934 resultados para Stereo matching


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Stereo matching tries to find correspondences between locations in a pair of displaced images of the same scene in order to extract the underlying depth information. Pixel correspondence estimation suffers from occlusions, noise or bias. In this work, we introduce a novel approach to represent images by means of interval-valued fuzzy sets to overcome the uncertainty due to the above mentioned problems. Our aim is to take advantage of this representation in the stereo matching algorithm. The image interval-valued fuzzification process that we propose is based on image segmentation in a different way to the common use of segmentation in stereo vision. We introduce interval-valued fuzzy similarities to compare windows whose pixels are represented by intervals. In the experimental analysis we show the goodness of this representation in the stereo matching problem. The new representation together with the new similarity measure that we introduce shows a better overall behavior with respect to other very well-known methods.


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In the context of aerial imagery, one of the first steps toward a coherent processing of the information contained in multiple images is geo-registration, which consists in assigning geographic 3D coordinates to the pixels of the image. This enables accurate alignment and geo-positioning of multiple images, detection of moving objects and fusion of data acquired from multiple sensors. To solve this problem there are different approaches that require, in addition to a precise characterization of the camera sensor, high resolution referenced images or terrain elevation models, which are usually not publicly available or out of date. Building upon the idea of developing technology that does not need a reference terrain elevation model, we propose a geo-registration technique that applies variational methods to obtain a dense and coherent surface elevation model that is used to replace the reference model. The surface elevation model is built by interpolation of scattered 3D points, which are obtained in a two-step process following a classical stereo pipeline: first, coherent disparity maps between image pairs of a video sequence are estimated and then image point correspondences are back-projected. The proposed variational method enforces continuity of the disparity map not only along epipolar lines (as done by previous geo-registration techniques) but also across them, in the full 2D image domain. In the experiments, aerial images from synthetic video sequences have been used to validate the proposed technique.


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The application of energy minimisation methods for stereo matching has been demonstrated to produce high quality disparity maps. However the majority of these methods are known to be computationally expensive, requiring minutes or even hours of computation. We propose a fast minimisation scheme that produces strongly competitive results for significantly reduced computation, requiring only a few seconds of computation. In this paper, we present our iterated dynamic programming algorithm along with a quadtree subregioning process for fast stereo matching.


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The authors present a qualitative and quantitative comparison of various similarity measures that form the kernel of common area-based stereo-matching systems. The authors compare classical difference and correlation measures as well as nonparametric measures based on the rank and census transforms for a number of outdoor images. For robotic applications, important considerations include robustness to image defects such as intensity variation and noise, the number of false matches, and computational complexity. In the absence of ground truth data, the authors compare the matching techniques based on the percentage of matches that pass the left-right consistency test. The authors also evaluate the discriminatory power of several match validity measures that are reported in the literature for eliminating false matches and for estimating match confidence. For guidance applications, it is essential to have and estimate of confidence in the three-dimensional points generated by stereo vision. Finally, a new validity measure, the rank constraint, is introduced that is capable of resolving ambiguous matches for rank transform-based matching.


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When stereo images are captured under less than ideal conditions, there may be inconsistencies between the two images in brightness, contrast, blurring, etc. When stereo matching is performed between the images, these variations can greatly reduce the quality of the resulting depth map. In this paper we propose a method for correcting sharpness variations in stereo image pairs which is performed as a pre-processing step to stereo matching. Our method is based on scaling the 2D discrete cosine transform (DCT) coefficients of both images so that the two images have the same amount of energy in each of a set of frequency bands. Experiments show that applying the proposed correction method can greatly improve the disparity map quality when one image in a stereo pair is more blurred than the other.


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A fundamental problem faced by stereo matching algorithms is the matching or correspondence problem. A wide range of algorithms have been proposed for the correspondence problem. For all matching algorithms, it would be useful to be able to compute a measure of the probability of correctness, or reliability of a match. This paper focuses in particular on one class for matching algorithms, which are based on the rank transform. The interest in these algorithms for stereo matching stems from their invariance to radiometric distortion, and their amenability to fast hardware implementation. This work differs from previous work in that it derives, from first principles, an expression for the probability of a correct match. This method was based on an enumeration of all possible symbols for matching. The theoretical results for disparity error prediction, obtained using this method, were found to agree well with experimental results. However, disadvantages of the technique developed in this chapter are that it is not easily applicable to real images, and also that it is too computationally expensive for practical window sizes. Nevertheless, the exercise provides an interesting and novel analysis of match reliability.


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An algorithm for computing dense correspondences between images of a stereo pair or image sequence is presented. The algorithm can make use of both standard matching metrics and the rank and census filters, two filters based on order statistics which have been applied to the image matching problem. Their advantages include robustness to radiometric distortion and amenability to hardware implementation. Results obtained using both real stereo pairs and a synthetic stereo pair with ground truth were compared. The rank and census filters were shown to significantly improve performance in the case of radiometric distortion. In all cases, the results obtained were comparable to, if not better than, those obtained using standard matching metrics. Furthermore, the rank and census have the additional advantage that their computational overhead is less than these metrics. For all techniques tested, the difference between the results obtained for the synthetic stereo pair, and the ground truth results was small.


