987 resultados para Silage grains
A magnesium-aluminium alloy of eutectic composition was solidified under two different cooling conditions, producing a low and a high growth rate of the eutectic solid-liquid interface. The high growth rate specimen contained smaller eutectic grains and cells, with a smaller interphase spacing compared with the low growth rate specimen. The high growth rate specimen also contained some primary Mg17Al12 dendrites, suggesting that the coupled zone is skewed towards the Mg phase with increased undercooling, A lamellar eutectic morphology was observed in the low growth rate specimen, while the morphology was fibrous in the high growth rate specimen.
To evaluate the ability of Streptomyces sp. (strain ASBV-1) to restrict aflatoxin accumulation in peanut grains. In the control of many phytopathogenic fungi the Streptomyces sp. ASBV-1 strain showed promise. An inhibitory test using this strain and A. parasiticus was conducted in peanut grains to evaluate the effects of this interaction on spore viability and aflatoxin accumulation. In some treatments the Streptomyces sp ASBV-1 strain reduced the viability of A. parasiticus spores by c. 85%, and inhibited aflatoxin accumulation in peanut grains. The values of these reductions ranged from 63 to 98% and from 67% to 96% for aflatoxins B(1) and G(1), respectively. It was demonstrated that Streptomyces sp. ASBV-1 is able to colonize peanut grains and thus inhibit the spore viability of A. parasiticus, as well as reducing aflatoxin production. The positive finding for aflatoxin accumulation reduction in peanut grains seems promising and suggests a wider use of this actinobacteria in biological control programmes.
Effects of aeration on characteristics of sugarcane silage. This trial aimed at evaluating, the deleterious effects of aeration time on nutritive value and other fermentative characteristics of sugarcane silage. A completely randomized design was used with three treatments and four repetitions per treatment. Fresh chopped sugarcane was exposed to aeration for 0, 4 or 8 hours, and ensiled soon After exposure, the material was ensiled in 12 laboratory silos (plastic buckets). Silos were opened 85 after ensiling, when organic acids contents and chemical composition of silages were determined. Deviation of linearity (p < 0.05) was observed for aeration time on dry matter. A positive linear effect was observed (p < 0.05) on ADF, NDF and soluble carbohydrates content, but negative for ammoniacal nitrogen content and in vitro digestibility of dry matter. For organic acids content, deviation of linearity was observed on acetic acid, with the lowest content (1.5% of DM) observed after 8 hours of aeration, and a negative linear effect was observed for lactic and butyric acids, as well as for pH values. There were no effects on ethanol concentration, which remained very high (22% of DM), regardless of aeration time. Aerobic stability of silage worsened with the increase in aeration time.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the productive performance, nutrients digestion and metabolism of three different genetic groups fed with the same diet based on corn silage. 30 heifers in growth were used of three groups of cattle, the following: Nellore (Bos taurus indicus) (n = 10), Holstein (Bos taurus taurus) (n = 10), and Mediterranean buffaloes (Bubalis bubalis) (n = 10). The animals were fed in groups and received the same experimental diet composed of corn silage and concentrate for growing heifers. In the evaluation of animals the performance, consumption and total apparent digestibility of dry matter and nutrients with the aid of internal markers (chromic oxide) and external (iADF), rumen fermentation, excretion of purine derivatives, nitrogen balance and blood metabolites were measured. No differences were observed in animal performance. There were differences in nutrient intake and apparent digestibility of dry matter and nutrients in different groups of cattle. The concentration of ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) and short chain fatty acids (SCFA) in the rumen were higher and lower, respectively, for the group of buffaloes in relation to other experimental groups evaluated. When considering the excretion of total purine derivatives, buffaloes showed the lowest value compared to other genetic groups evaluated; about 61.76% of the total genetic group Nellore and 57.62% of the total genetic group Holstein with an average of 33.67 mmol/day. For the buffaloes, the excretion of xanthine and hypoxanthine observed was of 5.11% of total purine derivatives. There was a better nitrogen balance (g/day) for groups of Holstein heifers and Nellore in relation to the group of buffalo heifers. There were differences in the concentrations of urea and urea nitrogen in serum and liver enzymes where the buffaloes had higher values in relation at the bovines. There is a great metabolic diversity among the experimental groups evaluated and it was more exacerbated among buffaloes and bovines, when submitted to the same diet and same management conditions. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Recent empirical studies have found significant evidence of departures from competition in the input side of the Australian bread, breakfast cereal and margarine end-product markets. For example, Griffith (2000) found that firms in some parts of the processing and marketing sector exerted market power when purchasing grains and oilseeds from farmers. As noted at the time, this result accorded well with the views of previous regulatory authorities (p.358). In the mid-1990s, the Prices Surveillence Authority (PSA 1994) determined that the markets for products contained in the Breakfast Cereals and Cooking Oils and Fats indexes were "not effectively competitive" (p.14). The PSA consequently maintained price surveillence on the major firms in this product group. The Griffith result is also consistent with the large number of legal judgements against firms in this sector over the past decade for price fixing or other types of non-competitive behaviour. For example, bread manufacturer George Weston was fined twice during 2000 for non-competitive conduct and the ACCC has also recently pursued and won cases against retailer Safeway in grains and oilseeds product lines.
