130 resultados para Slant Submanifold


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Satellite operators are starting to use the Ka-band (30/20 GHz) for communications systems requiring higher traffic capacity. The use of this band is expected to experience a significant growth in the next few years, as several operators have reported plans to launch new satellites with Ka-band capacity. It is worth mentioning the Ka-Sat satellite in Europe, launched in 2010, and ViaSat-1, of 2011, with coverage of USA1. Some other examples can be found in other parts of the World. Recent satellite communications standards, such as DVB-S22 or DVB-RCS3, which provide means to mitigate propagation impairments, have been developed with the objective of improving the use of the Ka-band, in comparison with previous technical standards. In the next years, the ALPHASAT satellite will bring about new opportunities4 for carrying out propagation and telecommunication experiments in the Ka- and Q/V-bands. Commercial uses are focused on the provision of high speed data communications, for Internet access and other applications. In the near future, it is expected that higher and higher data rates will also be needed to broadcast richer multimedia contents, including HD-TV, interactive content or 3D-TV. All of these services may be provided in the future by satellites of the current generation, whose life span can extend up to 2025 in some cases. Depending on local regulations, the available bandwidth for the satellite fixed and broadcasting services in the Ka-band is in excess of several hundred MHz, bidirectional, comprising more than 1 GHz for each sub-band in some cases. In this paper, the results of a propagation experiment that is being carried out at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain, are presented5. The objective of the experiment is twofold: gathering experimental time series of attenuation and analyzing them in order to characterize the propagation channel at these frequencies6. The experiment and statistical results correspond to five complete years of measurements. The experiment is described in more detail in Section II. Yearly characteristics of rain attenuation are presented in Section III, whereas Section IV is dedicated to the monthly, seasonal, and hourly characteristics. Section V covers the dynamic characteristics of this propagation effect, just before the conclusions are described in Section VI.


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Real‐time kinematic (RTK) GPS techniques have been extensively developed for applications including surveying, structural monitoring, and machine automation. Limitations of the existing RTK techniques that hinder their applications for geodynamics purposes are twofold: (1) the achievable RTK accuracy is on the level of a few centimeters and the uncertainty of vertical component is 1.5–2 times worse than those of horizontal components and (2) the RTK position uncertainty grows in proportional to the base‐torover distances. The key limiting factor behind the problems is the significant effect of residual tropospheric errors on the positioning solutions, especially on the highly correlated height component. This paper develops the geometry‐specified troposphere decorrelation strategy to achieve the subcentimeter kinematic positioning accuracy in all three components. The key is to set up a relative zenith tropospheric delay (RZTD) parameter to absorb the residual tropospheric effects and to solve the established model as an ill‐posed problem using the regularization method. In order to compute a reasonable regularization parameter to obtain an optimal regularized solution, the covariance matrix of positional parameters estimated without the RZTD parameter, which is characterized by observation geometry, is used to replace the quadratic matrix of their “true” values. As a result, the regularization parameter is adaptively computed with variation of observation geometry. The experiment results show that new method can efficiently alleviate the model’s ill condition and stabilize the solution from a single data epoch. Compared to the results from the conventional least squares method, the new method can improve the longrange RTK solution precision from several centimeters to the subcentimeter in all components. More significantly, the precision of the height component is even higher. Several geosciences applications that require subcentimeter real‐time solutions can largely benefit from the proposed approach, such as monitoring of earthquakes and large dams in real‐time, high‐precision GPS leveling and refinement of the vertical datum. In addition, the high‐resolution RZTD solutions can contribute to effective recovery of tropospheric slant path delays in order to establish a 4‐D troposphere tomography.


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Nanostructured Zn1-xMnxS films (0 less-than-or-equals, slant x less-than-or-equals, slant 0.25) were deposited on glass substrates by simple resistive thermal evaporation technique. All the films were deposited at 300 K in a vacuum of 2*10-6 m bar. All the films temperature dependence of resistivity revealed semiconducting behaviour of the samples. Hot probe test revealed that all the samples exhibited n-type conductivity. The nanohardness of the films ranges from 4.7 to 9.9 GPa, Young's modulus value ranging 69.7-94.2 GPa.


