981 resultados para Simulation package
Resumen: Se realizaron las experiencias planificadas con el objeto de analizar el comportamiento del catalizador en la columna metálica, para simular condiciones de planta piloto. Se modificaron las masas de catalizador y se realizaron ciclos de adsorción, desorción y readsorción sucesivos sobre una misma muestra, con lo que se determinaron variaciones en la eficiencia del mismo. En otra fase se desarrolló el estudio teórico de la adsorción de O2 y CO2 sobre el mismo sustrato, y el estudio de la cinética de la reacción entre CH4, SO2 y el O2 por medio del programa VASP (Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package). Se verificó, a través de los datos experimentales y teóricos y en colaboración con el Dr. V. A. Ranea y el Prof. E. E. Mola (INIFTA, UNLP), la presencia de especies sulfito y sulfato sobre la superficie del soporte. Experimentalmente, se observa que la eficiencia de adsorción del catalizador respecto al SO2 es cercana al 100%. Se observa un pico de termodesorción a 1120 K. Luego, se estudió la oxidación de CH4 con SO2. Se observa que hay producción de CO2 desde temperatura inicial, seguida de un aumento en la formación de CO2 hasta 330-340 K. Luego, la producción de CO2 se mantiene aproximadamente constante. Mediante el empleo de la ecuación de Arrhenius y resultados experimentales, se obtuvo la energía de activación de la reacción global, de 7 Kcal/mol. También se observó que el incremento del flujo de SO2 a valores superiores a 200 ml/min no incrementa la cantidad de SO2 retenida en el rango de 923-1023K. Para un incremento de masa de sustrato catalítico de 0,025 a 0,050 g, la masa retenida de SO2 se incrementa un 70,61%. Mediante estudios teóricos, se determinó que la energía de quimisorción del SO2 sobre el Cr2O3 es de -3.09 eV para la configuración más estable.
Resumen: Se propone utilizar un óxido como el Cr2O3 como catalizador ya que se ha determinado anteriormente, en la primera etapa de esta investigación, (“Estudio comparativo de la retención de SO2 sobre óxidos de metales de transición soportados en alúmina”), que la retención de SO2 sobre su superficie es un proceso de quimisorción con formación de especies sulfito superficiales sobre sitios básicos y un proceso de óxido reducción del ión metálico. Apoya este mecanismo el hecho de que la cantidad de SO2 adsorbido es función de la temperatura. La mayor eficiencia del Cr2O3 puede explicarse en base a sus propiedades superficiales, lo cual ha sido utilizado en la segunda etapa de reacción de reducción, ya que se ha completado la etapa inicial de quimisorción. En la segunda etapa de esta investigación (“Estudio de la reacción de reducción de SO2 con CH4 a altas temperaturas sobre catalizador de Cr2O3 soportado en alúmina”), se apuntó al estudio de un nuevo tipo de sinergia entre propiedades ácido-base y propiedades redox en una misma superficie. La tercera etapa apuntó a determinar la influencia que tiene el O2 en este proceso, ya que el O2 se encuentra presente en las chimeneas industriales en las condiciones de reacción entre el SO2 y el CH4, y produce modificaciones en los parámetros de reacción. Se experimentó con diferentes masas de catalizador y flujos de los distintos gases, y se estudió la influencia de la presencia de oxígeno en la reacción y particularmente con diferentes flujos del mismo, y la posibilidad de regeneración del catalizador.En esta cuarta y última etapa se están estudiando los cambios que se producen en la reacción al pasar de escala laboratorio a planta piloto utilizando una columna de mayor diámetro construída en metal. A través de los datos experimentales se está estudiando, en conjunto con el INIFTA, la presencia de especies sulfito y sulfato sobre la superficie del soporte. Adicionalmente, por medio del programa VASP (Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package), se analiza la interacción entre los reactivos gaseosos y el soporte.
