864 resultados para Social Question


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Nuestra investigación se centró fundamentalmente en las distintas formas en que las derechas respondieron a los conflictos suscitados en el mundo del trabajo durante el período de entreguerras. En primer lugar, advertimos que la cuestión social fue adquiriendo un rol protagónico en la agenda nacionalista tal como puede verse, por ejemplo, a través del análisis de los periódicos. En efecto, los diarios más importantes adscriptos al nacionalismo desarrollaron un discurso radical respecto a los problemas sociales e incluyeron secciones específicas para tratar estas cuestiones y expresar una posición al respecto. Las respuestas del nacionalismo argentino frente a la cuestión obrera han sido múltiples y han abarcado distintas esferas de la vida social. Lejos de esperar que la solución a los problemas sociales proviniera exclusivamente de las medidas restrictivas y represivas hacia el movimiento obrero, los nacionalistas elaboraron programas sociales, políticos, económicos y culturales que formaron parte de su proyecto de nación autoritaria y jerárquica. Los proyectos sociales y las propuestas de organización sindical fueron en gran parte inspirados por los fascismos europeos los cuales incluyeron programas de contención social dentro de un orden político totalitario. En este sentido los nacionalistas argentinos intentaron mediante sus propuestas imponer un orden que contemplara las necesidades básicas de los sectores populares y que preservara las jerarquías sociales limitando la participación política o sindical de los trabajadores y eliminando definitivamente alas fuerzas de la izquierda revolucionaria. Las organizaciones obreras nacionalistas incluyeron todo tipo de trabajadores en sus filas y procuraron captar tanto a los afiliados de los sindicatos autónomos como a los trabajadores socialistas. Algunas de estas organizaciones fueron efímeras mientras que otras tuvieron más éxito y lograron atraer adherentes. Las mismas conformaron la corriente que hemos denominado nacionalismo sindicalista, la cual desarrolló su propia doctrina social fuertemente influenciada por las encíclicas papales. Las manifestaciones nacionalistas en el espacio público porteño han sido también analizadas in extenso. Existieron distintos tipos de manifestaciones para movilizar a los seguidores del nacionalismo y para captar nuevos adherentes, especialmente aquellos provenientes de los sectores populares. Las manifestaciones se convirtieron en el escenario de las disputas ideológicas mantenidas tanto contra la política liberal como contra la revolucionaria. La "revolución nacionalista", según la formulaban sus partidarios, implicaba trascender los aspectos políticos y económicos incorporando transformaciones en otras áreas de la vida social: las costumbres, las formas de vida, los gustos culturales, los valores. Los nacionalistas advirtieron que para lograr este tipo de "revolución" debían hacer usa de los medios de comunicación masivos y diseñar proyectos para regular las industrias culturales. El objetivo de representar a los sectores populares fracasó rotundamente. El discurso nacionalista que condenaba la diversidad étnico-religiosa, que amenazaba con eliminar las distintas voces políticas existentes, y que expresaba un odio visceral a sus enemigos (ya fueran judíos, anarquistas, comunistas, o liberales) fue extremadamente desafortunado para quienes procuraron ensanchar las bases de un movimiento antidemocrático originalmente elitista que, a la luz del contexto internacional y de las condiciones locales, devino en populista


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This paper explores the limits and potentials of European citizenship as a transnational form of social integration, taking as comparison Marshall's classical analysis of the historical development of social rights in the context of the national Welfare State. It is submitted that this potential is currently frustrated by the prevailing negative-integration dimension in which the interplay between Union citizenship and national systems of Welfare State takes place. This negative dimension pervades the entire case law of the Court of Justice on Union citizenship, even becoming dominant – after the famous Viking and Laval judgements – in the ways in which the judges in Luxembourg have built, and limited, what in Marshall’s terms might be called the European collective dimension of “industrial citizenship”. The new architecture of the economic and monetary governance of the Union, based as it is on an unprecedented effort towards a creeping constitutionalisation of a neo-liberal politics of austerity and welfare retrenchment, is destined to strengthen the de-structuring pressures on the industrial-relation and social protection systems of the member States. The conclusions sum-up the main critical arguments and make some suggestions for an alternative path for re-politicising the social question in Europe.


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"The following lectures have been prepared for delivery, in March, 1902, before the students of the Divinity School of Yale University, upon the Lyman Beecher Foundation"--Pref.


