981 resultados para Steel structure


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The hybrid test method is a relatively recently developed dynamic testing technique that uses numerical modelling combined with simultaneous physical testing. The concept of substructuring allows the critical or highly nonlinear part of the structure that is difficult to numerically model with accuracy to be physically tested whilst the remainder of the structure, that has a more predictable response, is numerically modelled. In this paper, a substructured soft-real time hybrid test is evaluated as an accurate means of performing seismic tests of complex structures. The structure analysed is a three-storey, two-by-one bay concentrically braced frame (CBF) steel structure subjected to seismic excitation. A ground storey braced frame substructure whose response is critical to the overall response of the structure is tested, whilst the remainder of the structure is numerically modelled. OpenSees is used for numerical modelling and OpenFresco is used for the communication between the test equipment and numerical model. A novel approach using OpenFresco to define the complex numerical substructure of an X-braced frame within a hybrid test is also presented. The results of the hybrid tests are compared to purely numerical models using OpenSees and a simulated test using a combination of OpenSees and OpenFresco. The comparative results indicate that the test method provides an accurate and cost effective procedure for performing
full scale seismic tests of complex structural systems.


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Building Information Modelling (BIM) is continuing to evolve and develop as the construction industry progresses towards level 2 maturity. However, one of the core barriers in this progression is the aspect of interoperability between software packages. This research and paper stems from a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) where both industry and academia come together to address this shortcoming within the sector. One of the core objectives of this partnership and the aim of this study is investigating potential solutions to this barrier, while also developing best working practices to be applied in industry. Using one of the case studies from this partnership (a temporary steel structure), this paper demonstrates a potential solution to addressing interoperability within structural analysis and detailing packages, MasterSeries and Revit respectively. The findings of the research indicate that a process based approach rather than that of additional software coding as being the preferred solution. The results of this preliminary research will aid in the development of the topic of interoperability within the sector, while also developing the knowledge and competencies of the parties within the KTP. The findings are explored further, by providing an overview of the resolution process adopted in this case study, in overcoming the interoperability that arose as the project progressed. It is envisaged that this study will assist the construction sector and its adoption of BIM technologies, while also addressing the critical aspect of operability between software.


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Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Estruturas


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O primeiro objetivo deste relatório, que adiante se desenvolve, é apresentar o trabalho realizado para a obtenção de conhecimentos que justifiquem a atribuição do grau de mestre em engenharia, no ramo das construções. O estágio, que a este trabalho dá sustentação, foi feito na empresa Metaloviana, onde foi possível acompanhar as várias fases de conceção, fabrico e montagem de um teto falso, designadamente na sala de comando da central Venda Nova III, de aproveitamento hidroelétrico. Tendo Portugal objetivos cada vez mais ambiciosos na utilização de energias renováveis, aproveitando, entre outros, os recursos hídricos para a produção de eletricidade, a EDP Produção fez estudos onde verificou que a realização de reforços de potência em aproveitamento já existentes, seria uma forma economicamente bastante atrativa e ao mesmo tempo responderia às crescentes solicitações energéticas. É neste âmbito que se insere o Reforço de Potência em Venda Nova III. A empresa Metaloviana, com instalações fabris em Viana do Castelo, tem todo um historial e capacidade, reconhecida nacional e internacionalmente. Este, confere a certeza de ter acompanhado um trabalho de ponta, devidamente creditado e fundamentado numa qualidade e mérito, por demais reconhecido.