In the preparation of small organic paramagnets, these structures may conceptually be divided into spin-containing units (SCs) and ferromagnetic coupling units (FCs). The synthesis and direct observation of a series of hydrocarbon tetraradicals designed to test the ferromagnetic coupling ability of m-phenylene, 1,3-cyclobutane, 1,3- cyclopentane, and 2,4-adamantane (a chair 1,3-cyclohexane) using Berson TMMs and cyclobutanediyls as SCs are described. While 1,3-cyclobutane and m-phenylene are good ferromagnetic coupling units under these conditions, the ferromagnetic coupling ability of 1,3-cyclopentane is poor, and 1,3-cyclohexane is apparently an antiferromagnetic coupling unit. In addition, this is the first report of ferromagnetic coupling between the spins of localized biradical SCs.
The poor coupling of 1,3-cyclopentane has enabled a study of the variable temperature behavior of a 1,3-cyclopentane FC-based tetraradical in its triplet state. Through fitting the observed data to the usual Boltzman statistics, we have been able to determine the separation of the ground quintet and excited triplet states. From this data, we have inferred the singlet-triplet gap in 1,3-cyclopentanediyl to be 900 cal/mol, in remarkable agreement with theoretical predictions of this number.
The ability to simulate EPR spectra has been crucial to the assignments made here. A powder EPR simulation package is described that uses the Zeeman and dipolar terms to calculate powder EPR spectra for triplet and quintet states.
Methods for characterizing paramagnetic samples by SQUID magnetometry have been developed, including robust routines for data fitting and analysis. A precursor to a potentially magnetic polymer was prepared by ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP), and doped samples of this polymer were studied by magnetometry. While the present results are not positive, calculations have suggested modifications in this structure which should lead to the desired behavior.
Source listings for all computer programs are given in the appendix.
G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) form a large family of proteins and are very important drug targets. They are membrane proteins, which makes computational prediction of their structure challenging. Homology modeling is further complicated by low sequence similarly of the GPCR superfamily.
In this dissertation, we analyze the conserved inter-helical contacts of recently solved crystal structures, and we develop a unified sequence-structural alignment of the GPCR superfamily. We use this method to align 817 human GPCRs, 399 of which are nonolfactory. This alignment can be used to generate high quality homology models for the 817 GPCRs.
To refine the provided GPCR homology models we developed the Trihelix sampling method. We use a multi-scale approach to simplify the problem by treating the transmembrane helices as rigid bodies. In contrast to Monte Carlo structure prediction methods, the Trihelix method does a complete local sampling using discretized coordinates for the transmembrane helices. We validate the method on existing structures and apply it to predict the structure of the lactate receptor, HCAR1. For this receptor, we also build extracellular loops by taking into account constraints from three disulfide bonds. Docking of lactate and 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid shows likely involvement of three Arg residues on different transmembrane helices in binding a single ligand molecule.
Protein structure prediction relies on accurate force fields. We next present an effort to improve the quality of charge assignment for large atomic models. In particular, we introduce the formalism of the polarizable charge equilibration scheme (PQEQ) and we describe its implementation in the molecular simulation package Lammps. PQEQ allows fast on the fly charge assignment even for reactive force fields.
The GTO model presented in this paper uses analytical expressions to describe the internal physics of the device. It has been implemented to run as compiled code in the SPICE simulation package and as a MAST template in the Saber simulator. A rigorous comparison of measured simulated waveforms and performance parameters (including turn-off energies) for a 3000A device is described and discussed.
The integration and application of a new multi-objective tabu search optimization algorithm for Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) problems are presented. The aim is to enhance the computational design process for real world applications and to achieve higher performance of the whole system for the four considered objectives. The described system combines the optimizer with a well established FSI solver which is based on the fully implicit, monolithic formuFlation of the problem in the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian FEM approach. The proposed solver resolves the proposed uid-structure interaction benchmark which describes the self-induced elastic deformation of a beam attached to a cylinder in laminar channel ow. The optimized ow characteristics of the aforementioned geometrical arrangement illustrate the performance of the system in two dimensions. Special emphasis is given to the analysis of the simulation package, which is of high accuracy and is the core of application. The design process identifies the best combination of ow features for optimal system behavior and the most important objectives. In addition, the presented methodology has the potential to run in parallel, which will significantly speed-up the elapsed time. Finite Element Method (FEM), Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI), Multi-Ojective Tabu search (MOTS2). Copyright © 2013 Tech Science Press.