One hundred and eight samples from three cultivars of alfalfa were obtained from three cuttings in 1996-1998 to evaluate the relationship between crude protein (CP) and mineral concentrations of alfalfa with cutting and maturation. The CP content drastically decreased from 27.9 to 11.4% on DM with maturity. Highly positive correlations were observed between CP and K in the first and the second cutting of alfalfa. The Ca content remained almost constant throughout the growth period. Four multiparous Holstein cows were assigned an alfalfa silage diet or an orchardgrass silage diet from 3 weeks prepartum to 1 week postpartum to examine the effect on the mineral balance. In the prepartum and postpartum diet, the roughage to concentrate ratio was 70:30 and 50:50, with alfalfa being 50 and 100% of the roughage, respectively. The alfalfa contained 1.93% of K. No metabolic disorders occurred, but the body weight decreased drastically from 1 to 6 days postpartum with each diet because of the high milk production immediately after the parturition. Positive retention of N, Ca, P, Mg, and K was observed prepartum, whereas the cows had negative N and mineral retention from 2 to 4 days postpartum. The Ca and P absorption, and Mg retention of cows with the alfalfa diet were higher than with the grass diet. The plasma Ca and inorganic P were not affected by diet, but the plasma PTH at parturition and plasma hydroxyproline from 1 week prepartum to 1 week postpartum were higher with the alfalfa diet. These results suggest that the low K alfalfa is suitable not only to prevent the incidence of milk fever but also to increase Ca, P and Mg utilization of periparturient cows, but the mineral supplementation is needed for the postpartum cows immediately after the parturition. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A series of laboratory and animal studies examined the use of chemical and biological agents to enhance the digestibility of Rhodes grass (grass) cut at 60 (young) and 100 (mature) days of regrowth and ensiled as big round bales. The treatments included an untreated control (C), a microbial inoculant (I), NaOH, CaO and NaOH plus inoculant (NaOH + I). Inoculant was grown anaerobically, using a starter culture of rumen fluid from cattle given Rhodes grass. Treatments C, 1, NaOH, NaOH + I, were offered separately to twelve dairy heifers, in a 3 X 4 randomized complete block design, repeated twice for each grass silage. C and I had substantial mould growth, compared with no visible mould in NaOH or NaOH + 1. CaO treatment was effective in preventing mould growth, but had little effect on the chemical composition and in sacco digestibility of mature grass silage. NaOH reduced NDF content and increased in sacco digestibility (P < 0.05) but not the in vivo digestibility (P > 0.05) of both mature- and young-grass silage. The effects of other treatments on nutritive value were non-significant at both stages of maturity. NaOH increased the intake of mature-grass silage by 24-26% (P < 0.05), but had little effect on the intake of young-grass silage (P > 0.05). Treatment I consistently reduced grass silage intake (P < 005) for young-grass silage. The findings of these studies show that treating mature Rhodes grass with NaOH will improve its nutritive value and reduce mould growth in conserved herbage. However none of the treatments in this study had any consistently positive effects on the in vivo nutritive value or storage quality of young-grass silage.