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O presente documento corresponde à realização de um projeto de estruturas em betão armado e estrutura metálica. A escolha deste tema teve como propósito aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo do percurso académico, sobretudo em disciplinas do ramo de estruturas. O trabalho desenvolvido é um Projeto de Estabilidade de Betão Armado e Estrutura Metálica de um Internato Masculino para Padres em Onameva, Cunene – Angola. A elaboração deste projeto decorre da realização de um estágio formal de 8 meses na empresa CALCULUS, Miguel Barros – Engenharia, LDA, com o objetivo principal de reunir os requisitos necessários à admissão na Ordem dos Engenheiros. No contexto laboral de um gabinete de projetos de engenharia civil, foi feita a integração de forma gradual e sustentada das competências adquiridas ao longo da formação académica e vivenciadas situações reais de trabalho profissional. De entre as atividades desenvolvidas no estágio, foi escolhido o projeto de estabilidade acima referido pela oportunidade de realizar todas as etapas do seu desenvolvimento, desde a análise da arquitetura até à elaboração das peças escritas e desenhadas, dando assim resposta às exigências necessárias para a conclusão do Mestrado em Engenharia Civil, no ramo de Estruturas, pelo Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto.


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O presente projeto foi realizado no âmbito da unidade curricular Dissertação/Estágio/Projeto, e desenvolve um estudo sobre as estruturas porticadas de sinalização vertical em Autoestradas, ao nível da estrutura metálica e das fundações, com o objetivo de analisar três casos diferentes com características distintas. Dois dos casos em estudo são modelos comuns que se encontram facilmente nas autoestradas. O terceiro tem uma configuração diferente, mais gravoso que o habitual. Com estes três casos obtém-se um estudo completo e abrangente deste tipo de estrutura porticada. Ao longo do projeto é seguida a norma EC3 (Eurocódigo 3 – Projeto de estruturas de aço). Dimensionaram-se as estruturas utilizando secções tubulares, mas é também realizado o dimensionamento de uma solução estrutural alternativa recorrendo a perfis laminados I ou H. As estruturas foram modeladas com recurso ao software de cálculo Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional, obtendo-se os esforços e deformações nos vários pontos da estrutura, que permitem realizar o dimensionamento manual das secções dos perfis estruturais, chumbadouros, chapas de fundação e fundações propriamente ditas. Na parte final do projeto apresenta-se uma apreciação global do mesmo, conclusões gerais sobre os resultados obtidos e possíveis desenvolvimentos futuros.


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The considerable amount of energy consumed on Earth is a major cause for not achieving sustainable development. Buildings are responsible for the highest worldwide energy consumption, nearly 40%. Strong efforts have been made in what concerns the reduction of buildings operational energy (heating, hot water, ventilation, electricity), since operational energy is so far the highest energy component in a building life cycle. However, as operational energy is being reduced the embodied energy increases. One of the building elements responsible for higher embodied energy consumption is the building structural system. Therefore, the present work is going to study part of embodied energy (initial embodied energy) in building structures using a life cycle assessment methodology, in order to contribute for a greater understanding of embodied energy in buildings structural systems. Initial embodied energy is estimated for a building structure by varying the span and the structural material type. The results are analysed and compared for different stages, and some conclusions are drawn. At the end of this work it was possible to conclude that the building span does not have considerable influence in embodied energy consumption of building structures. However, the structural material type has influence in the overall energetic performance. In fact, with this research it was possible that building structure that requires more initial embodied energy is the steel structure; then the glued laminated timber structure; and finally the concrete structure.


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Although profiled steel sheets have the diaphragm effect in steel structure, since there is no specific code to follow in China, it is only used as the reservation of the structural stiffness.So it results in economic wastes.In order to investigate the contribution of stressed skin to the overall stiffness, field tests are carried out to measure the lateral stiffness of the frames with and without stressed skin diaphgram.Based on the superposition principle and using the curve fitting method, the test results are quantified.The shear rigidity of stressed skin diaphgram spanning several purlins is gained indirectly.It shows that the shear rigidity of the diaphragm between two frames is even close to the lateral stiffness of one frame.


