959 resultados para Space use


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The quality of open urban spaces is very important for urban vitality. Nowadays urban designers have to face the great challenge of designing urban spaces able to respond to people's need for liveable spaces. The success of these spaces depends on various aspects and the microclimatic condition has been recognized as one of the most influential. However, studies on thermal comfort in open space have shown that the user's thermal sensation does not depend only on microclimate parameters but also on other local qualitative aspects. Thus, environmental quality evaluation of successful public spaces can contribute to understand this issue. This paper focuses on a case study regarding Queen Square's environmental quality, a public space of historical importance in Bath-UK. The first stage of the research, a study on local characteristics and people observations, allowed a preliminary evaluation of the space performance, their social aspects, while it characterized and quantified the hourly variation of the space use in different days and seasons. In the second stage, short microclimatic surveys were carried out simultaneously with a perception survey through a questionnaire. The results show the strong vitality of the square and socioenvironmental significance, not only for its location in the urban context, but also for its historical value. The environmental quality of the square contributes to the users' sensation of comfort even in adverse climatic conditions. This research is part of a project that aims to investigate the impact of the environmental stimuli in the use of open spaces and intend to develop design strategies that aim to maximise the use of open spaces in different weather conditions.


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As empresas transnacionais e nacionais sob à luz do capitalismo, instaladas especialmente em bairros centrais da cidade de Belém-PA, estariam complementando a metrópole de equipamentos urbanos, com paisagens estandardizadas, introduzidos pelas empresas de fast food, engendrando cosmopolitismo concernentes a todas as grandes metrópoles brasileiras e mundiais, concomitantemente, trazendo inflexões sócio-urbana para os moradores e trabalhadores do circuito inferior da economia, residentes em bairros centrais, como a mudança de frações do espaço urbano, de valor de uso para valor de troca e, sobretudo, a provável transmutação destes lugares para não-lugares, a partir de uma nova apreensão destes citadinos com os recortes espaciais, reforçada pelas mudanças paisagísticas. Apontando, continuamente o capitalismo imanente à globalização como vetores de mudanças na morfologia espacial, e, consequentemente nas relações sócio-cuturais.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Social networks are static illustrations of dynamic societies, within which social interactions are constantly changing. Fundamental sources of variation include ranging behaviour and temporal demographic changes. Spatiotemporal dynamics can favour or limit opportunities for individuals to interact, and then a network may not essentially represent social processes. We examined whether a social network can embed such nonsocial effects in its topology, whereby emerging modules depict spatially or temporally segregated individuals. To this end, we applied a combination of spatial, temporal and demographic analyses to a long-term study of the association patterns of Guiana dolphins, Sotalia guianensis. We found that association patterns are organized into a modular social network. Space use was unlikely to reflect these modules, since dolphins' ranging behaviour clearly overlapped. However, a temporal demographic turnover, caused by the exit/entrance of individuals (most likely emigration/immigration), defined three modules of associations occurring at different times. Although this factor could mask real social processes, we identified the temporal scale that allowed us to account for these demographic effects. By looking within this turnover period (32 months), we assessed fission-fusion dynamics of the poorly known social organization of Guiana dolphins. We highlight that spatiotemporal dynamics can strongly influence the structure of social networks. Our findings show that hypothetical social units can emerge due to the temporal opportunities for individuals to interact. Therefore, a thorough search for a satisfactory spatiotemporal scale that removes such nonsocial noise is critical when analysing a social system. (C) 2012 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Estimators of home-range size require a large number of observations for estimation and sparse data typical of tropical studies often prohibit the use of such estimators. An alternative may be use of distance metrics as indexes of home range. However, tests of correlation between distance metrics and home-range estimators only exist for North American rodents. We evaluated the suitability of 3 distance metrics (mean distance between successive captures [SD], observed range length [ORL], and mean distance between all capture points [AD]) as indexes for home range for 2 Brazilian Atlantic forest rodents, Akodon montensis (montane grass mouse) and Delomys sublineatus (pallid Atlantic forest rat). Further, we investigated the robustness of distance metrics to low numbers of individuals and captures per individual. We observed a strong correlation between distance metrics and the home-range estimator. None of the metrics was influenced by the number of individuals. ORL presented a strong dependence on the number of captures per individual. Accuracy of SD and AD was not dependent on number of captures per individual, but precision of both metrics was low with numbers of captures below 10. We recommend the use of SD and AD instead of ORL and use of caution in interpretation of results based on trapping data with low captures per individual.


