998 resultados para Strain gradients


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The Parry Sound domain is a granulite nappe-stack transported cratonward during reactivation of the ductile lower and middle crust in the late convergence of the Mesoproterozoic Grenville orogeny. Field observations suggest the following with respect to the ductile sheath: (1) Formation of a carapace of transposed amphibolite facies gneiss derived from and enveloping the western extremity of the Parry Sound domain and separating it from high-strain gneiss of adjacent allochthons. This ductile sheath formed dynamically around the moving granulite nappe through the development of systems of progressively linked shear zones. (2) Transposition initiated by hydration (amphibolization) of granulite facies gneiss by introduction of fluid along cracks accompanying pegmatite emplacement. Shear zones nucleated along pegmatite margins and subsequently linked and rotated. The source of the pegmatites was most likely subjacent migmatitic and pegmatite-rich units or units over which Parry Sound domain was transported. Comparison of gneisses of the ductile sheath with high-strain layered gneiss of adjacent allochthons show the mode of transposition of penetratively layered gneiss depended on whether or not the gneiss protoliths were amphibolite or granulite facies tectonites before initiation of transposition, resulting in, e.g., folding before shearing, no folding before shearing, respectively. Meter-scale truncation along high-strain gradients at the margins of both types of transposition-related shear zones observed within and marginal to Parry Sound domain mimic features at kilometer scales, implying that apparent truncation by transposition originating in a manner similar to the ductile sheath may be a common feature of deep crustal ductile reworking. Citation: Culshaw, N., C. Gerbi, and J. Marsh (2010), Softening the lower crust: Modes of syn-transport transposition around and adjacent to a deep crustal granulite nappe, Parry Sound domain, Grenville Province, Ontario, Canada, Tectonics, 29, TC5013, doi:10.1029/2009TC002537.


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GaN and InGaN nanocolumns of various compositions are studied by room-temperature photoluminescence (PL) under different ambient conditions. GaN nanocolumns exhibit a reversible quenching upon exposure to air under constant UV excitation, following a t−1/2 time dependence and resulting in a total reduction of intensity by 85–90%, as compared to PL measured in vacuum, with no spectral change. This effect is not observed when exposing the samples to pure nitrogen. We attribute this effect to photoabsorption and photodesorption of oxygen that modifies the surface potential bending. InGaN nanocolumns, under the same experimental conditions do not show the same quenching features: The high-energy part of the broad PL line is not modified by exposure to air, whereas a lower-energy part, which does quench by 80–90%, can now be distinguished. We discuss the different behaviors in terms of carrier localization and possible composition or strain gradients in the InGaN nanocolumns.