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New classes of martensitic stainless steels, with low carbon levels, have been developed aiming to meet the needs of the petroleum industry segment. However, their use has been restricted due to the fact it is a recent development and many of its properties are still under investigation. This work determines the values of initial and final temperatures for the austenitic transformation and the initial and final temperatures of martensitic formation for alloy 13Cr2Ni0,1C, by means of dilatometric tests under continuous cooling. Based on these results the optimized conditions for quench and temper heat treatments were obtained. The microstructural characterization of the alloys under coarse fusion condition was carried out by optical microscopy and the presence of delta-ferrite in the martensitic matrix was observed.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEB


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Seismic assessment and seismic strengthening are the key issues need to be figured out during the process of protection and reusing of historical buildings. In this thesis the seismic behaviors of the hinged steel structure, a typical structure of historical buildings, i.e. hinged steel frames in Shanghai, China, were studied based on experimental investigations and theoretic analysis. How the non-structural members worked with the steel frames was analyzed thoroughly. Firstly, two 1/4 scale hinged steel frames were constructed based on the structural system of Bund 18, a historical building in Shanghai: M1 model without infill walls, M2 model with infill walls, and tested under the horizontal cyclic loads to investigate their seismic behavior. The Shaking Table Test and its results indicated that the seismic behavior of the hinged steel frames could be improved significantly with the help of non-structural members, i.e., surrounding elements outside the hinged steel frames and infilled walls. To specify, the columns are covered with bricks, they consist of I shape formed steel sections and steel plates, which are clenched together. The steel beams are connected to the steel column by steel angle, thus the structure should be considered as a hinged frame. And the infilled wall acted as a compression diagonal strut to withstand the horizontal load, therefore, the seismic capacity and stiffness of the hinged steel frames with infilled walls could be estimated by using the equivalent compression diagonal strut model. A SAP model has been constructed with the objective to perform a dynamic nonlinear analysis. The obtained results were compared with the results obtained from Shaking Table Test. The Test Results have validated that the influence of infill walls on seismic behavior can be estimated by using the equivalent diagonal strut model.


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El presente trabajo es un estudio teórico – experimental para la implementación de un edificio metálico de cuatro plantas con dispositivos disipadores de energía. Este estudio presenta una técnica para la generación de un registro sísmico artificial, que sea compatible con los espectros de diseño de las normas chilena y española. Este acelerograma se crea con una herramienta computacional denominada SIMQKE. La simulación de la estructura sometida al terremoto artificial se realizará en el programa de elementos finitos SAP200. El trabajo se encuentra dividido en cuatro capítulos, cuyos contenidos son los siguientes. En el capitulo uno, o estado del arte, se revisan las diferentes técnicas de aislamiento sísmico, se describe el dispositivo a utilizar, sus bases teóricas y formulación matemática, se revisan las normas NCh.2745 Of.2003 [12], NCSE-02 [18] y se presenta la técnica para la generación de un registro sintético compatible. El capítulo dos aborda el análisis experimental para un edificio real: una edificación de estructura metálica implementada con disipadores de energía metálicos y que será sometida a tres terremotos de diferente magnitud. El capítulo tres expone los resultados de los desplazamientos medidos para la estructura sin disipadores y con ellos, se presentan los porcentajes de disminución de desplazamientos relativos por planta y por tipo de estructura. Por último, el capítulo cuatro presenta las principales conclusiones y una breve discusión de los resultados. The present work is a theoretical and experimental study for the implementation of a fourstorey building with energy dissipating devices. This study presents a technique for generation an artificial seismic record, which is compatible with the design spectra Chilean and Spanish standards. This accelerogram is created with a computational tool called SIMQKE. The simulation of the structure subjected to artificial earthquake will take place in the finite element program SAP2000. This work is divided into four chapters whose contents are as follows. In chapter one, or state of the art, reviews the different seismic isolation techniques, describes the device used, theoretical and mathematical formulation, NCh2745 Of.2003 [12] and NCSE-02 [18] standards are checked, and presents the technique for generating a synthetic record compatible. Chapter two explains the experimental analysis to a real building: a building of steel structure implemented with metallic energy dissipators and will be submitted to three different earthquakes of magnitude. Chapter three presents the results of measured displacements for the structure without dissipators and with them, the percentages of decline relative displacements per plant and type of structure. Finally, chapter four presents the main conclusions and a brief discussion of the results.


