires efficient tools for multiple structure comparison. Indeed, multiple structural alignments are essential for the analysis of function, evolution and architecture of protein structures. For this purpose, we proposed a new web server called multiple Protein Block Alignment (mulPBA). This server implements a method based on a structural alphabet to describe the backbone conformation of a protein chain in terms of dihedral angles. This sequence-like' representation enables the use of powerful sequence alignment methods for primary structure comparison, followed by an iterative refinement of the structural superposition. This approach yields alignments superior to most of the rigid-body alignment methods and highly comparable with the flexible structure comparison approaches. We implement this method in a web server designed to do multiple structure superimpositions from a set of structures given by the user. Outputs are given as both sequence alignment and superposed 3D structures visualized directly by static images generated by PyMol or through a Jmol applet allowing dynamic interaction. Multiple global quality measures are given. Relatedness between structures is indicated by a distance dendogram. Superimposed structures in PDB format can be also downloaded, and the results are quickly obtained. mulPBA server can be accessed at www.dsimb.inserm.fr/dsimb_tools/mulpba/.


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For damaging response, the force-displacement relationship of a structure is highly nonlinear and history-dependent. For satisfactory analysis of such behavior, it is important to be able to characterize and to model the phenomenon of hysteresis accurately. A number of models have been proposed for response studies of hysteretic structures, some of which are examined in detail in this thesis. There are two popular classes of models used in the analysis of curvilinear hysteretic systems. The first is of the distributed element or assemblage type, which models the physical behavior of the system by using well-known building blocks. The second class of models is of the differential equation type, which is based on the introduction of an extra variable to describe the history dependence of the system.

Owing to their mathematical simplicity, the latter models have been used extensively for various applications in structural dynamics, most notably in the estimation of the response statistics of hysteretic systems subjected to stochastic excitation. But the fundamental characteristics of these models are still not clearly understood. A response analysis of systems using both the Distributed Element model and the differential equation model when subjected to a variety of quasi-static and dynamic loading conditions leads to the following conclusion: Caution must be exercised when employing the models belonging to the second class in structural response studies as they can produce misleading results.

The Massing's hypothesis, originally proposed for steady-state loading, can be extended to general transient loading as well, leading to considerable simplification in the analysis of the Distributed Element models. A simple, nonparametric identification technique is also outlined, by means of which an optimal model representation involving one additional state variable is determined for hysteretic systems.


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Certain salient structures in images attract our immediate attention without requiring a systematic scan. We present a method for computing saliency by a simple iterative scheme, using a uniform network of locally connected processing elements. The network uses an optimization approach to produce a "saliency map," a representation of the image emphasizing salient locations. The main properties of the network are: (i) the computations are simple and local, (ii) globally salient structures emerge with a small number of iterations, and (iii) as a by-product of the computations, contours are smoothed and gaps are filled in.


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Genetic Algorithms (GAs) make use of an internal representation of a given system in order to perform optimization functions. The actual structural layout of this representation, called a genome, has a crucial impact on the outcome of the optimization process. The purpose of this paper is to study the effects of different internal representations in a GA, which generates neural networks. A second GA was used to optimize the genome structure. This structure produces an optimized system within a shorter time interval.


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Non-union employee representation is an area which has attracted much interest in the voice literature. Much of the literature has been shaped by a dialogue which considers NERs as a means of union avoidance. More recently however scholars have suggested that for NERs to work in such contexts, they may need to be imbued with a higher set of functionalities to remain viable entities. Using a critical case study of a union recognition drive and managerial response in the form of an NER, this article contributes to a more nuanced interpretation of the literature dialogue than hitherto exists. A core component of the findings directly challenge existing interpretations within the field; namely that NERs are shaped by a paradox of managerial action. It is argued that the NER failed to satisfy for employees because of a structural remit, rather than through any paradox in managerial intent.