962 resultados para Sierra Madre


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Tesis ( Doctor en Ciencias con Especialidad en Manejo de Recursos Naturales) U.A.N.L.


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Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias con Especialidad en Manejo de Recursos Naturales) UANL, 2009.


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Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias con Especialidad en Manejo de Recursos Naturales) UANL, 2013.


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A survey of the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of 100 rice farmers and 50 coconut farmers was conducted in the coastal lowland agro-ecosystems of the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor, Luzon, Philippines to identify current rodent management practices and to understand the extent of rat damage and the attitudes of farmers to community actions for rodent management. Pests were most commonly listed as one of the three most important rice and coconut production constraints. Other major crop production constraints were typhoons and insufficient water. Farmers consider rats to be the major pest of coconut and of rice during the wet season rice crop, with average yield losses of 3.0% and 13.2%, respectively. Rice and coconut farmers practised a wide range of rodent management techniques. These included scrub clearance, hunting and trapping. Of the 42 rice farmers and 3 coconut farmers that applied rodenticides to control rodents, all used the acute rodenticide, zinc phosphide. However, only ten rice farmers (23.8%) applied rodenticides prior to the booting stage and only seven farmers (15.6%) conducted pre-baiting before applying zinc phosphide. The majority of farmers belonged to farmer organisations and believed that rat control can only be done by farmers working together. However, during the last cropping season, less than a third of rice farmers (31.2%) applied rodent management as a group. In order to reduce the impact of rodents on the farmers of the coastal lowlands of the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor, integrated management strategies need to be developed that specifically target the pest rodents in a sustainable manner, and community actions for rodent management should be promoted.


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"USDA Forest Service research paper."


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Dataciones geocronológicas U-Pb en circones detríticos, edades 40Ar/ 39Ar en mica blanca, análisis estructurales, texturales, la composición química de elementos mayores, traza y tierras raras (REE) así como la composición química mineral de las rocas metamáficas, metultramáficas y metasedimentarias, fueron determinadas con el fin de determinar las condiciones metamórficas, el ambiente tectónico y la procedencia del Esquisto Granjeno en el noreste de México (Nuevo León y Tamaulipas). En el país existen rocas metamórficas paleozoicas que están relacionados con los procesos que dieron lugar a la colisión entre Laurentia y Gondwana durante la formación Pangea. Vestigios de la configuración continental paleozoica de México se encuentran en el Esquisto Granjeno, que forma parte del basamento metamórfico de la Sierra Madre Oriental. Relaciones de campo y análisis petrográficos indican que el Esquisto Granjeno consiste de rocas metamórficas con protolitos sedimentarios (psamita, pelita, turbidita, conglomerado, lutita negra) e ígneos (toba, flujos de lava, lava meta-almohadillada y cuerpos ultramáficos). El geotermómetro de clorita, el geobarómetro de fengita y la edad 40Ar/ 39Ar calculada indican que el Esquisto Granjeno fue afectado por metamorfismo en facies de sub-esquistos verdes a facies de esquistos verdes-anfibolita, (165-410°C y 2.5-4 kbar ) durante el Carbonífero (330±30 Ma). Las rocas metamáficas del Esquisto Granjeno tienen una afinidad sub-alcalina a alcalina y se caracterizan por un bajo contenido de SiO2 (40-50 wt%), alto contenido de Al2O3 (19 wt%) y #MgO de 48-67. La abundancia de tierras raras (∑REE) varía de 51-167 ppm. Estas rocas presentan patrones de REE normalizados a condrita moderadamente fraccionados, con valores de LaN/YbN 0.74-8.88. La anomalía de europio es variable (Eu/Eu* 0.80- 1.09) y presenta una tendencia ligeramente negativa (Eu/Eu* 0.96). Las rocas metamáficas tienen composiciones correspondientes a basaltos de cresta (MORB) e isla oceánica (OIB), de acuerdo a los valores en las relaciones Zr/Y=6-8 y Zr/Nb=4-9 para OIB y 0.9-3; 14-53 para MORB. Los protolitos de la serpentinita y el metacumulato corresponden a dunita y harzburgita. La serpentina y el metacumulato tienen un contenido de MgO (16-39 wt%), SiO2 (36-45 wt%), FeO (2-11 wt%), Al2O3 (0.76-13 wt%), CaO (< 22wt%) y #MgO (85-98, 69). Las rocas de talco presentan contenido de MgO (26-33wt%), SiO2 (31- 61wt%), FeO (3.7-9.8wt%), Al2O3 (1.2-19wt%), CaO (0.25-2.0wt%), y #Mg (83-93). Los patrones de tierras raras casi horizontals (LaN/YbN=0.51-19.95 y la relación LaN/SmN=0.72-9.08 sugieren un origen vinculado a un ambiente de dorsal oceánica y de suprasubducción para las rocas ultramáficas. Las serpentinitas contienen cromita rica en Al, ferrit-cromita y magnetita. La cromita rica en Al tiene #Cr 0.48-0.55 que indica que este mineral fue formado a partir de una fuente tipo MORB y que fue afectada hasta un 18% fusión parcial durante su formación. La ferritchromita tiene #Cr 0.93-1.00 que indica un origen metamórfico. La composición química de roca total indica que los protolitos de las rocas metasedimentarias consisten de lutita, grauvaca y arenita. La metapelita y metapsamita tienen un contenido de SiO2 (69-78% y 80-96% ) y de Al2O3 (9-13% y 1-8%). La abundancia de ∑REE son variables en los metasedimentos (9-178 ppm). Presentan patrones de REE normalizados a condrita con una tendencia más fraccionada que los de las rocas metamáficas, con valores en las relaciones LaN/YbN de 3-16. Las rocas metasedimentarias tienen anomalías de europio negativa (Eu/Eu* 0.67). Los datos obtenidos sugieren que los protolitos de las rocas metasedimentarias derivan de fuentes mixtas con una composición ígnea félsica-básica. (Ti/Nb 200-400). Según los valores de las relaciones de los elementos traza Th/Sc y Zr/Sc de 0.2-3.6 y 0.2-220, respectivamente se sugiere un ambiente de depósito para los protolitos de margen continental activo.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Monográfico con el título: 'Desde la diversidad hacia la desigualdad: ¿destino inexorable de la globalización?'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Easterly waves (EWs) are prominent features of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ), found in both the Atlantic and Pacific during the Northern Hemisphere summer and fall, where they commonly serve as precursors to hurricanes over both basins.Alarge proportion of Atlantic EWs are known to form over Africa, but the origin of EWs over the Caribbean and east Pacific in particular has not been established in detail. In this study reanalyses are used to examine the coherence of the large-scale wave signatures and to obtain track statistics and energy conversion terms for EWs across this region. Regression analysis demonstrates that some EW kinematic structures readily propagate between the Atlantic and east Pacific, with the highest correlations observed across Costa Rica and Panama. Track statistics are consistent with this analysis and suggest that some individual waves are maintained as they pass from the Atlantic into the east Pacific, whereas others are generated locally in the Caribbean and east Pacific. Vortex anomalies associated with the waves are observed on the leeward side of the Sierra Madre, propagating northwestward along the coast, consistent with previous modeling studies of the interactions between zonal flow and EWs with model topography similar to the Sierra Madre. An energetics analysis additionally indicates that the Caribbean low-level jet and its extension into the east Pacific—known as the Papagayo jet—are a source of energy for EWs in the region. Two case studies support these statistics, as well as demonstrate the modulation of EW track and storm development location by the MJO.