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En esta tesis se aborda el problema de la modelización, análisis y optimización de pórticos metálicos planos de edificación frente a los estados límites último y de servicio. El objetivo general es presentar una técnica secuencial ordenada de optimización discreta para obtener el coste mínimo de pórticos metálicos planos de edificación, teniendo en cuenta las especificaciones del EC-3, incorporando las uniones semirrígidas y elementos no prismáticos en el proceso de diseño. Asimismo se persigue valorar su grado de influencia sobre el diseño final. El horizonte es extraer conclusiones prácticas que puedan ser de utilidad y aplicación simple para el proyecto de estructuras metálicas. La cantidad de publicaciones técnicas y científicas sobre la respuesta estructural de entramados metálicos es inmensa; por ello se ha hecho un esfuerzo intenso en recopilar el estado actual del conocimiento, sobre las líneas y necesidades actuales de investigación. Se ha recabado información sobre los métodos modernos de cálculo y diseño, sobre los factores que influyen sobre la respuesta estructural, sobre técnicas de modelización y de optimización, al amparo de las indicaciones que algunas normativas actuales ofrecen sobre el tema. En esta tesis se ha desarrollado un procedimiento de modelización apoyado en el método de los elementos finitos implementado en el entorno MatLab; se han incluido aspectos claves tales como el comportamiento de segundo orden, la comprobación ante inestabilidad y la búsqueda del óptimo del coste de la estructura frente a estados límites, teniendo en cuenta las especificaciones del EC-3. También se ha modelizado la flexibilidad de las uniones y se ha analizado su influencia en la respuesta de la estructura y en el peso y coste final de la misma. Se han ejecutado algunos ejemplos de aplicación y se ha contrastado la validez del modelo con resultados de algunas estructuras ya analizadas en referencias técnicas conocidas. Se han extraído conclusiones sobre el proceso de modelización y de análisis, sobre la repercusión de la flexibilidad de las uniones en la respuesta de la estructura. El propósito es extraer conclusiones útiles para la etapa de proyecto. Una de las principales aportaciones del trabajo en su enfoque de optimización es la incorporación de una formulación de elementos no prismáticos con uniones semirrígidas en sus extremos. Se ha deducido una matriz de rigidez elástica para dichos elementos. Se ha comprobado su validez para abordar el análisis no lineal; para ello se han comparado los resultados con otros obtenidos tras aplicar otra matriz deducida analíticamente existente en la literatura y también mediante el software comercial SAP2000. Otra de las aportaciones de esta tesis es el desarrollo de un método de optimización del coste de pórticos metálicos planos de edificación en el que se tienen en cuenta aspectos tales como las imperfecciones, la posibilidad de incorporar elementos no prismáticos y la caracterización de las uniones semirrígidas, valorando la influencia de su flexibilidad sobre la respuesta de la estructura. Así, se han realizado estudios paramétricos para valorar la sensibilidad y estabilidad de las soluciones obtenidas, así como rangos de validez de las conclusiones obtenidas. This thesis deals with the problems of modelling, analysis and optimization of plane steel frames with regard to ultimate and serviceability limit states. The objective of this work is to present an organized sequential technique of discrete optimization for achieving the minimum cost of plane steel frames, taking into consideration the EC-3 specifications as well as including effects of the semi-rigid joints and non-prismatic elements in the design process. Likewise, an estimate of their influence on the final design is an aim of this work. The final objective is to draw practical conclusions which can be handful and easily applicable for a steel-structure project. An enormous amount of technical and scientific publications regarding steel frames is currently available, thus making the achievement of a comprehensive and updated knowledge a considerably hard task. In this work, a large variety of information has been gathered and classified, especially that related to current research lines and needs. Thus, the literature collected encompasses references related to state-of-the-art design methods, factors influencing the structural response, modelling and optimization techniques, as well as calculation and updated guidelines of some steel Design Codes about the subject. In this work a modelling procedure based on the finite element implemented within the MatLab programming environment has been performed. Several keys aspects have been included, such as second order behaviour, the safety assessment against structural instability and the search for an optimal cost considering the limit states according to EC-3 specifications. The flexibility of joints has been taken into account in the procedure hereby presented; its effects on the structural response, on the optimum weight and on the final cost have also been analysed. In order to confirm the validity and adequacy of this procedure, some application examples have been carried out. The results obtained were compared with those available from other authors. Several conclusions about the procedure that comprises modelling, analysis and design stages, as well as the effect of the flexibility of connections on the structural response have been drawn. The purpose is to point out some guidelines for the early stages of a project. One of the contributions of this thesis is an attempt for optimizing plane steel frames in which both non-prismatic beam-column-type elements and semi-rigid connections have been considered. Thus, an elastic stiffness matrix has been derived. Its validity has been tested through comparing its accuracy with other analytically-obtained matrices available in the literature, and with results obtained by the commercial software SAP2000. Another achievement of this work is the development of a method for cost optimization of plane steel building frames in which some relevant aspects have been taken in consideration. These encompass geometric imperfections, non-prismatic beam elements and the numerical characterization of semi-rigid connections, evaluating the effect of its flexibility on the structural response. Hence, some parametric analyses have been performed in order to assess the sensitivity, the stability of the outcomes and their range of applicability as well.


