913 resultados para Spectral Diffusion
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33 (primary), 35S15 (secondary)
MSC 2010: 26A33, 33E12, 34K29, 34L15, 35K57, 35R30
In this dissertation I draw a connection between quantum adiabatic optimization, spectral graph theory, heat-diffusion, and sub-stochastic processes through the operators that govern these processes and their associated spectra. In particular, we study Hamiltonians which have recently become known as ``stoquastic'' or, equivalently, the generators of sub-stochastic processes. The operators corresponding to these Hamiltonians are of interest in all of the settings mentioned above. I predominantly explore the connection between the spectral gap of an operator, or the difference between the two lowest energies of that operator, and certain equilibrium behavior. In the context of adiabatic optimization, this corresponds to the likelihood of solving the optimization problem of interest. I will provide an instance of an optimization problem that is easy to solve classically, but leaves open the possibility to being difficult adiabatically. Aside from this concrete example, the work in this dissertation is predominantly mathematical and we focus on bounding the spectral gap. Our primary tool for doing this is spectral graph theory, which provides the most natural approach to this task by simply considering Dirichlet eigenvalues of subgraphs of host graphs. I will derive tight bounds for the gap of one-dimensional, hypercube, and general convex subgraphs. The techniques used will also adapt methods recently used by Andrews and Clutterbuck to prove the long-standing ``Fundamental Gap Conjecture''.
The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive study of some linear non-local diffusion problems in metric measure spaces. These include, for example, open subsets in ℝN, graphs, manifolds, multi-structures and some fractal sets. For this, we study regularity, compactness, positivity and the spectrum of the stationary non-local operator. We then study the solutions of linear evolution non-local diffusion problems, with emphasis on similarities and differences with the standard heat equation in smooth domains. In particular, we prove weak and strong maximum principles and describe the asymptotic behaviour using spectral methods.
The aim of this study is to test the feasibility and reproducibility of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) evaluations of the fetal brains in cases of twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). From May 2011 to June 2012, 24 patients with severe TTTS underwent MRI scans for evaluation of the fetal brains. Datasets were analyzed offline on axial DW images and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps by two radiologists. The subjective evaluation was described as the absence or presence of water diffusion restriction. The objective evaluation was performed by the placement of 20-mm(2) circular regions of interest on the DW image and ADC maps. Subjective interobserver agreement was assessed by the kappa correlation coefficient. Objective intraobserver and interobserver agreements were assessed by proportionate Bland-Altman tests. Seventy-four DW-MRI scans were performed. Sixty of them (81.1%) were considered to be of good quality. Agreement between the radiologists was 100% for the absence or presence of diffusion restriction of water. For both intraobserver and interobserver agreement of ADC measurements, proportionate Bland-Altman tests showed average percentage differences of less than 1.5% and 95% CI of less than 18% for all sites evaluated. Our data demonstrate that DW-MRI evaluation of the fetal brain in TTTS is feasible and reproducible.
Purpose. To investigate misalignments (MAs) on retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (RNFLT) measurements obtained with Cirrus(©) SD-OCT. Methods. This was a retrospective, observational, cross-sectional study. Twenty-seven healthy and 29 glaucomatous eyes of 56 individuals with one normal exam and another showing MA were included. MAs were defined as an improper alignment of vertical vessels in the en face image. MAs were classified in complete MA (CMA) and partial MA (PMA), according to their site: 1 (superior, outside the measurement ring (MR)), 2 (superior, within MR), 3 (inferior, within MR), and 4 (inferior, outside MR). We compared RNFLT measurements of aligned versus misaligned exams in all 4 sectors, in the superior area (sectors 1 + 2), inferior area (sectors 3 + 4), and within the measurement ring (sectors 2 + 3). Results. RNFLT measurements at 12 clock-hour of eyes with MAs in the superior area (sectors 1 + 2) were significantly lower than those obtained in the same eyes without MAs (P = 0.043). No significant difference was found in other areas (sectors 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, sectors 3 + 4, and sectors 2 + 3). Conclusion. SD-OCT scans with superior MAs may present lower superior RNFLT measurements compared to aligned exams.