986 resultados para Similarity measure


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T.Boongoen and Q. Shen. Semi-Supervised OWA Aggregation for Link-Based Similarity Evaluation and Alias Detection. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'09), pp. 288-293, 2009. Sponsorship: EPSRC


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Nearest neighbor classification using shape context can yield highly accurate results in a number of recognition problems. Unfortunately, the approach can be too slow for practical applications, and thus approximation strategies are needed to make shape context practical. This paper proposes a method for efficient and accurate nearest neighbor classification in non-Euclidean spaces, such as the space induced by the shape context measure. First, a method is introduced for constructing a Euclidean embedding that is optimized for nearest neighbor classification accuracy. Using that embedding, multiple approximations of the underlying non-Euclidean similarity measure are obtained, at different levels of accuracy and efficiency. The approximations are automatically combined to form a cascade classifier, which applies the slower approximations only to the hardest cases. Unlike typical cascade-of-classifiers approaches, that are applied to binary classification problems, our method constructs a cascade for a multiclass problem. Experiments with a standard shape data set indicate that a two-to-three order of magnitude speed up is gained over the standard shape context classifier, with minimal losses in classification accuracy.


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Distributional semantics tries to characterize the meaning of words by the contexts in which they occur. Similarity of words hence can be derived from the similarity of contexts. Contexts of a word are usually vectors of words appearing near to that word in a corpus. It was observed in previous research that similarity measures for the context vectors of two words depend on the frequency of these words. In the present paper we investigate this dependency in more detail for one similarity measure, the Jensen-Shannon divergence. We give an empirical model of this dependency and propose the deviation of the observed Jensen-Shannon divergence from the divergence expected on the basis of the frequencies of the words as an alternative similarity measure. We show that this new similarity measure is superior to both the Jensen-Shannon divergence and the cosine similarity in a task, in which pairs of words, taken from Wordnet, have to be classified as being synonyms or not.


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En aquest treball s'analitza la contribució estèrica de les molècules a les seves propietats químiques i físiques, mitjançant l'avaluació del seu volum i de la seva mesura de semblança, a partir d'ara definits com a descriptors moleculars de primer ordre. La difeèsncia entre aquests dos conceptes ha estat aclarida: mentre que el volum és la magnitud de l'espai que ocupa la molècula com a entitat global, la mesura de semblança ens dóna una idea de com està distribuïda la densitat electrònica al llarg d'aquest volum, i reflecteix més les diferències locals existents. L'ús de diverses aproximacions per a l'obtenció d'ambdós valors ha estat analitzat sobre diferents classes d'isòmers


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We present a new approach for defining similarity measures for Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy sets (AIFS), in which a similarity measure has two components indicating the similarity and hesitancy aspects. We justify that there are at least two facets of uncertainty of an AIFS, one of which is related to fuzziness while other is related to lack of knowledge or non-specificity. We propose a set of axioms and build families of similarity measures that avoid counterintuitive examples that are used to justify one similarity measure over another. We also investigate a relation to entropies of AIFS, and outline possible application of our method in decision making and image segmentation. © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Numerous authors have proposed functions to quantify the degree of similarity between two fuzzy numbers using various descriptive parameters, such as the geometric distance, the distance between the centers of gravity or the perimeter. However, these similarity functions have drawback for specific situations. We propose a new similarity measure for generalized trapezoidal fuzzy numbers aimed at overcoming such drawbacks. This new measure accounts for the distance between the centers of gravity and the geometric distance but also incorporates a new term based on the shared area between the fuzzy numbers. The proposed measure is compared against other measures in the literature.


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One of the most fundamental problem that we face in the graph domain is that of establishing the similarity, or alternatively the distance, between graphs. In this paper, we address the problem of measuring the similarity between attributed graphs. In particular, we propose a novel way to measure the similarity through the evolution of a continuous-time quantum walk. Given a pair of graphs, we create a derived structure whose degree of symmetry is maximum when the original graphs are isomorphic, and where a subset of the edges is labeled with the similarity between the respective nodes. With this compositional structure to hand, we compute the density operators of the quantum systems representing the evolution of two suitably defined quantum walks. We define the similarity between the two original graphs as the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence between these two density operators, and then we show how to build a novel kernel on attributed graphs based on the proposed similarity measure. We perform an extensive experimental evaluation both on synthetic and real-world data, which shows the effectiveness the proposed approach. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.