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New Video Gamer: Africa Needs More Technology (CNN 12/12/2011) In December 2011 CNN news service online edition (Sutter, 2011) posted a short item about Cwi Nqane, a Khoisan man who entered Samsung’s Namibian World Cyber Games (WCG) heats held at the 2011 the annual Windhoek Show. Cwi Nqane won a place on the Namibian WCG team playing a smartphone game called Asphalt 6: Adrena-line (Gameloft, 2011). Cwi was presented with a ‘top of the line’ Samsung Galaxy tablet and subsequently sent to compete in Korea. Later, other news and game news websites re-reported the incident, which inspired a variety of enthusiastic comment about tech-nology and ‘new knowledge’. Then Kotaku news service picked up the item (Narcisse, 2011) and took a very different slant. Kotaku proposed that Samsung was exploiting Cwi and had assumed the role of a Techno-Tarzan: “striding into Nqane’s homeland and swinging him off into the wonders of the modern world where they can trot him out as a curiosity”. These two perspectives on the story of Cwi’s WCG entry expose two dominant views on Indigenous knowledges and technologies: ICTs as progress for in-digenous peoples and ICTs as disruptive and exploitative. Neither position, however, allows for the claiming of digital technology by indigenous communities, indeed both views position indigenous cultures as being outsiders.


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Bulk SixTe100-x (10 less-than-or-equals, slant x less-than-or-equals, slant 28) glasses have been prepared by the melt quenching technique. The crystallization of these glasses has been studied by using differential scanning calorimetry. The composition dependence of the glass transition temperature Tg, the recrystallization temperature Tcr and the melting temperature Tm show an unusual behaviour at the composition x congruent with 20. The glasses with 10 less-than-or-equals, slant x less-than-or-equals, slant 20 undergo double glass transition and double stage crystallization phenomena. On the other hand, glasses with 22 less-than-or-equals, slant x less-than-or-equals, slant 28 exhibit eutectic crystallization. The phases at different stages of crystallization have been identified by using X-ray diffraction techniques. The unusual behaviour at x congruent with 20 can be explained on the basis of the changes in the network topologies of IV-VI chalcogenide glasses.


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This study investigated questions related to half-occlusion processing in human stereoscopic vision: (1) How does the depth location of a half-occluding figure affect the depth localization of adjacent monocular objects? (2) Is three-dimensional slant around vertical axis (geometric effect) affected by half-occlusion constraints? and (3) How the half-occlusion constraints and surface formation processes are manifested in stereoscopic capture? Our results showed that the depth localization of binocular objects affects the depth localization of discrete monocular objects. We also showed that the visual system has a preference for a frontoparallel surface interpretation if the half-occlusion configuration allows multiple interpretation alternatives. When the surface formation was constrained by textures, our results showed that a process of rematching spreading determines the resulting perception and that the spreading can be limited by illusory contours that support the presence of binocularly unmatched figures. The unmatched figures could be present, if the inducing figures producing the illusory surface contained binocular image differences that provided cues for quantitative da Vinci stereopsis. These findings provide evidence of the significant role of half-occlusions in stereoscopic processing.


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Pressure dependence of the electrical resistivity of bulk, melt quenched GexTe100−x glasses (15 less-than-or-equals, slant x less-than-or-equals, slant 28) has been studied up to 8GPa pressure. All the glasses exhibit a sharp, discontinuous glass to crystal transition under pressure. The high pressure crystalline phases are identified to have a face centered cubic structure. The value of the cell constant is 0.779nm for 15 less-than-or-equals, slant x less-than-or-equals, slant 17, 0.642nm for x=20 and 0.55lnm for 22 ≤ x ≤ 28 samples respectively. The cell constants of the high pressure crystalline phases suggest the possible existance of a new metastable crystalline compound in the Ge---Te system with F.C.C. structure and cell constant equal to 1.109nm as reported by Moore et al.


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Let Wm,p denote the Sobolev space of functions on Image n whose distributional derivatives of order up to m lie in Lp(Image n) for 1 less-than-or-equals, slant p less-than-or-equals, slant ∞. When 1 < p < ∞, it is known that the multipliers on Wm,p are the same as those on Lp. This result is true for p = 1 only if n = 1. For, we prove that the integrable distributions of order less-than-or-equals, slant1 whose first order derivatives are also integrable of order less-than-or-equals, slant1, belong to the class of multipliers on Wm,1 and there are such distributions which are not bounded measures. These distributions are also multipliers on Lp, for 1 < p < ∞. Moreover, they form exactly the multiplier space of a certain Segal algebra. We have also proved that the multipliers on Wm,l are necessarily integrable distributions of order less-than-or-equals, slant1 or less-than-or-equals, slant2 accordingly as m is odd or even. We have obtained the multipliers from L1(Image n) into Wm,p, 1 less-than-or-equals, slant p less-than-or-equals, slant ∞, and the multiplier space of Wm,1 is realised as a dual space of certain continuous functions on Image n which vanish at infinity.


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This paper describes an approach based on Zernike moments and Delaunay triangulation for localization of hand-written text in machine printed text documents. The Zernike moments of the image are first evaluated and we classify the text as hand-written using the nearest neighbor classifier. These features are independent of size, slant, orientation, translation and other variations in handwritten text. We then use Delaunay triangulation to reclassify the misclassified text regions. When imposing Delaunay triangulation on the centroid points of the connected components, we extract features based on the triangles and reclassify the text. We remove the noise components in the document as part of the preprocessing step so this method works well on noisy documents. The success rate of the method is found to be 86%. Also for specific hand-written elements such as signatures or similar text the accuracy is found to be even higher at 93%.


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Data assimilation provides an initial atmospheric state, called the analysis, for Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP). This analysis consists of pressure, temperature, wind, and humidity on a three-dimensional NWP model grid. Data assimilation blends meteorological observations with the NWP model in a statistically optimal way. The objective of this thesis is to describe methodological development carried out in order to allow data assimilation of ground-based measurements of the Global Positioning System (GPS) into the High Resolution Limited Area Model (HIRLAM) NWP system. Geodetic processing produces observations of tropospheric delay. These observations can be processed either for vertical columns at each GPS receiver station, or for the individual propagation paths of the microwave signals. These alternative processing methods result in Zenith Total Delay (ZTD) and Slant Delay (SD) observations, respectively. ZTD and SD observations are of use in the analysis of atmospheric humidity. A method is introduced for estimation of the horizontal error covariance of ZTD observations. The method makes use of observation minus model background (OmB) sequences of ZTD and conventional observations. It is demonstrated that the ZTD observation error covariance is relatively large in station separations shorter than 200 km, but non-zero covariances also appear at considerably larger station separations. The relatively low density of radiosonde observing stations limits the ability of the proposed estimation method to resolve the shortest length-scales of error covariance. SD observations are shown to contain a statistically significant signal on the asymmetry of the atmospheric humidity field. However, the asymmetric component of SD is found to be nearly always smaller than the standard deviation of the SD observation error. SD observation modelling is described in detail, and other issues relating to SD data assimilation are also discussed. These include the determination of error statistics, the tuning of observation quality control and allowing the taking into account of local observation error correlation. The experiments made show that the data assimilation system is able to retrieve the asymmetric information content of hypothetical SD observations at a single receiver station. Moreover, the impact of real SD observations on humidity analysis is comparable to that of other observing systems.


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Accurate and stable time series of geodetic parameters can be used to help in understanding the dynamic Earth and its response to global change. The Global Positioning System, GPS, has proven to be invaluable in modern geodynamic studies. In Fennoscandia the first GPS networks were set up in 1993. These networks form the basis of the national reference frames in the area, but they also provide long and important time series for crustal deformation studies. These time series can be used, for example, to better constrain the ice history of the last ice age and the Earth s structure, via existing glacial isostatic adjustment models. To improve the accuracy and stability of the GPS time series, the possible nuisance parameters and error sources need to be minimized. We have analysed GPS time series to study two phenomena. First, we study the refraction in the neutral atmosphere of the GPS signal, and, second, we study the surface loading of the crust by environmental factors, namely the non-tidal Baltic Sea, atmospheric load and varying continental water reservoirs. We studied the atmospheric effects on the GPS time series by comparing the standard method to slant delays derived from a regional numerical weather model. We have presented a method for correcting the atmospheric delays at the observational level. The results show that both standard atmosphere modelling and the atmospheric delays derived from a numerical weather model by ray-tracing provide a stable solution. The advantage of the latter is that the number of unknowns used in the computation decreases and thus, the computation may become faster and more robust. The computation can also be done with any processing software that allows the atmospheric correction to be turned off. The crustal deformation due to loading was computed by convolving Green s functions with surface load data, that is to say, global hydrology models, global numerical weather models and a local model for the Baltic Sea. The result was that the loading factors can be seen in the GPS coordinate time series. Reducing the computed deformation from the vertical time series of GPS coordinates reduces the scatter of the time series; however, the long term trends are not influenced. We show that global hydrology models and the local sea surface can explain up to 30% of the GPS time series variation. On the other hand atmospheric loading admittance in the GPS time series is low, and different hydrological surface load models could not be validated in the present study. In order to be used for GPS corrections in the future, both atmospheric loading and hydrological models need further analysis and improvements.


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Uniform field steady-state ionization currents were measured in dry air as a function of N at constant E/N (E is the electric field strength and N the gas number density) and constant electrode separation d for 14·13 × 10-16 less-than-or-eq, slant E/N less-than-or-eq, slant 282·5 × 10-16 V cm2. Uniform field sparking potentials were also measured for Nd range 1·24 × 1016 less-than-or-eq, slant Nd less-than-or-eq, slant 245 × 1016 cm-2. The ratio of the Townsend primary ionization coefficient α to N, α/N, was found to depend on E/N only. The secondary coefficients were also evaluated for aluminium and gold-plated electrodes for the above range of E/N. Measurements of the sparking potentials showed that Paschen's law is not obeyed in air at values of Nd near and below the Paschen minimum.


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Using normal mode analysis Rayleigh-Taylor instability is investigated for three-layer viscous stratified incompressible steady flow, when the top 3rd and bottom 1st layers extend up to infinity, the middle layer has a small thickness δ. The wave Reynolds number in the middle layer is assumed to be sufficiently small. A dispersion relation (a seventh degree polynomial in wave frequency ω) valid up to the order of the maximal value of all possible Kj (j less-than-or-equals, slant 0, K is the wave number) in each coefficient of the polynomial is obtained. A sufficient condition for instability is found out for the first time, pursuing a medium wavelength analysis. It depends on ratios (α and β) of the coefficients of viscosity, the thickness of the middle layer δ, surface tension ratio T and wave number K. This is a new analytical criterion for Rayleigh-Taylor instability of three-layer fluids. It recovers the results of the corresponding problem for two-layer fluids. Among the results obtained, it is observed that taking the coefficients of viscosity of 2nd and 3rd layers same can inhibit the effect of surface tension completely. For large wave number K, the thickness of the middle layer should be correspondingly small to keep the domain of dependence of the threshold wave number Kc constant for fixed α, β and T.


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It is possible to substitute Bi in the superconducting BaPb0.75Bi0.25O3 by Sb or Te without destroying the superconductivity. With Sb, a continuous series of solid solutions BaPb0.75Bi0.25?ySbyO3 (0 less-than-or-equals, slant y less-than-or-equals, slant 0.25) exists, while with Te, perovskite BaPb0.75Bi0.25?yTeyO3 exists only upto y = 0.15. With increasing substitution by Sb or Te, Tc decreases continously in both the systems. Superconductivity with a maximum Tc of 8K is found in Ba0.9La0.1Pb0.9?yBiyTl0.1O3 for y = 0.25.