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of machine learning classifiers (MLCs) for glaucoma diagnosis using Spectral Domain OCT (SD-OCT) and standard automated perimetry (SAP). METHODS: Observational cross-sectional study. Sixty two glaucoma patients and 48 healthy individuals were included. All patients underwent a complete ophthalmologic examination, achromatic standard automated perimetry (SAP) and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) imaging with SD-OCT (Cirrus HD-OCT; Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc., Dublin, California). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were obtained for all SD-OCT parameters and global indices of SAP. Subsequently, the following MLCs were tested using parameters from the SD-OCT and SAP: Bagging (BAG), Naive-Bayes (NB), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Radial Basis Function (RBF), Random Forest (RAN), Ensemble Selection (ENS), Classification Tree (CTREE), Ada Boost M1(ADA),Support Vector Machine Linear (SVML) and Support Vector Machine Gaussian (SVMG). Areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves (aROC) obtained for isolated SAP and OCT parameters were compared with MLCs using OCT+SAP data. RESULTS: Combining OCT and SAP data, MLCs' aROCs varied from 0.777(CTREE) to 0.946 (RAN).The best OCT+SAP aROC obtained with RAN (0.946) was significantly larger the best single OCT parameter (p<0.05), but was not significantly different from the aROC obtained with the best single SAP parameter (p=0.19). CONCLUSION: Machine learning classifiers trained on OCT and SAP data can successfully discriminate between healthy and glaucomatous eyes. The combination of OCT and SAP measurements improved the diagnostic accuracy compared with OCT data alone.
The study of tokamak plasma light emissions in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) region is an important subject since many impurity spectral emissions are present in this region. These spectral emissions can be used to determine the plasma ion temperature and density from different species and spatial positions inside plasma according to their temperatures. We have analyzed VUV spectra from 500 Å to 3200 Å wavelength in the TCABR tokamak plasma including higher diffraction order emissions. There have been identified 37 first diffraction order emissions, resulting in 28 second diffraction order, 24 third diffraction order, and 7 fourth diffraction order lines. The emissions are from impurity species such as OII, OIII, OIV, OV, OVI, OVII, CII, CIII, CIV, NIII, NIV, and NV. All the spectra beyond 1900 Å are from higher diffraction order emissions, and possess much better spectral resolution. Each strong and isolated spectral line, as well as its higher diffraction order emissions suitable for plasma diagnostic is identified and discussed. Finally, an example of ion temperature determination using different diffraction order is presented.
We study how the crossover exponent, phi, between the directed percolation (DP) and compact directed percolation (CDP) behaves as a function of the diffusion rate in a model that generalizes the contact process. Our conclusions are based in results pointed by perturbative series expansions and numerical simulations, and are consistent with a value phi = 2 for finite diffusion rates and phi = 1 in the limit of infinite diffusion rate.
We have the purpose of analyzing the effect of explicit diffusion processes in a predator-prey stochastic lattice model. More precisely we wish to investigate the possible effects due to diffusion upon the thresholds of coexistence of species, i. e., the possible changes in the transition between the active state and the absorbing state devoid of predators. To accomplish this task we have performed time dependent simulations and dynamic mean-field approximations. Our results indicate that the diffusive process can enhance the species coexistence.
This study aimed to evaluate the diffusion capacity of calcium hydroxide pastes with different vehicles through dentinal tubules. The study was conducted on 60 extracted single-rooted human teeth whose crowns had been removed. The root canals were instrumented and divided into 4 groups according to the vehicle of the calcium hydroxide paste: Group I - distilled water; Group II - propylene glycol; Group III - 0.2% chlorhexidine; Group IV - 2% chlorhexidine. After placement of the root canal dressings, the teeth were sealed and placed in flasks containing deionized water. After 1, 2, 7, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days, the pH of the water was measured to determine the diffusion of calcium hydroxide through the dentinal tubules. The data were recorded and statistically compared by the Tukey test. The results showed that all pastes presented a similar diffusion capacity through dentin. Group IV did not present difference compared to group I. Group II presented difference compared to the other groups, as did Group III. In conclusion, groups I and IV presented a better diffusion capacity through dentin than groups II and III; 2% chlorhexidine can be used as a vehicle in calcium hydroxide pastes.