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The changes ocurred in the world of capitalist labor, especially from the last decades of the 20th century, accentuated the process of manipulation and domination of the working class, materialized mainly through naturalization and / or trivialization of violence, conducted in the work environment. From this process, emerge the elements of bullying, that is, the embarrassing and humiliating practices which extend through time, degrading human race, and becoming fruitful object for study, debate and the intervention of the professionals of the Social Service area. Thus, we assume the perspective of analyzing the concepts and the work of social workers, whom work at people management area before the bullying in the workplace. We propose the following objectives: apprehend the settings of bullying, in the contemporary context of competitiveness and flexibility of work, as well as its implications for workers' health; characterize the background of this expression of violence at work in the municipality of Natal- RN; and analyze the powers and duties of the social worker in the process of prevention, identification and addressing of bullying in the context of work. This study consisted of a qualitative approach, based on the dialectical-critical method as soon as we adopt methodological procedures such as: theoretical knowledge, documental and field research, and performed using semi-structured interviews. The subjects of this research were nine (09) the Social Service professionals working in personnel management area, in five (5) institutions with legal and branches of different activities, located in Natal-RN. Even interviewed one (01) representative of the Public Ministry of Rio Grande do Norte Office (MPT-RN). The findings of this analysis indicate that bullying is a contemporary expression of "social question", which is presented as a demand for the Social-assistants – covered up and / or camuflage – under the guise of problems related to workers' health or mere conflicts of interpersonal relationships, that is, without any causal connection with the organization of work. The fear of losing job, not to be inserted in the labor market, and / or suffering reprisals, deepens the subject levels of the victims of bullying. Hence the importance of Social Workers are capable to understand the social reality, by preventing and combating the elements of bullying.


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A partir dos anos 1990, tornou-se cada vez mais notória a formação de iniciativas de economia solidária que surgem com a perspectiva primeira de superar as condições de pobreza. Os Empreendimentos Econômicos Solidários (EES) configuram formas coletivas de organização do trabalho em que a relação entre capital e trabalho não está posta da forma tradicional e em que a dinâmica de gestão apresenta importante significado político e cultural, dando condições para superar a privação de capacidade políticas e materiais. O desenvolvimento da economia solidária no Brasil foi convergindo para a consolidação do Movimento da Economia Solidária, que possui, como principal expressão, o Fórum Brasileiro de Economia Solidária. A pesquisa que orienta esta tese estuda as dinâmicas que caracterizam a formação e consolidação do Fórum Brasileiro de Economia Solidária e visa, a partir deste sujeito de pesquisa, à percepção de como os atores políticos deste movimento estão configurando a organização popular em prol da transformação social. Para a realização da pesquisa, desenvolveu-se um estudo que envolveu, entre outros, trabalho de campo através de um corpus de pesquisa voltado ao acompanhamento de três plenárias estaduais (RJ, PB e RS) que compuseram o processo preparatório da IV Plenária Nacional de Economia Solidária. Além disso, realizou-se uma caracterização geral da situação da economia solidária nos três estados estudados no campo, tendo como fonte o Sistema de Informação de Economia Solidária da Secretaria Nacional de Economia Solidária. Este trabalho parte da compreensão de que a questão social é a categoria que melhor explica a totalidade do contexto em que se formam EES e, consequentemente, o movimento da economia solidária no Brasil. Assim, a reflexão teórica da presente tese é pautada na perspectiva de discutir a organização popular no movimento de economia solidária como contraponto significativo na questão social.


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar uma das diversas alterações decorrentes da contrarreforma do Estado brasileiro que tem incidido diretamente sobre o campo das políticas sociais: a adoção dos modelos privatizantes de gestão. A despeito do acirramento da questão social e consequente aumento da demanda por serviços sociais, o Estado tem caminhado numa via oposta. Focaliza as políticas sociais, precariza os serviços já existentes e drena recursos da seguridade social para sustentação das altas taxas de juros e pagamento da dívida pública. Somado a isso, para possibilitar a criação de novos espaços lucrativos, o Estado tem reeditado repetidamente diferentes instrumentos de privatização das políticas sociais as Organizações Sociais, as Organizações da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público, as Fundações Estatais de Direito Privado e a Empresa Brasileira de Serviços Hospitalares processando-se, desta forma, um duplo favorecimento do capital na apropriação do fundo público. Desse modo, conferimos especial destaque às Organizações Sociais, instrumento privilegiado da operacionalização da modernização da gestão da rede de serviços da atual gestão municipal da política de saúde carioca. Buscamos analisar as tendências da alocação dos recursos orçamentários da saúde no Rio de Janeiro (Função Saúde e Fundo Municipal), os contratos de gestão a fim de captar os processos de privatização, focalização e mercantilização da saúde, no período de 2009-2010. Nesse contexto, revelou-se uma profunda falta de transparência nos gastos públicos com a política de saúde carioca que perpassa os recursos destinados ao Fundo Municipal de Saúde, mas também se expressa nos inúmeros repasses financeiros muitas vezes elevados e sem justificativas palpáveis destinados às Organizações Sociais. Desse modo, a efetivação das ações e serviços do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) fica relegada ao segundo plano e põe-se na ordem do dia o favorecimento do capital através de uma apropriação cada vez maior do fundo público.


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi desenvolver uma discussão teórica acerca do projeto varguista que pôde ser percebido como uma tentativa de criação de um "Estado de bem-estar" no Brasil. Uma ampla base teórica traz elementos de análise sobre Estado de bem-estar, como contribuições sobre o processo de engajamento do Estado na constituição de estratégias para lidar com a "questão social", os motores desse engajamento, os atores envolvidos e o peso de seus papéis, os objetivos dos projetos de Estado de bem-estar e as consequências na instituição dos welfare states. A partir da proposta de Esping-Andersen de compreensão de diferentes regimes de welfare state - conservador, liberal e social-democrata - análise do projeto varguista resultou como enquadrado no modelo conservador. A saída corporativa, com a construção de políticas sociais - marcadamente trabalhistas -, apresentou-se como novo marco de coesão social, pelo qual poderia ser permitida a participação da classe trabalhadora. Assim como no modelo conservador sistematizado por Esping-Andersen, os direitos sociais brasileiros tiveram um reduzido potencial desmercantilizador se verificados na relação com a ideia de "cidadania regulada", pois indica uma cidadania orientada apenas para grupos ocupantes de categorias profissionais reconhecidas legalmente e pela qual a relação salarial foi traduzida em direitos e garantida constitucionalmente. As políticas sociais apresentam-se como verdadeiras políticas de formação de classe: a cidadania regulada transformava-se em promessa de inclusão, moldando as perspectivas e aspiração da classe trabalhadora e assim, legitimando a luta pela sua própria efetivação.


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Esta pesquisa busca ampliar o debate sobre os movimentos sociais de luta por moradia no contexto da cidade capitalista. Embasados no conceito de direito à cidade, objetivamos analisar as espacialidades dos movimentos sociais de luta por moradia na primeira década do século XXI, na área central do Rio de Janeiro. A presença de terrenos e edifícios vazios públicos ou privados suscita questionamentos pelo fato de um município com elevado déficit habitacional possuir tantos espaços vazios. Contradições que resultam da negação do direito à cidade a todos os cidadãos. Assim, a expansão das lutas por moradia na nossa sociedade expressa o profundo agravamento da denominada: questão social. Na atual conjuntura e ao mesmo tempo, revela a capacidade de organização de segmentos da classe trabalhadora extremamente pauperizada. A partir do estudo do processo de luta protagonizada pelos moradores das ocupações: Chiquinha Gonzaga, Manoel Congo e Regente Feijó. Analisamos como essa prática social produz uma nova espacialidade na área central, da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Essa dinâmica não indica apenas o momento de luta pela moradia, mas também como os movimentos sociais se organizam a partir desse espaço. Movimentos sociais urbanos que, no embate da vida cotidiana, produzem espaços e relações sociais alternativos ao modelo vigente de desenvolvimento geográfico desigual. A espacialidade das ocupações simboliza uma resistência e uma ação criativa ao demonstrar ao poder público que é possível transformar os espaços vazios na cidade em moradia popular, proporcionando, dessa maneira, melhora em termos de qualidade de vida dos seus moradores. O direito à cidade significa estar na cidade e vivenciá-la na sua plenitude, ou seja, fazendo uso de todas as suas benesses, participando ativamente da sua construção e reconstrução. Porém, a ação contrária dos agentes que se beneficiam da ordem vigente é imediata, e várias são as estratégias para desmobilizar os movimentos sociais. Nesse sentido, a formação de uma rede de resistência solidária dos movimentos sociais pela moradia busca: promover o fortalecimento da luta pelo direito à cidade.


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O presente estudo trata, a partir de uma abordagem crítica do debate no campo dos Direitos Humanos, da análise do extermínio de crianças e adolescentes no Rio de Janeiro, tendo em perspectiva que esses homicídios retratam a criminalização da pobreza como principal mecanismo de ação do Estado diante do agravamento da questão social e suas expressões. Inicialmente, a apresentação do arcabouço conceitual referencia as particularidades das violações dos direitos de crianças e adolescentes no contexto da formação sociohistórica brasileira, trazendo o debate na constituição do mito das classes perigosas. Em seguida procuramos compreender o contexto da crise capitalista contemporânea e a trajetória da consecução de direitos para crianças e adolescentes, circunscritos entre os avanços legais e o adensamento do processo de criminalização da infância e juventude pauperizada. Concluímos com a análise dos índices de homicídios da Região Metropolitana, a partir dos anos 90, abordando-os como resultado de um processo sistemático de extermínio de crianças e adolescentes, a culminância da violência cotidiana a qual estão submetidas, em contraposição a doutrina da proteção integral e da universalização de direitos.


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Sociology in Greece from 1907 to the Metaxas dictatorship (1936–40) and the Second World War This paper focuses on pre-conditions for sociology to develop and the subject matters of emerging sociology in Greece. Pre-conditions were at hand but without continuity, and the opportunity for sociology to develop was lost. Sociology is said to have started in 1907 with the book The Social Question by Georgos Skliros. He presented sociology and Marxism as identical and deals with Greek society and (among other things) the language issue, all of which triggered off a vibrant debate. Sociological associations and journals were started. However, the initially reformist perspective of social science was gradually replaced by an approach that was more socio-philosophical, influenced by classical sociology, German sociology in particular. This turn was associated with the institutionalization of sociology at the universities during the 1920’s. The Metaxas dictatorship in 1936 put a stop to any further development of sociology for a long time.


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The discussion about corporate obligations toward the various stakeholders began in the postindustrial era and developed to culminate in the creation of rules, regulations, programs and projects focusing on the dissemination and promotion of what we know today as corporate social responsibility (CSR). In this context, satisfying this new demand and adopting social policies emerge as a determining factor in defining organizational strategies. Nevertheless, some questions are raised when we examine the subject, such as: To what extent should organizations intervene in society? Is the decision for the organizations to adopt a socially responsible attitude really linked to promoting social well being, or is it only a commercial strategy? How does social marketing relate to CSR projects? The study herein, based on the concept and understanding of CSR theories, stakeholders and social marketing, has sought to find evidence of this relationship, in the light of the Global Compact (GC). It was decided to use the multi-case study methodology, considering the possibility of explaining the reasons why the decisions were taken, how they were implemented and what was the outcome. Interviews, supported by previously prepared scripts, were held with CSR managers, employees from other areas of the organizations, and specialists on the subject. Complementary research studies were made in various sources, such as the website of companies under analysis, their sustainability reports, and the GC websites in Brazil and the United Nations (UN). The results obtained show that the organizations have worked increasingly with CSR projects, but the efforts have not been focused. Special mention is given to the programs that create major impact on the company¿s image and reputation, such as projects competing for prizes and participating in the formation of rankings or socially responsible organizations. From the view of Carroll¿s Pyramid (1991) for CSR, it is found that the projects are predominantly focusing on ethical and philanthropic issues. The driving power of the GC, action based on learning, dialogue and partnership, is not to be found. This factor contributes to the statement that social marketing tools are used to build an ethical and socially responsible image, in detriment to effective action by the organizations to meet the social requirements of their stakeholders. The social marketing has as an objective to transform the way a specific public sees a social question and promotes behavior changes, but what has been seen is the use of marketing tools exclusively to promote the company's image.


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In the current systemic crisis, economic policy is directed to correct the consequences of the functioning of this metabolism, but within the limits of the capital. From this perspective, decision makers propose trade policies, agricultural and industrial to ensure conditions for economic growth. However, as a dead end, there is failure of the State in giving efficacy to the operation of all segments of the economy, especially given the budget constraint. Public managers are forced to seek external resources, resuming the cycle of political allegiance to the interests of international financial and banking representatives, installed in so-called multilateral. The complex ideological capital comes into play in trying to convince society that the paths taken by governments are inevitable, and that capitalism can be "humanized", even with the realization of the growing inequalities caused by historical irrationalism of the production process of capital . In this sense, emerging concepts that attempt to demonstrate the compatibility of the system to real human needs. This ideological offensive is intended to legitimize the capital. The so-called third sector has a special highlight with the concept of corporate social responsibility. It creates a political environment in which the inevitable mix-up with new illusions offered by and often funding the metabolism of capital in order to perpetuate this system. In this context, political elites, and considerable portions of the academy, embark on "waves of capitalist optimism," while the sociometabolismo capital expands its historical limits, driving forces postponing their collapse, but that cause human suffering and ecological stress. Wars are disseminated to strengthen the deadly war industry and the automobile industry; and devastating the environment of which depends the capital system. In this scenario disassemble, propositions emerge around a "new social pact" in order to minimize the adverse effects of the dynamics of reproduction of capital. The business class is called to exercise its role through the discourse that appeals to social responsibility programs, in order to intervene directly in the "social question". The core of this research is precisely this point. Although there is considerable scholarship on the phenomenon of Social Responsibility and Corporate Citizenship, there is also an evident lack of this approach focused on the banking sector in Brazil. The importance of rentier capital increased ownership of shares in the wealth produced by all of Brazilian society, justifies a sociological research project on Social Responsibility in the domestic financial sector. In this sense, it was decided to perform a dynamic approach to the "Corporate Citizenship" in the banking industry, specifically in the Bank of Brazil. As this is a key institution, is important analyze of the impacts of this strategy fetish of capitalist reproduction, in order to evaluate the social legitimization of rentier capital in Brazil. In this scenario of the abundance of the discourse on social responsibility there exist a progressive impoverishment of professional work in this segment in Brazil. There is a dramatic mismatch between rhetoric and practice because of the trend of deepening vulnerability of the working conditions of the Brazilian bank worker, from the 1990's. In the specific case of the Bank of Brazil, the first initiative of the institution was to conform to the principles of the UNO and the Ethos Institute, aiming to align their domestic policies to this new strategy of domination of capital. The purpose is to place the Bank in the ideological sphere of corporate social responsibility, just as with its partners in the private financial intercapitalist competition. Indeed, in the internal ambit of the Bank of Brazil, there is a policy to adjust its functional segments to the doctrine of Social Corporate Responsibility. The concepts of this doctrine is presented as something inexorable. There are no alternatives. The Bank of Brazil operates in a highly competitive market, the segment featuring the dominance of financial capital accumulation today. For this reason it can not fail to incorporate the technological advances organizational. For employees there is no alternative but to adapt to this new set of ideas proposed by the metabolism of capital


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This paper proposes discusses the theme of the youth and of the violation of rights in the context of the Young Agent Program developed in the local authority of Arez/RN, sugar cane region of the Brazilian northeast. We take like empirical reference, the young people in the age group from 15 to 17 years old that were participating of the activities of the Program, in the period of April to July of 2008. Objectives of this study were constituted, economical-partner apprehended the conditions and cultural of the young participants of the Young Agent Program, in the context of violations of rights; as well as the analysis of the limits and means, of the bases theoretician-politician, methodological and of the activities developed in the Program. In the persecution of the objectives we use like methodological instrumental the observation, activities in group with the focal group technique and the application of semi-structured interviews. As result, we notice that the violation of rights of the young persons inserted in the Young Agent Program of Arez sets itself up as reflex of the multiple determinations of the social question, inherent in the capitalist society, specified in the context of the poverty and of the social unequality that they acquire visibility in the hunger, in the unemployment / menial job, in the precarious dwelling, in the low schooling, for lack of leisure, in the violence between others. The approximations systematized in this healthy work relevant for the Unveiling of the reality of the Brazilian youth, specifically of Arez young people, in such a way that they come to subsidize future inquiries, are eaten by me also it promotes the discussion around the way like the Social Politics Programs they are implemented and driven in the capitalist society, in its neoliberal format, where the focusing and the selectivity is put on top to the detriment of the universal access of the democratic rights. So, the great challenge that is put for the XXI century is to cause to the voices from these which they do and this which build this country, in the continuous and tireless search of the rights realization in the struggle against the barbarism installed in the capitalist societycapitalista


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This Project was built to reflect about juvenile violence and the socio-educational´s range of community services provision. It is known that the juvenile violence is a phenomenon inserted on the capitalism system, backed on neo liberal project. Though, it is essential a historical analysis, showing the economical, political, social and cultural mechanisms which determine the juvenile violence personality. On this way, it is seek understand the elements that leads on work world changes, on the State and public politics sphere, that deepens social dissimilarities. On this propose, it is known that there is a relation among the violence, while one of many manifestations of social question on society and the macroestructuals´determinant that lead the teenager to a social rick situation. This research focused on a inquiry quail-quantitative, using the theoric-metodological procedures of observation, interview and documental quest techniques. The universe had been defined by the intentional sample of 22 interviewed on total, during August and October 2008, covering adolescents and their relatives, technical and the coordinator, which subsidized the Socio educational program of community services provision from Natal analysis of limits and their range. The results of this investigation indicate the necessity of development, with the teenagers authors of infringement acts, a care system that is grounded on a professional formation, respect on human rights and citizenship conquest, regarding that children and teenagers are designed as people on development, that have theirs rights and integral protection, being the State, society and family responsibility assure the integral development of them


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Includes bibliography