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The foraging distributions of 20 breeding emperor penguins were investigated at Pointe Géologie, Terre Adélie, Antarctica by using satellite telemetry in 2005 and 2006 during early and late winter, as well as during late spring and summer, corresponding to incubation, early chick-brooding, late chick-rearing and the adult pre-moult period, respectively. Dive depth records of three post-egg-laying females, two post-incubating males and four late chick-rearing adults were examined, as well as the horizontal space use by these birds. Foraging ranges of chick-provisioning penguins extended over the Antarctic shelf and were constricted by winter pack-ice. During spring ice break-up, the foraging ranges rarely exceeded the shelf slope, although seawater access was apparently almost unlimited. Winter females appeared constrained in their access to open water but used fissures in the sea ice and expanded their prey search effort by expanding the horizontal search component underwater. Birds in spring however, showed higher area-restricted-search than did birds in winter. Despite different seasonal foraging strategies, chick-rearing penguins exploited similar areas as indicated by both a high 'Area-Restricted-Search Index' and high 'Catch Per Unit Effort'. During pre-moult trips, emperor penguins ranged much farther offshore than breeding birds, which argues for particularly profitable oceanic feeding areas which can be exploited when the time constraints imposed by having to return to a central place to provision the chick no longer apply.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate summer and fall residency and habitat selection by gray whales, Eschrichtius robustus, together with the biomass of benthic amphipod prey on the coastal feeding grounds along the Chukotka Peninsula. Thirteen gray whales were instrumented with satellite transmitters in September 2006 near the Chukotka Peninsula, Russia. Nine transmitters provided positions from whales for up to 81 days. The whales travelled within 5 km of the Chukotka coast for most of the period they were tracked with only occasional movements offshore. The average daily travel speeds were 23 km/day (range 9-53 km/day). Four of the whales had daily average travel speeds <1 km/day suggesting strong fidelity to the study area. The area containing 95% of the locations for individual whales during biweekly periods was on average 13,027 km**2 (range 7,097-15,896 km**2). More than 65% of all locations were in water <30 m, and between 45 and 70% of biweekly kernel home ranges were located in depths between 31 and 50 m. Benthic density of amphipods within the Bering Strait at depths <50 m was on average ~54 g wet wt/m**2 in 2006. It is likely that the abundant benthic biomass is more than sufficient forage to support the current gray whale population. The use of satellite telemetry in this study quantifies space use and movement patterns of gray whales along the Chukotka coast and identifies key feeding areas.


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Brazilian law provides a series of rules and policies which regulate space use and occupancy as well as guide environmental planning. Among those are the Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) which purpose is to ensure the preservation of elements that are essential to maintain the environmental function and landscape. Another important instrument identifier of spaces are geoenvironmental units, which are synthesis elements grouping areas of similar characteristics and can be used for the analysis of risk, fragility and potential use of spaces. The geoenvironmental units are defined by more complex processes (information integration), focusing not only on individual elements, but being determined from a systemic analysis. Is It possible to identify and delineate APPs from the identification and determination of geoenvironmental units? The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of geoenvironmental units in the process of identification and delineation of APPs a see how much of the study area, the area by the Coast line in Natal/RN, is still good for occupation. It was used the physiognomic method, in which the limits of the units are plotted on a synthetic document (aerial photographs), valuing aspects of relief in a range of detail by the analysis of systemic categories (element, structure, function and interaction), observed. The methodology used allowed the identification and delineation of eleven geoenvironmental units and, from these, it was possible to identify and delineate four out of the five PPAs occurring in the study area. Only a small space of 1.2 ha of the study area is not considered APP by law. Thus, the occupation of the unoccupied area by the Coast line is not feasible from a legal standpoint. The geoenvironmental units as well as the identified and delineated APPs in the area by the Coast line are spaces which preservation is guaranteed by law in various scopes and are necessary to maintain the environmental functions of the area. The planning for the use and occupation of the area should involve the recovery of degraded areas and the creation of elements that make possible the use as well as attract the community, as provided in the initial planning, by ensuring the public utility and social interest in the Project.


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The ultimate goal of wildlife recovery is abundance growth of a species, though it must also involve the reestablishment of the species’ ecological role within ecosystems frequently modified by humans. Reestablishment and subsequent recovery may depend on the species’ degree of adaptive behavior as well as the duration of their functional absence and the extent of ecosystem alteration. In cases of long extirpations or extensive alteration, successful reestablishment may entail adjusting foraging behavior, targeting new prey species, and encountering unfamiliar predatory or competitive regimes. Recovering species must also increasingly tolerate heightened anthropogenic presence, particularly within densely inhabited coastal zones. In recent decades, gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) recovered from exploitation, depletion, and partial extirpation in the Northwest Atlantic. On Cape Cod, MA, USA, gray seals have reestablished growing breeding colonies and seasonally interact with migratory white sharks (Carcarodon carcharias). Though well-studied in portions of their range due to concerns over piscivorous impacts on valuable groundfish, there are broad knowledge gaps regarding their ecological role to US marine ecosystems. Furthermore, there are few studies that explicitly analyze gray seal behavior under direct risk of documented shark predation.

In this dissertation, I apply a behavioral and movement ecology approach to telemetry data to understand gray seal abundance and activity patterns along the coast of Cape Cod. This coastal focus complements extensive research documenting and describing offshore movement and foraging behavior and allows me to address questions about movement decisions and risk allocation. Using beach counts of seals visible in satellite imagery, I estimate the total regional abundance of gray seals using correction factors from haul out behavior and demonstrate a sizeable prey base of gray seals locally. Analyzing intra-annual space use patterns, I document small, concentrated home ranges utilizing nearshore habitats that rapidly expand with shifting activity budgets to target disperse offshore habitats following seasonal declines in white sharks. During the season of dense shark presence, seals conducted abbreviated nocturnal foraging trips structured temporally around divergent use of crepuscular periods. The timing of coastal behavior with different levels of twilight indicate risk allocation patterns with diel cycles of empirical white shark activity. The emergence of risk allocation to explain unique behavioral and spatial patterns observed in these gray seals points to the importance of the restored predator-prey dynamic in gray seal behavior along Cape Cod.


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Determining the habitat use of mobile marine species is important for understanding responses to climate change and aids the implementation of management and conservation measures. Inference of preferred habitat use has been greatly improved by combining satellite-based oceanographic data with animal tracking techniques. Although there have been several satellite-tracking studies on ocean sunfish Mola mola, limited information is available about either horizontal or vertical environmental preferences. In this study, both geographical movements and diving behaviour of ocean sunfish were explored together with the environmental factors influencing this species’ space use in the north-east Atlantic.


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Determining the habitat use of mobile marine species is important for understanding responses to climate change and aids the implementation of management and conservation measures. Inference of preferred habitat use has been greatly improved by combining satellite-based oceanographic data with animal tracking techniques. Although there have been several satellite-tracking studies on ocean sunfish Mola mola, limited information is available about either horizontal or vertical environmental preferences. In this study, both geographical movements and diving behaviour of ocean sunfish were explored together with the environmental factors influencing this species’ space use in the north-east Atlantic.


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L’utilisation de l’espace par une proie herbivore est souvent modulée par le compromis entre l’acquisition de fourrage et l’évitement de la prédation. Nous avons testé l’effet de la manipulation de la disponibilité de fourrage et du ratio couvert forestier/ouverture sur l’utilisation de l’espace par le cerf de Virginie (Odocoileus virginianus) et sa vulnérabilité à la chasse sportive sur l’île d’Anticosti. Nos résultats ont démontré que l’utilisation de l’espace par le cerf et sa vulnérabilité à la chasse peuvent être modifiées par différentes composantes structurales de l’habitat. L’augmentation de la disponibilité de fourrage a entrainé une plus grande utilisation des prairies fertilisées par le cerf, tandis que la diminution du ratio couvert forestier/ouverture a augmenté sa vulnérabilité à la chasse. Ces résultats procurent des pistes de solutions pour les gestionnaires fauniques qui doivent à la fois réduire les dommages causés par les hautes densités de cerfs et satisfaire les chasseurs en maintenant un nombre élevé d’observation de cerfs.


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A better understanding of the key ecological processes of marine organisms is fundamental to improving design and effective implementation of marine protected areas (MPAs) and marine biodiversity. The movement behavior of coral reef fish is a complex mechanism that is highly linked to species life-history traits, predation risk and food resources. We used passive acoustic telemetry to study monthly, daily and hourly movement patterns and space use in two species, Schoolmaster snapper (Lutjanus apodus) and Stoplight parrotfish (Sparisoma viride). We investigated the spatial overlap between the two species and compared intra-specific spatial overlap between day and night. Presence-absence models showed different diel presence and habitat use patterns between the two species. We constructed a spatial network of the movement patterns, which showed that for both species when fish were detected by the array of receivers most movements were made around the coral reef habitat while occasionally moving to silt habitats. Our results show that most individuals made predictable daily crepuscular migrations between different locations and habitat types, although individual behavioral changes were observed for some individuals across time. Our study also highlights the necessity to consider multiple species during MPA implementation and to take into account the specific biological and ecological traits of each species. The low number of fish detected within the receiver array, as well as the intraspecific variability observed in this study, highlight the need to compare results across species and individuals to be used for MPA management.


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O presente estudo foi realizado numa área com 156,5 Km/ localizada nos municípios de Évora e Montemor-o-Novo, a Sul de Portugal. Cinco genetas foram seguidas via telemetria durante seis meses visando o estudo do uso do espaço e comportamento relativamente às estradas. Estas, parecem funcionar como limites das áreas vitais da geneta actuando como barreira física e/ou social aos seus movimentos. Contudo, as genetas cruzaram diferentes tipos de estrada embora com frequência reduzida. Por outro lado, as genetas adoptaram uma distância de segurança média das estradas, de 1km, onde se verifica uma aproximação durante a noite e um distanciamento durante o dia. Todos os animais evidenciaram ter uma distribuição não aleatória relativamente às estradas concentrando-se maioritariamente apenas num dos lados da estradão que indica o efeito destas infra-estruturas como barreiras parciais ao movimento. A presença de galerias ripicolas parece promover o uso das bermas e durante o estudo todos os indivíduos seleccionaram positivamente estes habitats. ABSTRACT: The present study, was conducted in a 156,5 Km 2 area, located in the Évora and Montemor-o-Novo counties, southern Portugal. Five genets were radio-tracked for six months with the purpose of studying their space use and behavior towards roads. ln this study, roads seem to be artificial boundaries to genets' home ranges acting as physical and social barrier to their movements. However, genets have crossed different types of roads, although in lower frequencies. They adopted, in average, a security distance of 1km from roads being further during the day and closer at night. Ali animals showed a not random distribution on their activity concerning roads presence and their localizations tend to concentrate on one side of the road which confirms that these infrastructures pose a significant barrier to genets' movements. The existence of riparian galleries seems to promote roadside usage and during the study genets have selected positively these habitats.