Objective: The biochemical alterations between inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia (IFH) and normal tissues of buccal mucosa were probed by using the FT-Raman spectroscopy technique. The aim was to find the minimal set of Raman bands that would furnish the best discrimination. Background: Raman-based optical biopsy is a widely recognized potential technique for noninvasive real-time diagnosis. However, few studies had been devoted to the discrimination of very common subtle or early pathologic states as inflammatory processes that are always present on, for example, cancer lesion borders. Methods: Seventy spectra of IFH from 14 patients were compared with 30 spectra of normal tissues from six patients. The statistical analysis was performed with principal components analysis and soft independent modeling class analogy cross-validated, leave-one-out methods. Results: Bands close to 574, 1,100, 1,250 to 1,350, and 1,500 cm(-1) (mainly amino acids and collagen bands) showed the main intragroup variations that are due to the acanthosis process in the IFH epithelium. The 1,200 (C-C aromatic/DNA), 1,350 (CH(2) bending/collagen 1), and 1,730 cm(-1) (collagen III) regions presented the main intergroup variations. This finding was interpreted as originating in an extracellular matrix-degeneration process occurring in the inflammatory tissues. The statistical analysis results indicated that the best discrimination capability (sensitivity of 95% and specificity of 100%) was found by using the 530-580 cm(-1) spectral region. Conclusions: The existence of this narrow spectral window enabling normal and inflammatory diagnosis also had useful implications for an in vivo dispersive Raman setup for clinical applications.
We report numerically and analytically estimated values for the Hurst exponent for a recently proposed non-Markovian walk characterized by amnestically induced persistence. These results are consistent with earlier studies showing that log-periodic oscillations arise only for large memory losses of the recent past. We also report numerical estimates of the Hurst exponent for non-Markovian walks with diluted memory. Finally, we study walks with a fractal memory of the past for a Thue-Morse and Fibonacci memory patterns. These results are interpreted and discussed in the context of the necessary and sufficient conditions for the central limit theorem to hold.
Multifilter rotating shadowband radiometer (MFRSR) calibration values for aerosol optical depth (AOD) retrievals were determined by means of the general method formulated by Forgan [Appl. Opt. 33, 4841 (1994)] at a polluted urban site. The obtained precision is comparable with the classical method, the Langley plot, applied on clean mountaintops distant of pollution sources. The AOD retrieved over Sao Paulo City with both calibration procedures is compared with the Aerosol Robotic Network data. The observed results are similar, and, except for the shortest wavelength (415 nm), the MFRSR`s AOD is systematically overestimated by similar to 0.03. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America.
Context. The chemical composition of extremely metal-poor stars (EMP stars; [Fe/H] < similar to -3) is a unique tracer of early nucleosynthesis in the Galaxy. As such stars are rare, we wish to find classes of luminous stars which can be studied at high spectral resolution. Aims. We aim to determine the detailed chemical composition of the two EMP stars CS 30317-056 and CS 22881-039, originally thought to be red horizontal-branch (RHB) stars, and compare it to earlier results for EMP stars as well as to nucleosynthesis yields from various supernova (SN) models. In the analysis, we discovered that our targets are in fact the two most metal-poor RR Lyrae stars known. Methods. Our detailed abundance analysis, taking into account the variability of the stars, is based on VLT/UVES spectra (R similar or equal to 43 000) and 1D LTE OSMARCS model atmospheres and synthetic spectra. For comparison with SN models we also estimate NLTE corrections for a number of elements. Results. We derive LTE abundances for the 16 elements O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ca, Sc, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Sr and Ba, in good agreement with earlier values for EMP dwarf, giant and RHB stars. Li and C are not detected in either star. NLTE abundance corrections are newly calculated for O and Mg and taken from the literature for other elements. The resulting abundance pattern is best matched by model yields for supernova explosions with high energy and/or significant asphericity effects. Conclusions. Our results indicate that, except for Li and C, the surface composition of EMP RR Lyr stars is not significantly affected by mass loss, mixing or diffusion processes; hence, EMP RR Lyr stars should also be useful tracers of the chemical evolution of the early Galactic halo. The observed abundance ratios indicate that these stars were born from an ISM polluted by energetic, massive (25-40 M(circle dot)) and/or aspherical supernovae, but the NLTE corrections for Sc and certain other elements do play a role in the choice of model.