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In this paper we carry out an investigation of some of the major features of exam timetabling problems with a view to developing a similarity measure. This similarity measure will be used within a case-based reasoning (CBR) system to match a new problem with one from a case-based of previously solved problems. The case base will also store the heuristic for meta-heuristic techniques applied most successfully to each problem stored. The technique(s) stored with the matched case will be retrieved and applied to the new case. The CBR assumption in our system is that similar problems can be solved equally well by the same technique.


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In this paper we carry out an investigation of some of the major features of exam timetabling problems with a view to developing a similarity measure. This similarity measure will be used within a case-based reasoning (CBR) system to match a new problem with one from a case-based of previously solved problems. The case base will also store the heuristic for meta-heuristic techniques applied most successfully to each problem stored. The technique(s) stored with the matched case will be retrieved and applied to the new case. The CBR assumption in our system is that similar problems can be solved equally well by the same technique.


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Collaborative tagging can help users organize, share and retrieve information in an easy and quick way. For the collaborative tagging information implies user’s important personal preference information, it can be used to recommend personalized items to users. This paper proposes a novel tag-based collaborative filtering approach for recommending personalized items to users of online communities that are equipped with tagging facilities. Based on the distinctive three dimensional relationships among users, tags and items, a new similarity measure method is proposed to generate the neighborhood of users with similar tagging behavior instead of similar implicit ratings. The promising experiment result shows that by using the tagging information the proposed approach outperforms the standard user and item based collaborative filtering approaches.


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Recommender Systems is one of the effective tools to deal with information overload issue. Similar with the explicit rating and other implicit rating behaviours such as purchase behaviour, click streams, and browsing history etc., the tagging information implies user’s important personal interests and preferences information, which can be used to recommend personalized items to users. This paper is to explore how to utilize tagging information to do personalized recommendations. Based on the distinctive three dimensional relationships among users, tags and items, a new user profiling and similarity measure method is proposed. The experiments suggest that the proposed approach is better than the traditional collaborative filtering recommender systems using only rating data.


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This paper presents a method of voice activity detection (VAD) suitable for high noise scenarios, based on the fusion of two complementary systems. The first system uses a proposed non-Gaussianity score (NGS) feature based on normal probability testing. The second system employs a histogram distance score (HDS) feature that detects changes in the signal through conducting a template-based similarity measure between adjacent frames. The decision outputs by the two systems are then merged using an open-by-reconstruction fusion stage. Accuracy of the proposed method was compared to several baseline VAD methods on a database created using real recordings of a variety of high-noise environments.


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In the last few years we have observed a proliferation of approaches for clustering XML docu- ments and schemas based on their structure and content. The presence of such a huge amount of approaches is due to the different applications requiring the XML data to be clustered. These applications need data in the form of similar contents, tags, paths, structures and semantics. In this paper, we first outline the application contexts in which clustering is useful, then we survey approaches so far proposed relying on the abstract representation of data (instances or schema), on the identified similarity measure, and on the clustering algorithm. This presentation leads to draw a taxonomy in which the current approaches can be classified and compared. We aim at introducing an integrated view that is useful when comparing XML data clustering approaches, when developing a new clustering algorithm, and when implementing an XML clustering compo- nent. Finally, the paper moves into the description of future trends and research issues that still need to be faced.


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Traditional area-based matching techniques make use of similarity metrics such as the Sum of Absolute Differences(SAD), Sum of Squared Differences (SSD) and Normalised Cross Correlation (NCC). Non-parametric matching algorithms such as the rank and census rely on the relative ordering of pixel values rather than the pixels themselves as a similarity measure. Both traditional area-based and non-parametric stereo matching techniques have an algorithmic structure which is amenable to fast hardware realisation. This investigation undertakes a performance assessment of these two families of algorithms for robustness to radiometric distortion and random noise. A generic implementation framework is presented for the stereo matching problem and the relative hardware requirements for the various metrics investigated.


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Grouping users in social networks is an important process that improves matching and recommendation activities in social networks. The data mining methods of clustering can be used in grouping the users in social networks. However, the existing general purpose clustering algorithms perform poorly on the social network data due to the special nature of users' data in social networks. One main reason is the constraints that need to be considered in grouping users in social networks. Another reason is the need of capturing large amount of information about users which imposes computational complexity to an algorithm. In this paper, we propose a scalable and effective constraint-based clustering algorithm based on a global similarity measure that takes into consideration the users' constraints and their importance in social networks. Each constraint's importance is calculated based on the occurrence of this constraint in the dataset. Performance of the algorithm is demonstrated on a dataset obtained from an online dating website using internal and external evaluation measures. Results show that the proposed algorithm is able to increases the accuracy of matching users in social networks by 10% in comparison to other algorithms.