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Large magnitude explosive eruptions are the result of the rapid and large-scale transport of silicic magma stored in the Earth's crust, but the mechanics of erupting teratonnes of silicic magma remain poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that the combined effect of local crustal extension and magma chamber overpressure can sustain linear dyke-fed explosive eruptions with mass fluxes in excess of 10^10 kg/s from shallow-seated (4–6 km depth) chambers during moderate extensional stresses. Early eruption column collapse is facilitated with eruption duration of the order of few days with an intensity of at least one order of magnitude greater than the largest eruptions in the 20th century. The conditions explored in this study are one way in which high mass eruption rates can be achieved to feed large explosive eruptions. Our results corroborate geological and volcanological evidences from volcano-tectonic complexes such as the Sierra Madre Occidental (Mexico) and the Taupo Volcanic Zone (New Zealand).


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In the lowland agro-forest of the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor (SMBC), it is considered that a native rodent species, Rattus everetti is competitively dominant over an invasive pest species, Rattus tanezumi. The main aim of this study was to assess the response of R. tanezumi following short term removal of R. everetti. We tested this experimentally by trapping and removing R. everetti from two treatment sites in agro-forest habitat on three occasions over three consecutive months. This was followed by three months of non-removal trapping. Two non-treatment sites were trapped for comparison. Following R. everetti removal, R. everetti individuals rapidly immigrated into the treatment sites and a significantly higher proportion of R. tanezumi females were in breeding condition in the treatment sites than in the non-treatment sites. The results from this study provide evidence of competition between native and invasive rodent species in complex agro-ecosystems. We were also able to demonstrate that R. everetti populations are able to recover rapidly from the non-target effects of short-term lethal control in and around agro-forest.


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CONTEXT. Rattus tanezumi is a serious crop pest within the island of Luzon, Philippines. In intensive flood-irrigated rice field ecosystems of Luzon, female R. tanezumi are known to primarily nest within the tillers of ripening rice fields and along the banks of irrigation canals. The nesting habits of R. tanezumi in complex rice–coconut cropping systems are unknown. AIMS. To identify the natal nest locations of R. tanezumi females in rice–coconut systems of the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor (SMBC), Luzon, during the main breeding season to develop a management strategy that specifically targets their nesting habitat. METHODS. When rice was at the booting to ripening stage, cage-traps were placed in rice fields adjacent to coconut habitat. Thirty breeding adult R. tanezumi females were fitted with radio-collars and successfully tracked to their nest sites. KEY RESULTS. Most R. tanezumi nests (66.7%) were located in coconut groves, five nests (16.7%) were located in rice fields and five nests (16.7%) were located on the rice field edge. All nests were located above ground level and seven nests were located in coconut tree crowns. The median distance of nest sites to the nearest rice field was 22.5m. Most nest site locations had good cover of ground vegetation and understorey vegetation, but low canopy cover. Only one nest location had an understorey vegetation height of less than 20 cm. CONCLUSIONS. In the coastal lowland rice–coconut cropping systems of the SMBC, female R. tanezumi showed a preference for nesting in adjacent coconut groves. This is contrary to previous studies in intensive flood-irrigated rice ecosystems of Luzon, where the species nests mainly in the banks of irrigation canals. It is important to understand rodent breeding ecology in a specific ecosystem before implementing appropriate management strategies. IMPLICATIONS. In lowland rice–coconut cropping systems, coconut groves adjacent to rice fields should be targeted for the 20 management of R. tanezumi nest sites during the main breeding season as part of an integrated ecologically based approach to rodent pest management.