622 resultados para Sport Coaching


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Apesar dos evidentes progressos nesta área, a força tem sido uma das capacidades motoras mais controversas e questionadas, no que diz respeito ao seu desenvolvimento em contexto escolar. O objectivo principal deste estudo consistiu em verificar as probabilidades de aumentar o rendimento na força em crianças e jovens, com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 14 anos, através da aplicação de um programa de treino específico de força nas condições particulares da aula de Educação Física. Para atingir este objectivo foi analisada uma amostra populacional de 181 alunos da Escola Secundária Braamcamp Freire, em Lisboa, sendo dividida em 2 grupos de trabalho: um grupo foi submetido ao programa específico de força, enquanto o outro realizou, em simultâneo, uma tarefa de corrida contínua à volta do espaço de aula. O protocolo dos programas específicos de treino teve a duração de 26 semanas, com uma unidade semanal de treino, utilizando apenas meios existentes na escola. A recolha dos dados foi realizada em 3 momentos de avaliação e todos os alunos foram sujeitos aos mesmos testes („Extensão de Braços‟, „Abdominais‟, „Extensão do Tronco‟, „Impulsão Horizontal‟ e „Vaivém‟). Os dados foram tratados utilizando a ferramenta estatísitca Software SPSS. A análise estatística demonstrou pelo estudo da percentagem de evolução e pelo teste t de Student que o programa específico de força aplicado permitiu uma maior evolução no desenvolvimento das diferentes expressões de força, comparativamente com os alunos que não foram submetidos a este programa. No que diz respeito à evolução da força em função do género, através da análise comparada das médias de testes, verificou-se que o sexo masculino apresentou melhores resultados. Desta forma, podemos concluir que o programa específico de força foi eficaz, na medida em que os alunos de ambos os sexos pertencentes a este grupo de trabalho apresentaram ganhos significativos em todos os testes.


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Este relatório surge no âmbito do estágio profissionalizante do Mestrado em Treino Desportivo da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, realizado na equipa de Juvenis A do Clube de Futebol “os Belenenses”, que disputou o Campeonato Nacional – Série C, na época de 2011/12. O relatório focar-se-á na descrição, fundamentação e reflexão das decisões e acções subjacentes ao treino desportivo da equipa, contextualizando o jogo de futebol no grupo etário sub-17, bem como a relação com as exigências que se irão colocar no escalão etário subsequente e no percurso até sénior. O relatório encontra-se dividido em três tipos de planificação: (1) Planificação Conceptual, que inclui uma reflexão do jogo de futebol no quadro do grupo etário em que o estágio foi realizado bem como e a relação com as exigências que se irão colocar no futuro imediato e a longo prazo; a análise do clube relativamente à sua história, constrangimentos, organização e objectivos gerais; uma detalhada referência aos jogadores e à equipa que suportou a sua preparação para a competição; a definição do modelo de jogo a adoptar e o planeamento anual. (2) Planificação Estratégica, que inclui os pressupostos para a preparação da equipa, e da aquisição e aperfeiçoamento no tempo do modelo de jogo a adoptar, isto é, no desenvolvimento de um planeamento de treino; (3) Planificação Táctica, que refere a aplicação de um modelo de análise do treino, bem como a utilização deste instrumento para o melhoramento das capacidades individuais e colectivas da equipa, aferindo a congruência com o modelo de jogo idealizado pelo Treinador.


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Inclusive and equitable processes are important to the development of sports coaching. The aim of this study was to explore how well UK coach education meets the needs of women sports coaches in order to make recommendations to further enhance the engagement of, and support for, aspiring and existing women coaches. The national governing bodies (NGBs) of four sports (Cycling, Equestrian, Gymnastics and Rowing) volunteered to participate and semi-structured interviews using the tenants of Appreciative Inquiry (AI) within a Self Determination Theory (SDT) framework were undertaken with 23 coaches, eight coach educators and five NGB officers. The data themed into an analytic structure derived from SDT comprising ‘Autonomy: Freedom to coach’, ‘Coaching competence’, and ‘Relatedness and belonging’. The coaches perceived potential benefit from enhanced relatedness and belonging within their sport with the findings suggesting that NGBs should embrace coach-led decision making in terms of the developmental topics which are important and should adopt the development of competence, rather than assessing technical understanding, as the foundational principle of more inclusive coach education. Future research should investigate the impact of the inclusive practices which are recommended within this investigation such as the softening of the technocratic focus of formal coach education.


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The role of the sport and performance psychologists offers an historical base to many of the conceptualizations, strategies and tools currently utilized by coaches and coaching psychologists. The world of elite sport and performance offers little room for negativity, little tolerance for cognitions, emotions and behaviours that are less than optimal; in an environment that sets high expectation, makes obvious comparisons and is driven by competition; all within inflexible timelines and with harsh consequences for those that don’t make the grade. From this context the presenters will reflect on their development, challenges and expertise; offering ideas and tools that translate into the coaching arena.


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Previous research has identified the relationship between athlete sport anxiety and various sport outcomes (e.g., performance and dropout). For the majority of athletes involved in sport, the coach is an influential element of the competitive experience. Two hundred and twenty-eight athletes from 15 sports, completed the Sport Anxiety Scale (SAS) and the Coaching Behavior Scale for Sport (CBS-S). The predictive ability of athletes' perceived frequency of seven coaching behaviours (physical training, mental preparation, goal setting, technical skills, competition strategies, personal rapport and negative personal rapport) on four forms of sport anxiety (total anxiety, somatic anxiety, concentration disruption and worry) was examined. Results indicate that negative personal rapport was a significant predictor of all measured forms of sport anxiety while competition strategies was a significant predictor for total anxiety, concentration disruption, and worry. Other behaviours were not significant. The findings suggest that negative rapport between coach and athlete is an important contributor to athlete anxiety. In addition, behaviours that the coach demonstrates relative to competition can be influential in reducing athlete anxiety.


