977 resultados para Shareholder Value Orientation
This paper examines whether Swiss firms maximize shareholder value. To find out, we survey the goals of 313 listed and unlisted firms. We then examine whether managers’ decisions are consistent with their goals and analyze whether performance corresponds to intentions. Our results show that most managers pursue conflicting targets. Many also declare that they do not maximize shareholder value. And those who claim they do sometimes rely on investment criteria that are inconsistent with that target. Finally, we find that share-price performance is marginally better when managers claim to maximize shareholder value, particularly when stock prices have fallen.
This paper is based upon the initial findings of a CIMA research project into the way in which corporate performance measurement systems are influenced by the use of shareholder value management techniques. It compares and contrasts the techniques in use in a sample of 10 companies that either explicitly use shareholder value techniques also known as Value-Based Management (VBM), or explicitly do not use such techniques. The analysis undertaken is based upon the finding of semi-structured interviews with company representatives which formed the first part of the data collection process of the project. The analysis traces the interactions between corporate objectives, decision making criteria, performance measurement systems and executive incentive schemes in order to develop an understanding of the effects of such shareholder value techniques upon corporate behaviour. The literature reviewed suggests that the other aspects of the planning and control system should be aligned with the corporate objectives whether a company has adopted VBM or not. Therefore this research contributes new evidence on the use of VBM techniques in the UK and also more generally on whether VBM and non-VBM companies internal planning and control systems are aligned.
A vállalati marketing pénzügyi teljesítményre, különösen részvényesi értékre gyakorolt hatásának kimutatása mind fontosabbá válik a marketingráfordítások nagyságának növekedésével, valamint annak felismerésével, hogy a részvényesek számára vevői érték nélkül nem lehet hosszú távon értéket biztosítani, azonban kedvező piaci eredményekkel sem feltétlenül valósul meg a pénzügyi teljesítmény növekedése. A szerzők tanulmányukban a marketingeszközök és -tevékenységek részvényesi értékre gyakorolt hatását vizsgálják, rámutatnak arra, hogy milyen módon befolyásolhatják a részvényeseket megillető szabad pénzáramot, a tulajdonosi megtérülést, a stratégiai tervezési időhorizontot és a végértéket. A marketing néhány lehetséges negatív hatását is kiemelik. Ezt követően felvázolják a marketingjellegű beruházások reálopciós karakterisztikáit, valamint játékelméleti összefüggéseit dinamikusan változó környezetben. ________ Proving the effect of corporate marketing on financial performance, especially on shareholder value, becomes more and more important as marketing expenditures increase. Furthermore by the recognition that for shareholders without customer value it is not possible to provide value in the long run, however, neither good market results can assure the growth of financial performance. In this paper the authors examine the effect of marketing assets and activities on shareholder value, they point out how these can influence free cash flow to equity, shareholder return, strategic planning time period and terminal value. They emphasize also some possible negative effects of marketing. The authors outline the real optional characteristics of marketing investments and their game theoretical relations in dynamic environment.
We investigate shareholder value creation of Spanish listed firms in response to announcements of acquisitions of unlisted companies and compare this experience to the purchase of listed firms over the period 1991–2006. Similar to foreign markets, acquirers of listed targets earn insignificant average abnormal returns, whereas acquirers of unlisted targets gain significant positive average abnormal returns. When we relate these results to company and transaction characteristics our findings diverge from those reported in the literature for other foreign markets, as our evidence suggests that the listing status effect is mainly associated with the fact that unlisted firms tend to be smaller and lesser–known firms, and thus suffer from a lack of competition in the market for corporate control. Consequently, the payment of lower premiums and the possibility of diversifying shareholders’ portfolios lead to unlisted firm acquisitions being viewed as value–orientated transactions.
This thesis investigates the short-term stock price reaction to layoff announcements in Finland. It also studies whether the characteristics of the firm or the layoff announcement have an impact on the stock market reaction. Standard event study methodology was utilized to examine the stock price reactions to layoffs and to test the created hypotheses. The event pool consisted of 102 publicly disclosed layoff announcements that were announced during the time period from June 2008 to December 2013. The empirical results show that the stock market reaction is strongly positive in the pre-event period of -10 to -1 with CAAR of 2,69%. The reaction is however slightly negative on the event date with AAR of -0,57%. Based on the results the conclusion is that either the managers are timing the markets or the layoffs are seen as efficiency improving acts and the market becomes aware of such actions pre-event. Additionally different characteristic hypotheses are tested to find out whether they would explain the reaction. The characteristics are: the reason stated by the management, business cycle, industry group, prior performance, leverage-ratio, the size of the company, the size of the layoff and the duration of the layoff.