A model is introduced for two reduced BCS systems which are coupled through the transfer of Cooper pairs between the systems. The model may thus be used in the analysis of the Josephson effect arising from pair tunneling between two strongly coupled small metallic grains. At a particular coupling strength the model is integrable and explicit results are derived for the energy spectrum, conserved operators, integrals of motion, and wave function scalar products. It is also shown that form factors can be obtained for the calculation of correlation functions. Furthermore, a connection with perturbed conformal field theory is made.
La producción de los cultivos está afectada por factores bióticos entre los que se destacan las enfermedades, malezas y plagas, por esto es de importancia el uso de plaguicidas que permitan mantener la producción. Sin embargo, estos productos constituyen un serio riesgo para la salud si no se aplican adecuadamente a fin de no dejar residuos en los granos. La introducción de marcos regulatorios cada vez más estrictos constituyen una barrera para las exportaciones actuales y futuras. El sistema agrícola-industrial argentino no cuenta aún con suficiente información para implementar las medidas adecuadas para prevenir la contaminación de granos con plaguicidas en pre y postcosecha. Se hipotetiza que la residualidad de plaguicidas en granos de soja en la Región Centro de Córdoba está influenciada por factores tanto tecnológicos como ambientales. La evaluación de la importancia relativa de estos factores permite sugerir estrategias de manejo adecuadas para asegurar niveles de residuos por debajo de los límites máximos permitidos. Se plantea como objetivo general identificar los factores tecnológicos (tecnología del cultivo, propiedades fisico-químicas de los plaguicidas, tecnología de aplicación) y sus interacciones, que inciden a campo y en postcosecha sobre el nivel de residuos de insecticidas en granos de soja, en la Región Centro de Córdoba. Como objetivos específicos se pretende cuantificar los residuos que generan las aplicaciones habituales de insecticidas, evaluar la influencia de los diferentes factores tecnológicos y sus interacciones sobre los niveles de residuos y adecuar curvas de disipación de plaguicidas a las condiciones de la región. También aportar conocimientos e información sobre el tema y sugerir prácticas de manejo que reduzcan los niveles de residuos, asegurando la calidad e inocuidad de los alimentos. Para el logro de estos objetivos se realizarán ensayos de evaluación de insecticidas a campo y en postcosecha en la localidad de Manfredi, Provincia de Córdoba, durante dos temporadas agrícolas. Se evaluarán distintas dosis y momentos de aplicación de los insecticidas endosulfán, clorpirifós+cipermetrina y fenitrotión en los ensayos a campo y fenitrotión, esfenvalerato, clorpirifós, deltametrina, DDVP y pirimifós metil en postcosecha. Con endosulfan se realizarán ensayos adecuados para el desarrollo de curvas de disipación. La determinación de residuos de plaguicidas se realizará utilizando determinación de multiresiduos a través cromatografía. Las curvas de disipación para endosulfan se ajustarán a través de modelos no lineales. Los conocimientos e información respecto a la influencia de los factores tecnológicos y sus interacciones sobre el nivel de residuos de plaguicidas en granos de soja, generados como resultados del presente proyecto, serán de utilidad para enriquecer las bases científico-técnicas en el tema y enfrentar el problema de la contaminación de granos con plaguicidas. Identificar la influencia de los factores tecnológicos y sus interacciones permitirá desarrollar prácticas de manejo tendientes a obtener productos con un nivel de residuos por debajo de los límites permitidos. La adecuación de curvas de disipación de plaguicidas a la Región Centro de Córdoba, permitirá efectuar predicciones sobre el contenido de residuos a causa de un tratamiento en un momento dado, conocer la importancia de las distintas variables y la posibilidad de variarlas para disminuir el nivel de residuos en los granos. Es importante profundizar sobre este tema ya que no existe la cantidad de información suficiente para enfrentar el problema de la contaminación por plaguicidas en nuestros sistemas productivos. Esta información es necesaria para poder garantizar la calidad e inocuidad de los alimentos tanto para el comercio interno como externo, asegurando la permanencia de los productos argentinos en los mercados internacionales.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Maschinenbau, Diss., 2015
Comprend : Considérations sur le commerce des blés en Europe
Collection : Actualités scientifiques et industrielles ; n° 193, VI
Collection : Actualités scientifiques et industrielles ; n° 192, V
Collection : Actualités scientifiques et industrielles ; n° 191, IV