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Los sistemas micro electro mecánicos (MEMS) han demostrado ser una exitosa familia de dispositivos que pueden usarse como plataforma para el desarrollo de dispositivos con aplicaciones en óptica, comunicaciones, procesado de señal y sensorización. Los dispositivos MEMS estándar suelen estar fabricados usando tecnología de silicio. Sin embargo, el rendimiento de estos MEMS se puede mejorar si se usan otros materiales. Por ejemplo, el diamante nanocristalino (NCD) ofrece unas excelentes propiedades mecánicas, transparencia y una superficie fácil de funcionalizar. Por otro lado, el sistema de materiales (In; Ga; Al)N, los materiales IIIN, se pueden usar para producir estructuras monocristalinas con alta sensibilidad mecánica y química. Además, el AlN se puede depositar por pulverización catódica reactiva sobre varios substratos, incluyendo NCD, para formar capas policristalinas orientadas con alta respuesta piezoeléctrica. Adicionalmente, tanto el NCD como los materiales III-N muestran una gran estabilidad térmica y química, lo que los hace una elección idónea para desarrollar dispositivos para aplicaciones para alta temperatura, ambientes agresivos e incluso para aplicaciones biocompatibles. En esta tesis se han usado estos materiales para el diseño y medición de demostradores tecnológicos. Se han perseguido tres objetivos principales: _ Desarrollo de unos procesos de fabricación apropiados. _ Medición de las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales y de los factores que limitan el rendimiento de los dispositivos. _ Usar los datos medidos para desarrollar dispositivos demostradores complejos. En la primera parte de esta tesis se han estudiado varias técnicas de fabricación. La estabilidad de estos materiales impide el ataque y dificulta la producción de estructuras suspendidas. Los primeros capítulos de esta disertación se dedican al desarrollo de unos procesos de transferencia de patrones por ataque seco y a la optimización del ataque húmedo sacrificial de varios substratos propuestos. Los resultados de los procedimientos de ataque se presentan y se describe la optimización de las técnicas para la fabricación de estructuras suspendidas de NCD y materiales III-N. En un capítulo posterior se estudia el crecimiento de AlN por pulverización catódica. Como se ha calculado en esta disertación para obtener una actuación eficiente de MEMS, las capas de AlN han de ser finas, típicamente d < 200 nm, lo que supone serias dificultades para la obtención de capas orientadas con respuesta piezoeléctrica. Las condiciones de depósito se han mapeado para identificar las fronteras que proporcionan el crecimiento de material orientado desde los primeros pasos del proceso. Además, durante la optimización de los procesos de ataque se estudió un procedimiento para fabricar películas de GaN nanoporoso. Estas capas porosas pueden servir como capas sacrificiales para la fabricación de estructuras suspendidas de GaN con baja tensión residual o como capas para mejorar la funcionalización superficial de sensores químicos o biológicos. El proceso de inducción de poros se discutirá y también se presentarán experimentos de ataque y funcionalización. En segundo lugar, se han determinado las propiedades mecánicas del NCD y de los materiales III-N. Se han fabricado varias estructuras suspendidas para la medición del módulo de Young y de la tensión residual. Además, las estructuras de NCD se midieron en resonancia para calcular el rendimiento de los dispositivos en términos de frecuencia y factor de calidad. Se identificaron los factores intrínsecos y extrínsecos que limitan ambas figuras de mérito y se han desarrollado modelos para considerar estas imperfecciones en las etapas de diseño de los dispositivos. Por otra parte, los materiales III-N normalmente presentan grandes gradientes de deformación residual que causan la deformación de las estructuras al ser liberadas. Se han medido y modelado estos efectos para los tres materiales binarios del sistema para proporcionar puntos de interpolación que permitan predecir las características de las aleaciones del sistema III-N. Por último, los datos recabados se han usado para desarrollar modelos analíticos y numéricos para el diseño de varios dispositivos. Se han estudiado las propiedades de transducción y se proporcionan topologías optimizadas. En el último capítulo de esta disertación se presentan diseños optimizados de los siguientes dispositivos: _ Traviesas y voladizos de AlN=NCD con actuación piezoeléctrica aplicados a nanoconmutadores de RF para señales de alta potencia. _ Membranas circulares de AlN=NCD con actuación piezoeléctrica aplicadas a lentes sintonizables. _ Filtros ópticos Fabry-Pérot basados en cavidades aéreas y membranas de GaN actuadas electrostáticamente. En resumen, se han desarrollado unos nuevos procedimientos optimizados para la fabricación de estructuras de NCD y materiales III-N. Estas técnicas se han usado para producir estructuras que llevaron a la determinación de las principales propiedades mecánicas y de los parámetros de los dispositivos necesarios para el diseño de MEMS. Finalmente, los datos obtenidos se han usado para el diseño optimizado de varios dispositivos demostradores. ABSTRACT Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) have proven to be a successful family of devices that can be used as a platform for the development of devices with applications in optics, communications, signal processing and sensorics. Standard MEMS devices are usually fabricated using silicon based materials. However, the performance of these MEMS can be improved if other material systems are used. For instance, nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) offers excellent mechanical properties, optical transparency and ease of surface functionalization. On the other hand, the (In; Ga; Al)N material system, the III-N materials, can be used to produce single crystal structures with high mechanical and chemical sensitivity. Also, AlN can be deposited by reactive sputtering on various substrates, including NCD, to form oriented polycrystalline layers with high piezoelectric response. In addition, both NCD and III-N materials exhibit high thermal and chemical stability, which makes these material the perfect choice for the development of devices for high temperatures, harsh environments and even biocompatible applications. In this thesis these materials have been used for the design and measurement of technological demonstrators. Three main objectives have been pursued: _ Development of suitable fabrication processes. _ Measurement of the material mechanical properties and device performance limiting factors. _ Use the gathered data to design complex demonstrator devices. In a first part of the thesis several fabrication processes have been addressed. The stability of these materials hinders the etching of the layers and hampers the production of free standing structures. The first chapters of this dissertation are devoted to the development of a dry patterning etching process and to sacrificial etching optimization of several proposed substrates. The results of the etching processes are presented and the optimization of the technique for the manufacturing of NCD and III-N free standing structures is described. In a later chapter, sputtering growth of thin AlN layers is studied. As calculated in this dissertation, for efficient MEMS piezoelectric actuation the AlN layers have to be very thin, typically d < 200 nm, which poses serious difficulties to the production of c-axis oriented material with piezoelectric response. The deposition conditions have been mapped in order to identify the boundaries that give rise to the growth of c-axis oriented material from the first deposition stages. Additionally, during the etching optimization a procedure for fabricating nanoporous GaN layers was also studied. Such porous layers can serve as a sacrificial layer for the release of low stressed GaN devices or as a functionalization enhancement layer for chemical and biological sensors. The pore induction process will be discussed and etching and functionalization trials are presented. Secondly, the mechanical properties of NCD and III-N materials have been determined. Several free standing structures were fabricated for the measurement of the material Young’s modulus and residual stress. In addition, NCD structures were measured under resonance in order to calculate the device performance in terms of frequency and quality factor. Intrinsic and extrinsic limiting factors for both figures were identified and models have been developed in order to take into account these imperfections in the device design stages. On the other hand, III-N materials usually present large strain gradients that lead to device deformation after release. These effects have been measured and modeled for the three binary materials of the system in order to provide the interpolation points for predicting the behavior of the III-N alloys. Finally, the gathered data has been used for developing analytic and numeric models for the design of various devices. The transduction properties are studied and optimized topologies are provided. Optimized design of the following devices is presented at the last chapter of this dissertation: _ AlN=NCD piezoelectrically actuated beams applied to RF nanoswitches for large power signals. _ AlN=NCD piezoelectrically actuated circular membranes applied to tunable lenses. _ GaN based air gap tunable optical Fabry-Pérot filters with electrostatic actuation. On the whole, new optimized fabrication processes has been developed for the fabrication of NCD and III-N MEMS structures. These processing techniques was used to produce structures that led to the determination of the main mechanical properties and device parameters needed for MEMS design. Lastly, the gathered data was used for the design of various optimized demonstrator devices.


