972 resultados para Singular perturbations


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In this paper we develop an adaptive procedure for the numerical solution of general, semilinear elliptic problems with possible singular perturbations. Our approach combines both prediction-type adaptive Newton methods and a linear adaptive finite element discretization (based on a robust a posteriori error analysis), thereby leading to a fully adaptive Newton–Galerkin scheme. Numerical experiments underline the robustness and reliability of the proposed approach for various examples


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Comparing the Poincaré plots of the Tokamap and the underlying Hamiltonian system reveals large differences. This stems from the particular choice of evaluation of the singular perturbations present in the system (a series of δ functions). A symmetric evaluation approach is proposed and shown to yield results that almost perfectly match the Hamiltonian system. © 2005 The American Physical Society.


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Moist singular vectors (MSV) have been applied successfully to predicting mid-latitude storms growing in association with latent heat of condensation. Tropical cyclone sensitivity has also been assessed. Extending this approach to more general tropical weather systems here, MSVs are evaluated for understanding and predicting African easterly waves, given the importance of moist processes in their development. First results, without initial moisture perturbations, suggest MSVs may be used advantageously. Perturbations bear similar structural and energy profiles to previous idealised non-linear studies and observations. Strong sensitivities prevail in the metrics and trajectories chosen, and benefits of initial moisture perturbations should be appraised. Copyright © 2009 Royal Meteorological Society


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A key aspect in designing an ecient decadal prediction system is ensuring that the uncertainty in the ocean initial conditions is sampled optimally. Here, we consider one strategy to address this issue by investigating the growth of optimal perturbations in the HadCM3 global climate model (GCM). More specically, climatically relevant singular vectors (CSVs) - the small perturbations which grow most rapidly for a specic initial condition - are estimated for decadal timescales in the Atlantic Ocean. It is found that reliable CSVs can be estimated by running a large ensemble of integrations of the GCM. Amplication of the optimal perturbations occurs for more than 10 years, and possibly up to 40 years. The identi ed regions for growing perturbations are found to be in the far North Atlantic, and these perturbations cause amplication through an anomalous meridional overturning circulation response. Additionally, this type of analysis potentially informs the design of future ocean observing systems by identifying the sensitive regions where small uncertainties in the ocean state can grow maximally. Although these CSVs are expensive to compute, we identify ways in which the process could be made more ecient in the future.


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We study the feasibility of using the singular vector technique to create initial condition perturbations for short-range ensemble prediction systems (SREPS) focussing on predictability of severe local storms and in particular deep convection. For this a new final time semi-norm based on the convective available potential energy (CAPE) is introduced. We compare singular vectors using the CAPE-norm with SVs using the more common total energy (TE) norm for a 2-week summer period in 2007, which includes a case of mesoscale extreme rainfall in the south west of Finland. The CAPE singular vectors perturb the CAPE field by increasing the specific humidity and temperature of the parcel and increase the lapse rate above the parcel in the lower troposphere consistent with physical considerations. The CAPE-SVs are situated in the lower troposphere. This in contrast to TE-SVs with short optimization times which predominantly remain in the high troposphere. By examining the time evolution of the CAPE singular values we observe that the convective event in the south west of Finland is clearly associated with high CAPE singular values.


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This paper is mainly devoted to the study of the limit cycles that can bifurcate from a linear center using a piecewise linear perturbation in two zones. We consider the case when the two zones are separated by a straight line Σ and the singular point of the unperturbed system is in Σ. It is proved that the maximum number of limit cycles that can appear up to a seventh order perturbation is three. Moreover this upper bound is reached. This result confirms that these systems have more limit cycles than it was expected. Finally, center and isochronicity problems are also studied in systems which include a first order perturbation. For the latter systems it is also proved that, when the period function, defined in the period annulus of the center, is not monotone, then it has at most one critical period. Moreover this upper bound is also reached.


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Traditionally, the aquisition of skills and sport movement has been characterised by numerous repetitions of presumed model movement pattern to be acquired by learners. This approach has been questioned by research identifying the presence of individualised movement patterns and the low probability of occurrence of two identical movements within and between individuals. In contrast, the differential learning approach claims advantage for incurring variability in the learning process by adding stochastic perturbations during practice. These ideas are exemplified by data from a high jump experiment which compared the effectiveness of classical and a differential training approach with pre-post test design. Results showed clear advantages for the group with additional stochastic perturbation during the aquisition phase in comparison to classically trained athletes. Analogies to similar phenomenological effects in the neurobiological literature are discussed.