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The rank and census are two filters based on order statistics which have been applied to the image matching problem for stereo pairs. Advantages of these filters include their robustness to radiometric distortion and small amounts of random noise, and their amenability to hardware implementation. In this paper, a new matching algorithm is presented, which provides an overall framework for matching, and is used to compare the rank and census techniques with standard matching metrics. The algorithm was tested using both real stereo pairs and a synthetic pair with ground truth. The rank and census filters were shown to significantly improve performance in the case of radiometric distortion. In all cases, the results obtained were comparable to, if not better than, those obtained using standard matching metrics. Furthermore, the rank and census have the additional advantage that their computational overhead is less than these metrics. For all techniques tested, the difference between the results obtained for the synthetic stereo pair, and the ground truth results was small.


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I have previously described psychophysical experiments that involved the perception of many transparent layers, corresponding to multiple matching, in doubly ambiguous random dot stereograms. Additional experiments are described in the first part of this paper. In one experiment, subjects were required to report the density of dots on each transparent layer. In another experiment, the minimal density of dots on each layer, which is required for the subjects to perceive it as a distinct transparent layer, was measured. The difficulties encountered by stereo matching algorithms, when applied to doubly ambiguous stereograms, are described in the second part of this paper. Algorithms that can be modified to perform consistently with human perception, and the constraints imposed on their parameters by human perception, are discussed.


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In this paper, we exploit the analogy between protein sequence alignment and image pair correspondence to design a bioinformatics-inspired framework for stereo matching based on dynamic programming. This approach also led to the creation of a meaningfulness graph, which helps to predict matching validity according to image overlap and pixel similarity. Finally, we propose an automatic procedure to estimate automatically all matching parameters. This work is evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively using a standard benchmarking dataset and by conducting stereo matching experiments between images captured at different resolutions. Results confirm the validity of the computer vision/bioinformatics analogy to develop a versatile and accurate low complexity stereo matching algorithm.


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The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the applicability and the effectiveness of a computationally demanding stereo matching algorithm in different lowcost and low-complexity embedded devices, by focusing on the analysis of timing and image quality performances. Various optimizations have been implemented to allow its deployment on specific hardware architectures while decreasing memory and processing time requirements: (1) reduction of color channel information and resolution for input images, (2) low-level software optimizations such as parallel computation, replacement of function calls or loop unrolling, (3) reduction of redundant data structures and internal data representation. The feasibility of a stereovision system on a low cost platform is evaluated by using standard datasets and images taken from Infra-Red (IR) cameras. Analysis of the resulting disparity map accuracy with respect to a full-size dataset is performed as well as the testing of suboptimal solutions


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We present a new form of contrast masking in which the target is a patch of low spatial frequency grating (0.46 c/deg) and the mask is a dark thin ring that surrounds the centre of the target patch. In matching and detection experiments we found little or no effect for binocular presentation of mask and test stimuli. But when mask and test were presented briefly (33 or 200 ms) to different eyes (dichoptic presentation), masking was substantial. In a 'half-binocular' condition the test stimulus was presented to one eye, but the mask stimulus was presented to both eyes with zero-disparity. This produced masking effects intermediate to those found in dichoptic and full-binocular conditions. We suggest that interocular feature matching can attenuate the potency of interocular suppression, but unlike in previous work (McKee, S. P., Bravo, M. J., Taylor, D. G., & Legge, G. E. (1994) Stereo matching precedes dichoptic masking. Vision Research, 34, 1047) we do not invoke a special role for depth perception. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Lo scopo della tesi è creare un’architettura in FPGA in grado di ricavare informazioni 3D da una coppia di sensori stereo. La pipeline è stata realizzata utilizzando il System-on-Chip Zynq, che permette una stretta interazione tra la parte hardware realizzata in FPGA e la CPU. Dopo uno studio preliminare degli strumenti hardware e software, è stata realizzata l’architettura base per la scrittura e la lettura di immagini nella memoria DDR dello Zynq. In seguito l’attenzione si è spostata sull’implementazione di algoritmi stereo (rettificazione e stereo matching) su FPGA e nella realizzazione di una pipeline in grado di ricavare accurate mappe di disparità in tempo reale acquisendo le immagini da una camera stereo.


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The following paper presents an evaluation of airborne sensors for use in vegetation management in powerline corridors. Three integral stages in the management process are addressed including, the detection of trees, relative positioning with respect to the nearest powerline and vegetation height estimation. Image data, including multi-spectral and high resolution, are analyzed along with LiDAR data captured from fixed wing aircraft. Ground truth data is then used to establish the accuracy and reliability of each sensor thus providing a quantitative comparison of sensor options. Tree detection was achieved through crown delineation using a Pulse-Coupled Neural Network (PCNN) and morphologic reconstruction applied to multi-spectral imagery. Through testing it was shown to achieve a detection rate of 96%, while the accuracy in segmenting groups of trees and single trees correctly was shown to be 75%. Relative positioning using LiDAR achieved a RMSE of 1.4m and 2.1m for cross track distance and along track position respectively, while Direct Georeferencing achieved RMSE of 3.1m in both instances. The estimation of pole and tree heights measured with LiDAR had a RMSE of 0.4m and 0.9m respectively, while Stereo Matching achieved 1.5m and 2.9m. Overall a small number of poles were missed with detection rates of 98% and 95% for LiDAR and Stereo Matching.