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This paper reports the development of a platform technology for measuring platelet function and aggregation based on localized strain rate micro-gradients. Recent experimental findings within our laboratories have identified a key role for strain rate micro-gradients in focally triggering initial recruitment and subsequent aggregation of discoid platelets at sites of blood vessel injury. We present the design justification, hydrodynamic characterization and experimental validation of a microfluidic device incorporating contraction–expansion geometries that generate strain rate conditions mimicking the effects of pathological changes in blood vessel geometry. Blood perfusion through this device supports our published findings of both in vivo and in vitro platelet aggregation and confirms a critical requirement for the coupling of blood flow acceleration to downstream deceleration for the initiation and stabilization of platelet aggregation, in the absence of soluble platelet agonists. The microfluidics platform presented will facilitate the detailed analysis of the effects of hemodynamic parameters on the rate and extent of platelet aggregation and will be a useful tool to elucidate the hemodynamic and platelet mechano-transduction mechanisms, underlying this shear-dependent process.


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Besides the elastic stiffness, the relaxation behavior of single living cells is also of interest of various researchers when studying cell mechanics. It is hypothesized that the relaxation response of the cells is governed by both intrinsic viscoelasticity of the solid phase and fluid-solid interactions mechanisms. There are a number of mechanical models have been developed to investigate the relaxation behavior of single cells. However, there is lack of model enable to accurately capture both of the mechanisms. Therefore, in this study, the porohyperelastic (PHE) model, which is an extension of the consolidation theory, combined with inverse Finite Element Analysis (FEA) technique was used at the first time to investigate the relaxation response of living chondrocytes. This model was also utilized to study the dependence of relaxation behavior of the cells on strain-rates. The stress-relaxation experiments under the various strain-rates were conducted with the Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The results have demonstrated that the PHE model could effectively capture the stress-relaxation behavior of the living chondrocytes, especially at intermediate to high strain-rates. Although this model gave some errors at lower strain-rates, its performance was acceptable. Therefore, the PHE model is properly a promising model for single cell mechanics studies. Moreover, it has been found that the hydraulic permeability of living chondrocytes reduced with decreasing of strain-rates. It might be due to the intracellular fluid volume fraction and the fluid pore pressure gradients of chondrocytes were higher when higher strain-rates applied.