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Previous research has identified the relationship between athlete sport anxiety and various sport outcomes (e.g., performance and dropout). For the majority of athletes involved in sport, the coach is an influential element of the competitive experience. Two hundred and twenty-eight athletes from 15 sports, completed the Sport Anxiety Scale (SAS) and the Coaching Behavior Scale for Sport (CBS-S). The predictive ability of athletes' perceived frequency of seven coaching behaviours (physical training, mental preparation, goal setting, technical skills, competition strategies, personal rapport and negative personal rapport) on four forms of sport anxiety (total anxiety, somatic anxiety, concentration disruption and worry) was examined. Results indicate that negative personal rapport was a significant predictor of all measured forms of sport anxiety while competition strategies was a significant predictor for total anxiety, concentration disruption, and worry. Other behaviours were not significant. The findings suggest that negative rapport between coach and athlete is an important contributor to athlete anxiety. In addition, behaviours that the coach demonstrates relative to competition can be influential in reducing athlete anxiety.


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The aim of this paper is to show how principles of ecological psychology and dynamical systems theory can underpin a philosophy of coaching practice in a nonlinear pedagogy. Nonlinear pedagogy is based on a view of the human movement system as a nonlinear dynamical system. We demonstrate how this perspective of the human movement system can aid understanding of skill acquisition processes and underpin practice for sports coaches. We provide a description of nonlinear pedagogy followed by a consideration of some of the fundamental principles of ecological psychology and dynamical systems theory that underpin it as a coaching philosophy. We illustrate how each principle impacts on nonlinear pedagogical coaching practice, demonstrating how each principle can substantiate a framework for the coaching process.


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A key challenge for sports coaches is to provide performers with learning environments that result in sustainable motivation. In this paper, we will demonstrate that programmes based around the principles of Nonlinear Pedagogy can support the three basic psychological needs that underpin self-determined motivation. Coaches can therefore ensure that practice sessions provide for intrinsic motivation with its associated motivational and emotional benefits.


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Simon Jenkins, in his stimulus piece on David Clutterbuck amply demonstrates just how prolific Clutterbuck has been over a working lifetime. Generally accepted as the person who introduced supported mentoring into Europe, Clutterbuck has written widely on matters that relate to relationships, processes, evidence (and its capacity or otherwise to influence practice), procedures, complexity, management, supervision, guidance (of one kind or another); the list goes on. It is an impressive vita indeed and yet, Clutterbuck’s influence on the world of sports and more specifically, sports coaching; remains relatively modest. Of course this is the purpose of Jenkins’ piece, to stimulate our thought processes such that our attention can be drawn to the possible impact Clutterbuck might have in sport, sports coaching, and athlete and coach mentoring. If nothing else, this is an admirable challenge that Jenkins has set himself.


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A tennis coach works in a social environment, employed in a service based economy with the outcome of client-customer interactions significantly impacting on the consumer experience. Research conducted outside of sport has shown that positive affective displays during interactions, which in a tennis situation may include providing support through displays of warmth, empathy, positivity and compassion as the client attempts to master a new technique, have shown positive associations with customer satisfaction. Hochschild (1983) coined the term ‘emotional labour’ to describe the process of, and demands resulting from adjusting one’s demeanour, language and tone during social encounters in a planned and strategic manner in order to facilitate a positive outcome. Hochschild proposed that individuals in jobs which require a high degree of face-to-face interaction with the public are particularly at risk of experiencing potentially deleterious effects that result from dealing with emotional labour demands on a daily basis. It would appear that tennis coaches work in environments that make them susceptible to experiencing emotional labour and as such the intention of this article is to first introduce the concept and then to provide suggestions for how a coach may cope with these demands.


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The purpose of this case study was to determine the effectiveness of sport for development (SDP) evaluation within one program in Gansbaai, South Africa through critical, independent participant inclusive program evaluation. Qualitative research was conducted on the Football Foundation of South Africa (FFSA), where semi-structured interview data were collected from administrators and participants, as were data from direct participant observations and organizational documents. Data analysis followed, according to Kvale and Brinkman’s (2008) methodology. FFSA goals were found, as were themes of social impact (i.e., regarding coach-player relationships, trust, and coaching impact on social integration). A further theme related to evaluation components and procedures. Further themes included life skill development, competition within programming, participants’ home life and social integration. Findings contribute to the SDP literature relating to program evaluation research and to FFSA administrators by providing an understanding of SDP program shortcomings, limitations, and suggested improvements.


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Statistics published by the German Football Association indicate that women are significantly under-represented amongst soccer coaches, especially in the amateur leagues. In this paper we analyse how gender stereotypes influence the structural conditions surrounding the recruitment of coaches to soccer clubs that contribute to the exclusion of women from coaching positions. A qualitative study of five selected soccer clubs which are members of a German regional soccer association reveals that informal and personal decision-making practices still play a fundamental role in the recruitment of coaches. These practices undermine formal guidelines and give disproportionate weight to stereotyped preferences in the recruitment of soccer coaches. In this context, decision-makers' (functionaries') professed support of women largely serves a symbolic purpose and creates an illusion of equality concerning decisions that have already been taken at an informal level.