928 resultados para Split and Merge


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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In image processing, segmentation algorithms constitute one of the main focuses of research. In this paper, new image segmentation algorithms based on a hard version of the information bottleneck method are presented. The objective of this method is to extract a compact representation of a variable, considered the input, with minimal loss of mutual information with respect to another variable, considered the output. First, we introduce a split-and-merge algorithm based on the definition of an information channel between a set of regions (input) of the image and the intensity histogram bins (output). From this channel, the maximization of the mutual information gain is used to optimize the image partitioning. Then, the merging process of the regions obtained in the previous phase is carried out by minimizing the loss of mutual information. From the inversion of the above channel, we also present a new histogram clustering algorithm based on the minimization of the mutual information loss, where now the input variable represents the histogram bins and the output is given by the set of regions obtained from the above split-and-merge algorithm. Finally, we introduce two new clustering algorithms which show how the information bottleneck method can be applied to the registration channel obtained when two multimodal images are correctly aligned. Different experiments on 2-D and 3-D images show the behavior of the proposed algorithms


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In this thesis, a new algorithm has been proposed to segment the foreground of the fingerprint from the image under consideration. The algorithm uses three features, mean, variance and coherence. Based on these features, a rule system is built to help the algorithm to efficiently segment the image. In addition, the proposed algorithm combine split and merge with modified Otsu. Both enhancements techniques such as Gaussian filter and histogram equalization are applied to enhance and improve the quality of the image. Finally, a post processing technique is implemented to counter the undesirable effect in the segmented image. Fingerprint recognition system is one of the oldest recognition systems in biometrics techniques. Everyone have a unique and unchangeable fingerprint. Based on this uniqueness and distinctness, fingerprint identification has been used in many applications for a long period. A fingerprint image is a pattern which consists of two regions, foreground and background. The foreground contains all important information needed in the automatic fingerprint recognition systems. However, the background is a noisy region that contributes to the extraction of false minutiae in the system. To avoid the extraction of false minutiae, there are many steps which should be followed such as preprocessing and enhancement. One of these steps is the transformation of the fingerprint image from gray-scale image to black and white image. This transformation is called segmentation or binarization. The aim for fingerprint segmentation is to separate the foreground from the background. Due to the nature of fingerprint image, the segmentation becomes an important and challenging task. The proposed algorithm is applied on FVC2000 database. Manual examinations from human experts show that the proposed algorithm provides an efficient segmentation results. These improved results are demonstrating in diverse experiments.


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El objetivo de esta tesis es estudiar la dinámica de la capa logarítmica de flujos turbulentos de pared. En concreto, proponemos un nuevo modelo estructural utilizando diferentes tipos de estructuras coherentes: sweeps, eyecciones, grupos de vorticidad y streaks. La herramienta utilizada es la simulación numérica directa de canales turbulentos. Desde los primeros trabajos de Theodorsen (1952), las estructuras coherentes han jugado un papel fundamental para entender la organización y dinámica de los flujos turbulentos. A día de hoy, datos procedentes de simulaciones numéricas directas obtenidas en instantes no contiguos permiten estudiar las propiedades fundamentales de las estructuras coherentes tridimensionales desde un punto de vista estadístico. Sin embargo, la dinámica no puede ser entendida en detalle utilizando sólo instantes aislados en el tiempo, sino que es necesario seguir de forma continua las estructuras. Aunque existen algunos estudios sobre la evolución temporal de las estructuras más pequeñas a números de Reynolds moderados, por ejemplo Robinson (1991), todavía no se ha realizado un estudio completo a altos números de Reynolds y para todas las escalas presentes de la capa logarítmica. El objetivo de esta tesis es llevar a cabo dicho análisis. Los problemas más interesantes los encontramos en la región logarítmica, donde residen las cascadas de vorticidad, energía y momento. Existen varios modelos que intentan explicar la organización de los flujos turbulentos en dicha región. Uno de los más extendidos fue propuesto por Adrian et al. (2000) a través de observaciones experimentales y considerando como elemento fundamental paquetes de vórtices con forma de horquilla que actúan de forma cooperativa para generar rampas de bajo momento. Un modelo alternativo fué ideado por del Álamo & Jiménez (2006) utilizando datos numéricos. Basado también en grupos de vorticidad, planteaba un escenario mucho más desorganizado y con estructuras sin forma de horquilla. Aunque los dos modelos son cinemáticamente similares, no lo son desde el punto de vista dinámico, en concreto en lo que se refiere a la importancia que juega la pared en la creación y vida de las estructuras. Otro punto importante aún sin resolver se refiere al modelo de cascada turbulenta propuesto por Kolmogorov (1941b), y su relación con estructuras coherentes medibles en el flujo. Para dar respuesta a las preguntas anteriores, hemos desarrollado un nuevo método que permite seguir estructuras coherentes en el tiempo y lo hemos aplicado a simulaciones numéricas de canales turbulentos con números de Reynolds lo suficientemente altos como para tener un rango de escalas no trivial y con dominios computacionales lo suficientemente grandes como para representar de forma correcta la dinámica de la capa logarítmica. Nuestros esfuerzos se han desarrollado en cuatro pasos. En primer lugar, hemos realizado una campaña de simulaciones numéricas directas a diferentes números de Reynolds y tamaños de cajas para evaluar el efecto del dominio computacional en las estadísticas de primer orden y el espectro. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, hemos concluido que simulaciones con cajas de longitud 2vr y ancho vr veces la semi-altura del canal son lo suficientemente grandes para reproducir correctamente las interacciones entre estructuras coherentes de la capa logarítmica y el resto de escalas. Estas simulaciones son utilizadas como punto de partida en los siguientes análisis. En segundo lugar, las estructuras coherentes correspondientes a regiones con esfuerzos de Reynolds tangenciales intensos (Qs) en un canal turbulento han sido estudiadas extendiendo a tres dimensiones el análisis de cuadrantes, con especial énfasis en la capa logarítmica y la región exterior. Las estructuras coherentes han sido identificadas como regiones contiguas del espacio donde los esfuerzos de Reynolds tangenciales son más intensos que un cierto nivel. Los resultados muestran que los Qs separados de la pared están orientados de forma isótropa y su contribución neta al esfuerzo de Reynolds medio es nula. La mayor contribución la realiza una familia de estructuras de mayor tamaño y autosemejantes cuya parte inferior está muy cerca de la pared (ligada a la pared), con una geometría compleja y dimensión fractal « 2. Estas estructuras tienen una forma similar a una ‘esponja de placas’, en comparación con los grupos de vorticidad que tienen forma de ‘esponja de cuerdas’. Aunque el número de objetos decae al alejarnos de la pared, la fracción de esfuerzos de Reynolds que contienen es independiente de su altura, y gran parte reside en unas pocas estructuras que se extienden más allá del centro del canal, como en las grandes estructuras propuestas por otros autores. Las estructuras dominantes en la capa logarítmica son parejas de sweeps y eyecciones uno al lado del otro y con grupos de vorticidad asociados que comparten las dimensiones y esfuerzos con los remolinos ligados a la pared propuestos por Townsend. En tercer lugar, hemos estudiado la evolución temporal de Qs y grupos de vorticidad usando las simulaciones numéricas directas presentadas anteriormente hasta números de Reynolds ReT = 4200 (Reynolds de fricción). Las estructuras fueron identificadas siguiendo el proceso descrito en el párrafo anterior y después seguidas en el tiempo. A través de la interseción geométrica de estructuras pertenecientes a instantes de tiempo contiguos, hemos creado gratos de conexiones temporales entre todos los objetos y, a partir de ahí, definido ramas primarias y secundarias, de tal forma que cada rama representa la evolución temporal de una estructura coherente. Una vez que las evoluciones están adecuadamente organizadas, proporcionan toda la información necesaria para caracterizar la historia de las estructuras desde su nacimiento hasta su muerte. Los resultados muestran que las estructuras nacen a todas las distancias de la pared, pero con mayor probabilidad cerca de ella, donde la cortadura es más intensa. La mayoría mantienen tamaños pequeños y no viven mucho tiempo, sin embargo, existe una familia de estructuras que crecen lo suficiente como para ligarse a la pared y extenderse a lo largo de la capa logarítmica convirtiéndose en las estructuras observas anteriormente y descritas por Townsend. Estas estructuras son geométricamente autosemejantes con tiempos de vida proporcionales a su tamaño. La mayoría alcanzan tamaños por encima de la escala de Corrsin, y por ello, su dinámica está controlada por la cortadura media. Los resultados también muestran que las eyecciones se alejan de la pared con velocidad media uT (velocidad de fricción) y su base se liga a la pared muy rápidamente al inicio de sus vidas. Por el contrario, los sweeps se mueven hacia la pared con velocidad -uT y se ligan a ella más tarde. En ambos casos, los objetos permanecen ligados a la pared durante 2/3 de sus vidas. En la dirección de la corriente, las estructuras se desplazan a velocidades cercanas a la convección media del flujo y son deformadas por la cortadura. Finalmente, hemos interpretado la cascada turbulenta, no sólo como una forma conceptual de organizar el flujo, sino como un proceso físico en el cual las estructuras coherentes se unen y se rompen. El volumen de una estructura cambia de forma suave, cuando no se une ni rompe, o lo hace de forma repentina en caso contrario. Los procesos de unión y rotura pueden entenderse como una cascada directa (roturas) o inversa (uniones), siguiendo el concepto de cascada de remolinos ideado por Richardson (1920) y Obukhov (1941). El análisis de los datos muestra que las estructuras con tamaños menores a 30η (unidades de Kolmogorov) nunca se unen ni rompen, es decir, no experimentan el proceso de cascada. Por el contrario, aquellas mayores a 100η siempre se rompen o unen al menos una vez en su vida. En estos casos, el volumen total ganado y perdido es una fracción importante del volumen medio de la estructura implicada, con una tendencia ligeramente mayor a romperse (cascada directa) que a unirse (cascade inversa). La mayor parte de interacciones entre ramas se debe a roturas o uniones de fragmentos muy pequeños en la escala de Kolmogorov con estructuras más grandes, aunque el efecto de fragmentos de mayor tamaño no es despreciable. También hemos encontrado que las roturas tienen a ocurrir al final de la vida de la estructura y las uniones al principio. Aunque los resultados para la cascada directa e inversa no son idénticos, son muy simétricos, lo que sugiere un alto grado de reversibilidad en el proceso de cascada. ABSTRACT The purpose of the present thesis is to study the dynamics of the logarithmic layer of wall-bounded turbulent flows. Specifically, to propose a new structural model based on four different coherent structures: sweeps, ejections, clusters of vortices and velocity streaks. The tool used is the direct numerical simulation of time-resolved turbulent channels. Since the first work by Theodorsen (1952), coherent structures have played an important role in the understanding of turbulence organization and its dynamics. Nowadays, data from individual snapshots of direct numerical simulations allow to study the threedimensional statistical properties of those objects, but their dynamics can only be fully understood by tracking them in time. Although the temporal evolution has already been studied for small structures at moderate Reynolds numbers, e.g., Robinson (1991), a temporal analysis of three-dimensional structures spanning from the smallest to the largest scales across the logarithmic layer has yet to be performed and is the goal of the present thesis. The most interesting problems lie in the logarithmic region, which is the seat of cascades of vorticity, energy, and momentum. Different models involving coherent structures have been proposed to represent the organization of wall-bounded turbulent flows in the logarithmic layer. One of the most extended ones was conceived by Adrian et al. (2000) and built on packets of hairpins that grow from the wall and work cooperatively to gen- ´ erate low-momentum ramps. A different view was presented by del Alamo & Jim´enez (2006), who extracted coherent vortical structures from DNSs and proposed a less organized scenario. Although the two models are kinematically fairly similar, they have important dynamical differences, mostly regarding the relevance of the wall. Another open question is whether such a model can be used to explain the cascade process proposed by Kolmogorov (1941b) in terms of coherent structures. The challenge would be to identify coherent structures undergoing a turbulent cascade that can be quantified. To gain a better insight into the previous questions, we have developed a novel method to track coherent structures in time, and used it to characterize the temporal evolutions of eddies in turbulent channels with Reynolds numbers high enough to include a non-trivial range of length scales, and computational domains sufficiently long and wide to reproduce correctly the dynamics of the logarithmic layer. Our efforts have followed four steps. First, we have conducted a campaign of direct numerical simulations of turbulent channels at different Reynolds numbers and box sizes, and assessed the effect of the computational domain in the one-point statistics and spectra. From the results, we have concluded that computational domains with streamwise and spanwise sizes 2vr and vr times the half-height of the channel, respectively, are large enough to accurately capture the dynamical interactions between structures in the logarithmic layer and the rest of the scales. These simulations are used in the subsequent chapters. Second, the three-dimensional structures of intense tangential Reynolds stress in plane turbulent channels (Qs) have been studied by extending the classical quadrant analysis to three dimensions, with emphasis on the logarithmic and outer layers. The eddies are identified as connected regions of intense tangential Reynolds stress. Qs are then classified according to their streamwise and wall-normal fluctuating velocities as inward interactions, outward interactions, sweeps and ejections. It is found that wall-detached Qs are isotropically oriented background stress fluctuations, common to most turbulent flows, and do not contribute to the mean stress. Most of the stress is carried by a selfsimilar family of larger wall-attached Qs, increasingly complex away from the wall, with fractal dimensions « 2. They have shapes similar to ‘sponges of flakes’, while vortex clusters resemble ‘sponges of strings’. Although their number decays away from the wall, the fraction of the stress that they carry is independent of their heights, and a substantial part resides in a few objects extending beyond the centerline, reminiscent of the very large scale motions of several authors. The predominant logarithmic-layer structures are sideby- side pairs of sweeps and ejections, with an associated vortex cluster, and dimensions and stresses similar to Townsend’s conjectured wall-attached eddies. Third, the temporal evolution of Qs and vortex clusters are studied using time-resolved DNS data up to ReT = 4200 (friction Reynolds number). The eddies are identified following the procedure presented above, and then tracked in time. From the geometric intersection of structures in consecutive fields, we have built temporal connection graphs of all the objects, and defined main and secondary branches in a way that each branch represents the temporal evolution of one coherent structure. Once these evolutions are properly organized, they provide the necessary information to characterize eddies from birth to death. The results show that the eddies are born at all distances from the wall, although with higher probability near it, where the shear is strongest. Most of them stay small and do not last for long times. However, there is a family of eddies that become large enough to attach to the wall while they reach into the logarithmic layer, and become the wall-attached structures previously observed in instantaneous flow fields. They are geometrically self-similar, with sizes and lifetimes proportional to their distance from the wall. Most of them achieve lengths well above the Corrsin’ scale, and hence, their dynamics are controlled by the mean shear. Eddies associated with ejections move away from the wall with an average velocity uT (friction velocity), and their base attaches very fast at the beginning of their lives. Conversely, sweeps move towards the wall at -uT, and attach later. In both cases, they remain attached for 2/3 of their lives. In the streamwise direction, eddies are advected and deformed by the local mean velocity. Finally, we interpret the turbulent cascade not only as a way to conceptualize the flow, but as an actual physical process in which coherent structures merge and split. The volume of an eddy can change either smoothly, when they are not merging or splitting, or through sudden changes. The processes of merging and splitting can be thought of as a direct (when splitting) or an inverse (when merging) cascade, following the ideas envisioned by Richardson (1920) and Obukhov (1941). It is observed that there is a minimum length of 30η (Kolmogorov units) above which mergers and splits begin to be important. Moreover, all eddies above 100η split and merge at least once in their lives. In those cases, the total volume gained and lost is a substantial fraction of the average volume of the structure involved, with slightly more splits (direct cascade) than mergers. Most branch interactions are found to be the shedding or absorption of Kolmogorov-scale fragments by larger structures, but more balanced splits or mergers spanning a wide range of scales are also found to be important. The results show that splits are more probable at the end of the life of the eddy, while mergers take place at the beginning of the life. Although the results for the direct and the inverse cascades are not identical, they are found to be very symmetric, which suggests a high degree of reversibility of the cascade process.


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Image segmentation is one of the most computationally intensive operations in image processing and computer vision. This is because a large volume of data is involved and many different features have to be extracted from the image data. This thesis is concerned with the investigation of practical issues related to the implementation of several classes of image segmentation algorithms on parallel architectures. The Transputer is used as the basic building block of hardware architectures and Occam is used as the programming language. The segmentation methods chosen for implementation are convolution, for edge-based segmentation; the Split and Merge algorithm for segmenting non-textured regions; and the Granlund method for segmentation of textured images. Three different convolution methods have been implemented. The direct method of convolution, carried out in the spatial domain, uses the array architecture. The other two methods, based on convolution in the frequency domain, require the use of the two-dimensional Fourier transform. Parallel implementations of two different Fast Fourier Transform algorithms have been developed, incorporating original solutions. For the Row-Column method the array architecture has been adopted, and for the Vector-Radix method, the pyramid architecture. The texture segmentation algorithm, for which a system-level design is given, demonstrates a further application of the Vector-Radix Fourier transform. A novel concurrent version of the quad-tree based Split and Merge algorithm has been implemented on the pyramid architecture. The performance of the developed parallel implementations is analysed. Many of the obtained speed-up and efficiency measures show values close to their respective theoretical maxima. Where appropriate comparisons are drawn between different implementations. The thesis concludes with comments on general issues related to the use of the Transputer system as a development tool for image processing applications; and on the issues related to the engineering of concurrent image processing applications.


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Habitat split is a major force behind the worldwide decline of amphibian populations, causing community change in richness and species composition. In fragmented landscapes, natural remnants, the terrestrial habitat of the adults, are frequently separated from streams, the aquatic habitat of the larvae. An important question is how this landscape configuration affects population levels and if it can drive species to extinction locally. Here, we put forward the first theoretical model on habitat split which is particularly concerned on how split distance - the distance between the two required habitats - affects population size and persistence in isolated fragments. Our diffusive model shows that habitat split alone is able to generate extinction thresholds. Fragments occurring between the aquatic habitat and a given critical split distance are expected to hold viable populations, while fragments located farther away are expected to be unoccupied. Species with higher reproductive success and higher diffusion rate of post-metamorphic youngs are expected to have farther critical split distances. Furthermore, the model indicates that negative effects of habitat split are poorly compensated by positive effects of fragment size. The habitat split model improves our understanding about spatially structured populations and has relevant implications for landscape design for conservation. It puts on a firm theoretical basis the relation between habitat split and the decline of amphibian populations. © 2013 Fonseca et al.


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The objective of this research is to determine the molecular structure of the mineral leogangite. The formation of the types of arsenosulphate minerals offers a mechanism for arsenate removal from soils and mine dumps. Raman and infrared spectroscopy have been used to characterise the mineral. Observed bands are assigned to the stretching and bending vibrations of (SO4)2- and (AsO4)3- units, stretching and bending vibrations of hydrogen bonded (OH)- ions and Cu2+-(O,OH) units. The approximate range of O-H...O hydrogen bond lengths is inferred from the Raman spectra. Raman spectra of leogangite from different origins differ in that some spectra are more complex, where bands are sharp and the degenerate bands of (SO4)2- and (AsO4)3- are split and more intense. Lower wavenumbers of  H2O bending vibration in the spectrum may indicate the presence of weaker hydrogen bonds compared with those in a different leogangite samples. The formation of leogangite offers a mechanism for the removal of arsenic from the environment.


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Breast cancer is a leading contributor to the burden of disease in Australia. Fortunately, the recent introduction of diverse therapeutic strategies have improved the survival outcome for many women. Despite this, the clinical management of breast cancer remains problematic as not all approaches are sufficiently sophisticated to take into account the heterogeneity of this disease and are unable to predict disease progression, in particular, metastasis. As such, women with good prognostic outcomes are exposed to the side effects of therapies without added benefit. Furthermore, women with aggressive disease for whom these advanced treatments would deliver benefit cannot be distinguished and opportunities for more intensive or novel treatment are lost. This study is designed to identify novel factors associated with disease progression, and the potential to inform disease prognosis. Frequently overlooked, yet common mediators of disease are the interactions that take place between the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system and the extracellular matrix (ECM). Our laboratory has previously demonstrated that multiprotein insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I): insulin-like growth factor binding protein (IGFBP): vitronectin (VN) complexes stimulate migration of breast cancer cells in vitro, via the cooperative involvement of the insulin-like growth factor type I receptor (IGF-IR) and VN-binding integrins. However, the effects of IGF and ECM protein interactions on the dissemination and progression of breast cancer in vivo are unknown. It was hypothesised that interactions between proteins required for IGF induced signalling events and those within the ECM contribute to breast cancer metastasis and are prognostic and predictive indicators of patient outcome. To address this hypothesis, semiquantitative immunohistochemistry (IHC) analyses were performed to compare the extracellular and subcellular distribution of IGF and ECM induced signalling proteins between matched normal, primary cancer, and metastatic cancer among archival formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) breast tissue samples collected from women attending the Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane. Multivariate Cox proportional hazards (PH) regression survival models in conjunction with a modified „purposeful selection of covariates. method were applied to determine the prognostic potential of these proteins. This study provides the first in-depth, compartmentalised analysis of the distribution of IGF and ECM induced signalling proteins. As protein function and protein localisation are closely correlated, these findings provide novel insights into IGF signalling and ECM protein function during breast cancer development and progression. Distinct IGF signalling and ECM protein immunoreactivity was observed in the stroma and/or in subcellular locations in normal breast, primary cancer and metastatic cancer tissues. Analysis of the presence and location of stratifin (SFN) suggested a causal relationship in ECM remodelling events during breast cancer development and progression. The results of this study have also suggested that fibronectin (FN) and ¥â1 integrin are important for the formation of invadopodia and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) events. Our data also highlighted the importance of the temporal and spatial distribution of IGF induced signalling proteins in breast cancer metastasis; in particular, SFN, enhancer-of-split and hairy-related protein 2 (SHARP-2), total-akt/protein kinase B 1 (Total-AKT1), phosphorylated-akt/protein kinase B (P-AKT), extracellular signal-related kinase-1 and extracellular signal-related kinase-2 (ERK1/2) and phosphorylated-extracellular signal-related kinase-1 and extracellular signal-related kinase-2 (P-ERK1/2). Multivariate survival models were created from the immunohistochemical data. These models were found to fit well with these data with very high statistical confidence. Numerous prognostic confounding effects and effect modifications were identified among elements of the ECM and IGF signalling cascade and corroborate the survival models. This finding provides further evidence for the prognostic potential of IGF and ECM induced signalling proteins. In addition, the adjusted measures of associations obtained in this study have strengthened the validity and utility of the resulting models. The findings from this study provide insights into the biological interactions that occur during the development of breast tissue and contribute to disease progression. Importantly, these multivariate survival models could provide important prognostic and predictive indicators that assist the clinical management of breast disease, namely in the early identification of cancers with a propensity to metastasise, and/or recur following adjuvant therapy. The outcomes of this study further inform the development of new therapeutics to aid patient recovery. The findings from this study have widespread clinical application in the diagnosis of disease and prognosis of disease progression, and inform the most appropriate clinical management of individuals with breast cancer.


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Airports are currently being pressured to operate in a more environmentally-sensitive manner; as a response, airports have integrated environmental policies into their operations. However, environmental concerns regarding automobile traffic and related emissions have yet to be addressed. While the automobile is the dominant air passenger ground transportation mode at US airports, services facilitating automobile usage including public parking and car rentals are a major airport revenue source. Less than 20 US hub airports have direct access to rail-based transportation modes. New rail transportation projects serving additional airports are either being consideration or under construction. Regardless of whether an airport has direct access to rail-based transportation modes, the air passenger ground transportation modal split at US airports remain low in comparison to those in Asia and Europe. The high cost of providing additional US airports with direct rail connections in an era of severe governmental budgetary cutbacks is making the “build it and they will come” mindset untenable. Governmental policies are but one factor determining whether programs increasing transit usage results in automobile traffic reductions and related emissions. This study reveals that a significant percentage of the busiest US airports do not have policies fostering increases in the air passenger ground transportation modal split. A case study of one US airport is presented that has successfully adopted a transit first policy to achieve a high air passenger ground transportation modal split and facilitate the availability of rail-based transportation services.


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Process modeling grammars are used to create scripts of a business domain that a process-aware information system is intended to support. A key grammatical construct of such grammars is known as a Gateway. A Gateway construct is used to describe scenarios in which the workflow of a process diverges or converges according to relevant conditions. Gateway constructs have been subjected to much academic discussion about their meaning, role and usefulness, and have been linked to both process-modeling errors and process-model understandability. This paper examines perceptual discriminability effects of Gateway constructs on an individual's abilities to interpret process models. We compare two ways of expressing two convergence and divergence patterns – Parallel Split and Simple Merge – implemented in a process modeling grammar. On the basis of an experiment with 98 students, we provide empirical evidence that Gateway constructs aid the interpretation of process models due to a perceptual discriminability effect, especially when models are complex. We discuss the emerging implications for research and practice, in terms of revisions to grammar specifications, guideline development and design choices in process modeling.


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Birds represent the most diverse extant tetrapod clade, with ca. 10,000 extant species, and the timing of the crown avian radiation remains hotly debated. The fossil record supports a primarily Cenozoic radiation of crown birds, whereas molecular divergence dating analyses generally imply that this radiation was well underway during the Cretaceous. Furthermore, substantial differences have been noted between published divergence estimates. These have been variously attributed to clock model, calibration regime, and gene type. One underappreciated phenomenon is that disparity between fossil ages and molecular dates tends to be proportionally greater for shallower nodes in the avian Tree of Life. Here, we explore potential drivers of disparity in avian divergence dates through a set of analyses applying various calibration strategies and coding methods to a mitochondrial genome dataset and an 18-gene nuclear dataset, both sampled across 72 taxa. Our analyses support the occurrence of two deep divergences (i.e., the Palaeognathae/Neognathae split and the Galloanserae/Neoaves split) well within the Cretaceous, followed by a rapid radiation of Neoaves near the K-Pg boundary. However, 95% highest posterior density intervals for most basal divergences in Neoaves cross the boundary, and we emphasize that, barring unreasonably strict prior distributions, distinguishing between a rapid Early Paleocene radiation and a Late Cretaceous radiation may be beyond the resolving power of currently favored divergence dating methods. In contrast to recent observations for placental mammals, constraining all divergences within Neoaves to occur in the Cenozoic does not result in unreasonably high inferred substitution rates. Comparisons of nuclear DNA (nDNA) versus mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) datasets and NT- versus RY-coded mitochondrial data reveal patterns of disparity that are consistent with substitution model misspecifications that result in tree compression/tree extension artifacts, which may explain some discordance between previous divergence estimates based on different sequence types. Comparisons of fully calibrated and nominally calibrated trees support a correlation between body mass and apparent dating error. Overall, our results are consistent with (but do not require) a Paleogene radiation for most major clades of crown birds.


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This paper describes a semi-automatic tool for annotation of multi-script text from natural scene images. To our knowledge, this is the maiden tool that deals with multi-script text or arbitrary orientation. The procedure involves manual seed selection followed by a region growing process to segment each word present in the image. The threshold for region growing can be varied by the user so as to ensure pixel-accurate character segmentation. The text present in the image is tagged word-by-word. A virtual keyboard interface has also been designed for entering the ground truth in ten Indic scripts, besides English. The keyboard interface can easily be generated for any script, thereby expanding the scope of the toolkit. Optionally, each segmented word can further be labeled into its constituent characters/symbols. Polygonal masks are used to split or merge the segmented words into valid characters/symbols. The ground truth is represented by a pixel-level segmented image and a '.txt' file that contains information about the number of words in the image, word bounding boxes, script and ground truth Unicode. The toolkit, developed using MATLAB, can be used to generate ground truth and annotation for any generic document image. Thus, it is useful for researchers in the document image processing community for evaluating the performance of document analysis and recognition techniques. The multi-script annotation toolokit (MAST) is available for free download.


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The Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) Workshop entitled, "Biological Platforms as Sensor Technologies and their Use as Indicators for the Marine Environment" was held in Seward, Alaska, September 19 - 21,2007. The workshop was co-hosted by the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) and the Alaska SeaLife Center (ASLC). The workshop was attended by 25 participants representing a wide range of research scientists, managers, and manufacturers who develop and deploy sensory equipment using aquatic vertebrates as the mode of transport. Eight recommendations were made by participants at the conclusion of the workshop and are presented here without prioritization: 1. Encourage research toward development of energy scavenging devices of suitable sizes for use in remote sensing packages attached to marine animals. 2. Encourage funding sources for development of new sensor technologies and animal-borne tags. 3. Develop animal-borne environmental sensor platforms that offer more combined systems and improved data recovery methodologies, and expand the geographic scope of complementary fixed sensor arrays. 4. Engage the oceanographic community by: a. Offering a mini workshop at an AGU ocean sciences conference for people interested in developing an ocean carbon program that utilizes animal-borne sensor technology. b. Outreach to chemical oceanographers. 5. Min v2d6.sheepserver.net e and merge technologies from other disciplines that may be applied to marine sensors (e.g. biomedical field). 6. Encourage the NOAA Permitting Office to: a. Make a more predictable, reliable, and consistent permitting system for using animal platforms. b. Establish an evaluation process. c. Adhere to established standards. 7. Promote the expanded use of calibrated hydrophones as part of existing animal platforms. 8. Encourage the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) to promote animal tracking as effective samplers of the marine environment, and use of animals as ocean sensor technology platforms. [PDF contains 20 pages]


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Reconstruction of an image from a set of projections has been adapted to generate multidimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra, which have discrete features that are relatively sparsely distributed in space. For this reason, a reliable reconstruction can be made from a small number of projections. This new concept is called Projection Reconstruction NMR (PR-NMR). In this paper, multidimensional NMR spectra are reconstructed by Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo (RJMCMC). This statistical method generates samples under the assumption that each peak consists of a small number of parameters: position of peak centres, peak amplitude, and peak width. In order to find the number of peaks and shape, RJMCMC has several moves: birth, death, merge, split, and invariant updating. The reconstruction schemes are tested on a set of six projections derived from the three-dimensional 700 MHz HNCO spectrum of a protein HasA.


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Silicon on Insulator (SOI) substrates offer a promising platform for monolithic high energy physics detectors with integrated read-out electronics and pixel diodes. This paper describes the fabrication and characterisation of specially-configured SOI substrates using improved bonded wafer ion split and grind/polish technologies. The crucial interface between the high resistivity handle silicon and the SOI buried oxide has been characterised using both pixel diodes and circular geometry MOS transistors. Pixel diode breakdown voltages were typically greater than 100V and average leakage current densities at 70 V were only 55 nA/ sq cm. MOS transistors subjected to 24 GeV proton irradiation showed an increased SOI buried oxide trapped charge of only 3.45x1011cn-2 for a dose of 2.7Mrad