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The evolution of strain and structural properties of thick epitaxial InGaN layers grown on GaN with different thicknesses are investigated. It is found that, with increase in InGaN thickness, plastic relaxation via misfit dislocation generation becomes a more important strain relaxation mechanism. Accompanied with the relaxation of compressive strain, the In composition of InGaN layer increases and induces an apparent red-shift of the cathodoluminescence peak of the InGaN layer. On the other hand, the plastic relaxation process results in a high defect density, which degrades the structural and optical properties of InGaN layers. A transition layer region with both strain and In composition gradients is found to exist in the 450-nm-thick InGaN layer.


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The radial return mapping algorithm within the computational context of a hybrid Finite Element and Particle-In-Cell (FE/PIC) method is constructed to allow a fluid flow FE/PIC code to be applied solid mechanic problems with large displacements and large deformations. The FE/PIC method retains the robustness of an Eulerian mesh and enables tracking of material deformation by a set of Lagrangian particles or material points. In the FE/PIC approach the particle velocities are interpolated from nodal velocities and then the particle position is updated using a suitable integration scheme, such as the 4th order Runge-Kutta scheme[1]. The strain increments are obtained from gradients of the nodal velocities at the material point positions, which are then used to evaluate the stress increment and update history variables. To obtain the stress increment from the strain increment, the nonlinear constitutive equations are solved in an incremental iterative integration scheme based on a radial return mapping algorithm[2]. A plane stress extension of a rectangular shape J2 elastoplastic material with isotropic, kinematic and combined hardening is performed as an example and for validation of the enhanced FE/PIC method. It is shown that the method is suitable for analysis of problems in crystal plasticity and metal forming. The method is specifically suitable for simulation of neighbouring microstructural phases with different constitutive equations in a multiscale material modelling framework.


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Abstract In this study structural and finite strain data are used to explore the tectonic evolution and the exhumation history of the Chilean accretionary wedge. The Chilean accretionary wedge is part of a Late Paleozoic subduction complex that developed during subduction of the Pacific plate underneath South America. The wedge is commonly subdivided into a structurally lower Western Series and an upper Eastern Series. This study shows the progressive development of structures and finite strain from the least deformed rocks in the eastern part of the Eastern Series of the accretionary wedge to higher grade schist of the Western Series at the Pacific coast. Furthermore, this study reports finite-strain data to quantify the contribution of vertical ductile shortening to exhumation. Vertical ductile shortening is, together with erosion and normal faulting, a process that can aid the exhumation of high-pressure rocks. In the east, structures are characterized by upright chevron folds of sedimentary layering which are associated with a penetrative axial-plane foliation, S1. As the F1 folds became slightly overturned to the west, S1 was folded about recumbent open F2 folds and an S2 axial-plane foliation developed. Near the contact between the Western and Eastern Series S2 represents a prominent subhorizontal transposition foliation. Towards the structural deepest units in the west the transposition foliation became progressively flat lying. Finite-strain data as obtained by Rf/Phi and PDS analysis in metagreywacke and X-ray texture goniometry in phyllosilicate-rich rocks show a smooth and gradual increase in strain magnitude from east to west. There are no evidences for normal faulting or significant structural breaks across the contact of Eastern and Western Series. The progressive structural and strain evolution between both series can be interpreted to reflect a continuous change in the mode of accretion in the subduction wedge. Before ~320-290 Ma the rocks of the Eastern Series were frontally accreted to the Andean margin. Frontal accretion caused horizontal shortening and upright folds and axial-plane foliations developed. At ~320-290 Ma the mode of accretion changed and the rocks of the Western Series were underplated below the Andean margin. This basal accretion caused a major change in the flow field within the wedge and gave rise to vertical shortening and the development of the penetrative subhorizontal transposition foliation. To estimate the amount that vertical ductile shortening contributed to the exhumation of both units finite strain is measured. The tensor average of absolute finite strain yield Sx=1.24, Sy=0.82 and Sz=0.57 implying an average vertical shortening of ca. 43%, which was compensated by volume loss. The finite strain data of the PDS measurements allow to calculate an average volume loss of 41%. A mass balance approximates that most of the solved material stays in the wedge and is precipitated in quartz veins. The average of relative finite strain is Sx=1.65, Sy=0.89 and Sz=0.59 indicating greater vertical shortening in the structurally deeper units. A simple model which integrates velocity gradients along a vertical flow path with a steady-state wedge is used to estimate the contribution of deformation to ductile thinning of the overburden during exhumation. The results show that vertical ductile shortening contributed 15-20% to exhumation. As no large-scale normal faults have been mapped the remaining 80-85% of exhumation must be due to erosion.