This paper studies the electronic structure and native defects intransparent conducting oxides CuScO2 and CuYO2 using the first-principle calculations. Some typical native copper-related and oxygen-related defects, such as vacancy, interstitials, and antisites in their relevant charge state are considered. The results of calculation show that, CuMO2 (M = Sc, Y) is impossible to shown-type conductivity ability. It finds that copper vacancy and oxygen interstitial have relatively low formation energy and they are the relevant defects in CuScO2 and CuYO2. Copper vacancy is the most efficient acceptor, and under O-rich condition oxygen antisite also becomes important acceptor and plays an important role in p-type conductivity.
In the past decade density functional theory (DFT) has made its way from a peripheral position in quantum chemistry to center. Of course the often excellent accuracy of the DFT based methods has provided the primary driving force of this development. This dissertation is devoted to the study of physical and chemical properties of planetary materials by first-principle calculation. The concerned properties include the geometry, elastic constants and anisotropy. In the first chapter, we give a systematic introduction to theoretical background and review its progress. Development of quantum chemistry promotes the establishment of DFT. Theorem of Hohenberg-Kohn is the fundament of DFT and is developed to Kohn-Sham equation, which can be used to perform real calculations. Now, new corrections and extensions, together with developed exchange-correlation, have made DFT more accurate and suitable for larger systems. In the second chapter, we focus on the calculational methods and technical aspects of DFT. Although it is important to develop methods and program, external package are still often used. At the end of this chapter, we briefly some widely used simulation package and the application of DFT. In the third chapter, we begin to focus on properties of real materials by first principles calculation. We study a kind of minerals named Ca perovskite, investigate its possible structure and anisotropy at Earth’s mental condition. By understanding and predicting geo-physically important materials properties at extreme conditions, we can get the most accurate information to interpret seismic data in the context of likely geophysical processes.
A Theoretical and Experimental Study of Resonance in a High Performance Engine Intake System: Part 1
The unsteady gas dynamic phenomena in engine intake systems of the type found in racecars have been examined. In particular, the resonant tuning effects, including cylinder-to-cylinder power variations, which can occur as a result of the interaction between an engine and its airbox have been considered. Frequency analysis of the output from a Virtual 4-Stroke 1D engine simulation was used to characterise the forcing function applied by an engine to an airbox. A separate computational frequency sweeping technique, which employed the CFD package FLUENT, was used to determine the natural frequencies of virtual airboxes in isolation from an engine. Using this technique, an airbox with a natural frequency at 75 Hz was designed for a Yamaha R6 4-cylinder motorcycle engine. The existence of an airbox natural frequency at 75 Hz was subsequently confirmed by an experimental frequency sweeping technique carried out on the engine test bed. A coupled 1D/3D analysis which employed the engine simulation package Virtual 4-Stroke and the CFD package FLUENT, was used to model the combined engine and airbox system. The coupled 1D/3D analysis predicted a 75 Hz resonance of the airbox at an engine speed of 9000 rpm. This frequency was the induction frequency for a single cylinder. An airbox was fabricated and tested on the engine. Static pressure was recorded at a grid of points in the airbox as the engine was swept through a speed range of 3000 to 10000 rpm. The measured engine speed corresponding to resonance in the airbox agreed well with the predicted values. There was also good correlation between the amplitude and phase of the pressure traces recorded within the airbox and the 1D/3D predictions.