Debido a las crisis mundiales, la perdurabilidad empresarial se ha convertido en la primera preocupación de las organizaciones, puesto que los problemas económicos en otros países pueden generar un efecto negativo en las condiciones del mercado doméstico, que junto con el entorno empresarial complejo y dinámico en el que se deben desempeñar las empresas hoy en día gracias a la globalización, sumado al aumento en la competitividad nacional e internacional, la perdurabilidad de las empresas se está viendo seriamente comprometida. Lo anterior, ha llevado a las empresas a buscar nuevas formas de mejorar su salud financiera. Para medir la salud financiera empresarial, se pueden usar distintos indicadores como lo es el flujo de caja que está asociado con la rentabilidad, el patrimonio que está asociado a las dificultades financieras, entre otros, o a través de varios modelos de bancarrota, los cuales, por medio de un conjunto de ratios financieros, reflejan el estado actual de la organización y su probabilidad de fracaso en el futuro. Las estrategias comunitarias y el marketing permiten incrementar la salud financiera de las empresas a través de la orientación al cliente y el establecimiento de relaciones gana-gana a largo plazo con las diferentes comunidades con las que se relaciona la organización.
El presente proyecto, se planteó una necesidad clara por satisfacer. Las organizaciones hoy en día, necesitan nuevas herramientas que permitan predecir y minimizar riesgos de mercado, con el fin de mejorar su desempeño, su competitividad, su salud financiera y sobre todo, ser más perdurables en ambientes caóticos e inestables. Se planteó un objetivo claro a cumplir, cómo pueden las empresas mejorar su relación con los consumidores y sus comunidades, con el fin de, identificar factores que impacten positivamente la salud financiera de las organizaciones. Es pertinente, el estudio de la salud financiera en empresas de mercados emergentes y los impactos en la implementación de diferentes estrategias comunitarias para establecer métodos que minimicen los riesgos y mejoren el desempeño empresarial. Para cumplir la propuesta planteada, fue necesario abarcar diferentes fuentes de información relacionadas a temas financieros y de mercadeo. Se buscó, tomar ejemplos, teorías y modelos ya implementados en estudios similares y con objetivos en común, relacionados a: uso de indicadores financieros, valoración corporativa, valoración de los estados financieros, diagnóstico de la salud financiera, el uso de estrategias de mercadeo relacional, la fidelización de clientes y el uso de estrategias comunitarias. Además, fue necesaria la búsqueda de empresas en los mercados emergentes de Brasil y Colombia, que representan el tipo de muestra deseada para desarrollar el estudio y sus objetivos. A dicha empresa, se le realizará una serie de estudios para poder satisfacer las necesidades planteadas en el presente proyecto. Por medio de dichos estudios, se pretende identificar relaciones en el uso de estrategias comunitarias y sus impactos en la salud financiera de las organizaciones. Es importante, identificar factores de riesgo y de protección para prevenir impactos negativos o potencializar aquellos que beneficien a las empresas. Con lo anterior, será posible obtener pruebas o herramientas que mejoren los procesos de toma de decisiones de alta dirección, la formulación de directrices en estrategia corporativa y definición de ventajas competitivas de la organización. Se pretende, brindar una aproximación a nuevos conocimientos y enfoques de estudios, expuestos en el proyecto, para mejorar la ciencia de la gestión, el desempeño y la perdurabilidad empresarial en mercados emergentes. El proyecto, tomó como fuente de estudio, el banco Brasileño Itau Unibanco Holding S.A. que representa de la mejor forma, el tipo de muestra necesaria para poder cumplir con los objetivos planteados. El banco, tienen presencia en la región bastante importante y sigue con metas de expansión e internacionalización. Además de eso, es considerado el banco privado más grande de Brasil, el cuarto mayor de Chile y la quinta institución financiera de Colombia. Ha sido ganador, de varios galardones y reconocimiento por sus buenas practicas, su enfoque hacia la sostenibilidad, la sociedad, el buen ambiente y los derechos. El proyecto, culminó demostrando que efectivamente el uso de estrategias comunitarias tiene un impacto importante en la imagen corporativa, la reputación y como consecuencia, en la estabilidad financiera. Se evidenció, también, el desempeño del banco Itau Unibanco Holding del año 2013, donde, se aplicaron diferentes estudios, indicadores y demás, que demostraron un buen resultado, y por ende, una fuerte posición y salud financiera. Adicionalmente, se mostraron diferentes tipos de estrategias que el banco usa hoy en día dirigidas a las comunidades, evidenciando ejemplos en Brasil y en Chile y describiendo los proyectos, los programas o las estrategias que el banco usa para aportar a la comunidad, ser parte de la sociedad, mejorar su imagen, aumentar su reputación, profundizar en la caracterización de las necesidades de sus consumidores y revertir todo lo anterior en mejores soluciones, mejores productos y mejores formas de relacionamiento. Dicha integración en el ambiente y en el entorno de sus consumidores impacta de buena manera los resultados financieros y permite que la posición en el mercado se mantenga fuerte y firme.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the critical assumptions lying behind the Anglo American model of corporate governance. Design/methodology/approach – Literature review examining the concept of a nexus of contracts underpinning agency theory which, it is argued, act as the platform for neo-liberal corporate governance focusing on shareholder wealth creation. Findings – The paper highlights the unaddressed critical challenge of why eighteenth century ownership structures are readily adopted in the twenty-first century. Social implications – A re-examination of wealth creation and wealth redistribution. Originality/value – The paper is highly original due to the fact that few contributions have been made in the area of rethinking shareholder value.