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The mechanical behavior of the vertebrate skull is often modeled using free-body analysis of simple geometric structures and, more recently, finite-element (FE) analysis. In this study, we compare experimentally collected in vivo bone strain orientations and magnitudes from the cranium of the American alligator with those extrapolated from a beam model and extracted from an FE model. The strain magnitudes predicted from beam and FE skull models bear little similarity to relative and absolute strain magnitudes recorded during in vivo biting experiments. However, quantitative differences between principal strain orientations extracted from the FE skull model and recorded during the in vivo experiments were smaller, and both generally matched expectations from the beam model. The differences in strain magnitude between the data sets may be attributable to the level of resolution of the models, the material properties used in the FE model, and the loading conditions (i.e., external forces and constraints). This study indicates that FE models and modeling of skulls as simple engineering structures may give a preliminary idea of how these structures are loaded, but whenever possible, modeling results should be verified with either in vitro or preferably in vivo testing, especially if precise knowledge of strain magnitudes is desired. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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This paper is concerned with the surface profiles of a strip after rigid bodies with serrated (saw-teeth) surfaces indent the strip and are subsequently removed. Plane-strain conditions are assumed. This has application in roughness transfer of final metal forming process. The effects of the semi-angle of the teeth, the depth of indentation and the friction on the contact surface on the profile are considered.


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Most forms of tissue healing depend critically on revascularisation. In soft tissues and in vitro, mechanical stimuli have been shown to promote vessel-forming activity. However, in bone defects, increased interfragmentary motion impairs vascular regeneration. Because these effects seem contradictory, we aimed to determine whether a range of mechanical stimuli exists in which angiogenesis is favoured. A series of cyclic strain magnitudes were applied to a Matrigel-based “tube formation” assay and the total lengths of networks formed by human microvascular endothelial cells measured at 24 h. Network lengths were reduced at all strain levels, compared to unstretched controls. However, the levels of pro-angiogenic matrix metalloproteases-2 and -9 in the corresponding conditioned media were unchanged by strain, and vascular endothelial growth factor was uniformly elevated in stretched conditions. By repeating the assay with the addition of conditioned media from mesenchymal stem cells cultivated in similar conditions, paracrine stimuli were shown to increase network lengths, but not to alter the negative effect of cyclic stretching. Together, these results demonstrate that directly applied periodic strains can inhibit endothelial organisation in vitro, and suggest that this may be due to physical disruption rather than biochemical modulation. Most importantly, the results indicate that the straining of endothelial cells and their assembly into vascular-like structures must be studied simultaneously to adequately characterise the mechanical influence on vessel formation.


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Appropriate behaviours toward customers often requires employees to suppress some genuine emotions and/or express other emotions; genuine or contrived. Managing one's emotions in this way gives rise to emotional exhaustion. This can have consequences for psychological ill health, in the form of work place strain, and ultimately employee's desire to leave. This student examines the relationships between emotional management, emotional exhaustion and turnover intentions amongst diversional therapy professionals. We find that some forms of emotional management have a significant impact on emotional exhaustion and that this predicts workplace strain. Furthermore, the deleterious effects of emotional exhaustion are mitigated somewhat for employees who have strong beliefs in their ability to provide good service, compared to employees with lower self efficacy beliefs.


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Crest-fixed steel claddings made of thin, high strength steel often suffer from local pull-through failures at their screw connections during high wind events such as storms and hurricanes. Adequate design provisions are not available for these cladding systems except for the expensive testing provisions. Since the local pull-through failures in the less ductile steel claddings are initiated by transverse splitting at the fastener holes, numerical studies have not been able to determine the pull-through failure loads. Numerical studies could be used if a reliable splitting criterion is available. Therefore a series of two-span cladding and small scale tests was conducted on a range of crest-fixed steel cladding systems under simulated wind uplift loads. The strains in the sheeting around the critical central support screw fastener holes were measured until the pull-through failure occurred. This paper presents the details of the experimental investigation and the results including a strain criterion for the local pull-through failures in crest-fixed steel claddings.