A Theoretical and Experimental Study of Resonance in a High Performance Engine Intake System: Part 2
The unsteady gas dynamic phenomena in a racecar airbox have been examined, and resonant tuning effects have been considered. A coupled 1D/3D analysis, using the engine simulation package Virtual 4-Stroke and the CFD package FLUENT, was used to model the engine and airbox. The models were experimentally validated. An airbox was designed with a natural frequency in the region of 75 Hz. A coupled 1D/3D analysis of the airbox and a Yamaha R6 4 cylinder engine predicted resonance at the single-cylinder induction frequency; 75 Hz at an engine speed of 9000 rpm.
Design equations are presented for calculating the resonance frequencies for a compact dual frequency arrow-shaped microstrip antenna. This provides a fast and simple way to predict the resonant frequencies of the antenna. The antenna is also analyzed using the IE3D simulation package. The theoretical predictions are found to be very close to the IE3D results and thus establish the validity of the design formulae
Systems which employ underwater acoustic energy for observation or communication are called sonar systems. The active and passive sonars are the two types of systems used for the detection and localisation of targets in underwater. Active sonar involves the transmission of an acoustic signal which, when reflected from a target, provides the sonar receiver with a basis for the detection and estimation. Passive sonar bases its detection and estimation on sounds which emanate from the target itself--Machinery noise, flow noise, transmission from its own active sonar etc.Electroacoustic transducers are used in sonar systems for the transmission and detection of acoustic energy. The transducer which is used for the transmission of acoustic energy is called projector and the one used for reception is called hydrophone. Since a single transducer is not sufficient enough for long range and directional transmission, a properly distributed array of transducers are to be used [9-11].The need and requirement for spatial processing to generate the most favourable directivity patterns for transducer systems used in underwater applications have already been analysed by several investigators [12-21].The desired directivity pattern can be either generated by the use of suitable focussing techniques or by an array of non-directional sensor elements, whose arrangements, spacing and the mode of excitation provide the required radiation pattern or by the combination of these.While computing that the directivity pattern, it is assumed strength of the elements are unaffected by the the source acoustic pressure at each source. However, in closely packed a r r a y s , the acoustic interaction effects experienced among the elements will modify the behaviour of individual elements and in turn will reduce the acoust ic source leve 1 wi t h respect to the maximum t heoret i cal va 1ue a s well as degrade the beam pa t tern. Th i s ef fect shou 1d be reduced in systems that are intended to generate high acoustic power output and unperturbed beam patterns [2,22-31].The work herein presented includes an approach for designing efficient and well behaved underwater transd~cer arrays, taking into account the acoustic interaction effect experienced among the closely packed multielement arrays.Architectural modifications reducing the interaction effect different radiating apertures.
Cold pitched roofs, with their form of construction situating insulation on a horizontal ceiling, are intrinsically vulnerable to condensation. This study reports the results derived from using a simulation package (Heat, Air and Moisture modelling tool, or HAM-Tools) to investigate the risk of condensation in cold pitched roofs in housing fitted with a vapour-permeable underlay (VPU) of known characteristics. In order to visualize the effect of the VPUs on moisture transfer, several scenarios were modelled, and compared with the results from a conventional bituminous felt with high resistance (200 MNs/g, Sd = 40 m). The results indicate that ventilation is essential in the roof to reduce condensation. However, a sensitivity analysis proved that reducing the overall tightness of the ceiling and using lower-resistance VPUs would help in controlling condensation formation in the roof. To a large extent, the proposed characteristic performance of the VPU as predicted by manufacturers and some researchers may only be realistic if gaps in the ceiling are sealed completely during construction, which may be practically difficult given current construction practice.
This study attempts to fill the existing gap in the simulation of variable flow distribution systems through developing new pressure governing components. These components are able to capture the actual ever-changing system performance curve in variable flow distribution systems together with the prediction of controversial issues such as starving, over-flow and the lack of controllability on the flow rate of different branches in a hydronic system. The performance of the proposed components is verified using a case study under design and off-design circumstances. Full integration of the new components within the TRNSYS simulation package is another advantage of this study, which makes it more applicable for designers in both the design and commissioning of hydronic systems.