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All around the ITER vacuum vessel, forty-four ports will provide access to the vacuum vessel for remotehandling operations, diagnostic systems, heating, and vacuum systems: 18 upper ports, 17 equatorialports, and 9 lower ports. Among the lower ports, three of them will be used for the remote handlinginstallation of the ITER divertor. Once the divertor is in place, these ports will host various diagnosticsystems mounted in the so-called diagnostic racks. The diagnostic racks must allow the support andcooling of the diagnostics, extraction of the required diagnostic signals, and providing access and main-tainability while minimizing the leakage of radiation toward the back of the port where the humans areallowed to enter. A fully integrated inner rack, carrying the near plasma diagnostic components, will bean stainless steel structure, 4.2 m long, with a maximum weight of 10 t. This structure brings water forcooling and baking at maximum temperature of 240?C and provides connection with gas, vacuum andelectric services. Additional racks (placed away from plasma and not requiring cooling) may be requiredfor the support of some particular diagnostic components. The diagnostics racks and its associated exvessel structures, which are in its conceptual design phase, are being designed to survive the lifetimeof ITER of 20 years. This paper presents the current state of development including interfaces, diagnos-tic integration, operation and maintenance, shielding requirements, remote handling, loads cases anddiscussion of the main challenges coming from the severe environment and engineering requirements.


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A busca por melhorias de produtividade na indústria da construção civil é fundamental para garantia do crescimento sustentável do setor. Nesse sentido, o uso de estruturas de aço na construção de edifícios aparece como uma alternativa interessante às tradicionais estruturas em concreto armado. Essa dissertação tem por objetivo o estudo da produtividade da mão de obra e de equipamentos de içamento na montagem de estruturas de aço para edifícios de múltiplos pavimentos, buscando comprovar a hipótese de que essa produtividade varia em conjunto com alguns fatores que podem ser identificados e que essa variação pode ser quantificada. A pesquisa foi realizada segundo metodologia de Estudo de Caso, sendo que cinco obras compuseram o estudo. Como resultados, observa-se que produtividade potencial da mão de obra variou entre 3,33 e 8,23 Hh/peça ou 11,8 e 33,8 Hh/t e que a produtividade potencial dos equipamentos variou entre 0,38 e 0,53 Eqh/peça ou 1,84 e 2,29 Eqh/t, além de terem se encontrado correlações significativas entre os fatores tonelada/peça, disponibilidade do equipamento de içamento e quantidade relativa de pilares e os indicadores de produtividade.