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In this study, the promising metabolomic approach integrating with ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA) was applied to characterize the tissue specific metabolic perturbation of rats that was induced by indomethacin. The selective pattern recognition analyses were applied to analyze global metabolic profiling of urine of rats treated by indomethacin at an acute dosage of reference that has been proven to induce tissue disorders in rats, evaluated throughout the time-course of -24-72 h. The results preliminarily revealed that modifications of amino acid metabolism, fatty acid metabolism and energetically associated metabolic pathways accounted for metabolic perturbation of the rats that was induced by indomethacin. Furthermore, IPA was applied to deeply analyze the biomarkers and their relations with the metabolic perturbations evidenced by pattern recognition analyses. Specific biochemical functions affected by indomethacin suggested that there is an important correlation of its effects in kidney and liver metabolism, based on the determined metabolites and their pathway-based analysis. The IPA correlation of the three major biomarkers, identified as creatinine, prostaglandin E2 and guanosine, suggested that the administration of indomethacin induced certain levels of toxicity in the kidneys and liver. The changes in the levels of biomarker metabolites allowed the phenotypical determination of the metabolic perturbations induced by indomethacin in a time-dependent manner.


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Following the derivation of amplitude equations through a new two-time-scale method [O'Malley, R. E., Jr. & Kirkinis, E (2010) A combined renormalization group-multiple scale method for singularly perturbed problems. Stud. Appl. Math. 124, 383-410], we show that a multi-scale method may often be preferable for solving singularly perturbed problems than the method of matched asymptotic expansions. We illustrate this approach with 10 singularly perturbed ordinary and partial differential equations. © 2011 Cambridge University Press.


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The problem of structural damage detection based on measured frequency response functions of the structure in its damaged and undamaged states is considered. A novel procedure that is based on inverse sensitivity of the singular solutions of the system FRF matrix is proposed. The treatment of possibly ill-conditioned set of equations via regularization scheme and questions on spatial incompleteness of measurements are considered. The application of the method in dealing with systems with repeated natural frequencies and (or) packets of closely spaced modes is demonstrated. The relationship between the proposed method and the methods based on inverse sensitivity of eigensolutions and frequency response functions is noted. The numerical examples on a 5-degree of freedom system, a one span free-free beam and a spatially periodic multi-span beam demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method and its superior performance vis-a-vis methods based on inverse eigensensitivity.


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A direct method of solution is presented for singular integral equations of the first kind, involving the combination of a logarithmic and a Cauchy type singularity. Two typical cages are considered, in one of which the range of integration is a Single finite interval and, in the other, the range of integration is a union of disjoint finite intervals. More such general equations associated with a finite number (greater than two) of finite, disjoint, intervals can also be handled by the technique employed here.


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We extend here the formalism developed in Part I (for the potentiostatic response) to the admittance analysis of the scheme of squares. The results are applicable, as before, to several configurations of the electrode such as the rotating disk or the planar. All that one has to do is “to plug in” the appropriate matrices relating the interfacial concentrations to the fluxes.


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Tutkimuksen aihe on subjektipronominin ei-pakollinen käyttö finiittisten verbimuotojen yhteydessä espanjan ja portugalin kielessä. Tutkimuskohteena ovat yksikön ensimmäisen persoonan verbimuodot Espanjassa ja Portugalissa kerätyissä puhekielen korpuksissa. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on selvittää, mitkä semanttiset ja pragmaattiset tekijät vaikuttavat subjektipronominin ei-pakollisen käytön yleisyyteen ja mitä systemaattisia eroja subjektipronominin käytössä on espanjan ja portugalin välillä. Tutkimus kuuluu korpuslingvistiikan alaan ja ensisijaisena tutkimusmetodina on kvantitatiivinen vertailu. Tutkimus osoittaa, että yksikön ensimmäisen persoonan subjektipronominin ei-pakollinen käyttö on käytännössä kaikissa konteksteissa yleisempää portugalissa kuin espanjassa. Tätä eroa voidaan selittää kielten konstituenttirakenteen typologisella erilaisuudella. Subjektin semanttinen rooli on tutkimuksen perusteella sidoksissa subjektipronominin käyttöön enemmän espanjassa kuin portugalissa, mutta kummassakaan kielessä subjektipronominin käyttöä ei voida selittää pelkästään subjektin semanttisella roolilla. Molemmissa kielissä samanviitteisyys edellisen subjektin kanssa vähentää subjektipronominin käyttöä, kun taas subjektipronominin ei-referentiaalinen käyttö ja toisaalta verbin ilmaiseman toiminnan irreaalisuus lisäävät sitä. Tutkimustulokset antavat aihetta lisätutkimukseen pronominien ja verbien ei-referentiaalisesta ja irreaalisesta käytöstä espanjassa ja portugalissa sekä typologi-seen tutkimukseen subjektipronominien käyttöön vaikuttavista tekijöistä eri kielissä.