The dissertation contains five parts: An introduction, three major chapters, and a short conclusion. The First Chapter starts from a survey and discussion of the studies on corporate law and financial development literature. The commonly used methods in these cross-sectional analyses are biased as legal origins are no longer valid instruments. Hence, the model uncertainty becomes a salient problem. The Bayesian Model Averaging algorithm is applied to test the robustness of empirical results in Djankov et al. (2008). The analysis finds that their constructed legal index is not robustly correlated with most of the various stock market outcome variables. The second Chapter looks into the effects of minority shareholders protection in corporate governance regime on entrepreneurs' ex ante incentives to undertake IPO. Most of the current literature focuses on the beneficial part of minority shareholder protection on valuation, while overlooks its private costs on entrepreneur's control. As a result, the entrepreneur trade-offs the costs of monitoring with the benefits of cheap sources of finance when minority shareholder protection improves. The theoretical predictions are empirically tested using panel data and GMM-sys estimator. The third Chapter investigates the corporate law and corporate governance reform in China. The corporate law in China regards shareholder control as the means to the ends of pursuing the interests of stakeholders, which is inefficient. The Chapter combines the recent development of theories of the firm, i.e., the team production theory and the property rights theory, to solve such problem. The enlightened shareholder value, which emphasizes on the long term valuation of the firm, should be adopted as objectives of listed firms. In addition, a move from the mandatory division of power between shareholder meeting and board meeting to the default regime, is proposed.
This is a theoretical paper that examines the interplay between individual and collective capabilities and competencies and value transactions in collaborative environments. The theory behind value creation is examined and two types of value are identified, internal value (Shareholder value) and external value (Value proposition). The literature on collaborative enterprises/network is also examined with particular emphasis on supply chains, extended/virtual enterprises and clusters as representatives of different forms and maturities of collaboration. The interplay of value transactions and competencies and capabilities are examined and discussed in detail. Finally, a model is presented which consists of value transactions and a table which compares the characteristics of different types of collaborative enterprises/networks. It is proposed that this model presents a platform for further research to develop an in-depth understanding into how value may be created and managed in collaborative enterprises/networks.
There has been a revival of interest in economic techniques to measure the value of a firm through the use of economic value added as a technique for measuring such value to shareholders. This technique, based upon the concept of economic value equating to total value, is founded upon the assumptions of classical liberal economic theory. Such techniques have been subject to criticism both from the point of view of the level of adjustment to published accounts needed to make the technique work and from the point of view of the validity of such techniques in actually measuring value in a meaningful context. This paper critiques economic value added techniques as a means of calculating changes in shareholder value, contrasting such techniques with more traditional techniques of measuring value added. It uses the company Severn Trent plc as an actual example in order to evaluate and contrast the techniques in action. The paper demonstrates discrepancies between the calculated results from using economic value added analysis and those reported using conventional accounting measures. It considers the merits of the respective techniques in explaining shareholder and managerial behaviour and the problems with using such techniques in considering the wider stakeholder concept of value. It concludes that this economic value added technique has merits when compared with traditional accounting measures of performance but that it does not provide the universal panacea claimed by its proponents.
Marketing managers increasingly recognize the need to measure and communicate the impact of their actions on shareholder returns. This study focuses on the shareholder value effects of pharmaceutical direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA) and direct-to-physician (DTP) marketing efforts. Although DTCA has moderate effects on brand sales and market share, companies invest vast amounts of money in it. Relying on Kalman filtering, the authors develop a methodology to assess the effects from DTCA and DTP on three components of shareholder value: stock return, systematic risk, and idiosyncratic risk. Investors value DTCA positively because it leads to higher stock returns and lower systematic risk. Furthermore, DTCA increases idiosyncratic risk, which does not affect investors who maintain well-diversified portfolios. In contrast, DTP marketing has modest positive effects on stock returns and idiosyncratic risk. The outcomes indicate that evaluations of marketing expenditures should include a consideration of the effects of marketing on multiple stakeholders, not just the sales effects on consumers.
ABSTRACT Based on the assumption that earnings persistence has implications for both financial analysis and compensation contracts, the aim of this paper is to investigate the role of earnings persistence assuming that (i) more persistent earnings are likely to be a better input to valuation models and (ii) more persistent earnings are likely to serve as a proxy for long-term market and managerial orientation. The analysis is based on Brazilian listed firms from 1995 to 2013, and while we document strong support for the relevance of earnings persistence in financial analysis and valuation, we fail to document a significant relationship between earnings persistence and long-term value orientation. These results are sensitive to different specifications, and additional results suggest that firms' idiosyncratic risk (total risk) is relevant to explain the focus on short-term outcomes (short-termism) across firms. The main contribution of this paper is to offer empirical evidence for the relevance of accounting numbers in both valuation and contractual theories in an emergent market.
Mestrado em Controlo e Gestão dos Negócios
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics