999 resultados para Spin tunneling


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Digital magnetic recording is based on the storage of a bit of information in the orientation of a magnetic system with two stable ground states. Here we address two fundamental problems that arise when this is done on a quantized spin: quantum spin tunneling and backaction of the readout process. We show that fundamental differences exist between integer and semi-integer spins when it comes to both reading and recording classical information in a quantized spin. Our findings imply fundamental limits to the miniaturization of magnetic bits and are relevant to recent experiments where a spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscope reads and records a classical bit in the spin orientation of a single magnetic atom.


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Spin-dependent tunneling through a symmetric semiconductor barrier is studied including the k(3) Dresselhaus effect. The spin-dependent transmission of an electron can be obtained analytically. By comparing with previous work [Phys. Rev. B 67, 201304(R) (2003) and Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 056601 (2004)], it is shown that the spin polarization and interface current are changed significantly by including the off-diagonal elements in the current operator, and can be enhanced considerably by the Dresselhaus effect in the contact regions.


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Spin-polarized tunneling through a diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dot embedded in a tunneling barrier is investigated using the Bardeen transfer Hamiltonian. The tunneling current oscillates with an increasing magnetic field for a fixed bias. Many peaks are observed with an increasing external bias under a fixed magnetic field. Spin polarization of the tunneling current is tuned by changing the external bias under a weak magnetic field.


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The dynamics of spin-dependent tunneling through a nonmagnetic semiconductor double-barrier structure is studied including the k(3) Dresselhaus spin orbit coupling is solved by the time-dependent Schrodinger equation with a developed method for the finite-difference relaxation. The resonant peak and quasibound level lifetime are determined by the in-plane wave vector and the applied electric field. The buildup time and decay lifetime of resonant probability amplitude are different for the spin-down and spin-up electrons due to the Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling. Further investigation shows that the steady spin-polarization in both the well and collector regions has been obtained in the time domain. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We study the effects of spin accumulation (inside reservoirs) on electronic transport with tunneling and reflections at the gates of a quantum dot. Within the stub model, the calculations focus on the current-current correlation function for the flux of electrons injected into the quantum dot. The linear response theory used allows us to obtain the noise power in the regime of thermal crossover as a function of parameters that reveal the spin polarization at the reservoirs. The calculation is performed employing diagrammatic integration within the universal groups (ensembles of Dyson) for a nonideal, nonequilibrium chaotic quantum dot. We show that changes in the spin distribution determine significant alterations in noise behavior at values of the tunneling rates close to zero, in the regime of strong reflection at the gates.


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We propose cotunneling as the microscopic mechanism that makes possible inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy of magnetic atoms in surfaces for a wide range of systems, including single magnetic adatoms, molecules, and molecular stacks. We describe electronic transport between the scanning tip and the conducting surface through the magnetic system (MS) with a generalized Anderson model, without making use of effective spin models. Transport and spin dynamics are described with an effective cotunneling Hamiltonian in which the correlations in the magnetic system are calculated exactly and the coupling to the electrodes is included up to second order in the tip MS and MS substrate. In the adequate limit our approach is equivalent to the phenomenological Kondo exchange model that successfully describes the experiments. We apply our method to study in detail inelastic transport in two systems, stacks of cobalt phthalocyanines and a single Mn atom on Cu2N. Our method accounts for both the large contribution of the inelastic spin exchange events to the conductance and the observed conductance asymmetry.


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I show that recent experiments of inelastic scanning tunneling spectroscopy of single and a few magnetic atoms are modeled with a phenomenological spin-assisted tunneling Hamiltonian so that the inelastic dI/dV line shape is related to the spin spectral weight of the magnetic atom. This accounts for the spin selection rules and dI/dV spectra observed experimentally for single Fe and Mn atoms deposited on Cu2N. In the case of chains of Mn atoms it is found necessary to include both first and second-neighbor exchange interactions as well as single-ion anisotropy.


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Detection of a single nuclear spin constitutes an outstanding problem in different fields of physics such as quantum computing or magnetic imaging. Here we show that the energy levels of a single nuclear spin can be measured by means of inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy (IETS). We consider two different systems, a magnetic adatom probed with scanning tunneling microscopy and a single Bi dopant in a silicon nanotransistor. We find that the hyperfine coupling opens new transport channels which can be resolved at experimentally accessible temperatures. Our simulations evince that IETS yields information about the occupations of the nuclear spin states, paving the way towards transport-detected single nuclear spin resonance.


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Using the quantum tunneling theory, we investigate the spin-dependent transport properties of the ferromagnetic metal/Schottky barrier/semiconductor heterojunction under the influence of an external electric field. It is shown that increasing the electric field, similar to increasing the electron density in semiconductor, will result in a slight enhancement of spin injection in tunneling regime, and this enhancement is significantly weakened when the tunneling Schottky barrier becomes stronger. Temperature effect on spin injection is also discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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(CH3)4NGeCl3 is prepared, characterized and studied using 1H NMR spin lattice relaxation time and second moment to understand the internal motions and quantum rotational tunneling. Proton second moment is measured at 7 MHz as function of temperature in the range 300-77 K and spin lattice relaxation time (T1) is measured at two Larmor frequencies, as a function of temperature in the range 270-17 K employing a homemade wide-line/pulsed NMR spectrometers. T1 data are analyzed in two temperature regions using relevant theoretical models. The relaxation in the higher temperatures (270-115 K) is attributed to the hindered reorientations of symmetric groups (CH3 and (CH3)4N). Broad asymmetric T1 minima observed below 115 K down to 17 K are attributed to quantum rotational tunneling of the inequivalent methyl groups.


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H-1 NMR spin-lattice relaxation time measurements have been carried out in [(CH3)(4)N](2)SeO4 in the temperature range 389-6.6K to understand the possible phase transitions, internal motions and quantum rotational tunneling. A broad T, minimum observed around 280K is attributed to the simultaneous motions of CH3 and (CH3)(4)N groups. Magnetization recovery is found to be stretched exponential below 72 K with varying stretched exponent. Low-temperature T-1 behavior is interpreted in terms of methyl groups undergoing quantum rotational tunneling. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Intramolecular gamma-hydrogen abstraction reactions were examined in pentane-2-one and 2-methyl-1-pentene in their lowest triplet states using the AM1 semi-empirical molecular orbital method with the complete geometry optimization in the unrestricted Hartree-Fock frame. The results reveal that the oxygen atom of the carbonyl group and the end carbon atom of the olefinic bond acquire high free valence and spin density indices in their respective lowest triplet states, leading to abstraction of hydrogen from the gamma-position relative to the carbonyl and olefinic bonds. The theoretical energy profiles fit with a polynomial and the probability of tunneling of hydrogen was estimated by the WKB (Wentzel, Kramer and Brillouin) method. The results, after thermal averaging of the rate constants, reveal that tunneling of hydrogen is significant at room temperature.


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We provide a theory for the tunneling conductance G(V) of Dirac electrons on the surface of a topological insulator as measured by a spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscope tip for low-bias voltages V. We show that if the in-plane rotational symmetry on the surface of the topological insulator is broken by an external field that does not couple to spin directly (such as an in-plane electric field), G(V) exhibits an unconventional dependence on the direction of the magnetization of the tip, i.e., it acquires a dependence on the azimuthal angle of the magnetization of the tip. We also show that G(V) can be used to measure the magnitude of the local out-of-plane spin orientation of the Dirac electrons on the surface. We explain the role of the Dirac electrons in this unconventional behavior and suggest experiments to test our theory.